Degenerate Freeze Mage (Deck Code in Description)

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hello hello welcome back to Hearthstone Homebrew my name is AJ and today I wanted to go ahead and take a look at uh Mage and specifically I want to be as Frosty as possible so we're going to try and be annoying freeze the game out slow opponents down and uh you know if we can get over the top with freeze effects we're going to do it let's go for a little bit of value with that we're just looking to freeze them as much as possible ran is good to get cryo preservation let's put in all right soul freeze is good Frost cross stitch couple of blizzards we want the golden one of course all right uh Kadar can freeze he's a good card H where is that newish card watercolor artists isn't it is it not a there it is I just couldn't see it because of the the interesting uh signature look there all right so we have a whole bunch of freezes um good amount of excavate so uh it's like that's the way oh yeah don't let me forget glacial Shard goodbye golden pirate I'm sure you are useful Once Upon a Time uh I don't need that hopefully I didn't go in there uh what is it Cobalt so uh blast Mage Miner any good good sure let's throw in yog because he is fun all right we have a whole bunch of freeze effects we have cryo frostbolt Frost lit cross stitch Jana's gift double blizzard um Soul freeze could be good just make sure we have enough top end yeah we're not really going for the uh finish them with cth package but uh you know maybe we'll get there with an excavator reward or to all right we have six excavates we need probably two bounces to be completely safe um I like synthesize because they really need stuff to do with their Mana infinitize could be infinite value take out one Soul freeze and put in uh we want a couple of bounces and Zola all right this is looking a little better I maybe one or two Soul freeze is the ticket Ross Bolt's good one bounce maybe we just keep I like having two Zola on like cadar or something like that might be useful even sleep skater help us live a little bit more got a lot of twos maybe cut out of two cut out a frost B sure all right that is our Frost Mage right there let's see if we can get anywhere in the drags of Legend and Dad Legend as it's called okay Celeste versus Uther a wild Paladin let us Cate A New Beginning uh yeah watercolor artist spawn hello there enjoying the festivities this card's good to uh just start reducing the cost of stuff it's a four4 body maybe it gets you a blizzard all right turn one pass awesome play accidents they happen you know uhoh we got the uh hand buff Paladin still kicking I wish all handbuff showed this little graphic like uh like that still got let's get this so we can start reducing the cost to something blizzard for or cheaper blizzard sounds good to me amam Sanson I don't even know what we cast so far uh Frost Bol or star power we'll go little star power for now the Grim totem have had enough of your noise nice to meet you my hand is too full it's a Mech ex or Mech buildup I'm not sure but freezing his face is a good time toys are much more fun to bre yeah maybe it's a Mech hand buff they do have a couple of Mech energy cards left Mech excavate Maybe why does it have Divine Shield oh it's two two effects never mind this mini is so good so so good there might be a resident sleeper Mage to be honest with you not super aggressive protect little oh such a perfect specimen I'll get 11 armor again sure oh yes all the blizzards bro just freeze them out for eternity the goal is not to win but to make sure the opponent winning takes as long as possible I smell golden in their Waters technically we could uh freeze him out have him start overdrawing a bunch what do we want to do let's go with the high Mana one uh we did not get the uh blizzard again unfortunate smart you knows he's going to deck himself prot that is a big minion oh cadar is useful don't use your use mine [Music] two oh my cadar is about to be the worst bro he always T the mirror images candle mud slider yeah you got a you got a dragon but uh are you going to be able to do anything with it Brain Blast I'm sorry bro I got to do it to you uh it does destroy most of them with the flame strke mirr image again oo a 17 and4 minion that is a big boy com in [Music] here he's rich I should have uh let's do this starting to run out of freeze effects I'd love a yog soon why would you heal yourself bro he one of your minions oh my God that's a big jitterbug these are getting to be comically large nice to meet you uh probably just want the draw it's good enough accidents they happen you know so many minions I need y bro that is a big big Mech right there there he is I'm almost out of cards I'm out of cards let's hope we don't die here oh my God Holy Light the Stars truly align po Paladin bro yog should help clean up most of this stuff I will not forsake we can steal that and make them all tutos but he can get through with this open your minds to the light the end of days is finally upon you hope is an illusion cease your Quon by the Holy Light Star we lose the last durability on our weapon but uh probably worth it remove a bunch of stats off the board oh now we can only take two damage on our Prime on our girl really come in here turn to perfection inced in three two one will consume you okay interesting one you will be Reed by the Holy Light for another round the Stars by the Holy Light the future is built on our found reborn you got AR reeno in there bud action Perfection action pack [Music] Perfection and reporting for Duty that is big a big [Music] ziliax you uh we can freeze both of those just freeze this poor guy out till he's ready to quit you are no threat constru the will the victory is [Music] yours bro I'm sorry pal and that was so bad oh God one and zero that was like the perfect use case for our deck got a pretty lucky blizzard there with the uh weapon from kagar but my god dude oh was that recording yes that was probably the most frustrating game for him ever uh they can pop off pretty early time for a remix they get four giants down by turn three we're probably in a bad spot or turn four is probably the earliest prepare yourself for the beat drop it's pretty early I you fold one those solves any problem okay uh this could even be a well why waste your coin though don't you want to save that I don't know I don't play this deck enough uh we don't have too many spells coming up a free dirty rat's good but we got to be careful of oh whatever my cool I should have just gone for that that SS have down a bit at least all right so that will be cheaper in two turns what I really need is the uh sleet skaters you is this like a well deck I'm I'm missing a point feel like he would have popped off already there's the sleet skater this will be free next turn we can drop Kadar I want to drop Kadar where I can oh God the uninteractive gameplay here don't use your head use mine at least that's more uh life the only way I can stop that is uh Blizzard or a soul freeze with a minion next to it unfortunately I [Music] cannot we can keep it frozen for a long while though if he reveals it go ahead and attack bud frustrating but I can't do anything about it [Music] you maybe we just uh go face oh that can't Target him yeah ah do we just die to a wind Fury we're at 29 all he needs is one wi Fury gather around everyone it's time for a [Music] celebration what you get for one Mana from the hand I beam okay and uh oh you had life steal bro you weren dead yet I would have kept freezing you but you were not dead yet two and zero maybe you just frustrate all your opponents into seeding is the name of the game it's what we like to do out here verusus let me sing you a song your time grows short uh Soul freeze uh maybe not so if this is dragon priest I don't really think uh us freezing him out's going to do anything guess he can just drop Zori and be fine right more just freezon nice to meet you chill out let's just blizzard him until her he gives up this might be a good uh cross lit cross stitch Frost lit cross stitch I messed that one up any problem yeah that's probably the best one I'm going to get that's uh watercolor artist was pretty good he's going to start dropping some uh thirsty Drifters and that's going to be a bad time well [Music] no I think we'll take a coin actually to get to prison if we need to a little earlier oh no pickax cross stitch was fine Frost but was fun you just hear up our pass cand you know about to get okay so we about to get Zari otk I would make a copy of my Elemental that clears out most of my board and none of these are really threatening he could do remove too I don't think it really is doing enough for him though maybe it should have taken that second uh Frost bowt what is your hand bro Heroes that champion order one stab many kill this track is almost Amal oh my God I sorry bro out don't take requests he's angry I'm sorry buddy let's Adam see ah I shouldn't be him like that let him add us if he wants to rage ah man poor guy Jana versus andwin the light shall bring victory knowledge is power another priest huh how many times do I have to teach this lesson to you old man nice to meet you I really want to like uh norgon the Titan for mage but I feel like he's just not useful serves any problem wow how enchanting nice to meet you chill out all right well this is a bad turn we just face no it's Outlaw torn we got the uh po guy got the random Reverb off of prison of yan just happen to Target his minion you really don't have anything else in that hand chill out wow wow how enchanting how enchanting light s here we go and the impure for how enchanting light SS and the impure fall there we go water sweet beautiful water rewinds a good card too double blizzards double excavate spells that you can get sometimes solves any problem I would have thought he'd play it let's see what's in the box uh let's clear one now and then see if we can't can just do this right chill out we do lose our two1 there maybe it's better to have it guaranteed you don't take pi all right well this a rem turn is going to help for him but he hasn't played too many dragons yet water Elemental back with the vengeance [Music] starting the operation starting the operation must choose quickly water beautiful water action Perfection uh can't really get through y round's going to help eventually we can double sleep skater and infinitize maybe if he gets an extra turn does the freeze drop off I think it does the time R Aero potential see do here okay a world cleans of all right we'll do a double freeze and then have to rely on y probably H shoot I guess Elemental could be useful later that's probably better to go for the secret one there're just no good Secrets right now for mage Hunter has all the best secrets uhoh the Grim totem have had enough of your noise let me get all of your I don't want that hand is too full the end of days is finally upon you Madness will consume you y has a Death Wish bro [Music] next is a rare let's just uh get proper Tempo I actually think their original looks a a little better light SS and the impure fall everyone stay in sink everyone stay in sink is thei here water Sweet beable Water if not here then definitely soon we've created a temporal anomaly uh oh water sweet beautiful water need help let's give you some extra time it's N9 10 12 16 20 23 that's a lot and this is all from hand I've had 38 life he's had no board all from hand here I'm out of cards I need a blizzard wow how enchanting let's see if this will get is a blizzard not a blizzard but it's not bad look at [Music] me we can do freeze this and then get rid of this I guess most dangerous minions oh forgot about that guy potential uhoh a world cleansed of evil I don't know how I'm getting rid of this maybe a lucky prison wrang wels is harder than it looks we kind of need oh that could be something flame strike what does that do put's up a good bit of them actually we leave up uh 10 on board what to do what to do any power up anything he needs two damage I think we just oh oh never mind we have the Mana discount that's right Heroes that CH oh come on bro what a six drop to get there that might have just won him the game what a six drop life nature all flourish under my care uh yeah going to have to rely on blizzard no I don't think even that does it what a what a finish man if he didn't get this minion I think we win see Fireball he's going to take three Fireball Frost bolt would be nine n it's definitely not enough and then this is going to attack regardless of if it's frozen or not don't use your head use mine ah no something else you win I think we can freeze out these two maybe his six drop that he got just that no muncher got him there three and one annoying miv versus gash you D Su the war chief your time grows short all right this is I like Kadar just for Value maybe we can uh water call artist is great too maybe we can coin them out on five I think our opponent is AFK Warrior might be rough for us I must choose or we're just going to win cuz he AFK one the two I must choose I must choose if we hit him once does that make him go away the your opponent left prompt go through we'll see I must choose I mean I guess we'll just start throwing spells down his way don't mine I must choose all right we at least have six through this grumpy kitten is AFK well I'm thankful for this because uh Warrior is probably the roughest match up for us rain blast I must not get the leaving prom all right well that was uh that was something I guess we'll take it four in one verus this ends now time for a remix all right um I'm hoping for a one drop cryo is going to be good to stop the weapon all we really got to do is just slow down the weapon maybe freeze the 65s oh we got a gamer out of this world evil draws close do they still have the weapon in that deck I think they have the six5 though hey six5 and three wishes is probably good enough for him we can go trog and destroy the spirit of the team well that makes this decision easy I think water C artist oh he does so that deck does have the weapon well buddy I'm sorry but you're not not going to be able to break it just yet it's just a a regular Demon Hunter what's the perfect card here we are friends now hello friend out of this world uh sure I'm sorry buddy you are not prepar oh God just annoy them until they concede all right I will be right back for all right let's see that was uh probably the best case scenario there we are playing in dumpster Legends so you know these win rates take them with a grain assault we could just lose another four games to or five games four games we'll go to 10 games Val this is such a cute Mage skin here what will we play today uh s skater's good potentially freezes two giants Hi friend the pleasure is mine nice to meet you generate freeze Mage there we go that'll be the name of the YouTube title [Music] candle much lighter it might be worthwhile coining this out just to start getting the discount early and it's a 44 all right that will help let's see coin I only make hit [Music] oh all right we'll just go for a Arcane intellect here I've been steadying up so his pop off turn is going to be a little dangerous but oh God this again this again man is a annoying I mean uh what would this get us an epic probably just want the ice barrier to live all right now we can freeze it this is a really good card still H you going to attack right that I don't think so he is mistakes were made it's so sparkly um we probably want to freeze it must choose soon got to stealth that too uh all right so we can bounce this gets rid of a whole bunch of kind of sets him back a little bit it's what we want mes I think so buddy I to meet you action Perfection please don't say it's freeze again or stealth again interesting choice mistakes make I get it I get it don't your uh potentially yuron can help us get rid of that that minion oh gosh here we go again that is not good that is not good at all I don't think we're getting there uh let's see we just want to go for armor I mean we can [Music] potentially sure that's a big minion uh the Sheep actually kind of helps him doesn't it ah this was fun and Interactive [Music] mistakes were made I think I needed blizzard there maybe I could have no blizzard wouldn't have been ah how annoying is that yeah I needed yog a turn earlier five and two I could have Frozen everything and then well if you had no Minions on the board it didn't matter [Music] Jana versus scarlet who wants to play knowledge is power this might be a long one here uh one blizzard might have been able to get rid of that enormous minion I think that's really the only response to that zelc we have I feel like they're going to Nerf that module not that it's annoying or not that it's good it's just a probably annoying to face aren't really doing anything else potential y going turn seven coin H Citadel stand all right it's just water call artist you have earned an eternity of Torment that coin Helia was better there [Music] I get more discount from frost cross stitch uh let's make sure we get uh C there we go so now we will have Hawk plus a bounce pretty soon and that should give us a good amount of tempo we want to make sure we try and freeze him with uh water Elementals oh we just freeze him with cryo actually mule their magic okay all right now we can go hawk and bounce it and play the Titan all in one turn it's in that is a annoying minion oh a yog is very Good's ready for another [Music] round come on bro well I mean it was going to happen he can't get the non Mana one got to get my cheap one suppose it's my fault for not playing my cards there [Music] the time R reveal azeroth's potential a world cleansed of evil uh V rock can be good good you burn some you burn some oh I have to play something from another class maybe this will syze get it for us it's my oh God he had two of them already that's what was in your Etc come on I see me you that's it let the bad lands burn Scorch the sand uh probably want the armor from this guy actually audio processing SC spell is going to be a cross stitch this can be good too does he have Resa action Perfection action well he just healed a lot I don't really want to use my uh he's going to heal up anyways the Ws chill out scor the sand uh h plus two attack is good but maybe we can get something good here know the cop rotation okay draw is not good into Helia my blood for the if he had a second down with the ship does that mean he's Arena death do us that feels good cover I don't really want to draw let's see what the that is quite good can we protect him May the Winds of the north Empower you rerouting sound oh cop rotation is a good second card to have all right well he can get rid of b rock that's fine the runes your fate I'm going to steal that remnants of Life play come on my hand is too that's a good card the end of days is finally upon you hope is an illusion uh that's kind of good I guess just so we can get the card here Unholy symbol of death uh anti- Magic Shell is pretty good with our board Hela it's going to be disruption later he could just clear a board with a yog or something all right there it is death is a symptom of Life hand being dormant is actually really good overdraw plague please overdraw plague my hand is too full oh that's a good minion you have earned an eternity of Torment serve the primate I don't want to draw spells Great Harvest a yes ma uh we can take control of that that feels good oh we got to force it to attack that's right don't use your head use mine will consume you no reprieve that's good RK is probably the most dangerous thing he can make oh [Music] man he got nothing but damage on that thing 535 Souls unfortunate five and three we got a little too low there Celeste versus illin I will set the sky Ablaze let us celebrate A New Beginning all right we might start our losing streak here want to hear my playlist we could go Aqua archist waterall artist really early and he does not have the weapon yet I also don't have a freeze I got like five or six freeze effects on the game are in the deck maybe artist can draw it action ATT Perfection probably good enough to freeze this until I can deal with it if he doesn't kill the 44 here we can cross stitch it out hey you install these for me Wes over Draw Something sucks my hand is full to the brim oh well that needs to die that toy was made just for me bro what are you doing paying Mana for that card maybe get kagar down can help us the 33s are kind of in the way I'm the perfect toy for you you stink I would return my water Elemental I'm the perfect toy for you you there you go that's the right call don't use your head mine oh come on not even a frost bow a fireball well at least we got it online hide behind your Serv I will still find you oh does he have double is this really I think that might be enough to kill me yeah wow sometimes you just don't draw your good cards or we drew them we just decided to play cadar there when it probably wasn't the right play that [Music] sucked Celeste versus gash Victory on death let us celebrate A New Beginning Warrior I like watercolor artists to get a cheaper card this is good too e uh okay I guess we'll just play our statue hello there enjoying the festivities candle but slider did I play an elemental last turn this an elemental right there we go nice little Synergy there and it uh gets us a card or gets us our guy online a little earlier is this a demon hter minion yeah you no picka all right so this will be free soon enough we are almost at excavate reward no coin brand sler uh we'll wait till it's free I [Music] guess our slime such a cute little minion Not a Bad Minion don't use [Music] your here's the drop oh real early too that's fine we do want to try and get cross stitch active might have to start relying on some uh Infiniti we can also draw with Jane's gift that sucks losing a weapon like that he's going to go uh blad storm have this in a bigger size no blad storm sir you are getting Frozen all day long I probably should have all right that's good enough uh Reena will get him out of the freeze though well looking for a stand up careful ah it's against me annoying you burned some you earn he's got a lot of good targets for his dirty R here let's hope he doesn't have it dirty rat into sargeras Portal please all right let's see what this is uh sure the end of days is finally upon you before I do all that let's make sure we get this old boy back to the hand is an illusion my hand is full no no no no no that was bad we're going to we're going to discard again too you can kill everything here sler uh what are we over drawing my hand is full to the brim that's a good card um we got a lot of minions let's freeze them right now now Mareno Jackson action Perfection actiona Perfection maybe he's worrying about dying the end of days is finally upon you hope is an illusion insignificant so the right have life steal left have will be the future is built on our foundation nice to meet you chill out two more life or uh light shows are great rest in peace to my buddy silly me for thinking Warriors every run out of cards need more lava uh sure only two uh maybe I should have gone for the secret we're all kind of it's kind of game over when he bran uh boo bosses us I can handle a ox for though pretty pretty well should be able to let's warm you up needles are you ready [Music] to fre spit hang on it's a rocky comes the I don't think we have any mechs in the deck this will be good for Value just don't run brand where's your brand at bro R plus uh Ox is going to be rough if he gets it you burned some you earn I might be acting soon they're overdrawing something proba better just throw this minion out there stop waiting for the Discover as long as it's not as sweet as me more where's your brand at man want to destroy that minion if we can so we can go here [Music] here rest in PE cards this is still not active I mean losing three cards is way better than losing my whole deck well my whole deck is three cards I guess all the cards in my hand as long as he doesn't hit blizzard I think we Blizzard or infinitize we should have a chance the shall never or die we just not a brain Warrior always rag why is it always rag got to move fast here ow not many cards left last card's a minion I have no time for games classic Sylvanas steel there well we still have our prison of yog I am out of cards all right uh I can get rid yeah we can guaranteed steal the r Sylvanas the Walmart Risa I guess we'll take the 4 [Music] two and that will get us no no no no no I don't know if we can Outlast him I fing H that's fine the top rope and that fatigue draws so bad you it's not bad I should have fro the other one my bad if I read my cards I would be better I mean this is uh pretty much a free version so this is destroy I think we just lost out maybe including a Viper is a good [Music] strategy where's your brand at your last card there he is always could only a line freedom is fleeting your will is my whim I don't think we can uh that will slow him a little bit don't dismiss a subtle Tremor yeah we're just out of stuff poor gu all right so this even when the brand is their last card card this deck is not good into Warrior I feel like Mage just has that problem with all the Armor All right that was uh freeze Mage we had some pretty good early games the late games we kind of fell off a little bit against the minion base decks we were getting there um that's I mean that's pretty much all there is to say game one was great game two was fun uh if we could get under that second to last that last Demon Hunter we faced a little earlier we might have been better off like a coup of glacial shards to freeze the board up but that's the idea you get your excavate reward you bounce it if you can uh for Tempo you put out freeze minions you freeze the board with Blizzard or khadgar and you know success possible including an Etc in here for another wi condition or a Viper could be a good bet uh let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve the deck and I'll give it a shot thanks for watching y'all until next time
Channel: AJ L2Play
Views: 299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 52sec (6172 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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