Deepest Powder Snowboarding of Life

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[Music] hey good morning guys so we're here storm week day five we got fifty centimeters of snow last night here in Whistler so we're gonna head up find some lines and today I got the Nitro Pao board out you know the Orca is fun but I think on a 50 plus day need to get the Nitro pow what are you writing TJ oh yeah I'm on the Jones storm chaser kind of a similar board super powder specific Swallowtail should be epic out there yeah guys he's 50 plus centimeter today's are super rare so excited to head up oh mama what a day what a day power my power was out there's cars in the ditch everywhere I was diverting all over through the neighborhood just to get here and made it let's see what happens [Music] [Music] Oh careful there's a clip over here [Music] which way are we going do that man what's his speed lots of speed [Music] whoso hiking for 20 feet through a half a metre powder is extremely difficult but we made it and now we're at an untouched treeline I should be insane yeah not even exaggerating I think this is the deepest powder day I've ever had in my life this is just bonkers oh man yeah no one remembers the hike you only remember the sick turns so bring it coming right up I think I'm gonna go that way [Music] guys that was the first face shot without actually spraying snow I just think my chin was at the level of the snow wow so much powder it's crazy Chris you have any advice your people getting stuck out there avoid those flight sections and always aim for the steep bits as soon as you're coming down you see a pitch and for the steep bit avoid the flat section so we're in full survival mode today the snow is so deep that you're really just trying to get across the run and and get to where you're going to otherwise you just get stuck in that deep snow we've got a section of trees coming up here that is a bit of a mystery usually I know exactly what the conditions are going to be like but because it's the first time doing it this season we're gonna take our time and just make it through it definitely takes a lot more energy to make it through this deep snow a bit more technique more planning for sure as well planning that line [Music] whoo yeah this nose actually deep this is pretty sketchy but all sticking together though this tree run leads out to a cat track we're not too far [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got one more section of super deep snow then wrote the cat track and I'm gonna be so happy to get to a groomed run [Music] tonight [Music] huh-uh good stop Hey I'm out right in here with these two youths you get stuck in powder you roll yourself on us like some mob mob up it's adorable that's the tip of the day right there yeah [Music] one lock in the box let's go for two and then yeah that was like the energy of eight runs in one run [Music] [Music] yeah Wow ya know man I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I guess so amazing day out there today honestly the mountain totally defeated us we were trying our best to ride through that deep snow but 50 centimetres is a lot and unless you have that like really steep pitch like up in the Alpine which is all closed today then it makes it really difficult so overall it was a fun day it was an adventure but definitely we got owned by the mountain yeah definitely it was intense up there I'm glad we did it though it was it was fun if you guys doing these tree riding out there definitely stay as safe as possible drive with your friends stick together so you all come out safe and I think we actually have more snow on the way so TJ's gonna check out the website are you not on snow forecast calm no I've been using the Whistler Blackcomb app alright let's see was that so the forecast right now is another nineteen tonight yeah and then another 34 tomorrow so another another 50 basically crazy oh my gosh so another day this tomorrow got all this stuff drying batteries charging fresh wax snowboards yep gonna have some comparison videos coming up on the POW board soon so just thought some the Orca versus a storm chaser versus the Nitro pow so yeah look it for those soon thanks for watching today guys sick day TJ so fun man yeah made the most of it for sure everyone go grab some food we'll see you guys the next one soon see you guys [Music] this is intense Wow
Channel: SnowboardProCamp
Views: 559,269
Rating: 4.9275227 out of 5
Keywords: snowboarding, snowboard, powder, powder snowboarding, deepest powder, deep powder, deepest powder snowboarding, whistler, whistler blackcomb, whistler snowboarding, whistler powder, tree snowboarding, tree snowboard, powder tree snowboarding, tree powder, tree powder snowboarding, mountain, snow, snowboard vlog, snowboarding vlog
Id: 5aF66UowaYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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