Deform Dense Meshes Easily in BLENDER | Part 3

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hello everyone and in this tutorial we're gonna learn how to deform this true 3D model easily the best way possible without losing any input performance and this is the part 3 of creating a show 3D product animation in blender so let's get started okay so here I have a shoe model you can model this from my shoe modeling tutorial if you haven't followed it you can follow that and model this shoe here so what I want to do is First Let Me Explain you what we are doing here so let's say if we have a shoe model just like that and it's got a lot of geometry a lot of vertices at different areas with different density so if we apply any rigs or any deforming stuff here it's not going to work perfectly fine because the mesh is not ready for that it's not just one mesh we have different objects and stuff like that going on so I think these options are not gonna work for you so what I'll do is I'll make a cage around all these meshes which has a perfectly fine topology and everything is just one mesh so what I'm saying is we will model a cage around all these Sole and the body of the shoe I hope I'm making sense here let's just let's just do it you'll soon understand what we're doing here create a cube here and model some cage mesh around this whole shoe so let's add a cube and position it so basically I'm just modeling a cage around the shoe right there a tab and create the vertices if just a little bit of the foods outside of the cage it's not gonna work I'm gonna add a loop cut here it's more of the basic shape here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] Al surface here with the levels of something like two and make sure to trap the whole mesh in there if some part is going out just scale it a little bit more and fit it inside and you can see these are coming out so bring them down [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] mode or select this mesh go to the object properties and in the viewport display make it from textured or the solid to wire now we get some cage like that so I'm going to create my own Armature here now bring these bones back I'm just quickly creating the Armature here extorting the bones just like that and extruding over here duplicate this one rotate it foreign again select the cage mesh then select the Armature Ctrl p and with automatic weights and you can see we got no problem so let's go to the rig and see if it's working make sure to make it in front in the report display so that we can see things better and hit Ctrl tab to go to the pose mode and just sort of rotate these bones and see if things are working yep it's working now the next step is to catch all these vertices or the soul and the body mesh in the skate and sort of control the geometry with this Armature you will understand what I'm saying here so like the soul mesh here so I'll bring down the subdivision levels of the Soul mesh to something like two and then I'll add a message from modifier and in the object I'm going to select the cache that we've created usually I'm going to rename it to cage so that you don't get confused and I'm gonna click on bind then we're gonna select our body mesh here and add a modifier the mesh deform modifier select the cage here and hit Bend now if we select our Armature and go to the pose mode and rotate this bone along the y-axis you can see now you can see that we got a little bit of an issue here which is why I was repeating not to cross the cage mesh with this shoe here so I'm gonna just hit Ctrl Z and go back a little bit and fix that before before we bend it it's also like that unbend it select the cage here and go to the scope mode get the gray brush with G and bring these vertices back a little bit so that it's not intersecting with our shoe you can also do that in edit mode just select these vertices and bring them back on the y-axis just like that and then again I'm gonna hit Bend and so this one too and hit bend on that one because we unbended it with Ctrl Z so hit bend on that one now select the Armature and hit Ctrl tab to go to the pose mode now rotate it along the y-axis to see what's happening here you can see the bending is working properly it's just so good the geometry is deforming perfectly you can see here now you can just grab these armatures these bones and affect the whole shoe with it and just look at the reboot performance it's very smoother than any technique that you wanted to use here so let me just explain you again what we are doing here is we got a cage mesh here we are affecting the cage mesh with the Armature and the cage mesh is affecting our whole shoe model here just like that and these things work together properly without any issues so if you're seeing any vertices coming out any faces of this whole cage then the problem is you're caging here you can go back to edit mode and you sort of grab these vertices outside make sure the shoe is inside the cave if a little part of it is coming out it's not gonna work properly for you so every time you want to edit the cage here you can select these models and unbend them then added the cage and then again bend them and yeah that's it for this tutorial and in the next one we are going to do some simulations and soft body stuff make sure to support me on patreon thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Cleverpoly
Views: 15,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blenders, Blendertutorial, deformingmeshes, 3dmeshdeform, shoebending
Id: gPxL1DFtR8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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