Deep, Pan Or Shallow - What's The Best Oil To Fry With? | Talking Point | Full Episode

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cooking oil we imported over 230,000 tons of it in 2019 [Music] that's enough oil to fill 100 Olympic sized swimming pools about three years ago newer varieties of oil entered the market now we've got oil extracted from olives coconuts macadamias flax seeds grape seeds and even avocados they're premium oils all speciality oils of some supermarkets may call them because they are 5 to 20 times more expensive than regular cooking oils I admit I'm exclusively an olive oil use in I've been for many years now this bottle costs nine dollars that is five times more expensive than regular cooking oil in this episode I want to find out what I can do with these premium oils and if they're worth my money just like olive oil other premium oils also don't come cheap coconut oil can go up to $33 per liter avocado oil $66 per litre and macadamia oil comes at a whopping price tag of $72 per liter that's about 20 times more than the price of regular vegetable oil but first I want to know what demand is like for these premium oils I'm reaching out to supermarket chains and suppliers during the past three years is increasing probably like 50 to 70 percent 50 to 70 percent wow that's a huge jump in demand which premium oil is the most popular olive oil olive oil last year we basically so popular line Thank You Caroline why not and then make it a go on why our premium oils increasing in popularity consumer are getting more health-conscious generally it for help easy so why exactly are premium oil so expensive especially old generally call Claire because this I actually extract using compressed metal rather than those normal cooking is hot bread apparently premium oils are expensive because they are cold pressed why does that method of manufacturing the oil drive up costs to find out I'm heading to one of the sauces of our most expensive oils I'm going to Australia Australia is the largest producer of one of the most expensive cold-pressed oils sold in Singapore macadamia oil I've never seen cooking oil being made before and I'm really excited I'm at protocol Australia's leading processor of cold-pressed oils their oils include the ever-popular olive oil and macadamia oil today I'm getting a first-hand look at how macadamia nuts are turned into cooking oil [Music] this is the call pressing process like an idea it sold under broken at shelves the oil inside that nots is still very good care but not suppress oil coming through rather the Phyllis macadamia nuts to the world from the dirty allgäu again filtering process this is some of that built the product [Music] regular oils such as vegetable or sunflower oil extracted using a chemical solvent in contrast cold-pressed oils are extracted by pressing fruit or seeds using a modern steel press this method extracts less oil for instance it takes 800 macadamia nuts to make just one liter of oil this brings up prices Wow I have never seen this much oil tomato hi George these are tanks full of macadamia oil and storage ready for bottling oh my goodness let's do a little taste test direct from the tank that's my super sure that's what you think this is why I've been waiting fall day oh my that tastes so rich and creamy it is it's a creamy buttery flavor just like macadamia ah premium oil I get it now I pay a lot of money for that yes first of all sure it's well as I find out premium oil costs more but it also retains the natural nutrients and flavor of the oil but surely cold pressing isn't the only reason why these oils are considered premium oils there's more manual or labor intensive the fruit is a little bit more difficult to pick off the trees where canola or sunflower oil it can be harvested in big scales with big machinery you know I used so much olive oil at home and I understand there's like a huge range of olive oil that's right there's a range of grades of olive oil you have extra virgin virgin or refined or light grade so if the premium fruit and it might be the first of the harvest we identify that as the extra virgin and then if we've got some sort of weather damaged fruit that might be a sign for refining grades the word light is not low-fat it's actually a light color and so that refining process actually removes that color process as well as some of the acidity a single court press oil can be further differentiated by grades for instance extra virgin olive oil costs more than light olive oil that's because it undergoes less refining this retains the taste and nutrients premium oils cost more than five times the price of regular cooking oil because of the way they are made and how their raw material is sauced consumers say they are worth buying for health reasons but are they actually healthier it has up to 90 percent saturated fats which is very high even higher than something like lard [Music] [Music] I'm back in Singapore I want to know if it's really worth paying five to 20 times more for premium cooking oils [Music] so I've learned that extra-virgin olive oil is richer in antioxidants which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer while there are claims that macadamia oil has the highest amount of monounsaturated fats and there are other premium oils which are healed as superfoods like these two oils which I found in the health and nutrition section at the supermarket now it seems that flaxseed oil is loaded with more omega-3 fatty acids than other oils now omega-3 is vital for the functioning of our brain and comes with tons of benefits like reducing our blood pressure and raising the good cholesterol it seems that coconut oil boosts the good cholesterol in outlet so hmm all of this really makes me question how true are these health claims [Music] for some answers I'm meeting professor Rob Van Dam over the past five years he's been at the forefront of research on different types of cooking oils and their nutritional effects on our health so I know all these oils are healthy but is it really worth paying a higher price for them common oils we see in a supermarket like canola oil and sunflower oil they're actually very beneficial and it's because they're also high in saturated fat and lower saturated fat so they also lower your bad cholesterol level just as these other oils here do so for saturated fat how high is considered too high lower than 20 or even 10% that's really the healthy oil if you don't go to the coconut oil that's really an exceptions because it has up to 90% saturated fat which is very high even higher than something like lard my god you just say coconut oil is 90 percent in saturated fat yeah that's correct that's a big chunk so let's say macadamia oil probably about 10 percent correct 10% to 90% yeah so it's really not a healthy choice and to some extent it also apply to palm oil and palm kernel oil it is 50% saturated fat the only thing you have to be a bit careful about is what we see on the labels is being vegetable oil a super market is actually predominantly palm oil so that's actually what we want to avoid oils are 100% fat that's why the most important thing to look out for when picking out oil is whether it's got good fats otherwise known as unsaturated fats you don't want any bad fats or what's known as saturated fats coconut oil may come at a hefty price but they are not as healthy as you think they're made up of 90 percent saturated fat that's even more saturated fat than chicken fat beef fat or palm oil other premium oils are healthy with a saturated fat range of 10 to 20 percent but that's similar to non-premium oils like sunflower and canola oil now I know I should avoid palm oil and coconut oil if I want a healthier diet and I've learned that premium oils are not that much healthier than non premium oils but what about when it comes to the taste of my food thus cooking with premium oil make a difference chefs and better known as Singapore's first master chef is going to show me why it's so important to choose the right oil when you cook Vanda tell me our premium oils better for cooking then non-premium oils actually quite a few questions you have to ask for so firstly what is the type of dish that you're gonna do right is it gonna pan-fry it it's gonna be deep-fried number two what's the smoke point of the oil that you will be using and number three and actually very importantly what kind of flavor do you want to impart on your food what exactly is smoking quite meet the smoking point of any oil or fat right is basically the point at which the oil stops shimmering in the pan and you start to see smoke coming off but basically what happens at this point is that the oils are actually starting to break down okay and when they break down they're actually giving off chemicals which can be harmful to the body as well so they can be releasing things called free radicals [Music] so can you tell me which oils are best suited as salad dressing we can use an oil with a lower smoke point which can impart flavor a go-to is definitely going to be a really good quality extra virgin olive oil things like macadamia nut oil flaxseed oil those would be okay too a really good general rule of thumb right would be that darker the color of the oil it would signify that it's unrefined as it's been refined the oils will get lighter the smoke points will get higher but with that you're going to lose some of their natural flavors so then which oils are suitable for pan-searing so for pan searing which can get quite high in heat as well grapeseed oil is fantastic because it's a very neutral flavor and a cheaper version would actually eat canola oil has a high smoke point and so for this one we're gonna just do a pan seared salmon so good fish you want to achieve or the medium so right now we're gonna make sure that our oil does not get to smoking point and which oils are suitable for frying you need to make sure that firstly it's a oil with a high smoke point so canola oil sunflower oil both really good for you in terms of oils that you're deep-frying with low in saturated fat we want to avoid all those premium oils when you're frying when we're deep-frying and the reason is that we actually need quite a lot of oil I'm gonna watch how much you put that by Allah oh that's sample bottle bottle at the bottom with rice and sugar [Music] now don't freak out right because this all that we use for deep-frying what a lot of homes do is that we're going to reuse this so after we deep-fry this time we're gonna let it come back to temperature and just set it aside we can then filter it store it and we can use it for deep-frying the same thing is kind of done in restaurants as well wow I didn't know you can reuse oil yes you can but as I would soon find out reusing cooking oil could be a dangerous practice this is very very dire is this even healthy to eat [Music] at my home reusing of oils is almost unheard of but as I've learned it's a common practice amongst households and food establishments to save on costs especially when they deep-fry frequently which requires a whole lot of oil but how healthy is this practice I've arranged to meet two hawkers at Chinatown complex food center 51 year old chicken rice seller tout inseong and gray so who's been selling fried prawn crackers and Mejia for six years I want to know just how often hawkers reuse their oil so do you both reuse your oil turkan woman so made a sewer system or as a woman so Marisa was such a yo-yo for the sheet time for the shower change other siping other ways you answer your it's over 3500 yen PDFs out to me or to change it you can see so that's okay what does she find you listen either I am once your in you Massimo : how many times do you reuse your oil come see how high you can go suppose I saw her hit by a tram vomiting okay you can okay maybe the one name you actin is open difficulty meeting grace office to show me how she reuses her oil that's also or that you'd have to take a paint talk I think you'll get a pin now your quota you don't want Sanders over a panacea Judah you just a phone that day you got hungry me so you saw that in here I shoulda aha a curse in Chiho for you and I so I see so it's actually quite hot and I can actually see the smoke coming out the oil so the oil is actually kept smoking this oil is kept here for about one and a half days and then it gets changed the same batch of oil is reused uncountable times in a day is that healthy for our bodies it's time to find out helping me out as food scientist one wing why I understand you said be to brown bags we've got three samples of oil ah chicken nuggets interesting it is suitable the owner used for the first time is my yellow color and when we will use it it will become darker about whiskers so this is what having current cities or oxidations is no cost unpleasant spam and flavors to your products or even the pointy side and what about them that gift you can see it's the first car oil that we use it will produce light golden brown color okay for the nuggets however if you have thank you your body and use it for the second round the color of the maggots will become that good lastly you use for another on law this is very very dark I mean is this even healthy to you just keep recycling your away so what happened here is the always constitute increased then it will reduce the heat transfer and it is easily to produce home and develop undesirable color in the food products event will cost the High Line adsorptions or to the food so the third round of Nuggets might have contained high amount of oil as compared to the first one Wow the sample tree is really really significantly darker than sample one so then what happens to our bodies if we consume we use the oil solutions that the content of transplant increase if once you reduce the oil for frying forty roms the hand transplant will raise your LDL cholesterol and lower your good which is the HDL cholesterol so that will increase the risk of getting heart disease and stroke as well and might be the formations of acrolein which is a substance directly causing cancer in our human body Wow so you're saying is best not to use the recycled oil at all we are not encouraging public to recycle the cooking oil however if you wish to is a cornucopia pie you may use it for not more than twice according to them at formation what guidelines [Music] premium oil sounds good doesn't it but as I've learned despite their hefty price tag they're not necessarily that much healthier or better for cooking [Music] well one thing is for sure I'm definitely staying away from coconut oil and palm or vegetable oil as we know it and to remind myself to never reuse cooking oil more than twice well time to dig in [Music]
Channel: CNA Insider
Views: 90,998
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Id: feLR470-INI
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Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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