Deep TMJ and Cranial Myofascial Release Demonstration ASMR

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[Music] hello Dr Russ here today Renee has agreed to let us work on her jaw and she has a chronic jaw problem which came out after a dental procedure some years ago now yeah so we're going to start with her facing down so we can just kind of gently work through the upper back shoulders and middle back just to help get her relaxed and warmed up don't necessarily want to dive right into the jaw work so the intention of the jaw work is to get into the masseter temporalis pterygoid muscles mobilize the TMJ both sides and in order to do that we're going to have to do a little bit of work inside the mouth and of course we'll wear gloves to do that but I wanted to show you how that's done nice deep breath here Renee good and feeling a little stuckness right here in the rhomboid good foreign take a deep breath into these right ribs here Renee good rib and scapular Mobility is so important for any head and neck issue because the ribs and the shoulder blades are the foundation for the head and the neck so we need those to be mobile strong and stable so here just working the fascia on both sides over the serratus anterior right here and all these intercostals here so important good Mobility through there one more nice deep breath how's my pressure yeah it's good breathing out good it's the right jaw that's more problematic for you good so my favorite hold on the shoulder get one hand underneath the front of the deltoid the other hand on the scapula I just mobilize that and then we can mobilize the ball and socket here as we come into her neck it's always a little more sensitive the structures are much smaller so we want to slow down and lighten up definitely always a proponent of being gentle with people's necks nice good breathing let's do that on the left side now just a little bit sticky through this upper trap right here foreign movement into this muscle the fascia it's attachment on the scapula right here circulation Mobility that's always our goal nice okay nice and slow let's get you turned over okay let's feel the head and the jaw can you give me a little bit of a gentle clinch gentle clench good and then relax so I have the angle of her jaw right here and the body of the mandible here we're on her zygomatic Arch so her TMJ is right there and I want you to open real slow yeah all the way so I can feel the condyle of her mandible sliding forward and bulging out a little bit that's not bad come close again it's a little bit tight here I feel some tension in the masseter and we're going to address that from the inside can you go again open yeah so the tension on the masseter is come closed inhibiting the forward Glide of that condyle in the TM joint and so that's something we're going to want to try to gently incrementally improve it's not comfortable to make big changes in a person's jaw joint all of a sudden and so here I am on the tendon of the temporalis muscle such an important muscle that attaches to the conoid process of the mandible and wraps about like this comes behind the ear and kind of takes up most of the side of the head and it's a jaw clencher and it's a jaw puller backer recruiter and it's it holds a lot of tension when people are tensing their face and jaw usually this muscle gets short and tight and that can cause a lot of headaches as well as jaw problems tension headaches pressure headaches imagine both of these muscles one on each side sort of squeezing your head like a vice and so I'm giving it a bit of a stretch here I've grabbed the skin and I'm pulling it superiorly and with my other hand I'm adding a little bit of traction on her neck just like that so this is gentle I'm not digging I'm just more kind of grabbing and gently tractioning nothing sudden and again no digging there's not a lot of fascia between the skin and the cranium and so it's really like a sixteenth of an inch a tiny little bit of depth but it can really pay big dividends to take a little time to work out this muscle and the fascia and when I do I also like to work on the frontal fascia the frontalis muscle and just gently getting some tension out of those eyebrow muscles the eyebrow razors and scrunchers a lot of muscles of facial expression hold a lot of tension and we don't even feel we don't even know about so is that causing her jaw problem no is it helping definitely not so while we're here let's work it out okay we're gonna do the other side too not much pressure no hurry on this side I feel like I'm going to give it a bit of a stretch so I've got my two thumbs one on her master and one on her temporalis and I'm just kind of gently separating my thumbs give it a little bit of traction think of it like lifting the temporalis up toward the crown of the head a little bit of cross fiber massage not aggressive just gentle and it just let go a nice little bit right there which was good did you feel that special something felt something changed okay now I am keyed into this upper two or three inches of her SCM on both sides where it attaches to the mastoid it really influences the position of the head which really influences the position of the jaw so we're going to check in with this muscle here and not bad and the scalene and the levator a little bit tight right through here so again it's kind of the same idea a gentle pull a little bit of a very local stretch with my left hand I'm pulling her head gently toward me and turning her face toward the window getting a little bit of a stretch on that scalene and that levator scapula and finding this attachment trigger point on her occiput right here feels like a superficial ferrous spinal muscle maybe like a splenius too far lateral to be the upper trap and it's too far posterior to be the SCM so we'll call it a neck extensor and we're not going to grind on it we're just going to gently kind of iron it back onto the bone following that fascia up the occiput more mobilization and here it's connecting to the back of the temporalis muscle so that line of tension coming up here from the elevator through the cervical extensor across the occipital fascia into the temporalis and heading right to the jaw joint it's important not only is it good to work out this tension and try to release these trigger points but it's really informative to the patient's brain to give them some sensation of these connections so that even on a subconscious postural level they can understand how these things are all coming together even if we're not talking about it while we do it so I'm going to put on a glove Renee you ready okay here comes the intraoral work and we're going to be gentle and always take our time okay so Renee open your mouth and I'm not worried about getting bitten because I've got my finger kind of tractioning her cheek out a little bit now your teeth come really gently together don't bite so I'm outside of her teeth I'm not worried about getting bitten I've got my fingertip in the corner the front of the body of her mandible where it meets the zygomatic Arch I want you to open wide please and close and as she does that a couple more nice and slow I'm feeling for the forward Glide of that condyle of the mandible and I want to encourage it and induce ease of that movement so I've got my finger hooked on the inside of the master muscle here right in front of that mandibular body and as she opens I'm going to pull and stretch on that masseter really gently one more time okay come from all the way closed teeth together good and open all the way nice so that can be a really intense sensation for patients we don't we want to be gentle so that you're let your teeth rest together really gently and now with her just at rest and her teeth really gently together I'm going to take my finger along the underside of the zygomatic Arch and I'm really gently going to sweep and we'll find tension and trigger points here this is not aggressive you can see I'm going really slow it's taking me about 10 seconds to move an inch I'm not digging I'm being gentle but also being really direct I've got my finger right on the muscle I've got my thumb on the muscle from the outside and I'm giving it a stretch and right there I feel the stretches coming all the way up into her temporal bone feels that too and that's a good one so can you open real slow while we do this good and a nice fascial release happens right there really well done bringing your teeth together so I just released my pressure to give her a little bit of a break and we're going to feel it again and that was good I want to do that one more time okay so let me get my grip because I'm really gently not just yet Renee really gently pinching that masseter giving it an inferior traction I feel it pulling to about here and as she opens I'm gonna follow her open go ahead and open nice and slow and we get a big fascial stretch on that ambassador and then you're relaxing your teeth come together that's about as much as I want to do on any one side On Any Given visit and we're going to do the left side as well you ready good that's intense noise it released something yeah it feels good good ready for the left side and take as long as you need you good okay so again open I'm going to hook her cheek to get outside of her teeth and you nice and gently bring your teeth together Portland okay uh nice and slow open wide and this side definitely moves better um so there's not as much work to do on this side but we're going to go through the same general process go ahead and bring your teeth together so I've got my finger right up against the underside of her zygomatic bone and I'm going to feel for tension and trigger points here and we find a little tiny little bit right there about halfway along the zygomatic Arch and here what I'm feeling is I want to undo I get a little pinch on it and I'm going to stretch it out laterally toward me and a little bit inferior and that's just a matter of practice to feel which way that muscle wants to be stretched and it's a little bit of a matter of giving it engaging it listening giving a little bit of a tug and seeing where the line of tension really is and here in the mouth these tiny muscles and really sensitive stuff this is takes a lot of practice to get here but okay open nice and wide nice and slow good so I'm feeling a pretty taut band in the masseter on the posterior edge of the masseter and I've got it in my fingers right here because I'm on the outside Point your finger on the inside and open real wide and we're going to give that a stretch just like we did the other side beautifully done very nice good and then relax and so my fingers were sliding as she opened it was sliding a little slower than she was opening so I was giving a stretch to the fascia and mobilizing the fascia as she opens so one more time we're going to open wide really well done and good good and relax so we have a little more time in the session I like to work around the clavicle anytime there's upper body work to be done especially after jaw work these subclavian tissues had a lot to do with lymphatic drainage of the neck all the head and neck need to drain right through here through the lymphatic system so to any extent that I can mobilize that and facilitate that I want to nice deep breath here yeah and as she lift her ribs with the breath into my fingers I'm gonna maintain my pressure so that her ribs have something to sort of push against go one more time mm-hmm good and as usual you find some tension here in these upper pecs and underneath the upper pecs and the intercostal muscles and the intercostal fascia but as I give her shoulders a little bit of a rock you can see her head just responding really easily and smoothly that's a really good sign that things are pretty relaxed in there one more nice deep breath beautiful getting some counter pressure to the breath through my fingertips and then following the out breath really depressing those shoulders and the ribs thank you Renee oh thank you you're welcome [Music]
Channel: Dr. David Russ
Views: 450,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TMJ, Myofascial, cranial, craniosacral, ASMR, Chiropractic, jaw, adjustment
Id: IPaL4cEGZt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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