7S - Stuart Ranch Branding Short Film

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unfortunately it is a dying breed and public doesn't get to really see who we really are and what we really do because we're not going to brag about it I told Robert lair Lian I said life's not fair get used to it never has been never will be [Music] it's it's incredible to be a part of a family ranch has been in existence 450 years [Music] [Music] my kids sitting right there he's seventh generation on the ranch there's not a lot of people that can say that [Music] got song [Music] to me [Music] [Music] see ya [Music] [Music] Robert one word with landing time being for you my heart doing journalistic questions awesomeness I don't know my name's Robert Forrest and I am the horse trainer Forster trench and on a day-to-day basis we ride all the two-year-olds and start all the Colts and this kid over Brandon let's go to the brand and then roll back to that part of it cuz I feel better there well gather the cows and then we we take we take the cows and calves and separate them [Music] and we put the cows in one pin in the calves and the other and we typically will have a group of about fifty to sixty calves in one pin there's two draggers and two two flankers on each side and then the guy that's dragging will catch a calf by two feet drag the calf out flankers flank them down they're holding the calf down you got come in and cut if it's a bull calf they'll cut the bull calf someone else brands and then someone else comes and gives their vaccinations our vaccination protocol is very important as it primes the immune system of these calves the two vaccinations I give one is a nasal j'en which goes in the nostril and then the other is a solid dose implant for pinkeye in foot rot my daughter-in-law has has been able to help us most of the time and she gives the other two vaccinations we're very careful to change needles caps up done it's I mean 30 seconds at the most it's a lot about timing timing and working together as a as it you are a team at that you're paired up with your other flanker or dragger so that's where having a good crew can make branding very very enjoyable Bob he always cuts on one side of the fire and like he normally cuts on the other so most of time I'm either cutting or flanking on the ground crew and [Laughter] my first branding I was I couldn't say how old I was I couldn't tell you what horse I was on but I remember getting to drag yeah I liked watch whenever yo guys like a few years ago when he drove his first calf I probably missed half of them but it was still one of the funnest things I've ever done I can't wait to mobile boy start dragging I mean there's a little kid they make you feel like you're the hero I guess even if you're missing they're still encouraging you and still it's I mean that's what branding is is it's it's it's a time we get our calves work but it's serious and we've got to get a job done but it's still about bringing the next generation and teaching the kids and in showing the next generations how to continue what we do and so that's going back to my first branding like it's it all started there [Music] did you cool to watch it bad these words yeah right now that's happy that's all I know there's a bully thing else I always with my bad big fortune to work grass and good guys on the line now you can see him grow up good he has all ruffling his toes and catch his fingers are stuck every kid's name when I took the cast off his fingers like that could help the Rope all the time nice always love doing that's what I look forward to Slade into my new girl what I'm gonna have now to to let them grow up this lifestyle it's pretty cool what do you love it it's not work when you asked me to do this I was trying to think of what what I would say how I would say it or what kind of what I thought you might ask the only thing that everybody's coming to my mind is just like I love it I crave it like it's it's as I said earlier it I can't explain it to you I don't know but it's just that that feeling of the excitement of branding [Music] just in one two three can you hear me on the back there's so much tradition involved in it then I think we all respect that and the opportunity to for the camaraderie and we get to eat well and that that's just the way it's always been you know we put food on the table and try to feed everybody a good meal and get to work together and that's that's a blessing [Music] I do love my job I do love my job there's a lot of ups and downs but the ups far outweigh the downs and the downs don't last very long it's challenging I love the challenges there are days when I don't think I do but I do I love the challenges I love I there's years ago I laughed and said can I really get paid to do this yes we all have to make a living but there's nothing in this world I would rather do nothing and it's not a job it it isn't a job it is more of a commitment and that's truly what it is it's committing yourself to being the best you can to take care of what god has given us to take care of that's all it boils down to [Music] we are stewards and nothing more and so we are here to do the best job we have [Music] [Music] [Music] to get to be a part of this community during times like that is something I would think most people in this country do not understand that's what this country was built on people taking care of each other and I think that agriculture the agricultural community always rises to the occasion to help somebody in need because it could be us and there'll be people standing in your door bringing hay bringing food building fence whatever it takes to put you back together they're gonna give up every part of them that they can to try to help that happen and and that's part of all of this the love that people have for the land for the resources for each other [Music] we live by a code of ethics that it's not written there is not a manual Cowboys guide that when he shakes your hand he looks at you looks you in the eye he knows the difference between right and wrong and if it's wrong he's not going to do it you learned the hard way if you mess up you get in trouble what we do is dangerous I mean you hear of accidents every day people get hurt I mean roping cattle it's it can be wild but there's a reason for this code of ethics and the unwritten laws of the cowboy world is it's it's because the old guys they had all these train wrecks and they figured it out hey this is what we need to do and there's a reason for them and if you break them you're probably going to get in trouble or hurt [Music] [Music] you know windy so Muffy's daddy grew yeah we're Sami [Music] [Music] [Music] I appreciate thank you for doing this you know we this in we've messed it all [Music]
Channel: Stuart Ranch Outfitters
Views: 105,976
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Id: rxSqjjb4awo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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