Deep Sea Kayak Fishing INSANITY - Part 1

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good morning guys welcome back to field trips welcome back to panama welcome back to los busos we just launched out of the lodge we are heading to the legendary spot junto it is epic it is 18 miles down the coast we got a long run today but it's beautiful coastline the whole way the seas are flat calm we're gonna be able to get down there pretty quick we got four anglers and kayaks one angler's gonna fish in the boat this spot down here is more potential than anywhere else we fish around here so with these conditions we've got to feel it's about to be an epic day see you guys when we get to the spot [Music] just rolled up to the spot we got a giant bait ball right here wow amigo mira sounds like rain and it just stops oh wow that's just the sound of just angel wings fluttering crazy that is a lot of bait okay listen swap good to go ready yeah all right fishing today yeah i'm just gonna put your there you go that was graceful it was man 9.2 out of 10 on the on the mounting all right brother yeah remember look at that ridge line there follow it out but right now i'd get back to that bait you notice the current's pushing us back towards home so just be mindful of that you're going to drift this way yeah okay right here should be good to go smooth as butter all right all right man get after it we're gonna work on getting you a bait if you need anything just call us i'd head towards that bait ball first and either just drop that jig and run it up through them or troll around them if you troll i'd go like around the school instead of through it and then yours looks like the one lone idiot you know okay i just like at lake powell we look for those we have we call them boyle uh-huh yeah oh my hell we just a lot of it yeah striper boiling yeah i can't wait to get to lake powell all right we got johnny in the boat here today and we're gonna do a little trolling while there's low light for wahoo we're gonna head over to a little wahoo hot spot got the rapala sv minnow i got from tackle and this guy here is looking pretty prime as well oh mira look at that fish on you wanna you wanna grab that yep yep yep very good [Laughter] there you go there you go nice well didn't even get the second lure out already hooked up johnny on the spot over here johnny here after after three days of working on the kayak decided he was down to to try the ponga experience today give his legs a little break here we are on the first fish five seconds after we put out this little sp minnow i've got a feeling it's a bonita i think so hey guys uh we got a bonita yo we still have people that need baits right [Applause] we're going to reel it in and just i'm going to take the rubber we're going to drag it over there if we take it out of the water it'll die but let's see you never know it could be a small yellow fan in which case we will be eating that guy thinking bonita though he's yellow finger a little they'd be pulling out some string yeah but let's see i think it is yep it is yep yep here i'll take it now we're just going to drag it over there to them just walking our pepanita this morning all right just dragged this bonita over here i'm about to hook up who's that mike where my damn pliers [Music] yeah can't stop moving with that one so let out a good amount of line and just keep pedaling around and all over there i'd head the way direction you're going now just kind of run circles around there remember super light drag as light as he'll let you get away with with that bait man give it 12 14 seconds no matter what good luck brother call us when you get that run all right let's get back to trolling look at that look at this mike here from texas oh and have a good day sir ah we just gave him that bait one minute ago look at that that's a proper fish there brother that is a proper kuvera snapper oh my gosh darren's running through how to grab these guys they got gnarly teeth look at that oh oh yeah you have that bait for no time flat like look at that that is a bucket list fish of a lifetime never get out all day okay hopefully oh there we go you need oh yeah huh a little yeah pokemon hold on one sec i know i know it's heavy oh oh god you're okay you're okay all right he's coming he's coming i'm all right okay these are big fish watch your hand wrapped yep get that off mira lalina and the day hey luckily i was recording so it wasn't in vain now you just got a better story to tell brother is awesome i hope you had the camera going oh i did oh i did oh that's awesome that's a big fish that's a lot of weight it happens man never a dull moment this turned into a cluster in a hurry here this is why we leash our rods didn't lose the fish what happened and i picked it up and the center gravity went up yeah that's a lot of weight lifting that over your head you guys good i guess so did you have jigs in it right there's my gopro oh yeah wow oh yeah that's what you keep telling us [Applause] well that little excitement for this morning huh like i said now you just got a cooler story to tell i'm gonna put your gopro in your crate okay lisa yeah i'm good all right let's get this monster back in the water oh my gosh that is a freaking dinosaur ah look at that look how big the belly is yeah uh-huh we're gonna troll around a little bit revive this gal oh my gosh what an incredible animal man look how fat that is okay see where i'm holding like you don't touch the red part of the gills but just right there where the gill plate meets the jaw there's like a perfect little handle kind of just up here in front of you yeah we're thinking about 60 pound cabera right here massive massive look at those teeth okay see see she's not going down because her air bladder expanded pulling her up meet up derrick you don't have the descending device do you she he's she's kicking good but she just swimmer down swimmer down okay so carlos here he's gonna swim this fish down look at this gonna swim this girl down a little bit since her air bladder expanded we don't have a descending device with us we forgot it at the lodge today of course so carlos here is just gonna swim it down by hand like a like a beast no we tried he's saying there's a lot of a lot of air in this thing's bladder so hard to get it that's exactly right it's like trying to take a life jacket down though [Applause] you got anything long and skinny we could poke her with all right we're trying to figure out a way to pop this girl's airbladder let her go back down just brought up too deep too fast but let's do this yeah yeah all right they're going to tag team this boat swimmer down i'm just waiting for a hammerhead to come up try to get this easy meal out of my hand what's up granddaughter huh oh and we got her she went down on the fourth attempt both of them had to hold on to her it's like trying to swim down with a beach ball you know it's just all air in her air bladder uh she can't go down on her own power and it's hard for one person to swim her down but both of them grabbed her and she went i'm gonna try it okay bro that's a fish one of the bigger kubernetes i've ever seen 50 something pounds easy welcome to san patricio this is why we're here we literally handed mike that bonita about a minute and a half before we heard fish on ah yeah yeah bunch of dolphins coming in a lot of times there's a big tuna hey oh yeah you're hey guys we got a big pod of bit of spinner dolphins coming through fast towards you guys there's often big tuna running with these things get a jig ready get a popper ready or be trolling that diver as fast as you can but these dolphins are all often hunting alongside the bigger tuna and there's a bunch of them coming in towards y'all's location quick from the east from where we came from oh look you know oh just insane we literally just got started we handed out that bait started trolling and we didn't make it 60 seconds away we heard fish on that was a dandy there local successful release mike successful catch first five minutes of fishing out here way to go brother yes sir man the rooster's the easy one compared to that fish right there so you just knocked out the hard one right off the bat all right we're gonna get back to trolling we're gonna stay close just in case uh this is just gonna be one of those mornings oh that was so sick to me the fact that he fell in just makes it that much cooler like just what a story you know got a fish so big it drug me in the ocean [Music] [Music] yeah it got hit but i missed it you want to jump on that yeah yeah yeah it'd be kind of hard there you go there you go [Applause] all right something else hit the cedar plug now he's acting like he's a fish yeah a lot of times they will run out the boat just kind of trying to get around the other side huh yeah there you go oh oh dude that might i think that's the tuna yeah that's something decent i think it was just swimming at the boat man i think you gotta you got something decent it pulled like that i don't think that's a bonita not with the drag set like that yeah yeah that's the elephant tuna i bet you doing perfect it's coming up higher now yeah just kind of exactly gonna pump and wind down ah mira selena watch the motor let me see it there you go there you go there you go huh yeah yeah man look at that rip and drag yeah it's no pushover yeah that's the elephant tudor he was just swimming at us at the beginning of that that's got to be a tune of the way that that fight looks he was yeah he's not done yet either huh he's making earn it johnny here from utah i'm guessing you don't catch some of yellowfin tuna in utah yeah got them all over you know johnny here fishes for striper which they're bruisers in their own right but this guy i bet you he's not as big as you're thinking either even pulling like that oh that's a pretty good one actually that's a good tuna [Music] yeah i'm guffing careful just careful with it be careful okay come over here we're gonna get this guy oh that's a that's a pretty good one man uh-huh look at that dude yeah that's not a bad tuna there nicely done it's for tuna heck yeah all right you hold that i'm gonna get my camera is that your first elephant yeah yeah look at that johnny here from utah with his first yellowfin tuna and that's a pretty good one man that's like upper teens i'd say 18 pounds maybe great fish i mean he was swimming at the boat we thought of something small and then all of a sudden she said uh-uh i just decided made you work for it all right brother great work either way wow a tune huh oh yeah little guy oh he's bleeding which is good we need to bleed him but probably not in the boat the boat yeah ah brother could you do me a favor and hand me that gaffe i don't know look at this got one tune on one hand but the gap another one and that's on the super light light jig you wanna just open that cooler okay at least though man doubling up on tuna got one trolling and one on the chin oh no oh man aren't they that beautiful yellow look at that yeah when the light hits it right they're just gorgeous all right now we're going to be eating good oh man uh wow the second hit oh yeah you want you want to reel it in go ahead you sure fine wow okay no tango tiempo amigos okay no time i want to get to fishing screw this i want a fish too oh man crazy right now crazy loco tuna he's got another tune on man another one now all right three tuna back to back to back to back i mean just pretty crazy yeah drop that jig down and reel it up fast you go now yeah or you can cast out either way it doesn't matter they're swimming around fast they'll find it they'll come get it yeah but you want to work it pretty fast for these guys they are fast fish hot and heavy right now all right guys we just caught three tuna back to back to back on uh the little xps jig they're running around here oh oh you all right brother i guess i thought i was sitting right on it yeah got a little blood on you now there you go johnny's got something else on the jig oh look at that uh oh uh oh something better you better there you go dang yeah might be a bigger snapper or could be anything really on that jig it could be anything well the fast was what i was doing uh well it's almost like i know what i'm talking about yeah almost i don't know i call it just real fast after them through the old jigs yeah typically the the faster you reel it the bigger the fish you're fishing for the small ones will hit it slow the big ones they're too smart you can't let them get a good look at it so that's and there it was you sped it up and yeah there's something bigger this could be anything it could be bigger snapper could be a small grouper could be a a jack a blue fincher volley an alamogo jack i mean the list that's what's cool about the jig is you just never know what you're gonna pull up i see it got color might be an african pompano actually the way it's circling up cc pompano african pompano almost positive yeah buddy yep look at this guy when he comes up this this guy is going to be this guy yep oh and a good one igrande i'm going to go all right careful keep yeah down in the water keep them down perfect look at that guy bro unartificial that's pretty sweet yeah they're like a hubcap chrome hubcap huh it is uh here open your bail and let me get a little slack and i'm gonna have you hold it i'm gonna get some pictures yeah now you can set it down so now careful yeah give me one second brother i'm taking a picture of johnny with a fish give me give me 60 seconds okay so you can hold them under here there's nothing to get you just right here is a little bit sharp that thing right there so you can kind of hold them a little bit further up or hold them all the way back here does that make sense yep and under there perfect you got them man that's sweet dude good to eat perfect for ceviche morris is going to be stoked and that's a good one that is a good one all right johnny here from utah with a beautiful african pompano and that's a nice one and uh he's kind of new to vertical jigging i just gave him a couple tips and i mean right off the bat he got a snapper and now this beautiful african pompano he's really getting it down so we're having some fun we got a live bait out we've already done some trolling cuts and stuff we're just uh having a fun morning here you have a good time johnny you bet it is wonderful can't beat these conditions look at that nice work man we'll get the hook out of it and well she'll go on ice and we got time there's nothing crazy going on huh see he's saying there's a bunch of stuff below us right now if you want to drop down okay eyes work what you got bro big red look at that oh man only big ones today [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Field Trips with Robert Field
Views: 139,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robert Field, YakFishField, kayak fishing, fishing, fly fishing, traveling, kayak, deep sea fishing, ocean fishing, catch & cook, field trips, fresh water fishing, salt water fishing, largest snappers, cubera snapper, blacktiph, panama, panama fishing
Id: 2vmTKeBYnJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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