Defending Earth

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The galaxy is an immense and mysterious place  we may one day explore and settle, but for now,   we have only one planet, and the galaxy holds  many dangers, so what can we do to defend Earth? One of the more fascinating things about  the Moon is all the craters[a] on it,   some of which are the size of continents, but when  pondering those it does raise the worrisome issue   that Earth has probably been hit just as hard and  often and probably by rocks even bigger than the   one we tend to say got the dinosaurs. Indeed, the  Moon’s very existence is thought to be due to some   small planet hitting proto-Earth and spewing  out a debris cloud from which the Moon formed.  Needless to say, that’s not a survivable  strike, and indeed if we detected anything   like that coming our way right now, or an alien  armada or any of a number of other potential   astronomic catastrophes, our best strategy would  be to drop to our knees and pray. Should divine   intercession not be forthcoming, it leaves you in  an excellent position to kiss your butt goodbye.  There’s essentially no defense strategy available  to us if we haven’t got at least months to prepare   right now, and against an alien armada or a  full-scale planet careening our way that wouldn’t   be enough time either, outside of a Hollywood  movie. Indeed there’s not much you could do   without centuries of advancement and forewarning  in those two cases, which you might actually have,   and we’ll get to them later, but at the moment  even something a kilometer across would be   something we’d need a large lead up time to  deploy against and deflect enough to not hit us.  Thankfully, there are two important caveats  here even for those very large asteroids or   alien invasion fleets. First, such catastrophic  astronomical natural events are rare enough that   the odds of one getting us this next century  or so are pretty minimal, and lower the more   severe the incident. We’ll talk about the odds of  asteroids by size and destructive capacity later   but for things well below the dinosaur-killing  scale, if we can detect it a couple days out,   even now we could mitigate damage, in the sense  human casualties, by calculating the strike   location and evacuating that area and bringing in  personnel and resources to handle the aftermath.   I doubt you could get everyone out of a major  metropolis in that time but you might be able to   get most and from smaller cities, probably nearly  everyone, plus it is unlikely to impact on one.  Second, we do have defensive strategies  we can prepare with time and resources,   and those work best on the ones more likely to  occur, like a mile-wide asteroid heading our way   rather than something like an ejected black hole  headed through our inner solar system. And even   against such an overwhelming threat, we do have  options, even if we might need some centuries   to be developed enough in space to manage them.  We also do know where most 1-mile wide asteroids   near Earth are and none are plausible to hit  in the next century, so that mostly limits it   to deep space or interstellar asteroids. We are going to look through a number of   threats today in increasing order of concern and  dwelling on those earlier and milder threats like   asteroids, rogue spacecraft, orbital bombardments,  solar flares and coronal mass ejections,   but we’ll move onto look at extreme scenarios  including supernovae and gamma ray burst defense,   the asteroid being an entire planet instead,  an ejected black hole passing nearby,   a von Neumann Swarm of alien or earthly origin,  or perhaps launched from an interstellar colony   of ours that lost control of an experiment, or  deployed relativistic kill missiles our way,   or even a Nicoll-Dyson Beam, before contemplating  what we do if an alien armada really does show up.  The key defense against the milder scenarios  though is the successful development of cislunar   space so you can get resources and equipment in  play, and so that you have a detection system   that can give you the earliest warning. This is  why Defending Earth is one of the four pillars of   the National Space Society along with last week's  topic of Clean Energy from Space, and those two   along with Developing Space and Communities in  space were up on one of our audience image polls   back in November and won, you voted for them,  and now we’re giving them each their own episode.  You’re probably not creating vast power or  detection grids, or defenses to protect Earth,   without developing space and creating those  communities up in orbit and connected to   support from down here on the ground. Which  is why they are so important to the NSS,   and for folks new to the show wondering who this  guy with the weird voice is, I am Isaac Arthur,   host of this show, Science & Futurism, for  almost 10 years now, and president of the   National Space Society for just over a year now. I’m a theoretical physicist by training and a   veteran of the US Army, and I’ve also had the  honor of guest lecturing at the US Air Force   Academy and consulting for the Space Force back  when it was just starting. You have to rattle off   the qualifications occasionally so folks assume  there’s a chance you know what you’re talking   about rather than spouting crazy nonsense, though  as some folks often note, sanity is an optional   trait for scientists and futurists anyway. And like a lot of you probably also have, I’ve   spent a lot of time reading & watching science  fiction and pondering the threats presented   in those and saying “Well if they’d just done X  instead…” or “Hey, that’s not how physics works!”  I’ve consulted on a lot of science fiction  over the years, usually where the author or   game developer wants to see if something is very  realistic, and while I always encourage that,   it comes attached with the advice that you should  never let reality get in the way of a good story.   I’m very fortunate to have a lot of friends  and colleagues who’ve also spent a lot of time   seriously thinking and writing on these topics  that I can draw from. Also, I tend to take the   reverse approach of what I recommend to sci-fi  authors by trying to figure out how to deal with   over the top projects and threats, I figure out  what we want to do and then to see if reality   permits it, even if only by extreme measures that  seem unbelievable to us now. Otherwise you can get   lost in conventional wisdom and stuff everybody  knows, or everybody knows isn’t possible.  And that’s a good place to segue into Asteroids,  because every so often I’ll hear someone saying   you wouldn’t want to blow one up with a  big nuke or that wouldn’t work. And the   answer is implied by one of our show’s favorite  mottos, “If Brute Force isn’t working, you just   aren’t using enough of it”, which was also the  unofficial motto of my old artillery regiment.  Nukes are a great solution to a lot of problems,  in accordance with the first Rule of Warfare,   that there is no such thing as overkill,[b][c]  but they often are not going to be your easiest   or best approach. You can’t just launch an ICBM  up into space, they don’t carry enough fuel to   get into orbit let alone away from Earth. Nor  can we just slap an ICBM into a big rocket,   get it into orbit then launch it from there at  an asteroid. Now the Department of Energy is   responsible for our nuclear stockpile and I’m  glad to say they take planetary defense quite   seriously, but our detection window is still small  and our ability to respond is very limited. We   need a lot more development up there to pull off  the delivery of a nuke to a large asteroid far   enough away to matter, and that same development  does offer some other solutions. On the plus side,   Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory did some  modeling on nukes against asteroids recently and   was pretty optimistic about their potential too. I want to talk about some of the other approaches   we’ll use on an asteroid, but I also want  to ask about what sort of infrastructure,   capabilities, and development we need to pull  these off. Last week we spent a lot of time   talking about power satellites and beaming  technology, for instance, to provide Earth   with clean energy, and such platforms offer  us a couple ways to engage asteroids too.  Now asteroids are going to be unlike  many of our other threats in that they   tend to be pretty visible and give  you a lot of reaction time, compared   to a Relativistic Kill Missile for instance,  which might be moving 10,000 times as fast,   and perhaps a hundred-millionth the size of an  asteroid carrying the same damage potential.   Meaning it needs to be 10,000 times closer  before you’d see it with the same detector and,   since it is moving ten thousand times faster, will  give you a hundred-millionth of the reaction time.  Asteroids also won’t generally be moving in  a straight line toward us, they’ll be on some   elliptical orbital path of their own that happens  to intercept us and we may get decades of advance   notice by spotting and calculating that in  a few more of its orbital cycles it’s going   to cross our path too closely. It is generally  not hurtling in from deep space and if it were,   it would probably have a nice ice shell that began  giving it a comet tail we could spot more easily.  Instead your default asteroid is from the  various Near Earth Objects or asteroids,   of which there’s many thousands, and after that  one of the many millions hanging around in the   asteroid belt or the various loose families of  asteroids elsewhere in the system. Lots of those   are the broken remnants of bigger asteroids that  collided with something in the past. And often   some collision like that is what pushes them into  an orbit that’s going to eventually hit a planet,   since otherwise their mass has been orbiting  the Sun just fine for billions of years   and hundreds of millions of orbital cycles. Of these, the specific characteristics of the   asteroid matter, as a metallic one, is different  than one more composed of silicon or carbon,   or ices for that matter. But I would say anything  over ten meters across has a non-zero chance of   damaging something here on Earth, very non-zero  if it is made out of nickel or iron and is bigger,   and even things as small as a millimeter across  can damage some spacecraft, station, or satellite   in space. So your detection goal is to begin  by detecting anything threatening Earth, and   the bigger the threat the bigger the asteroid, and  easier it is to spot, and gradually you get better   at spotting and managing them till you are able  to protect even against small ones that threaten   only your orbital infrastructure, not your planet. By examining craters here, and on the Moon where   they are easier to see, as well as the  composition of the asteroid belt, we know   about how often bigger ones come, statistically  anyway. And frequency is essentially inverse with   mass or inverse with the cube of diameter, as  mass rises with the cube of diameter. So, ten   times the diameter, one thousand times the mass  and destructive potential, and we would expect   them to show up about a thousandth as often. We estimate an asteroid one kilometer across   tends to hit Earth a couple times per million-year  period. Such an asteroid carries more kinetic   energy in it than all the nuclear weapons  we’ve ever built combined but is arguably a   smaller threat than them since we can target those  strategically to hit cities while an asteroid or   volcano – which is in a similar energy scale – are  statistically unlikely to come down on any city,   let alone break up to hit each one of them.  As such it could certainly wreak havoc on   civilization but not in a civilization-ending  way, and it is something that has occurred   repeatedly while humans have existed,  depending on where we want to place that   cutoff in either what qualifies as human or  how big the asteroid needs to be to qualify.  But I should note that even one just 10 meters  across is typically carrying as much energy as   our earliest nuclear bombs and we typically get  one of these once a decade. These are as going   to airburst, which makes them leave multiple  small craters if any, as opposed to a big one,   and that further reduces their threat as  the atmosphere is soaking up most of their   energy. We would generally expect anything  much under 40 meters across not to leave   a single crater, even one made of iron. This is one reason breaking an asteroid   into pieces right before it hits us can be  a good thing, though it can also result in a   shotgun blast style effect and one very likely  to set off a Kessler Syndrome Event in orbit,   damaging or even ruining our orbital  infrastructure in the process. Which   is why it's better to get them sooner. Right now, if we had maybe a month’s warning,   we could potentially get some nukes up into  higher orbit and on an orbital path that   would take them near the asteroid as it came  by to be hit by some of that nuclear explosion,   maybe even a close proximity strike would break  it apart. Whether or not you want to break an   asteroid apart, especially that close, is very  debatable. So is where you should detonate a   nuke for maximum effect, though I think the  strongest argument is for a short distance   from it to spread the blast over its surface,  similar to when we contemplate using a nuke on   the pusher plate of an Orion drive spacecraft. Where, how, and when are tricky topics though,   more modeling and experience is needed,  and depends on a lot of factors specific   to the asteroid and intercept scenario.  We discussed the specifics more in our   Asteroid Defense episode some years back.  But ultimately, the bigger our warning time,   the better we can handle the problem. That capacity to ensure a warning like that   has slowly been growing and is nearly upon us,  and largely because of AI, which can scan a big   cluster of data – such as telescope and radar data  – for something tiny like the sunlight or radar   scatter off a rock a hundred million miles away,  pick it up a handful of times in a short interval,   and automatically calculate its trajectory  to see if it’s in a threatening window,   then forward those on to people at a big telescope  they can aim at it. Or a big gun for that matter.  And that helps but honestly such a rock still has  a high probability of landing somewhere virtually   uninhabited, and 70% chance of hitting the ocean,  and just doesn’t carry enough energy to cause a   sweeping tsunami along a coastline. Over a certain  mass range it’s gonna hurt pretty much no matter   where it lands, but most asteroids are smaller. In  sci-fi we always encounter one big enough to wreck   a city or big enough to wreck a continent, and the  former are a million times more frequent and have   way less than a one percent chance of landing  near any city, let alone a major metropolis.  If you actually knew where the rock was going  to land and it wasn't catastrophically big,   then in most cases you would rather let  it come in than have its blasted remains   whacking through your orbital infrastructure.  Unless it’s hitting something heavily populated   you just evacuate all your people, pets,  and precious objects from the blast radius   and rebuild afterward. But the smaller that  asteroid, the harder it’s going to be to see   it and get a precise vector a long time out, and  the more likely it is to have fragmentation during   atmospheric entry significantly alters its course. Does that mean we should ignore this threat? No,   though on the scale of thousands of years it’s  really more of a threat to our developed orbital   space than a reason to develop that orbital  space to protect Earth from asteroids. Also a   nice economic boon too, because an asteroid is  valuable raw materials entering Earth orbital   space rather than one we have to mine from  a hundred million miles away. So your real   aim is to capture it into a nice stable  orbit and without too much fragmentation.  Aside from Nukes, there’s a few other mature  ideas on deflecting asteroids. You can Impact   it with something, which we tried with  the Double Asteroid Redirection Test,   or DART, a couple years back, and this might be  a series of collisions with multiple spacecraft   or projectiles. There’s also the idea you could  paint the object, either dark or light, so that   it reflected or absorbed sunlight which might  push it off course as it absorbs that momentum.  But the method I tend to prefer is to just focus  an energy beam on the rock or iceball to ablate   or vaporize some material off the rock as  a rocket stream that pushes it off course,   and that will do, but I’d imagine in the more long  term you would expect a spacecraft to go to one,   place a microwave receiver and engine on it,  and let an incoming energy beam power a more   controlled thrust that efficiently and predictably  brings the rock into a new orbit of your choosing   with little loss or fragmentation. That’s the sort of exercise a good   asteroid mining company will probably excel at  and which I would expect us to have a modestly   robust supply of within a century or two, thus  I don’t really worry much about asteroids as   a threat to Earth. Fist-sized rocks in orbit,  which are very common, are more of concern and   only grow more so as we develop more things  in space, especially large cross-section   satellites like solar power satellites. See  our recent episode on clearing space debris   for more discussion of managing those though. As mentioned, another option is to ram one with   a high-speed and high-mass spacecraft, though  that’s likely to produce a lot of debris, as we   discovered with DART about two years back. Also,  that high speed ramming craft option actually   represents a bigger threat to us than those  asteroids and requires a better detection system.   A Rogue Spaceship moving at interplanetary speeds  isn’t all that high-energy compared to an asteroid   of the same size, it might be moving faster and  carrying an order of magnitude more kinetic energy   per kilogram, but it is also mostly hollow. As  such it is easier to detect, pound-for-pound,   so-to-speak. Unfortunately, it can also be aiming  itself rather precisely, letting it hit any given   space station or space habitat, and it might have  atmospheric re-entry protection so as to allow it   to come through intact to hit a major metropolis  right in downtown. It can also unpredictably   change course. So it might only have the energy of  a rock 10 meters across but that’s still a small   nuclear bomb, and one presumably any person with  access to a shuttle-sized spacecraft could hijack.  This means you need monitoring and active defense  measures in place for handling such scenarios and   that conveniently handles your smaller and more  frequent asteroids too, as they’re easier to spot,   slower, and easier to target with longer  to work with. A bit like aircraft,   scale is the biggest factor in damage so you  can escalate your security measures with scale   in mind. This is also where regulation matters  earlier-on, as until we have enough assets in   space to make such monitoring both necessary and  possible, we can mostly relax in the confidence of   knowing that current spacecraft would need the  assistance of flight control to calculate such   a suicide run so as to hit their desired target. When you’re moving several kilometers per second   you can’t really be placing yourself in  wherever you please using your mark-one   eyeball. But as computers and AI get better  and more compact, and spacecraft more common,   one Loonie with some skill or a terrorist cell  with some coordination might be able to pull this   off. Or they might be a spacecraft owned by some  rogue state that’s going to have an ‘accident’.  The good news is that for detection purposes  we don’t need more advanced science here,   we just need more telescopes and detectors  aimed at space or up in space, and better AI   and algorithms for helping on it. And this will  come organically in our continuing development   of both astronomical and defense assets. At some point we’ll probably need a formal grid   up there. Things like the Space Fence system but  scaled up, and that’s going to be a non-trivial   defense budget item and is more ideal for  something like the emerging Space Force as opposed   to NASA and its cousin agencies around the world.  I would also tend to assume the US wouldn’t be the   only folks working on that, but while we might  see NATO or allied nations developing one used   together, I would not expect global participation  on that, and exactly because the bigger threat is   manmade objects which a rogue agency might deploy. Of course a nation state might be the secret   backers of such a rogue agency, but they also  might consider full scale orbital bombardment   this way rather than some singular strike,  and in a case like this the full-escalation   scenario probably involves seeking to cripple  the detection grid and orbital defense grid   first. This escalation is likely to come with  some advanced warning. Generally speaking,   wars rarely start without advanced warning. When  they do, they tend to either start small, or start   barely coordinated, or both. There’s a lot of  logistics involved in a major operation like that   and trying to keep any whiff of it from getting  out in advance tends to be nigh-impossible,   and comes with a tradeoff between a decent chance  of secrecy at the cost of lots of unprepared or   underprepared errors. Need to know operations  tend not to scale well and start forgetting   to include important folks in the planning.  You show up for the invasion and half your   troops are missing or half asleep and logistics  wasn’t told to move spare fuel into the area.  You are also not likely to have all your orbital  detection and defense system in orbit themselves,   with a lot inside nicely shielded groundside  bunkers, and anybody who starts enthusiastically   blowing orbital infrastructure up is doing  so with the full knowledge that it is an   open declaration of war on everybody else with  assets up there, since all that space debris is   likely to damage things indiscriminately. See our  orbital bombardment episode for more on the types   of weapons those can entail, both near-term  and higher tech, as well as the groundside   defense strategies you can employ, which can  also entail mobile and stealthy submarines   as opposed to bunkers in the actual ground. Generally speaking space itself doesn’t allow   a lot of options for stealth, beyond the  sheer speed and enormity of things making   it hard to spot and react to things in time,  especially as that speed lets them be relatively   small objects for their damage potential. Some things also move a lot faster than   even spacecraft and asteroids. Solar Flares  & Coronal Mass Ejections thankfully take some   time to develop where we can spot them, and they  are pretty visible, but they move fast. Solar   wind in general moves a couple orders of magnitude  faster than orbital spacecraft, and while it isn’t   subtle, you can’t defend against that by blowing  up the individual particles, since in this case   they are indeed individual particles at the atomic  scale, not millimeters to kilometers across.  This is another example of where prediction  and early detection are vital, but here we   have options like placing a big solar deflector at  our L1 LaGrange point, much as we discuss using to   help protect a possible future Martian atmosphere  in our episode on giving Mars a Magnetosphere. We   discussed these more in our January episodes on  Statites & Lagites and Lagrange Point Settlement,   but short form, while Earth's Magnetosphere is  huge and powerful, deflection in space is just   as easy to achieve with an early and small push as  a late and powerful one, much like with asteroids.  Our L1 Lagrange point is four times further from  us than our Moon is and is always between us and   the Sun, and is 200 times further from Earth’s  center than Earth’s own surface is, let alone   that big spinning ball of molten metal in  our core. As such, it needs only give a   fractionally smaller magnetic nudge to incoming  ionized particles as they approach from the sun   to scatter them away from our planet and its  vulnerable infrastructure on Earth and in orbit.  Indeed with Lagites we can put it even closer,  and the sort of huge power collector running a   massive electromagnet is exactly the sort  of device that works well as a Statite or   Lagite. Or perhaps a swarm of such devices at  a smaller scale but operating in tandem. Nor   are we contemplating massive objects for this  purpose, merely large but thin solar collectors   running fairly simple electromagnets and at power  levels we already generate here on Earth. This,   incidentally, would also work against something  like a shockwave coming off the galactic core,   though would need to be lined up in that  direction and keeping things between us and other   stars is a bit trickier than with our own Sun. But speaking of giant explosions and other stars,   while the danger of Supernovae and Gamma Ray  Bursts to Earth tends to be somewhat exaggerated,   it is a possibility. A key point today is that we  are most threatened by other intelligences rather   than natural catastrophes. We can hardly  ignore the latter as they’re quite real,   but we principally need to prepare ourselves  against man-made, or AI or Alien made attacks,   not just natural disasters. However the devices  built to protect against intelligent actors will   often work for natural disasters too, and often  more easily. A Supernova scatters an intense blast   of radiation and high-energy particles in a wide  omnidirectional blast and thus loses potency with   distance. And while they are insanely powerful,  they generally would leave planets behind even in   their own solar system, especially gas giants. Nobody living on their surface or in orbit of   them is surviving of course, even stuff  living in ultra-deep underwater trenches,   which would be boiling their way off into space  with the blast. But planetary distance is on an   order of ten to a hundred thousand times smaller  than distance to the neighboring solar system   and because it falls off inverse square, those  energies are falling off on an order of hundreds   of millions to billions of times weaker. Such  explosions are visible at the moment they strike,   both moving at or near light-speed,  so there’s not much immediate warning.  But there’s no supernova candidates close enough  to Earth to cause any serious damage to us at the   moment and such stars are always going to be  easily naked-eye visible to us if they’re in   range, so they don’t sneak up on you. Here you  could employ a large thin metal shield that was   literally hanging between us and that star and  was paper thin, and which you would need to use   some fairly coordinated energy beaming and station  keeping to remain at that spot or moving window,   probably way out in a Trans-Neptunian orbit or  even further. We can’t determine exactly when a   supernova is going to occur down to a precise  moment yet but our observations of supernovae   are mostly after-the-fact so we don’t know  if there’s very obvious pre-detonation signs.  At a minimum you should get a few hours advance  notice if you have decent neutrino detectors and   then you could have some big guns packed with  shells full of folded up shielding that could   fire them in that star direction and which  could then pop off and expand to form a cloud   of shielding the supernova particle wave would  run into. Indeed you might use a whole ton of   big inflatables full of gas to help absorb the  energy and re-emit in less harmful frequencies.   It is an awful lot of energy, even a few dozen  light years off a Type 1a supernova might whack   Earth with as much radiation as the Sun gives us  over many hours and not in benign wavelengths.  But if some shield or cloud absorbs the energy  coming toward Earth and is vaporized by it,   that gas is emitting what it absorbs  omnidirectionally now and in low energy   photons. Based on the star or stellar remnant in  question you will know how much its blast will   produce and can prepare to put the right amount of  matter to absorb the blast in between you and it,   but you could easily have several million  joules impact per square meter so this is not   a case where your shield is tissue paper thick  the way our statites we discuss normally are,   but you don’t need a planet sized  slab of metal meters thick either.  For a type II supernova anyway, that’s a big  star exploding and you will be expecting that   event and build such detectors and defenses  if you have such a star in threat range or   migrating into threat range or age. Centuries of  advance notice are implied there at a minimum.  Type Ia supernovae, which is when a white  dwarf absorbs enough matter to detonate,   do not give that specific core collapse warning  that big stars when fusing and imploding on their   iron core do. However that amount of mass is  fairly precise, the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.4   Solar masses, and we are likely to get even  more accurate with that, and also unlikely to   miss any white dwarf in that mass range with  our modern capabilities, especially as it is   likely to have a binary partner donating mass.  Same basic defense applies. Gamma Ray Burst are   less well understood at this time and also  directional, so they can be dangerous from   thousands of light years away, not dozens, and  this is exactly where more knowledge and better   observations are vital and the cornerstone  of defense. Knowing is half the battle,   or maybe more, and the same sort of defense work. When it comes to truly large objects like Rogue   Planets, that knowledge is even more important  because unlike stars, or even dead stars like   white dwarfs, they don’t emit much radiation of  their own for us to detect. Neither do asteroids   but distance is a big deal here. The amount  of sunlight bouncing off an object is inverse   square to its distance, and the amount of light we  need to see an object by follows this same ratio,   so an object ten times further from us and the  Sun is giving off a hundredth the light and only   a hundredth of that light reaches us, so its ten  thousand times harder to see. This is why Mercury   and Mars are visible to our eyes but Pluto  requires a decent telescope to spot. A rogue   planet entering our solar system that’s just  a sixth of light year away, just a few percent   of the distance to the nearest star, is 10,000  AU, Astronomical Units, or 10,000 times further   from the Sun than Earth is and thus getting a  10-millionth of the sunlight to reflect off itself   and a 10-millionth of that is what reaches us so  it’s a not even a trillionth as bright as Mars.  Correction: 10,000 squared = 100 Million, not 10 million. and 100 million squared is 10 quadrillion. Thankfully, it will be emitting light of its  own, from its own internal heat, and that won’t   be much and will be in the infrared but will be  significantly more and is in the spectrum we are   looking for with infrared exoplanet or rogue  interstellar planet hunts. If we detected it   10,000 AU away, even if it was moving at a hundred  kilometers per second relative to us, we would   have about 500 years advance warning. Now the  problem is what you can do with that much warning   since it doesn’t have to hit us to seriously  screw up the solar system. Indeed, if it passes   between the Earth and the Sun, in that volume, the  damage could be in the form of Earth being heavily   and fatally perturbed from its orbit. The odds  of a direct impact are slim but utterly ruinous.  Can you defend against that? Yes, yes we could potentially send a   mission there and with the intent of blowing  it off course or into a stable orbit in the   outer solar system where it would pose no threat  other than possibly perturbing some comets and   asteroids to migrate in-system, which is a much  more manageable situation. See our episode Planet   Ships for a full discussion of how to either move  a planet so it doesn’t hit us or to make Earth   able to survive such an ejection into deep space  itself or even move Earth out of the course of   direct collision. As always, time is your ally,  the longer you have to act, the smaller a push   the incoming rock needs to be deflected, and the  more time you have to assemble a stronger push.  This can even work on an Ejected Black Hole  more massive than our own sun which might   be making its way out of the galaxy and  at a few hundred kilometers per second.   Thankfully black holes are not terribly  hard to see in spite of their reputation,   especially one winging through the void perturbing  other stars and gathering interstellar gas into   its accretion disc. We probably would not  see one well right now, but even within a   century or two we should be able to comfortably  spot one even several centuries before arrival.  This was the catastrophe premise in the prologue  of our episode Colonizing Alpha Centauri and is   to this day the only natural catastrophe I’d say  represents a true threat to humanity’s existence   beyond the next century or so, and even then, only  for a few centuries, as it would endanger not just   Earth but all our other planets and asteroid  habitats and so on. In that episode we pointed   out that the main risk would be it passing by  and causing perturbation to eject Earth or put   us in a bad orbit, though it’s worth noting that  planetary orbits are not as stable and eternal   as we tend to think and we could get ejected from  our solar system without any external astronomical   disruption coming in from deep space. Of course  a black hole has far more mass to cause such a   disruption and it could end up devouring our sun  explosively too, though more likely would pass   through in a dangerously perturbative way to  orbits and possibly devour something smaller   in a vicious blast of gamma radiation. Now humanity would be in a good position   to survive this if we already had a decent  supply of space habitats and asteroid colonies,   and getting yourself in the orbital wake of such  a behemoth leaves you in a powerful position as   we’ve discussed in other black hole episodes. A  stellar mass black hole is a rare and valuable   object we are likely to actively seek out and  colonize around, but trying to save Earth from   a close passage of one is a definite uphill fight  and the sort best done by a Kardashev-2 Scale or   interstellar civilization with some practice at  stellar engineering and the resources implied,   as you will need to be throwing the mass of whole  planets at such an object to move it much off   course and it will be blowing that mass out  as ultra-high energy radiation as you do this,   which is exactly what makes them so valuable if  you can do this in a controlled and long term   fashion, as opposed to trying to starlift your  sun to provide a matter beam to hit it with or   chucking planets at it or trying to build a  megastructure around it to create one of the   stellar engines we discussed in Fleet of Stars  to make it a big spaceship under your control.  This is exactly the sort of tasks self-replicating  machines like von Neumann Probes presumably excel   at, along with making paper clips, but we  have to worry about them going crazy or   encountering some alien Hegemonizing Swarm.  These don’t have to be dumb but it’s usually   assumed they are fairly locust-like and stupid  as you don’t give such things tons of brains   unless you’re feeling especially reckless  and suicidal as a species. As such they   represent a sort of in-between case straddling  natural catastrophes and intelligent enemies.  They are the locust swarm or sledgehammer  hurricane that comes to your planet intent on   turning it into more of themselves, or automated  killamajigs, or paperclips or whatever they wander   space doing. We tend to assume their exploratory  probes or automated terraforming machines run amok   and might be our own coming back to say hello  from an early space settlement effort. Which at   least means you have some forewarning and an  instruction manual. See your favorite sci-fi   show for handling the variations of these but I  would rate them as considerably more likely to   trouble us and in a serious way than any of the  natural disasters we’ve discussed to this point.  Your biggest ally here is that you do have brains  and you can even consider defenses like releasing   other self-replicating machines that specializes  in killing these other ones or hijacking them,   like immune systems or viruses do. As I’ve mentioned on other occasions,   while I don’t expect to find any intelligent  aliens in this galaxy or their left over toys   or mistakes, if there had been other intelligent  civilizations out there that made it to space,   I would have expect the reason for their  absence and our continued existence to be   because a lot of these sorts of devices and  counter-agents had gotten deployed and left   whole ecosystems of dumb machines and gray  goo infesting regions of the galaxy. See our   Aliens vs AI episode and its discussion of  the aliens known as the Recluse and their   crazy sector of space for more contemplation  of that. But in the end, brains beat muscle,   especially when those brains can make machines  that can make more of themselves to give you   more muscle at your disposal, because brains are  even better when armed with a giant space gun.  Once you start putting brains and malice into  play, things get worse of course, and we have   to consider not just aliens but intelligent  AI and options like angry interstellar space   settlements of renegades or mutants deciding  they want to wipe us out. This is where RKMs,   Relativistic Kill Missiles and Nicoll Dyson  Beams come into play, and the former are small   and discrete hunks of metal with a little  bit of detection and guidance on them,   moving at near light speed, while the latter is  basically a star converted into a giant laser.  See our orbital defense platforms episode for a  full discussion of how to protect against these   sorts of attack along with fleets and armadas,  but it tends to be like a lot of warfare,   if your enemy is building it, you do too, and  you use smaller forms for protection and threats   of mutually assured destruction. Diplomacy is  generally in play once other intelligence is   involved too, albeit it might be very limited and  confined to nothing but threats of mutual murder.   But if someone is throwing dumb matter at you at  super-high speeds, you defend by being ready to   detect that far out and throw something dumb in  its path to destroy both. And you build response   systems the enemy knows exist so that they know  if they attack your homeworld with some doomsday   devices, some doomsday devices you’ve got on  alert in deep space or at another star system   will launch on them, and you make sure you’ve  got lots of scattered colonies who can survive   you or accept refugees, or get you some vengeance. Of course, they may be the ones attacking you too,   and that brings us to our final threats  for discussion today, a giant alien armada,   because this is both more and less survivable than  it might at first seem. As we’ve discussed in our   alien civilization series, there’s not much motive  to conquer Earth unless you subscribe to the idea   that all the resources in the Universe must be  yours or that all other intelligence must be   wiped out, in which case its very statistically  unlikely that in a galaxy billions of years older   than our own planet such a species would just  happen to have never evolved until maybe the last   million or so years and just now be reaching us. They do not and never needed any signal from us to   alert them we existed, because Earth is very  visible, and the galaxy is not a dark forest   to them, because they either chopped it all down  for lumber or set the whole thing on fire to help   them see and kill their prey. That means that odds  are if there are aliens nearby us who could send   armadas, they are numerous in kind and type, with  many of them not being motivated to consume all   or exterminate all. Thus anyone trying to do that  doesn’t just have us to worry about, which would   be no worry at all right now, they would trash  us completely if they showed up tomorrow, but   all those other neighbors, be they other aliens  or disparate colonies, and their own internal   factions and feuds too, act as a check on them. Again, see our Alien Civilization and Fermi   Paradox series for more discussion of those sorts  of scenarios, Earth might get destroyed for some   seemingly weird reasons by aliens like uploading  our minds to a virtual sub-verse or sending the   Vogons in to demolish Earth to make way for  a hyperspace bypass. At the moment at least,   they seem to either not exist anywhere  near us or not be interested in conquering,   absorbing, or obliterating us. Ultimately, I wouldn’t want us to   rely on that good fortune of having friendly and  non-expansionist neighbors. The best way to defend   Earth is to develop space and technologies to  help us detect threats earlier and prepare robust   measures. And the best way to defend humanity is  to explore and develop space and make sure not   all of humanity is located on this one beautiful,  precious, but terribly vulnerable, Pale Blue Dot. Odds are if you’re watching this show you’re  a big fan of science, and probably like me   enjoy scifi too, be it books, TV, video games, or  good old tabletop RPGs. I’ve been rolling dice,   making characters, running games, and building  settings for almost thirty years now and   as you’d probably guess, I tend to be noted  for the depth of worldbuilding I tend to do,   and if you’re running a tabletop, or writing a  novel or designing a game, the audience always   appreciates those extra touches that help with  immersion and adding depth to the setting.  That’s where World Anvil can be an amazing tool  for organizing your campaigns or stories, and also   for helping craft content and share it. World  Anvil, the award-winning Worldbuilding Toolset   is an amazing suite of software for gaming and  worldbuilding that lets you use all the awesome   modern computerized options while still enjoying  the versatility of pencil and paper gaming, or   fantasy and sci fi novel writing for that matter. Create customized articles and entries,   interactive maps, wiki-style presentations,  character chronicles, event timelines,   genealogies of characters, and many other awesome  features to help you craft your world. World Anvil   is also amazing for helping you run your game,  with a Digital GM screen & campaign manager   with support for over 45 tabletop RPG systems,  including a robust library of character sheets   and stat blocks. Not to mention wonderful  tutorial videos exploring features to make   it easy for you and your players to use, and  giving great worldbuilding and storycrafting   ideas to help you on your Hero’s journey.  World Anvil has all the tools you need, to   try it out, just click the link in this episode’s  description and start forging new worlds, today! So as I mentioned this episode is one the  foundational topics of the National Space Society,   as is last week's episode on Clean Energy  from Space, and I wanted to thank John Dagle,   Dale Skran, and Rod Pyle from the NSS for lending  their expertise to writing these episodes. Every   year we host the International Space Development  Conference, where experts in the field,   be they from NASA to commercial space leaders  like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have given talks,   and where you can meet with astronauts and  best-selling sci-fi authors. This year’s   conference is in Los Angeles at the Sheraton  Gateway, May 23rd to 26th, and will be hosted   by Melissa Navia, helmsman Ortegas from Star  Trek Strange New Worlds. We also give out   awards and two folks coming by to receive them  this year will be my good friend Brian McManus,   from the amazing show Real Engineering, and  the legendary William Shatner. Come join us   as we boldly explore strange new worlds. Speaking of scifi, this weekend it will   be time again for Sci Fi Sunday here on  SFIA, where we’ll be looking at the idea   of Stargates and parallel devices for bridging  between worlds and ask if there’s any theories   bridging between science and scifi there. Then  we’ll take a look at a different type of tunnel,   the immense lava tubes on the Moon, and what life  in those might be like for lunar settlers. Then   we’ll finish out the month with a pair of episodes  looking at colonizing white dwarf star systems,   bringing new life to those dead stars,  and binary star systems, and their unique   challenges with habitable zones and stability. If you’d like to get alerts when those and other   episodes come out, make sure to hit the like,  subscribe, and notification buttons. You can   also help support the show on Patreon, and if  you’d like to donate or help in other ways,   you can see those options by visiting  our website, You can   also catch all of SFIA’s episodes early  and ad free on our streaming service,   Nebula, along with hours of bonus content like  Galactic Beacons, at  As always, thanks for watching,  and have a Great Week!
Channel: Isaac Arthur
Views: 84,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space, future, military, defense, asteroid, black hole, singularity, orbital, bombardment, nuclear, war, warfare, atomic, explosion, galaxy, rogue, planet, moon, mars, technology, science, physics, engineering, astronomy, satellite
Id: 0iYY3v65gkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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