[Deepwoken] The Aizen Visionshaper Build

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today in deep woken I will become Eisen if you love no atunement medium and want to spice things up in your play style you should try out this Vision shaper medium build Vision shaper is definitely a super good oath right now because you are able to boss right it as long as your realm is up even without realm your clone basically put you in a situation where you can 1v2 somebody without worrying about hitting your teammate it's infinite pressure just summon your clones and spam all your moves like this video right now if you want to see more deepwoken videos okay so before we get started on this build I'm going to show you the best possible version of this build right now I don't actually go this version in this video but trust me you want to go this version right here I'll leave the link in the description down below you still want to watch the entire video though to see what stats I rush into because that's also super important so how I put my stats in the early level stays the same except this time I rushed 65 willpower with this build you want to rush into 85 willpower after you get your fortitude up now the reason why you want 85 willpower is so that you can get herotic Sutra and shared misery if you don't know how to get herotic Sutra just look up a YouTube video on it all you have to do is go down to floor one of layer 2 have somebody send you down with the LI Hook by talking to Claris because you can't physically talk to her until your power 15 I was still having fun with my version of the build but this is definitely the better version of this build especially if you want to do more damage all right anyways I am going to be rushing 50 fortitude first because you really don't need the intelligence talents you're only going intelligence for all the dead Gods so if all the dead Gods show up as your last level which it should because rares always will pop up then you're fine you want to rush fortitude first though so that you get all the fortitude rares out the way so that when you do end up getting the requirements for dead Gods um you'll already have all the rares out the way that you picked up so that's what we're going to do here Rush 40 fortitude first not 40 my fault fa you want to rush to 50 fortitude first then focus on your willpower then you go intelligence last that's the order that you want to go fortitude willpower then intelligence and then along the way too your card order it doesn't really matter just pick up the cards that I already listed in the beginning of the video that you must have and then you also want to burn any rares that you don't want for example loot Skipper if you don't want loot Skipper don't care about it just burn it and then everything else you want to just pick up all the rare talents that you need so that they don't pop up on your way to getting dead Gods by the time you actually do get dead Gods as a rollable rare all right so I am now level eight here are my stats I'm going to go through every talent I got everything I wanted already so this is actually pretty good you can copy everything else though you can see right here I actually did go shoulder bash as a mantra I'm going to replace that later don't worry about it the only reason why I have shoulder bash is so that I could void walk okay I need a void walk earlier on and shoulder bash is just another move I can can use when I'm fighting people I might even keep it actually because it is a Mobility move but yeah here are all the talents I got so far and then I'm just going to continue going into the intelligence tree from here on out though I will just show you every roll that I get so let me go ahead and max out my intelligence to 40 real quick all right here are my level 9 Cards perfect flash I'm just going to take it um I actually you want ether conduit because you can get perfect flash later anyways ether conduit actually popped up for me that's actually good ether conduit is one of those talents that won't pop up after you Shrine so definitely want it and then I'm just going to roll two here um you can get reinforced in this build by the way if you want to reinforce is definitely an option but I'm not trying to you know reinforce every single time for that damage boost just know the option is there to use reinforce though if you don't want to use taunt on your build and I'm just going to go into air addition all right so this is going to be my last level now I'm just going to put put 10 more into intelligence and then I'm going to actually just read a weapon manual here see if I can get my medium weapon up probably not yeah I'm going to have to void walk for that let me go ahead and buy a dumbbell real quick yes sir one strength here and then I'm going to need ankle weights here I'm going to put one into agility because my race actually gives me a free to agility so put one into agility here so I get it after Shrine and then I need one Charisma real quick and there we go so now all I have to do is get 10 more intelligence and then you can put the other stat points into whatever you want so that you can level up all right my last level before I Shrine let's see what we get here ever changing ages I actually like this some people don't but I mean like I like it when are you ever going to fight the Avatar hardly ever in my opinion but dead Gods that's what we needed everything else really doesn't matter anymore like I said again all right let's go go and spawn this here and I'm just going to go ahead and pick up Eureka there we go okay then obviously I will roll two here okay I just realized it doesn't matter I'm going to show off my name right now go ahead look at it man I don't care I'm not going to use my face cam anymore you can actually change your name at the barber shop so when it's all said and done I'm just going to change my name y'all not going to catch me slacking boys all right I'm going to remove my face cam now though obviously because you probably don't want to see my stupid face anymore but another thing is it was just super annoying having to move my face cam up every time I wanted to show yall the stats but here are my stats now okay and I'm going to Shrine of order real quick this build too it's one of those try hard mmax builds honestly I'm going to take the bomb Talent Quest too for that five extra health so yeah let me just go up here real quick sign of order yes sir ski there we go now if you want to be a tryhard you want to go ahead and get your charisma all the way up okay it's a 55 so you can get Vision shaper as fast as possible if you don't know how to get Vision shaper just look up a YouTube video on it that's what I'm going to do though but before I do that actually yeah I'm just going to get up to 55 Charisma real quick before I do that though I'm just going to go ahead and do the bomb Quest real quick for this Quest all you have to do is clear out the Mind Seekers pretty simple okay you get Family Recipe now and then after Family Recipe you actually want another talent that I will pick up later the talent is going to be called pocket bombs okay so I'd advise you right now if you have a guild base and a Mystic in it to go into that tree what I'm going to do now is just void eye here and then talk to Mystic the path I want to go is going to be I want to sabotage others so let me just go ahead and do that real quick quick I sabotage others that's the tree you want to go into and you only want the one that gives you five health so once you get that you can Speck out of that tree you don't want any other bomb chaleng unless you genuinely like making bombs then I guess go crazy but all right I am going to get Vision shaper now off camera like I said again all you want to do now is just rush your charisma until you get to 55 Charisma all right hopefully I'm lucky and I get the bomb talents that I need here bombs Yep this is the one um I don't want carnivore I'm just going to burn this real quick and then I'm just going to pick up pocket bombs here 5 Health yep okay strong Stern charge return yeah that's the one I wanted to that's good and then I'm going to go ahead and pick up padded armor here that's going to be nice and then I'm going to fold here if I don't get what I want uh oh never mind steel scales yep I will take steel scales I'll have to pick up strong Stern later though I think it's one of the rares I don't want actually so I'm going to check it out real quick all right let's see what we get here level 12 christic Cass golden tongue I'm going need like all of these man you know let me free Swift rebound here cuz charismatic cast should show up next level anyways next set of cards I meant yeah it's going to show up there we go [Music] Whispers um I need taunt to show up so what I'm going to do here is burn these two right gaze and sing yeah gaze and sing I'm going to go ahead and pick up Revenge here cuz I need it anyways and now I just need four more Charisma so I can go and get my vision shaper and then afterwards I will just spec probably 30 into medium so that Medium Mantra start showing up and then after that I will actually go into 40 strength for the strength talents that I need and this is why you go autodidact because now I can just put all my points into medium without having to go to golems and spamming parries on them there we go we get our next power up before I even go get Vision shaper which is nice um I'm going to pick up terer claw here damn I have so much to pick up I'm just going to pick up ther claws here and then uh see if I can get these chaotic charm to show up self love chaotic charm yeah let's just go ahead and pick this up worry about getting dazing finisher real quick I'm also going to pick up Safety Dance here just so that risky moves doesn't pop up for me and then we're going to Vitality there we go okay I'm going to make my way to get Vision shap right now just because I do have all the requirements ments for it if you don't know how to get Vision shaper just look up a YouTube video all I'm going to do is go to Alita give her the dark feather go to the trainer dark feather and then I already have void feathers okay luckily I have some people who can easily give me void feathers if you're doing all this solo well good luck I don't recommend getting Vision shaper at level 13 solo because them owls might destroy you all right a little change of plans here I'm actually going to go ahead and max out my strength at Golems before I go to um ministria for vision shaper cuz it's better if I just max out the strength here so I don't have to worry about it anymore cuz I'm going to the depths later so it'd be counterproductive if I was to get Vision shaper and then having to come back all the way to rris to do these golems and then I had to sell all the way back to the east Luminate to start void walking so for now I will just keep doing this until I get 40 strength all right let's see what cards we get here we got a lot of cards wyvern's claw I'mma need those I'm going to need actually all of these right here but for now I'll just pick up tough love going to get da and finisher as soon as possible there we go lasting Charisma Whispers medium weapon combat Mantra hopefully this is the ones I want um I'm going to go ahead and burn rapid punches here save my freeze masses flourish yep I'm going need that yes sersi I need six more strength so let me just go ahead and Parry on this Golem real quick until I get my strength matter of fact I'm just going to go ahead and level up again just cuz I can there we go level 15 let's see here showstopper showed up for me so I'm just going to pick that up super important I think I need one more charm Caster talent and then daing finisher should show up here here so let's go ahead and pick up more out booster see if it shows up yeah this is the one yep Jing finisher yes sersi and I'll just go into air Edition here look at that man power 15 and we only done like two void walks off camera I didn't want to show it to y'all because they were like super boring it was just base combat so I'm going to start getting this build online though so that we can start void walking this really goes to show though man you can do a lot in deep boken before you even do void walks for real I still think void Walker is like a nice path because without those two void walks I did in the beginning my life would have been uh a lot what is it called it'd be a lot more tedious to make these builds cuz I'd have to sail the RIS not atris but I have to sail to Arisha to fight these annoying mobs right here when I can simply just do a void walk for my first few levels so wood Walker it's still it's still good I need to Camp around ministria 2 by the way until I get a vigil's cloak since the vigil's cloak does look like eisen's cloak I had to Camp here for a bit before I even do Alicia so let me see is that a chest up there or am I tripping that's probably a guilting yeah hopefully this is an event I don't think this is an event but we'll see [Music] [Music] that's yeah this does not spawn a chest sadly so I'm going to have to wait until an event spawns oh here we go here's a song Seeker I can kill real quick first try visuals cloak please oh my God he just fell [Music] down oh my God it's a blessing we got a cloak of the Winds yes sir but that means I need to go back to Arisha to get the 10 aerosur oh my goodness okay let me get Vision shaper real quick before we do all that it's been a while since I've done her but I do have the quest pulled up on my second monitor so let's go ahead and kill this song Seeker real quick so he doesn't get in the way use a mantra why is she sitting like this okay I was about to say yo all right massive floors there we go now I have to pick a cat that doesn't have purple eyes [Music] okay here we go and then I had to find the one with purple eyes after this one so yeah it is a pretty simple Quest you get a good chest afterwards that was exaggeration by the way you get like one of the most midy chest ever where's she at what's going on oh here we go okay purple eyes purple eyes oh my God I got to do this fast before I get kicked off okay see this chest is horrible all I have to do now is go down to the depths and talk to that one dude and then we should be good but before I do that I'm going to craft my vigils cloak real quick I'm not going to lie I don't think I'm good for the Widow bro I'm going have to cheese this real quick man you know we going to have to cheese this real quick uh hopefully the Widow's already done oh my God relax hold up this Widow gives you a lot of Sanity which is okay to me because I have unfazed it doesn't matter the hunt yes here let me just unlock this real quick man what the heck oh okay here we go oh I've done this like five times already and it's still cool every single time how Vision Shapers obtained this whole maze look at this this might be the screenshot n this can't be the screenshot of the video cuz I don't even have my brown hair yet where am I I accept there we go Vision shaper yes sir all right let's go ahead and Max his bad boy out what the heck there we go I think you need like five feathers right something like that okay yep you need five void feathers to max out Vision shaper I'm going to hit Layer Two now so I can get some die packets and actually look like Eisen for real all right I did one layer two run as you can see I made my eyes black now just so that I could fit the oath aesthetic well you know eisen's eyes are actually Brown but the thing is my vision shaper Aura would come off as brown too which looked like super ugly it looked like I got poop coming out of my eye bro like come on man you know and I didn't want to have the purple because it just looked weird the actual purple Ora coming out of the eyes is cool with vision shaper but it just looked weird having purple eyes as eyes in so yeah man um what I'm going to do now is go ahead and choose tear of enden kite now you can go umbral Knight 2 as Eisen or Providence Thorns I think Providence Thorns is honestly like really eyes Andes but I'm going tears of endite just because Shadow katanic crit with tears and endite is just broken and I haven't used it yet myself so I want to use it for the first time just to see how broken it is and stuff what I will do though is level up one time real quick and then I'm going to go ahead and Mystic uh the Duelist tree here cuz I do want the strength talents to show up for me and here's a shco honestly if I kill this shco here oh crap line fish I'm going to kill this shco and line fish I think I can get my bell here too cuz I was doing a bit of uh doans okay this server is a bit laggy so I'm kind of scared that I'm going to get kicked off and it's taking a while for me to kill this shco too I ain't going to lie please just die already buddy thank you okay I'm going to kill this line fish too and I'm going to do something risky here I'm just going to Bell check myself by jumping off the uh the thing before I go up to the trial so hopefully I get my bell too okay I should be able to level up now hopefully if not we're going to have to hit a few more mobs here there we go let's see what we get unwavering resolve I'm going to need that if I can get condition Runner this life too that'd be good but I'm going to go ahead and pick up speed demon now too and then please okay I need taunt I'm just going to go ahead and burn uh I'm going to burn strong left here actually and then they should stop offering me support montras once I pick up taunt so that's good let's go ahead and go into the Nimble blade tree I need fast blade I ain't going to lie to you this is super risky but I don't care I do not care at all oh my god I didn't even get knocked from that hopefully like no random jellyfish just spawns here KN in my luck that would happen too let's see come on bell bell me oh my God just knock me bro can I get a bell yes I like it oh my goodness why are they obvious giving me these sorry options man if they give me counter Bell I will be happy like that's all I need just give me counter Bell and I'm good or blood Scorch I don't care blood Scorch or counter Bell and I'm straight I'll even take jar of souls even though I mean what move does Eisen really have that resembles that probably nothing I'm going to be honest but I'm not trying to go back into Layer Two to roll my bell again please just give me something good man okay let's get it perservation conure a protective energy while that sounds so trash okay you know what I'm might have to live with gravity field sadly even though I don't need it cuz I got to roll this hold up I know what to do I'm going go into Layer Two and I'm getting a good Bell I don't care actually going to Shrine of chance some cards right now to see what I don't want real quick here okay I don't really need try athlete so let's replace this real quick hopefully I get what I want here yep Bast blade I'll take it and then I'm also going to Shrine where is it at polite Awakening see if we get spinning swordsman from this no we don't okay um let me go go ahead and uh do it again real [Music] quick spinning swordsman y there we go okay just use my knowledge on that uh I think that's the only Shrine I want hold up I need to go to that one Shrine that rolls my flaw too cuz I can't be having deficient here I think I can level up right now so let's go ahead and get our medium weapon up here this is the beauty of having Auto deck man best thing in the world man there we go let's see what cards oh I forgot a Mystic I'm trolling but we get wyvern claw here anyways oh wait I did Mystic I Mystic into the Duelist dance tree which is good for us du dance yep I need to pick up Swift rebound soon so that's probably what I'm going to do here cuz I don't need concussion so let's go ahead and pick up Swift rebound there we go okay I'm level 17 now I can actually reroll my deficient flaw in the depths that's what I'm going to do I'm going to go to the depths go to the Statue and then I have an idol of Y sha in my bank so I need to go ahead and pick that up real quick to roll my bell and we should be good all right I'm going to go ahead and get my extra Mantra real quick from the library Quest if you don't know how to do this basically you go to is of vigils go to the librarian he's going to tell you to do the Lost Books Quest and then from here on out it's self-explanatory you want to make your way back to rris once you are at rris you're going to do the quest and then you're going to return back to the librarian at vigils and he will give you a free Mantra so yep I'm going to go ahead and do that real quick and twin cleave was the last Mantra that I needed yes sir this is my first time actually using this thing so maybe it might be good man you can faint after landing the first hit so I think that's going to be the tech anyways cuz honestly why would you want to do the second cleave it knocks you back unless you want to set up for like a revenge or something I feel like twin cleave into a Revenge might work all right game come on bro don't do this to me you got to give me something good here man you know where my idol young Soul at come on give me something good sh Shard bow payback is payback that's that's counter Bell right oh yeah I'm going to need that I like Shard bow too though man you know we about to make a Quincy Eisen video I'm choosing no I'm kidding y'all I'm going payback here let's see if we get anything good I think the better one now is the payback beam though no y'all let me know in the comment section down below apparently the payback beam is better than the payback that I have right now apparently but um I also want want to go ahead and use one of these shrines real quick to replace shoulder bash finally and get flash draw strike if I can here all right if I can get flash draw strike here this would be great there we go this combo is going to be Toxic by the way y'all so if I hit my revenge I'm going to flash draw strike immediately and since I have Insignia jum on Revenge trust me it's going to be toxic boys into the shatter Katana crit afterwards too once I actually do get an SK let me go up to the overw world though cuz this ain't no depths progression all right so I am capped at XP right now I'm going to have to do one more void walk to uncap my medium cuz as you can see I can't do anything right now once I uncap medium I need shatter Katana as soon as possible because this build is not at full power yet until I have shatter Katana crit well my clones can do the same crit I can that's when this build gets busted so yeah let me go ahead and grasp here um this dude Michael is at song Seeker I rather fight him he's a five star let's see if we can get busy boys let's see see if we can get busy counter Bell here come here buddy oh shoot hold up he's got the he's got the deados go and do that [Music] nice boom Oh my God this server is so laggy man let me summon my clone here taunt relax wrong person buddy go and do that nice you got to play around your clone when you summon it by the way because if you get hit once your clone disappears he r that faint that's crazy nice all right let's go and do that ni nice we're lowkey working this guy right [Music] now go do that nice bro why is my clone hitting me like relax nice bro why is it taking so long to kill this guy I'm telling you once I get my Shad Katana it's going to be wraps boys there we go we damn near Flawless this dude that's crazy I Ain going to lie this build kind of devious this build kind of devious Boys by the way if you're wondering why I'm not using my realm it's because in realm your clones don't do anything right now it's a bug where your clones will hit the opponent but they actually won't take damage from your clones I'm going to go ahead and try to get the harsh response Talent here by going into that dialogue I already beat the Duke I keep saying Duke my fault I beat the Fairman so I should be able to level up now there we go I'm looking for Harsh response here and then I'm picking up any rare I can so let's go ahead and pick up observation harsh response should show up now I believe yeah okay cool let's burn Chrono get harsh response and Whispers I don't need Whispers anymore so I will go ahead and roll two see if I get anything good here stronghold that's something I want that's really good okay and kickoff kickoff honestly not the worst thing in the world especially when I'm void walking I'll take it I'm going to hop servers though cuz this server is actually it's not that bad 100 ping like I anything above 100 I hate bro because spikes are bound to happen I like playing deep at like 80 ping or below I don't know what happened but like the servers have just been trash again recently and I hate it like I actually hate it man like they were so good before this update dropped ever since this update the servers became trash again I don't know man it's a never- ending cycle of good and bad every time oh here he is it's a star Kindred user I remember I'm going to go ahead and try to sneak up on him let's see the server okay the server lag is kind of dying down but the spikes are still happening it sucks man this star Kindred us he's pretty fast hey there buddy welcome to the show nope don't run don't run for me my boy come here what the heck he's above yo is he out what is going on wait let me kill this bat real quick and let me get this guy here cuz he just he going crazy right now I don't even think he's in my realm that's the problem uh okay we might have just lost this boy counter Bell nice there we go no don't run for me I'm going to Taun him too so he can't jump oh crap he got me the ice eruption interesting there we go counter all that nice okay he's just going to play the Parry game I guess like let me go and faint that real quick got him there we go I am going to be how many points off of a shattered after this I'm three points off of a shattered Four Points I lied super close man we got to get this shattered boys all right this person is just I don't even know what this place is I ain't going to lie but hey buddy better pay attention thank you I'll take it I'll take all that counter damage my boy oh wow he didn't hit my counter This Server is trash nice we love trash servers man oh my God this server is so sorry and there's a dumb bat here are you lagging too yes oh I forgot I have uh I have golden tongue I need to use golden tongue way more okay I'm trying to faint that second part but I just can't seem to land the faint on that second part uh counter Bell here nice and he's going to die here what if I just end him with uh this there we go and he's going to die to his own burn image yes sirki oh wait I'm stupid he probably has that damn legendary flame Talent are you Eisen yes all right right at last we can finally use the full potential of this build yes cki um I'm going to go to the archive real quick too so I can upgrade my mantras I need to max out my Master's florish and my twin cleave and my flash draw strike so yeah these moves weren't even max level yet this is really going to be like the full power of this build now for real so um let's go ahead and upgrade these yep there we go all level five now now here's is where things will take a turn I rather actually get a level four exhaustion strike over a level three Revenge so what I'm going to do instead of going 40 agility now is go 60 willpower instead I'm pretty sure I still have enough points for 60 willpower because we have like 33 more points to spare yeah so since we have 33 more points to spare I'll still be able to get 100 medium I believe and still get 60 Willow that's what we're going to do like this build is 100% better if you go herotic Sutra you definitely need that damage boost especially when this build is mostly just landing m1's and then obviously the medium mantras are still going to do damage it's just that heretic Sutra would make it even more busted all right this is going to be our first challenge bro this Seth dude is a contractor so he's got to be [Music] nice all right I'm going to avoid here I ain't going to lie I'm not I'm not trying to deal with all that you know all the accessories all the goddamn debris in the way okay nice okay I can't even see like the effects in this purple Dome I ain't going to lie like look at that I couldn't even see his stupid uh black shadow things but then again he can't see my effects either so we about to go crazy cut okay there we go counter bow yep I like that there we go nice boom Oh my God we're going crazy going crazy boys oh do that nice okay and he's dead oh my God wait this build might be nasty yo let me find out the Shad Katana eating kites was doing damage to him cuz I didn't expect him to drop that fast all right I just leveled up here and I probably trolled because I should have Mystic but I do want to just pick up everywhere I can get now because I want spine cutter to show up for me anyways let's see spine cutter where you at you can either take precise swing here or anxious guard after landing a critical your next light attack will have 5% chip damage I'm just going to go ahead and get anxious card here CU that's just broken I'm also missing out on condition Runner too that's something you could also get but let me roll two here and we are on our way to our last level which is good um max out health and let's see let me see what tree I can spec into here so I don't actually have breathing exercise on this you want to go ahead and get it because it is five health so let me not troll real quick here hey where this dude at yo oh there he goes he's having a hard time fighting these uh these mobs here I counter that [Music] hello well he's just going to die to that Croc yeah okay that was actually kind of uh kind of crazy I'm not going to lie all right I get my last level here as you can see level 20 yep all we need is breathing exercise at least evasive expert I'm going to need those okay breathing exercise yep that's what we need and what's our last Talent here spine cutter oh my God I'm getting everything I want today I'm getting everything roll two and snake oil trash let's see what's our second one heavy Hall uh trash air addition there we go okay finally max out the build I'm going to go into chime now though just to see how this build fares in chime bro is that the new weapon everybody in chime has the new weapon right now and it's kind of making me mad man lowkey is making me mad [Music] okay that new weapon is so broken oh my God this dude K1 cooked a little too hard I ain't going to lie and I'm stuck okay there we go I can just counter it every time it's [Music] free okay that's big damage there okay that's going to be big damage there [Music] holy I couldn't even talk that whole time bro I forgot how sweaty chime is all right so to finish off the build all I'm going to do is get to 60 willpower to get a level four exhaustion strike but other than that I'm going to show you everything that I have here here are the talents you can copy everything I'm going to have the build in the description too just so that you guys can see what talent I actually wanted for this build but for the most part I got every single talent I want obviously I can trade in some talents that I got from Roll 2 to get something better but for the most part yeah I'm satisfied with everything I got this life as you can see mantras exhaustion strike you want a blast gem on it it's really good to spam this move if you want these to last longer you want to go ahead and stack Eternal log stones on it too but I think 3 Aon is fine at least for my play style M florish you want to put a blood list on it I don't know why I don't have a blood list I'm trolling put a blood list on Master's florish and then you can get three glass stones on it to make it bigger but I used to run only two glass stones and I didn't really feel a difference so just run two glass stones on Master florish with the bloodless Revenge go ahead and put three Rush shards on it it's going to make the range insane have an Insignia gem on it so you can use twin cleave afterwards it's broken the realm I only had three Eternal log stones on it and then you want to copy the multiplying in magnet Sparks too put a blue gem taunt has an Insignia just in case I ever want to do something like a taunt into a master's florish it'd be really nice flash strike has a blue gem now with three Crystal lens it has all the range of the world you can actually put a bloodless on this bad boy right here because it still barely takes any ether look at this that's with the blue gem so without it it's probably going to take like half a bar and then twin cleave it has nothing just put a bloodless on it it's good heals sumary you can see 400 78 health I can definitely get to 500 if I actually had a good health kit I only have 81 but yeah Talent Health bonuses 45 Health um overall I like this build it's pretty solid it's not like the best build in the world you saw from that chime match I was lowkey getting torched up by that new weapon granted that new weapon is busted but I mean at the end of the day though this build is still super fun and you will be known as Eisen people were saying eizen every single time I well not every single time but I was still getting eyes and reactions sometimes whenever I killed people so it's pretty cool I'm out though y'all let me know who you want me to make next have a great day it is now or never fist of a guy like Rock Lee like weight all can't stop me drunking fist at top speed AK get by
Channel: NanoProdigy
Views: 49,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 36zPpNeCGCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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