Dehydrating Mushrooms, Making Mushroom Powder | Sahara Folding Dehydrator

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how much room does a fungi need as mushroom as it takes welcome to dad jokes with the purposeful pantry welcome to my channel today we're going to be talking mushrooms we're going to be drying mushrooms uh sliced mushrooms here oh i'm backwards here sliced mushrooms i'm making mushroom mince mushroom here and then a special mushroom powder that's not just mushroom powder it's a special blend that you might want to try okay before we get started dehydrating our mushrooms we're going to talk a little bit about cleaning them and the truth behind whether or not you can use water with mushrooms when you're dehydrating okay most most commercial mushrooms that you get at the store in in this kind of format have been grown in a medium uh that is not dirt but it's mushroom medium but the thing is the people are confused about whether or not you can use water or you can only wipe them off with a cloth so you can use whatever you would like to clean them if you want to use a cloth and just brush off all of this medium you can use a brush to wipe them off you can rinse them off in water you really can what happens is is that when you're rinsing these off you're going to be fine they will absorb a little bit of water alton brown did a a test on this uh quite a few years ago in his show good eats where he washed some and he wiped some and then he weighed them to to to measure what they were actually absorbing they absorbed very little water that would matter with anything and especially for dehydrating that water is just going to go so it's not like it's an issue if you put water on your mushrooms and allow them to absorb a little water they're going to dehydrate darker they're going to be a darker product at the end it doesn't mean that that that mushroom is bad it just means that that's what's going to happen to it after it's gotten wet and then dried it's going to be a little darker so i'm going to go ahead and rinse most of these mushrooms off really quickly but i'll leave some unrent so that by the time we get through you can see the difference here's my batch of the things that i just wiped off my batch of the things i rinsed i went ahead and got them right on a towel and moved them around to try to absorb whatever excess moisture was on the surface what i'm going to do with most of this is they're going to get minced down into smaller pieces that we can use to cook with or going into powder so what tools do you need to do all of this you can use a knife you can use a veggie chopper like this that has either like a little dice for you if you want to dice these up or you can use your food processor which is what i'm going to use in a minute to go ahead and batch most of this i'm just going to pulse them in my food processor to break them down if you use an egg slicer while these are great some of these are super super cheap this wire blade will break easily so if you have a really tough mushroom and you try to cut it it's going to break your blades so instead i'm going to put a picture of it right here okay the the mushroom exerciser that i mentioned earlier it finally came after i was done with everything so i'm inserting this little clip just to show you the difference this is what you're purchasing if you do it it is a metal and it's very heavy metal it's not like it's like a flimsy metal and you can see the blades here are actual metal blades not wires like are in a typical egg slicer and you can see i broke wire yesterday remember we talked about that a little earlier in the video so here is i'm having this one-handed sorry mushroom and the x-slicer you can do this one-handed and just go straight through and because i'm doing it one-handed i need to have that other hand to kind of push push here so go straight through with no problem now this will work you can go through but as you see uh especially if your motion might be a little tougher you're going to have a little more problem getting through it without tearing it and you run the risk of breaking off the wires all right so let me show you just cutting these up these mushrooms are just a little past their prime they're not bad they're just a little past their prime so some are breaking up a little more than they need to you're looking for about a quarter of an inch but if i get one that's a little wider i don't care these dry really quickly and i'm not i'm not going to fuss over that little bit of space they also you can also do the stems if the stems are really tough and very woody you might want to set those aside for doing a broth but otherwise you can do the whole thing so there's that then we're going to do one with the mushroom egg cutter and this didn't quite cut well enough but yeah see there you go there are your slices all ready to go if you're going to use a vegetable chopper like i am i'm going to use the smaller blades because i want a good mints pop this in and there you have okay you can do it that way as well you got that so let me slice up the ones that i'm going to do for examples to show you how the the wet ones the ones that were rinsed are going to fair to the ones that weren't rinsed and then i'll pulse all these and we'll get them onto our dehydrator trays and i have such a surprise for you see i didn't even notice but it broke that wire on my oxo okay so here's what i've got a mess yes do i have a mess yes mushrooms are messy i i cannot do nice clean mushrooms so what i have my pile of rinsed my piled of wiped and then two bowl full of mints of the mints so those are all going to go into the new dehydrator and i can't wait to show you next this is what we're dehydrating with today can you believe it it is a dehydrator this is the broad and taylor sahara folding dehydrator uh it is something that they get they gave me to uh to use so that you could see how it works and i want to thank them for that um so it is a quick and easy process of just being able to unpack this this is going to be great for those of you who have work spaces but you don't have storage spaces so it folds down into this compact model versus what a normal size dehydrator looks like it can be stored in your closet under your bed behind your couch wherever is a good place for you to go so this is a compartment that is full of all of my trays and all of my silicone sheets which are these silicone sheets right here okay okay so these are the trays um and then if we move this off we have the dehydrator itself so i'm gonna pull this out lift it up set it down i'm just to do a really quick um opening just like this and we have a machine now i've got to still plug it in the plug is in the back back here let me get this all set up for you and then we'll get to dehydrating our mushrooms so for one try i'm going to go ahead and use this poly uh the the poly pan uh sheet they gave us tray sorry the poly tray they gave us i'm going to put in these the ones that i just wiped off sliced and they are ready to go in the machine and the darker ones here are not dark because of being where it's their dark because they were the baby bellas they are a little firmer than just the white ones um if that helps you at all so there are the non-rinsed only wiped then here are the rinsed okay for the minced i just went ahead and mixed all these up and i'm just going to pour them out on the sheets they're going to be too large to go on to the trays by themselves they'll just slip through all of the holes so i'm going to just keep spreading these out and while i do want to make sure they're not just piled high on top of each other in a big clump i'm not so concerned about making sure they're all not touching because they do shrink up not a ton but they do shrink so we're just going to kind of spread it out like this all right so two more trays to go three more trays to go i don't know how many of these will take all right so my trays are in we've got one two three four five trays of uh minced chopped mushrooms we've got one tray of mushrooms that have been rinsed and then one tray of ones that have been just padded and just wiped off i hope i got those right we are going to turn the machine on okay so the mode to take it to temperature i'm going to go down to 125 because that's where i dry this at you're going to see numbers all over the place for how to dry mushrooms i try to keep everything as low as i can within reason and so you can dry this anywhere from 135 down it won't matter because so i just keep it at 125 i could go any temperature i wanted right in that range so what i'll do is i'll set it for 120 drop a little bit it's going to go for a little longer if i needed to change this to be celsius instead of fahrenheit i would push these two buttons for two seconds and it changes it immediately to 49 celsius okay push them again and it go back it goes back to fahrenheit where you're going to set the time for just this probably won't take more than about six hours but i'm gonna go ahead and just run it for 12 because i'm gonna let this run overnight because i needed just to have it go until they're done and because it's late enough in the evening for us these aren't going to be done before i go to bed it is not going to hurt them to run longer this machine is set up to where it runs at full strength until it notices that most of the moisture is gone and then it ratchets down the power that it uses so it helps save a little money too okay here we go all right we'll close the doors and we'll see you tomorrow so good morning here we are with a done machine we're gonna turn off the power and just let it the fan stop running because with small things with powders you want to make sure that fan has stopped completely before you open your machine last night before i went to bed i checked these uh and i didn't put it on camera but i wanted to come through and look so what i found is this one dried faster in the back than the front so i went ahead and rotated the trays which is something that a lot of machines you need to do um when the fans come from the back um they're going to dry the things that are in the back faster than they dry the things up in the front it's just the nature of how these work this one just seemed to do it a bit faster it doesn't affect anything it just means that i rotated the trays just to make sure that overnight everything did the same so while you do need to let this wait for 10 minutes or so to let it cool off i can already tell these things are like crispy crumbly dry they are ready to go this is going to make awesome powder then here are my whole slice mushrooms okay and this is what they look like so uh i'm going to say that until i go back and review the video these the ones that i just wiped clean and these the ones i rinsed and you can see that these are just a little darker okay there's nothing wrong with them it's just that they're a little darker okay so let's get into what we do next because this is the fun part okay when you've gotten your mushrooms done you're looking for crisp brittle mushrooms okay so i'm gonna throw all of these into a jar they have been cooled they're ready to be stored and i can use these to top mush pizzas that's what we really like to do with them we just throw them on top of a pizza just like they are just sort of the same way we do the dried tomato slices you can just lay them on top because dried mushrooms are so fun i love to eat these on their own just as a snack just like they are you can throw them into meals and as long as you allow them time to rehydrate and to cook you won't have a texture that some people complain about because they don't give them time to rehydrate now to rehydrate these i'm not going to do that right now because i can't use them at the moment but what you're going to do is you're going to take a bowl of very hot water and you're going to let your mushroom sit in there for about 30 minutes you might even want to simmer them in a small pot on your stove top and just allow them time to open up all of the cells so they can reabsorb the water then they go into the dish that you're going to make and they still get time to cook one of the problems with dehydrated mushrooms that a lot of people have is that when they rehydrate them they don't give them long enough to cook and they still have a kind of rubbery consistency that people don't like that's why what i'm gonna do next is the way to use up mushrooms no matter what okay of course now with these bits i can easily just store them and use them just like you would fresh mushrooms okay i'm just going to take up this mat and i'm going to do this kind of get them all into a more portable thing and i'm just going to transfer them into a storage container just like this it's that easy so what's going to happen is that these can store in an airtight container for you know honestly with mushrooms it's much longer than with regular food i'm not going to say it's much longer i have more success having long-term storage with mushrooms than i do other foods because it keeps its flavor so much better so i have mushrooms in my pantry that are about two and a half years old um a mushroom powder that is the last of a stock that i did a couple years ago that's still there that still has so much flavor when you use it and typically you would say that powders are good for about six to nine months because they can begin to lose their potency they can be good to lose their nutrients because you've exposed so much more of the powder to the atmosphere but with mushrooms it's just different so this is easy this is all you have to do so once you're done loading the next thing you want to do is do your conditioning if you're going to put this away for storage because you want to make sure that you're not seeing any moisture buildup you're not seeing any clumping you're not seeing any condensation happening on the jar and then once you're ready for storage you can transfer those into the storage jar that you want i'm going to keep this here and then what i will do is that mushrooms are susceptible to moisture a little more than other things can be and so i just plop in a moisture absorber in the jar that i'm going to be using a lot not the one that i've just put away for storage but the one i'm going to be in and out of all the time that way anytime i open the jar and introduce more moisture this will take care of it what it does not do is finish dehydrating the food that you might not have gotten fully dehydrated never rely on it for that you just want to use it to help manage the moisture that's introduced into the jar every time that you open it okay so the next project is the part that i'm more excited about because this is the part that i love so much okay now it's time to get busy you betcha we're making powder because it's darcy it's thirsty at the purposeful pantry so one of my very favorite cooking implements uh as far as food goes that i use for so many dishes especially when they're when you just want to add a little extra oomph to it is mushroom powder hey uh it adds this was called umami it's kind of like a meaty flavor in um into things that just gives it a bigger depth of flavor so you can add this to eggs a lot of people who are vegans will use this to kind of add a more depth of flavor kind of things to uh dishes that they have to make them taste just a little bit more so it's kind of weird thing that your tongue does to your brain that says hmm what's that extra little bit of something okay so this is all i'm going to do i'm just going to take all these bits and i'm going to pour them into my jar i don't want to get it too full because the blade still needs to fit but i can crush these down pretty easily then what i'm going to do is take them into uh into my bullet blender all right so here we go the good thing about using bullet blenders is that you don't have to have a ton you can just use a small bit so we're going to grind this but what we do is we don't just push it down and hold it with these it's important to pulse paul's pulse then grind because you don't want to wear out your the machine now unlike many other things unlike many other vegetables this is a fungi it's not a vegetable but um one of the things i learned very early on when i was making powders when i first started experimenting with what they do i made the mistake of doing this in my big blender and as soon as it was done i opened the top to look inside and i got a cloud of mushroom powder in my face in my lungs in my mouth it's really important to let things settle to let your jar open your jar and just allow and pour this into a bowl for you so you can see it oops i made a mess see and you see the cloud happening this is how fine that mushroom gets okay so you want to make sure that you're not sticking your head right over so here is mushroom powder this is the most gorgeous flavor of anything that i do as far as just adding so much more flavor depth to anything that i cook and it's the best way for me to use dried mushrooms because then we all can enjoy it so this is mushroom powder so i wanted to show you that by volume about one half cup of these mushroom chips equals just over four tablespoons of mushroom powder so i'm gonna finish grinding the rest of my mushrooms and then i'm gonna get together a little special treat for you to make to make this go even further okay here we go here's what we're gonna do now here is our mushroom powder this stuff is amazing on its own it can be used in so many ways by putting into anything that's already meaty it adds more meat flavor if you want to add meaty flavor to something that doesn't necessarily have it already it just ups the depth of flavor some people would say that this kind of was like an msg where you're not really using msg so we add it to our eggs all the time i added to any dish that i'm making that's kind of savory i will add this to mac and cheese i will add this to in everything so it's not as if there's a dish that i don't use it in i will put it with green beans you can add this to rubs for your meat you can add this to any seasoning blend of roasted vegetables what i'm going to show you today is kind of like a ripoff of the trader joe's umami seasoning there are a ton of different recipes out on the web that you can go find one that you like you can kind of mix and match things to make it work for you you can actually even make this a little spicier and add a cajun flavor to it by doing some more chili seasonings and pepper to do it to make it just up the quotient for like more flavor you can make it spicier by putting jalapeno powder in or you can do red crushed red flakes there are just a lot of things that you can do just to make it yours we're going to do get my recipe over here so that i can remember how it is okay three tablespoons of mushroom powder and remember this stuff is that little cloud a tablespoon of onion powder and i'm not exact about this i just like take a bunch in do it that way then two teaspoons of mushroom powder and i don't normally keep mushroom powder in the house like it is i keep it um i keep the seeds and then just grind my own when i need it so i just two teaspoons of mustard powder ah thing i forgot to do is bring all the time down okay i need a teaspoon of thyme but you know what add a little more you can add oregano in here too if you want i'm just going to add all that a little bit more i'm feeling it today i did two okay then we have a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of pepper and this makes a really good base here's my salt salt doesn't matter what you use use what you like so a tablespoon of salt i'm going to add just a little bit more because for what we're going to do with this next oh my goodness did i just do that i just put the salt in the onion powder all right now we're going to do a tablespoon of salt and if you can see what i just did um i took it out maybe i'll add it in there i added the tablespoon to my onion powder instead of my mix because because i'm dork and my husband's behind me laughing at me okay now we're going to do about a tablespoon of black pepper now if you'd like you can use white pepper we like that as well and you can use whichever one you want black has a bit of a stronger flavor if you like pepper but you don't like it so strong you can use the white and then all we do okay that is a single serving i know that you can't see it because the mushroom cloud that's on the inside i can make this usually in a bigger batch so there you go there it is right there i know that you can't tell that that it's a thing but it's a thing so what do you do with this put this on your popcorn trust me it's going to be good you can put this on as a seasoning to put over potatoes and then you roast them it's good just find new ways to use this stuff that's how you play with your dehydrated powders just make it do it put it together and you can have like some amazing blends to put on things to just make things taste better now i'm going to have the recipe for this down in the description box below if you're interested in printing it off remember i'm going to put a couple of extra things that you can do to it to to give you a couple of options but this is the best it's just it tastes so good so i want to thank brian taylor again for sending me the sahara folding dehydrator to try out i loved using it and if you would like to learn more about dehydrating pantry staples then click this list right here if you'd like to see more about our review of the dehydrator click right here and until next time thanks again for watching happy dehydrating
Channel: The Purposeful Pantry
Views: 120,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the purposeful pantry, dehydrating food, sahara folding dehydrator, dehydrating mushrooms, trader joe umami seasoning, trader joes copycat recipe, how to dry mushrooms, how to dehydrate mushrooms, how to make mushroom powder, diy umami seasoning, diy trader joes umami, diy pantry staples, how to make dried mushrooms, how to make umami powder, umami seasoning recipe, dehydrating tips, easy dehydrating recipe, brod & taylor, how to use folding dehydrator, mushroom powder
Id: icfSQLTvRkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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