building a DETAILED house BUT I CANT DELETE? downhill fast... | ROBLOX Bloxburg

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hey guys so today I'm going to try a challenge that you guys have been asking me to do for I don't even know how long I am going to build an entire house without deleting anything and I mean anything by the way if you don't know Ryan Trehan he's been one of my favorite YouTubers for years and he just started a new penny series where he's doing a fundraiser with where every five dollars helps provide one person with lasting access to Safe Water or sanitation so for everyone like on this video I'm going to be donating 10 cents to his fundraiser so I picked this house to try and recreate because I feel like it has some challenging elements the biggest thing being the little shelving on top of some of the windows and then obviously Gable roofs are always an issue let's give it a shot I feel like I already know what this is about to look like okay so we are going to start off I think with the driveway and this one has like a kind of gritted look I don't think that's right word to use all right so we can resize these Stepping Stones oh I've never watched anyone do this so it doesn't count if you like pick it up and move it right I don't know if that's a rule but to be honest I've already done it so I'm not gonna make that a rule now I don't know how many to do oops I was about to press the undo button but I have to move it that's so weird one more row does that seem long enough I think that's fine and then this is going to be the entryway to the front of the house I actually did that wrong we gotta move this this way okay I feel like I need to start doing walls we're gonna have a really small garage like that it's too light I can't delete that now do you know what I think we need oh my gosh I just typed into drawer so this is obviously not going to work I actually need four walls but now I can't put a garage door since I put this in a piece of three and one and I need to put it in the middle I can actually close out of here and now the walls are gonna connect and then I can put the door I don't know if that's cheating but like I don't care now what garage doors we want all right cool I'm gonna make it kind of a creamy white so we're gonna use the light Stone gray all right now let's build the door oh my gosh wait that was an accident wait no way I already messed up maybe we're gonna have to do something no that's so bad I'm I'm gonna add a pillar to the corner here because okay why was that so difficult yeah we're gonna have to work with that I'm not sure what just happened oh no so now that means that this raw has to go that way honestly this could be fine one two three four five I think this already isn't turning out exactly like it's supposed to let's go ahead and add some windows here we're just gonna use these ones I think I made this wall too big let's make it like a little wider maybe now let's do two more yeah this wall is like a little too big I should have done four blocks oh no this is not going very well now let's put the wall on the top floor the issue is I don't know if this little window section here should be aligned with the garage or this wall or this wall I think I'm gonna put it right here that was impulsive like this and like that there's a lot of little like pieces to this house I don't think I like it that's that okay if that's not right oh well this is a little bit more complicated than I thought we're gonna make our pillar one of these custom wood colors that I have that's kind of cute should I use a darker yeah so this color if you're wondering is this um yeah I don't know that's fine for now do I want that one I feel like that's way too many like squares it gets a little bit overwhelming I wish I could put structures on this door but then you can actually open the front door and I feel like that's a little okay honestly let's wait for the front door let's put this roof up here we're gonna use a slanted roof but we have to extend it this far that's fine and then rotate it that way oh gosh is that high good lower higher I think lower okay that's it should I have extended it out this way no that's fine I can repaint right that's not part of the rules let's use the gable roof that means that this section isn't going to be usable but that's fine oh actually you know what roof actually has to go this far or I can use basic shapes what do we think we have to finish the house first so if I'm copying this picture the back part is pretty boring but I think that's the safest route is to make it just like it's a normal Square let's finish off the garage first I think we won it about that big right and then this is the entryway now um this is like a really awkwardly shaped room maybe this can be like the master or guess suite and then we'll put a bathroom right about here oh we need stairs I need to choose the stairs wisely okay actually in my last build I had the stairs coming up this way and then there was kind of like a lookout on the second floor I think I want to do that again okay Loki I'm gonna place this roof first this is kind of risky um how long do we want it just gonna place it okay that's it so is that gonna leave a line right here oh that's really annoying okay I'm gonna have to use Waldron to cover that up but for the meantime let's cover this up here oh no this isn't going very well okay whatever what kind of front door do we want now that we have all this put together let's see I'm thinking I feel like I should just use this one since it's not as overwhelming as the other ones with the windows for lighting I'm gonna put two lights on the either side I think this one this one's always nice a classic it's literally in the name and of course we're going to use the Flint lighting and change up the brightness a little bit now I know I need to fix this let me add these pieces very carefully so that I don't add too many on accident I always double click perfect I'm gonna put the windows up top here as well now I think I'm gonna use this okay now this is where I have to be very careful because if I mess up I can't delete it it's just gonna have to be uneven like that now one more down the center here I think that's the center okay I think that's good I think we did it okay perfect now let's copy it here and one in the middle up here it looks like oh and another one right here and another one right here Loki don't know that I like that oh well let's take one of these windows once again is this one that I used no why did I use that one wait I like this one better oh no I think I used this one I honestly think I'm gonna use this one instead I know I'm mismatching the windows but I like this one so much better I don't know if that was the right door decision I feel like it looks better with all the windows but whatever the next thing that we're gonna do is try this part on top of the roof now this is hard nine times out of ten I don't make it straight the first time or even but I think that looks good is it too close to the hold on before I place that I think I should do it one block up I'm scared to commit okay here we go large grid oh no that's not right I did it honestly I'm not sure that I'm doing this correctly but I think I'm gonna put a cube you're just gonna have to bear with me here because I don't actually think I know what I'm doing ah it doesn't reach the end there and here oh my gosh it was a perfect fit wow that was really lucky I really feel like there's a better way to do this but I don't know how I guess that's my size I didn't mean to click but that's that's good like this this is kind of weird oh my gosh I was about to press undo again because I put in the wrong spot we're getting the hang of it to be honest kind of cool Loki I'm gonna use a small transparent beam and put it right about there why does this not feel even I think I have to move this slightly over now let's put one more shelf up here we're gonna do a smaller one and then grab some of these all right Loki that actually worked out perfectly I don't think I made any mistakes yet so our biggest issue I think is going to be the inside like I don't I don't really know what I'm doing okay so looking at it we have the master bedroom bathroom garage we need to figure out where the stairs are gonna go okay I don't know I'm really really really confused I feel like I'm just gonna do one long piece like this five blocks is perfect just like that and then I'm gonna close it up and that's gonna be the base of our house like I don't want to make it complicated I feel like this can be like kitchen dining room living room like that kind of thing just all in one piece I don't know if that's weird but that's how we're gonna do it I have an idea so maybe the upstairs can just be not exactly Aloft but only have like one bedroom up here so we'll only have the upstairs on this one half of the house and then the rest of the ceilings up here will be like bald it the stairs are gonna have to go up this way what if they go like this okay I'm doing it and then the upstairs wall is gonna go like that maybe this will be like a whole bedroom back here I feel like there needs to be a little room right here I don't know if I'm gonna regret that it's kind of a tight squeeze so I think this area up here I'm gonna just have a fence and it's gonna just be looking out like that I don't know exactly but so now is the fun part that was a joke we have to do the roof okay wait automatic placement is exactly what I need wait oh my gosh no way did I just get this lucky that the roof actually looks right placing it I would have wanted this to be a little bit higher maybe I should have done that on my own but wait this is actually going kind of good we're gonna put a door I think I'm gonna use the simple one and where do we want to put it so boring back here but I'm honestly just copying the pictures though and then on the upstairs let's have maybe a matching door honestly that was kind of ugly I think that was a bad choice um I think I actually kind of hate it okay I'm gonna put this thing around it again I hope this is straight because oh no that was slanted for sure it's okay it's not super noticeable but you can tell how it kind of squeezes down there now this one is even oh my gosh no it's not no that one Slants upwards oh no okay yeah that actually looks really really awful I'm just gonna I'm just gonna move on should I put like some of these in there I'm gonna try it that might have been kind of weird but I thought it would just add like a little bit of detail but I actually don't know if I like it put some wall trim around the whole house I actually don't like it on this piece wait I should not have put it on there what if I made it black instead for this part what if I made the wall black okay that kind of helps actually one thing about this house is the texture we don't have the exact one hmm the only way that I can do that perfectly is if I use beams do I want to commit to doing that though that feels so risky but I feel like I haven't done anything risky I do it I think I'm gonna do it okay it's been done now I have to do it all the way around the house uh oh oh no that was so not even ah got even worse I'm messing up a lot now guys oh no that line is so not okay Loki I know I'm not done and I didn't do these pieces but I think it's for the best if I just don't like I ended up with way more mistakes than I expected this side doesn't look too bad it's just like clearly everything's uneven like this Gap is massive I don't I don't know I'm definitely not doing the sides I'm not doing the back I hope you guys see my vision it just totally was the worst idea this house picture doesn't have any like roof trim but I do think I want to do it I'm gonna try this trick I did it in a video that you guys haven't actually seen yet to be honest I don't know if that roof trim is really necessary I do think I want to make it as dark black as possible I think that will look better honestly you can't even tell it's there now we need a little section right here for the plants I'm just gonna place a bunch of these other rounds it should be fine I never really have issues with this I'm gonna put a fence the back side just looks so bad I think maybe this fence goes with the house I think this wall would look nice oh no now I'm just realizing that this fence is in a really really really inconvenient spot I was gonna put a whole wall of Windows and now it's just gonna look awful it's okay um I guess I decided I'm using these windows okay this looks awful another section of Windows I guess we're doing it from the inside I don't think it looks that bad like I think this could be cool but when you look from the outside it just looks so out of place oh no I think I'm just gonna use this floor all the way around okay it's honestly really risky using the autofill for flooring but I don't think I have any weird Corners I don't think it's facing the direction that I wanted it to but that's fine bedroom bathroom whatever that is I don't know why I'm painting the inside of this room I think just for peace of mind so I'm not gonna decorate the inside of this house yet but I am going to do a couple things I'm not done just yet this looks so weird okay let me put in some lighting here what do we think this one I love this light definitely need to extend it again Flint change the brightness let's make it all the way up we need some doors here I think we're gonna put the door to the garage on this side let's use this one I had a better idea for this section right here but now I can't change it oh let's use this I accidentally placed that door okay I'll use it thank God I noticed that's the bathroom and then okay so that has to be the bedroom door and then I wonder should I make this a half bath dang I don't have an office here either maybe this up serious part would be the office okay we desperately need some lighting in here I'm sure you guys can't see a single thing I just realized I can't delete these lights when I actually do the interior so let's hope that they're fine okay so we have some ceiling lightings in here but this is still much too dark I think I'm gonna do something risky and I'm gonna put some of these inside of the walls I'm gonna place that one inside the wall I'm gonna put one here this corner and then we'll place the last one there I will never be able to retrieve those lights again which I guess is good because I can't sleep anyway should I use this I haven't used this in a while honestly this is kind of fun I've never used these bubbles I don't think I have to put on the top floor okay now how far can this go down oh wait whoa dang that actually looks kind of cool I think this room needs to be right here okay so now I do need to cover up this part right here let's just put in a basic shape and it'll basically act as a fake wall here okay and I think that covers it um I do need to move it over this this way slightly now this side I think I'm going to cover up just with wall trim I think that covers it now this is the risky part that made me mess up the outside it has to be perfect okay I think that's straight yeah yeah okay so I think we finished the exterior of this house um yeah we technically did not finish it there was no way I was about to do all of these again I clearly did not go in and finish all of these lines that was taking such a long time and look at how bad it looks like I'm sorry but no that house is going so well until I decided that this was necessary it honestly just looks scary like it's giving the same Vibe as like having a phobia of holes like having a phobia of lines I don't know that's what this is giving me it's just like it looks so bizarre these top Parts I think turned out really good though for not even knowing what I was doing I think it it gives off the vibe of like that slatted it's not even the right word I don't know overall house is like cutie but just from the front like this looks awful this doesn't look so bad it's just so boring I don't know I absolutely would have done things differently if I could delete let's go on inside though I do really like how this driveway looks I think it's really nice I don't think I've ever done this before if you go inside we have oh I'm zoomed in way too much this is the entryway which I think could be super cute and nice and then right on in here is the master bedroom really big honestly great size and then the bathroom attached to it it's a good size as well if you go out here we have just this little room maybe this will be like a laundry room or a half bath or both I don't know and then right in here I think this is going to be the living room just because of all the windows and then maybe we'll put a dining room in the center and then this will be the kitchen there's also a door right here to the garage if you go on upstairs we have a nice little Loft area oh apparently without a fence don't fall off because you might die it goes to the balcony outside and then oh apparently we also don't have a door that goes into this bedroom but this is a bedroom so far there's not a bathroom but I can just add one in the corner or something I don't know I think this could be so cute if it just looks out over the living room I love that look so yeah that was building a house without deleting anything now let me know in the comments if you want me to decorate the house without deleting anything that would be very interesting but yeah thank you guys so much for watching this video if you would like to see the second part please let me know all my social medias are in the description if you want to go give those a follow and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ayzria
Views: 134,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, bloxburg, sims4, building, speedbuild, ayzria, welcome to bloxburg, sims 4, speedbuilder, aesthetic, affordable, family home, roleplaying, roleplay, roleplay house, challenge
Id: b7eZwFDuH1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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