Delahaye 107 Racer w/ 6.2L Gipsy Major Airplane Engine: Bizarre Start-Up Procedure & Accelerations!
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Channel: 19Bozzy92
Views: 419,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: delahaye 107 racer, delahaye 107 sound, gipsy major engine sound, gipsy major biplane sound, inverted engine, inverted engine sound, cafe racer, cafe racer car, pre war car, land speed record car, darracq v8 sound, darracq v8 land speed record, aircraft engine, best aircraft engine, best sounding airplane engine, best sounding aircraft engine, huge 4 cylinder engine, kilometre lance, kilometre lance 2023, airport acceleration, engadin airport, isaw 2023
Id: xtCaQsGemxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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