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but look a warning this is going to be a long video so make us have comfy grab a nice drink i'm going to be here for the duration if long videos are not for you then call the taxi because you need to travel to the next video pronto hello and welcome to a review of the gritter the gris is the name of the company the gritter is the name of the product this is a record cleaning machine and unlike the disco anti-starter violent cleaner which i did a little while ago and i'll put a link up above in case you missed that that one was a rather budget friendly budget conscious machine this one is completely the opposite it's rather expensive in fact it's two and a half thousand pounds expensive this is a high end machine now this machine is based on ultrasonic technologies now the difference with this particular ultrasonic cleaner is that it's bespoke the ultrasonic baths used in low-cost ultrasonic vinyl cleaning machines have not been designed to clean vinyl they are general workhorses designed to clean everything from oh what watches and necklaces to coins and even false teeth this is why bespoke ultrasonic vinyl cleaners are so darned expensive because they have been created to do nothing else but clean vinyl and let's not forget vinyl is relatively soft it arrives as a flat disc it is coated with tiny spiral grooves it does not by any stretch of the imagination resemble a pair of false teeth i wouldn't expect a tool to clean a set of dentures to do a superb job on my first pressing of abbey road you need the right tools for the job to do the best job this is why a bespoke ultrasonic cleaner is worthy of attention now don't get me wrong i do value and i have reviewed low-cost do-it-yourself homebrew ultrasonic vinyl cleaning machines and generally speaking they're very good indeed and i would prefer them over manual cleaning methods any day of the week in fact i've reviewed one on my website and i will put a link in the description and you can read that for yourself and i do like them as i say they're good performers on a general level but they are not of the same quality in cleaning terms as a bespoke rcm a bespoke record cleaning machine what you'll find with the lower cost ultrasonic cleaners on the market is that they use a bought-in pre-built chinese-made ultrasonic bath and then what they do is they add bits so it can be used to clean vinyl not with the degreaser as i say which has been built from the ground up to do nothing but clean vinyl that's its job that's what it's designed to do nothing else now ultrasonic technologies have been around a long time in heavy industry they're used to clean oil caked tensile steel big meaty chunky parts and all that kind of stuff or they're used to clean circuit boards lots of industry type gear basically the use of ultrasonic technologies to clean relatively soft vinyl records is new still even now so the evolution of ultrasonic machines is pretty rapid it's changing all the time [Music] very basically and i won't go into detail at all here but ultrasonic technologies produce something called cavitation that ultimately results in the production of millions billions of tiny bubbles each tiny bubble holds a tiny amount of energy when they hit something the bubble bursts the energy is released and anything adjacent to this exploding bubble will be affected so if the bubble bursts in a groove if there's any grime or grit or muck actually next to the bursting bubble it will be dislodged and the grime or grit will be thrown away from the groove that's essentially how an ultrasonic cleaner works the generator for an ultrasonic cleaner which you can't see it's built into the machine itself produces different size bubbles a 35 kilohertz to 40 kilohertz machine that's your general common ore garden model that you would buy in say amazon and are used as the basis for most of these low-cost vinyl cleaners you see around they produce a relatively large-ish bubble that has an effect on the cleaning performance the the gritter uses a much smaller bubble instead of 35 to 40 kilohertz the degreaser uses 120 kilohertz the bubbles are much finer much smaller i asked the gritter about this why they used 120 kilohertz as the generating frequency about the bubble size i also asked them about possible damage that ultrasonic technologies might do to vinyl because there has been worries on the internet you know ultrasonic cleaning all the damages are vinyl i wouldn't use this there's been lots of fears about that so i put that to the company as well i did get answers and i did my own secondary research to back those answers up so i was happy with those answers i'm not going to address them here again it's going to take too long so i'm going to put those questions and answers actually in the description you can read what they say in the actual description another issue that i wanted to talk to them about was reliability of the degree ultrasonic cleaners are complex beasts when they first come out most of them if not all of them have wrinkles that they have to iron out audio desk when that first arrived on the scene that had issues which was ironed out and that's a reliable machine now the gritter when that first hit the streets that had a few issues in terms of reliability and performance and those issues have been ironed out as well however i did point a finger at the grater and i said explain yourself sunshine and they said fine and they answered those questions as well i'm going to put all of that again in the description if you want to check those out if you want to read what the company itself said i will put all of that in the description now this degrita ultrasonic cleaner basically cleans 12-inch records that's its default size okay so that's what it's designed to do the company however did produce two different adapters to enable you to clean 7-inch singles and also 10-inch singles eps whatever you want to call them so you can clean 7-inch and 10-inch discs if you buy these additional adapters now i have reviewed both of these adapters and i've compared them to other products from other companies there isn't a video of that and i don't think there will be but i have done a review on my website you will see the full review it's a separate review of both of those adapters for the gritter on my website and what i'm going to do you guessed it i'm going to put a link down in the description you can see the actual review if you click on that link it will take you straight to the website and you can read and then you can come back later if you fancy that but the full review is actually on my site via that link in the description so let's get to the actual machine itself what have we got here well it looks and feels pretty solid it spans 370 millimeters by 280 by 210 millimeters and packs in the weight at 8.7 kilograms it also screams value it arrives in a silver or black finish but i tested the silver variant now looking at this machine i don't know how many people have said oh it looks like a toaster and i can see that but when you're actually standing in front of it though i don't know it looks like a piece of brutalist architecture it looks like somebody's chopped off a piece of girder it has that chunky feel to it and it does feel as though it's giving you value it feels meaty you know and then just to sort of balance that out you've got this this sort of 50s era flourish of a logo on the top left hand side which softens things just a touch so look let's get close up and personal and let's take a closer look [Music] and welcome to the closer look section and as you can see in front of you to the right of the front fascia is a circular control screen and underneath that are two multi-function knobs that is they rotate but they also push inwards the left knob changes the drying time and stops the cleaning process the right knob starts or pauses the drying process but also navigates the menus that circular colourful screen provides a host of information during the cleaning process a circular changing band of lights will show the ratio between the washing process and the drying process and in different colors the total program time the selected program and the progress bar it's all highly intuitive delving deeper into the navigation window here you can adjust the drying time itself you can bounce between quick which is two minutes and 15 seconds medium that's three minutes and 45 seconds and heavy 6 minutes and 45 seconds the medium cycle is your standard cycle quick is for generally clean records that may have accumulated some light dust over the days or weeks while heavy is for more thorough jobs i tended to use heavy to be honest because it proved more effective at least it did for me the dry option is automatically attached to each cleaning cycle but it can also be selected as a separate program if you wish and can be extended for just over 15 minutes or indeed it can be turned off altogether i actually like the fact that this option is also available separately i find that at least in other ultrasonic machines either the vinyl recipe or the profile or the weight or all three has a bearing on how fast a disc will dry the degreaser's variation in drying is invaluable therefore that said the default wash dry cycle proved to be just fine for me in my tests connected to that is the ability to vary the drying fan speed and also the fan noise if you lower the fan speed and hence the noise the drying time will increase though even so it's a very useful option especially if you're using the machine at night and you don't want to disturb the rest of the family i'm also happy to see a degas or degauss depending on your affiliations whatever your favorite this option smooths the water removing any trapped oxygen for example which can hamper the cleaning process the operation takes 2 minutes and 15 seconds there's also a water level setting low medium and high these settings will basically move the water closer to or further away from the central vinyl record label during cleaning this is ideal for oddly sized labels that risk damage during cleaning while it also allows you to experiment and maximize the cleaning process you're actually given a measurement strip jig in the box that will allow you to guesstimate exactly how any particular record will be affected by the water level all you have to do is lay the jig on the record to see how far low medium and high actually reaches on your dirty record there's a semi-circle bit on the right of the jig which is where you rest the jig against the turntable spindle then you can apply the correct settings according to your findings on the jig again an excellent feature this one should greatly appeal to nervous record collectors i would think the only issue i had was that the jig is made from card a relatively fragile material i would have preferred something rather longer lasting now i did actually point this out to the company and i will put their reply in the description below there's a useful info screen in the navigation section as well it provides a serial number for your machine this number should be used to register your number on the company website there's a software version the current temperature in the water tank again very useful and how many cycles the machine has run oh and i mentioned software yes this machine is run on a software basis and can thus be updated features can be and have been enhanced and tweaked by the company i did perform an update during the review period and found it pretty quick to do so you just transfer the bin file from the website to a large sd card you pop the card into the rear of the gritter machine while the machine is turned off then you turn the machine on and the update is done in a flash so quickly in fact i initially wondered if there was a fault because the machine told me to remove the sd card almost immediately checking the info screen confirmed that the update had occurred though it's pretty swift the machine has run off a basic iec power cord the chassis features a rocker power switch on the rear but a soft shutdown and start-up can be initiated by pressing the left multi-function knob for 2 seconds that said if you don't touch the degreaser for 15 minutes then the machine will power down automatically on the right side of the machine are the ventilation slots and they cover for a small filter capsule that hides behind a screw cap this can be opened with a application of a small coin used as a pseudo screwdriver be aware that opening and closing the tight fitting filter cover will scuff and remove paint over time because you're using that coin type screwdriver it's not a big deal though and this cover is hidden away around the side so it can't be seen on a day-to-day basis the filter which looks like a suppository or possibly a leftover cheesy what's it can be removed and washed washing is recommended after 50 to 100 degreaser cycles the actual figure though depends on the mucky nature of the records themselves that said if the machine itself thinks the filter is too dirty it will tell you in no uncertain terms and it will actually down tools and it won't move until you've cleaned it which i love it's an excellent feature petulant maybe but nevertheless i found this excellent before removing the filter for washing i recommend placing something like a tea towel under the degreater itself because you'll probably get a dribble of bath liquid that will emerge from the hole not much but enough to form a small puddle laying a cloth under the gritter will catch and soak any minor spills the gritter recommends replacing the filter itself after reusing it two or three times but this also depends on the filter and your level of use replacement filters can be bought either directly from degree for 22 euros for a pack of five but quote we do not mind when the users create their own said the company and again i'll put a few notes in the description about making your own unlike other ultrasonic cleaners i've used the the gritters water tank is mounted on the rear of the machine and it's removable and washable in a dishwasher although i would recommend a gentle hand wash the external bath is a superb addition and one that is particularly user friendly because you don't have to disturb the rest of the machine if the bath needs refilling now if the bath does need refilling but doesn't require an infrequent empty house wash then you can fill from a bottle directly into the bath i personally used a ready mixed concoction of seven percent isopropyl alcohol and distilled water stored in a two liter plastic bottle the bath features a loosely fitting yet secure removable lid to facilitate cleaning and filling and you can see these separate lid here alternatively you can pull out the bath from the rear of the gritter to help the bath has a metal bar and it's that aluminium coloured bar that you can see running through the center of the bath here and as you can see the bar runs horizontally right across the bath and it can be used as a handle i did wonder if the handle would bear the waste of the water in a full bath but the company confirmed that it had never had any issues now i hope you can see in this shot there's a minimum and maximum water level pairing etched into the plastic in this slot in bath unit i know it's a bit difficult to see but i hope you can see here with the lights reflecting on it the company now recommends that basically you ignore these limits actually recommending that when you fill the bath you actually exceed the maximum level during use now if you want to know why the company recommends exceeding the maximum level and the reasoning and the issues behind all of that check out the description i'll put full company quotes in that section and you can see for yourself oh and the company recommends a water change after 30 records to prevent a growth of microbes in the actual bath another note ultrasonic cleaning does increase water temperature it does that during the process itself the degrees software automatically monitors this temperature and if the temperature exceeds 35 degrees centigrade the action will pause and cooling will occur for three minutes to restore normal temperature levels cool air is pushed through the machine to reduce the temperature one thing not talked about in the boxed manual is that you can give the degreaser a clean internally using a toothbrush now i asked the company about this and they kindly supplied some advice and some bullet-pointed cleaning instructions i will put all of that again in the description so check it out down there okay so before we talk about the sound quality let's describe the machine in use [Music] i'm grab me my record to be cleaned this one was avalon by roxy music and i inserted the record into the gritter slot and i noticed that nothing grabbed onto the record itself the slim slot configuration did do an effective job of keeping the record in a vertical position during the clean one thing i really liked about how the degritta held the record was this that when you lowered the record into the machine firstly you felt as though the record wasn't going to topple over or it wasn't going to move in any way you felt as though the degree had a firm grasp of the actual record which is a good thing secondly when the actual records in the machine itself there's a bit of give you can push it there's a bit of wobble and that's a good thing because when you lower that record you don't feel as though you're putting the record in a complex collection of gears and belts and goodness knows what machinery so you don't feel as though the machine is holding your precious record it's just in this slot it's almost like freely sitting on a pair of rollers that's the only thing which touches the record is rollers at the bottom of the actual slot and when the rollers go round the record goes around that's the only thing holding this record now i've repeated that a few times that's a great thing nothing is holding the record nothing is squeezing the record nothing is threatening to twist or bend the record you feel as though the record is being cradled by these rollers so there's no other strains there's no stresses there's no pressures on the record itself you feel as though the digressor is being gentle and that's what you want you want a gentle clean so you want the machine to hold the record gently pressing stars fired up the machine into a hum nothing too aggressive on the ears it was certainly bearable i could also hear the sharper sounds of the cavitation process during the ultrasonic cleaning the disc was rotated several degrees to the left and then a few degrees to the right and more to the left and so on i was struck that the degresser used and stored relatively less water than any other ultrasonic record cleaning machine i have seen on the market it's an efficient machine in this regard this bouncing to and fro action carried on for several minutes until the water was drained and the drying time took place for around seven and a half minutes the cycle itself was titled inside the window so for example the drying process featured a large white drying text underneath the numeric countdown the drying process also displayed green colored lcd segments while the wash was in blue segments the remaining time was measured in lighter gray segments once completed the machine offered a few subtle beeps and the drying vacuum sound ceased and that was that drying was complete and efficient with no smearing or wet spots and removing the disc was easy again you never felt that the vinyl was dragging against anything during removal it just lifted easily from the slot another thing i want to add one not mentioned in the manual is a strange little cycle that pops seemingly out of nowhere and takes control of your machine and sends it through an action of some sort this is the mysterious machine maintenance unprompted and on asked for this operation appears as an automatic procedure and it runs on every 60 110 160 and 210r runs to clean the machine's valves the process takes about 30 seconds and the machine will continue with the regular cleaning afterwards the gritter promises to add this to the manual asap but if you see it occurring on your machine don't be concerned all is well on that note let's see how this machine actually performs does this actually improve the sound of your vinyl let's check out the sound quality tests and we'll see and welcome to the sound quality tests for the gritter record cleaning machine now when i actually used the machine itself i also included my own cleaning regime now i won't go into great detail about this regime in this video i'll save that for a later video but briefly it's this i mix up my own surfactant mix i'll put a link top left there so you can see what surfactants i use and what surfactants are all about in the first place so for a normal clean cycle i applied surfactant to the surface of the vinyl then i put the vinyl in the machine and started the cleaning in that way in the bath i would put distilled water and i would add seven percent of isopropyl alcohol to that water all mixed in and the combo the surfactants on the actual vinyl and the alcohol in the water would do its stuff that's the additions i made to the actual machine apart from the machine itself that's all i added i used an original pressing of roxy music's avalon and i decided to run that first in the sound tests but without any surfactant i didn't add the degritta cleaning fluid either i just wanted to see the results of a single clean in heavy mode so this disc had nothing added to it and in the bath we're just looking at alcohol and water and before we go any further i just want to report that the jig worked perfectly on the album i used positioning the jig it said that the water would sit just shy of the label and that's what happened there was no splashes the label never got wet it was bone dry throughout so the jig worked absolutely wonderfully next and this is an early stage of the cleaning but even after one cycle with no surfactant added i could hear sonic improvements there was an infusion of air and space into the sound stage the latter also opened up a tad while the mid-range sounded very smooth it flowed very easily indeed with backing harmonies sounding almost tidal as they wafted in and out of the music during the chorus the reduction in the noise floor also added a swathe of new reverb which was added across all frequencies adding life and a sense of dynamic pizzazz to the playback the extra reverb or echo if you like was a dramatic addition to the sound improvements there was reverb in parts of this track i'd never heard before it was completely new and it was a bit of an eye-opener i must say i then added my usual surfactant to the vinyl surface and i used tergitol and then i gave it another heavy cycle clean in fact i decided to run for three cycles that is i added surfactant to the vinyl surface and then did a heavy clean and that was one cycle i did three cycles in all now i was expecting to hear a further improvement going from one to an additional three cycles i was hoping to hear that improvement i just didn't know how much and my response was uh well it was intriguing because i had that i had that sort of pursed lips finger wagging in the air you know the oh yeah oh yeah that's the one you know that sort of response that sort of response yeah that that response i got a lot of that after the well i did one clean then another three so four in total it made a big difference that was it really hit a spot put it that way why well the combination of multiple heavy cleans along with my surfactant did retain that extra reverb low noise and smooth mids from earlier on but there was an added sense of grandeur now to the sound stage there was also an organic element to the vocal presentation and the percussion and there was a solidity to the bass guitar and the sense from the lead guitar that it was a real thing there was a sense of realism the guitar had a solidity it had weight you could almost feel the electricity flowing through it that is the guitar felt more alive it felt as though it was more dominant in the mix the sheer confidence from the music was just brimming actually the music wasn't so much confidence it was arrogant i then turned to an ella fitzgerald album which had been released via the german label speaker's corner and with this vocal jazz piece i was expecting less energy and more accuracy and more precision again i began with a basic clean no surfactant and on that single heavy mode and i tested that again the initial response here was an opening up of the sound stage especially within the upper frequencies but the lower frequencies benefited 2 with the addition of this extra reverb and they gave the guitar and the piano on the right channel a more noticeable character but also they allowed the ride symbol to become far more prominent in the mix on the left channel once the cycle had finished and i listened to that i then added surfactant to the disc and last time i did that and did three further cycles this time i just did one extra cycle just to see if that made any difference just to see if i could hear anything any improvements on an additional one extra cycle so i went from one cycle to two cycles on this particular test again though there was the soundstage expansion the sound stage just sounded larger more impressive and expansive this would actually make sense if as i suspect more of the stylus was hitting more of the now bear groove the more barriers removed from the stylus and groove would mean more information could be read that's what i was hearing here individual details were just beautiful too the almost rubbery twang on the upright base from a plucked string was quite delicious for example while the little tidbits of effort from ella fitzgerald's vocal as she left up and down her vocal cords was a wonder to behold so the combination of the degree and surfactants applied to the vinyl surface that combo was a real winner and i highly recommend that combination so i went a bit silly and instead of having one two three or four cycles i did six complete cycles and then i did a rinse cycle so just to remind you one cycle is covering the vinyl surface in surfactants and then pushing the vinyl in the slot and pressing heavy on the gritter and i did six of those and that took about an hour i would say then i did a rinse because i wanted to get rid of all of the surfactants and i would highly recommend doing this i don't recommend having surfactants contacting your vinyl over a long term during a clean fine but i'm not comfortable having all of these chemicals being in contact with your vinyl surface for i don't know days weeks months put it that way so use a rinse cycle clean all that off it actually does change the sound as we'll see so using six cycles and a rinse wow just wow what do i mean by wow well the noise floor took a real nose dive and there was a real richness of tone the sheer imagery and organic flow from this song was jaw-droppingly quality drippingly incredible for example the ride symbol never once faded before the next splash was applied it just rode on the reverb tail the brass offered a 3d solidity that you could almost walk around while the upright base provided a low key power i could also better hear the early piano and acoustic strains now normally both were so shy and reserved the focus here was completely and utterly and wholly impressive so that was just after six cycles then i added the rinse only then i added the rinse and then i had another listen after just that rinse so six cycles rinse listen and the results extra clarity and essentially cleaner presentation so what am i saying here what am i recommending am i saying to you that you have to buy yourself a degree two and a half thousand pounds and then for every single record that you own you have to go through over an hour's cleaning for every single record absolutely not you don't have to follow my madness i am a lost cause you're looking at me now i'm gone there's no hope for me folks i am gone but i'm quite happy the trouble is i've heard the difference i can't go back i've heard what this thing can do i've heard the impressive nature of the actual cleaning it takes me an hour to do every single record now now i don't do this every single time and i'm not suggesting that you follow me down the pathways of cleaning hell here but i will be doing that on my own folks and you can make me goodbye and it's worth it for me because i've heard the differences i've heard the improvements but you don't have to do that you can go as far as you want you can just use the degreaser and you can use a quick cycle which is a couple of minutes and you can be done and you can just go on to the next record and it'll be pretty simple painless if though if you apply more cleaning cycles and you apply surfactants and you give it the old rinse and i would include a rinse anyway but if you go the extra mile the thing is that the gritter will reward you for your effort if you work at cleaning your records you will get the reward now i've got more to say about this in a specialized cleaning video which will be coming in the future but for now that's how i do my cleaning each one of my records gets a full hour clean and that's a one-off it never happens again so if i need to clean my records it'll be maybe after the i don't know after the 10th clean say so i've done a whole hour of cleaning that gives that particular record entry onto my shelf okay so let's say i've played that record i don't know between five and ten times i'll give that record a quick clean a bit of a spruce up a wash and brush off as it were and then it's back on the record it'll never get that hours clean ever again that's a one-off so if you are tempted by cleaning these records but the hour scares you just think to yourself well this is just a one-off uh it'll never happen again it's done and then just quick cleans there's a sort of maintenance and then you'll be sorted so to repeat well look you don't have to go to the cleaning lengths that i did a simple single clean will be fine for most users that said if you want the ultimate in cleaning action if you want to go to the brink then i'm also here to tell you that the degreaser will stand by your side every step of the way and will produce sonic improvements every step of the way so this tool has the potential to provide incredible results it depends on you it depends how far you want to push it before we end this review what about the griss's own liquid the liquid itself is supposed to be applied into the bath not on the actual surface of the record and i added around two milliliters of that to the tank as such the liquid will last you a long long time you use such a small amount per application it offers great value actually in use the degree is okay it does a decent job and it's perfectly usable but it's not as good as a direct to disk application of diluted tergitol so applying the degresser liquid after a targetal dose actually adds a slight veiling layer to the overall sound stage across all frequencies so yes it does help in the cleaning process and it's fine to get you underway once you've bought your degreaser but there's better options out there and i would recommend a surfactant upgrade when you can so how can i conclude this review of the degr record cleaning machine well it's reliable and definitely solid i never had any issues in terms of use and never broke down it never stopped working it was perfectly fine throughout the entire review period and i really put it under pressure during that time i actually cleaned 173 vinyl lps it's also would you believe cheap to actually run because it doesn't have any short limited life replaceable parts except for that filter which you're welcome to make your own it's also easy to use and you get that great feedback from the on-screen interface i love the external bath i love the hand holding i love the software upgrades i love the software control i also love the fact that you just drop the vinyl into the slot and you press the button for go and then you walk away this is the easiest ultrasonic cleaning machine currently available on the market as i'm making this video most of all though i love its performance and the extra music it can drag from your vinyl grooves that was in a word stunning standards are made and are made to be improved upon and the gritter has done that in fact these sonic improvements from cleaning the records and the degreaser was similar to a major component upgrade so what am i saying am i saying that this is the best record cleaning machine that you can buy well yeah i am that's what i'm saying so does that also mean that this is the best ultrasonic machine on the market yes yes it is it really is to my mind there is nothing out there that can touch it the degritta stands alone and that's it folks thank you for staying to the end of this long video ultrasonic cleaners are such complex and involved pieces of machinery so thank you for staying to the end and even then i had to offload half of my actual review to the description so we got there in the end guys we got there in the end but thank you for sticking with me don't forget if you want to see some exclusive editorial i have a patreon page and i'll put a link below on that also i have a facebook group which is heavily moderated and completely safe for you no trolls or nasty people allowed again there's a link below i'm on instagram twitter and tumblr and all kinds of places so there's all kinds of links again down there don't forget my website there are a host of reviews news features of all kinds of things which never make it to this channel so that's a massive resource which you're welcome to peruse thank you again for supporting this channel it's much appreciated if you haven't done so already please click on the like and subscribe buttons all helps to push this channel forward and i will be back next week hopefully with a slightly shorter video next time around love to have your company and until that time bye bye for now [Music] but [Music]
Channel: The Audiophile Man
Views: 25,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: degritter, vinyl, rcm, audiophile man, degritter test, degritter review, paul rigby, record cleaning machine, ultrasonic, cavitation, degritter record cleaner, degritter ultrasonic record cleaning machine, degritter vs kirmuss, degritter vs audiodesk, degritter vs audio desk, degritter ultrasonic record cleaner, degritter uk, degritter for sale, vinyl cleaner, degritter ultrasonic record cleaning review, degritter before and after, degritter rcm, degritter record cleaner review
Id: NN9X1Op8eVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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