Deep Cleaning the MOLDIEST BIOHAZARD PARTY BUS EVER! | CRAZY Satisfying Car Detailing Transformation

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mad detailing, what is going on everybody  and welcome back to mad detailing   today's disaster detail is on this big  massive neglected moldy just downright   disgusting party bus this is definitely one of  the biggest projects we've had on the channel   today and to give you guys a little backstory  on this party bus i actually know the owner   and about four or five years ago he bought this  bus from the auction spent about 150 000 dollars   to renovate the entire bus make it look absolutely  brand new put all the lighting all the tvs   anything that you guys see in the interior that's  what he did to it used it like three or four times   and then just parked it underneath a tree and  just let it rot and just go to waste and taking   a look on the inside of this vehicle it is just  downright disgusting there is cobwebs everywhere   mold everywhere just dirt the smell that  this vehicle had was absolutely disgusting   this was the first vehicle that actually wore  a mask in i didn't wear a hazmat suit because   in florida it is just way too hot for that and  just being in there with all my tools and my   camera and the mask alone was just already super  claustrophobic but anyways you guys are gonna   absolutely enjoy this video so make sure you guys  watch the entire thing if you guys are new to the   channel make sure you like and subscribe so  you don't miss out on any of my future content   we're gonna go ahead and roll these before  shots and get right into this disaster detail just like any other detail i'm going to  start with doing the wheels and tires first   and for this i'm using an all-purpose degreaser  on the tires and i'm using our iron eraser   on the wheels and then i'm going to use a tire  brush scrub the tires and i'm going to using   a detail brush to get in all the cracks of the  wheel and i'll be spraying everything off with   the pressure washer and i'm going to repeat this  process two times i'm not sure exactly on the   all-purpose degreaser that i'm using i'm not  at my shop right now i'm doing it at the place   where i got the bus from because they have a  wash bay and they have an inside where i can   work on the outside of this bus but honestly  i'm not a big fan of their degreaser as you guys   can see later on the video when i start using my  degrees around the paint it works 10 times better also make sure you stick around to  the very end of the video because i do   include a little stripper pull action  that you guys will not want to miss so   make sure you stick around to the very end of  the video because i include that as a last clip and to moving on to cleaning the top of the bus  i'm gonna be using our extreme apc and as you   guys can tell this degreaser works a thousand  times better if you guys have not yet tried our   all-purpose degreaser i highly recommend trying  it out you will not be disappointed it is safe on   pretty much anything it can be diluted ten  to one it's just an amazing product all   around and i use it on pretty much every  single detail i use it on cloth seats   carpets paint tires rims pretty much there is not  a surface that this product does not work good on   so if you guys would like to pick up  this product or any products that i use   in this video the link will be down in the  description it'll take you to our website   and i'll also have a promo code for you guys  so you guys can get 20 off your entire order so so so so so so so so as i continue to work around this entire bus  i just want to take a quick second address   a ton of comments that i've been getting anytime  i do a barn find or anything that has mold or   mildew i get thousands of comments of  people telling me this video is 100   fake you think i'm f and stupid you suck  just a bunch of this nasty comments and   although those comments don't hurt me  i'm not i don't really care hates hate   it is physically impossible to stage this on a  car i don't know what kind of miracle grow that   you could possibly spray on it but this is years  of just built on mildew from sitting underneath   a tree and not being cleaned off and somehow you  can prove me wrong and that there's a way to stage   this i'll pay you 10 000 cash if you can teach  me how because that would make me a ton of money   i also got a bunch of comments on the mercury  mountaineer i got saying that it was staged   if i could stage any car like everyone says i  do you think it would be a mercury mountaineer   i don't think so i would do something high in  like a ferrari or a lamborghini it definitely   wouldn't be a mercury mountaineer that would make  absolutely no sense because in the comments they   say that i spray it on there it comes off 100  clean so that would mean that i could stage it   on a ferrari a lamborghini spray my stuff on  there let it dry and then spray it off so yeah   let me know down in the comments what you guys  think about that i think it's absolutely crazy my after getting all the mildew and dirt removed it's  time to move on to washing the bus and for this   i'm using my foam cannon with our super blue soap  and i'm going to be working on one side at a time   i don't ever condone using a mop brush whatever  you want to call it but for doing a bust this size   or any type of rv tractor trailer it just wouldn't  make sense to use a regular wash mitt so yes   i'm using a broom brush thing i don't even  know what they're called i don't use them   i would never use it on my car or any  type of smaller truck but for this   it only makes sense so i'm going to repeat  this same process on the rest of the bus so after the bus has been properly washed now  i'm using our mat detailing iron removal   and this is going to safely and easily remove all   the iron contamination that is  deeply embedded into this bus there is still a ton of oxidation and  this paint is very rough after this wash   so later on the video i will be fully paint  correcting this bus and polishing the wheels   so make sure you guys stick around for that  i'm gonna go ahead and move on to the interior   and get back to this exterior later on in the  video so the first thing i'm gonna do in starting   this interior is get all these seats removed  and they were made out of some heavy plywood   and they were a pain to get outside of this  bus after that i'm gonna go ahead and blow   the entire bus out to try to get all the  nasty loose debris and all the cobwebs off so so   now that everything has been blown and vacuumed  out it's time to move on to the actual cleaning   process and for this i'm using our extreme  apc and our mad detailing voice hair brushes   and i'm gonna follow that up with the steamer  to make sure i sanitize everything get all   that mildew and mold removed and i'm  using a microfiber to mop everything up   i'm going to repeat this same process  on the entire inside of this bus so so my so so so do so so i wasn't going to include this video of  me cleaning this toilet just because the   bathroom was insanely small and i could  barely fit my camera in there but mr   brent from wd detailing insisted that i included  that clip so you guys can thank him for me showing   i don't even know for me cleaning the toilet  for the first time on our youtube channel   it probably won't happen again unless we do  some type of nasty rv or bus yeah i hope you   guys enjoy it and shout out to wd detailing  for insisting that i post a extremely weird video so so i try to show you guys pretty much me cleaning  the whole interior but it would have just made a   insanely long video because we still haven't  got to the outside yet which we will in a   couple minutes so if you guys see anything that i  missed don't worry there is a ton of stuff i mean   hours and hours of cleaning done off camera to  make sure every inch of this bus was cleaned 100   i also used my ozone machine probably  about five or six times through this detail   and after we were done this vehicle  looked absolutely brand new again   and it smelled brand new again so that was super  exciting yeah i just wanted to let you guys know that now it's finally time to extract the one  seat that was cloth in this entire bus   so for this i'm using our extreme apc followed by  a milwaukee drill with a drill brush attachment   and for the extractor i'm  using my mighty hp60 extractor   with only hot water to suck up all this nasty oily  stuff that is deeply embedded within this seat so now it's time to move on to this massive exterior  of this bus and i tried ada with a microfiber   cutting pad and some heavy cut compound and it did  absolutely nothing to this heavy oxidized paint   so as you guys can see here i'm bringing it back  to the rotary i'm using a wool pad and some heavy   cut compound and i have to repeat the same  process multiple times to get the clarity that   i'm looking for but leave a comment down below if  you guys are a detailer and you still use rotaries   i still pretty much use the rotary every  day if i'm dealing with heavy oxidized paint   or a car with extreme scratches i always  grab a rotary i love my da but there's   just something about a rotary that you know  will always have a place in my arsenal for as you guys can see here that compound fleeing  everywhere and i wasn't at my shop and i didn't   bring the compound that i needed to do  this job so i just grabbed whatever they   had and it was the absolute worst compound i've  ever used as soon as it got hot it turns into   super greasy and slings everywhere no matter how  little i used no matter how much i you know went   across the paint to smear it in first before  i started buffing it just slung everywhere i   don't even know what it was there was no name  on the bottle all i said was heavy cut compound   so next time i come here and i do any type of  bus or nasty car or anything i'm definitely   going to bring my own compound because i  don't want to use this stuff ever again oh me foreign so so now that i'm sitting here editing this video  that i think back to it i think i would have   been better off just sanding the entire  bus with like 3000 grit on a da polisher   and then going back and hitting it  with a rotary because this just took   way too long and normally when i do anything  that's super oxidized when i do any type of   boats or rvs i normally just go ahead and sand  it with the da first and it makes it a lot easier   i was on a crunch time because i only had two days  in their shop to do this so i wasn't even thinking   about i'm just trying to get the bus done but next  time i would definitely show you guys how i would   sand it with a da and then go back  with the rotary and buff it out now that the bus has been corrected with the  rotary it's time to polish it for this i'm using   my rupes mark 3 with a red polishing pad and hd  speed and that's going to get all the holograms   and swirls out of the paint and also leave behind  a nice layer of protection this is not a show bus   they actually didn't even want me to polish  it out they just wanted it washed and cleaned   but you know here at mad detailing i can't do  that that's just not me i wanted to make the bus   as perfect as i can without spending five months  on it so i think this combination was absolutely   perfect and it did exactly what i needed to do  and it left the bus looking absolutely brand new do so and moving on to these extremely destroyed  wheels it's the same thing with the paint they   didn't care if i polished them out cleaned  them did whatever they just wanted the bus   just barely cleaned but i'm not going to do that  so here i'm using a die grinder to try to smoothen   out all these nasty curb rash that it looks  like every time they've seen a curve they hit it   but i'm just gonna do that the goal here is not  to remove all the scratches but just try to smooth   them out and get a nice shine on this wheel so  i'm hitting it with the die grinder then i'm   going back with multiple grit sandpapers and  then i'm gonna use my rotary polisher with a   polisher pad that's made for doing aluminum or any  type of polishing with my polished clay i'm going   to repeat that process about three or four times  and then i'm going to call it good and you guys   will see the difference it is not absolutely  perfect but it's a lot better than it was   considering that the wheel's still on the car and  that the owner didn't even want him polished out now that i'm finishing up the last bit of the  exterior before i move on to the before and after   shots i just want to let you guys know that i did  get the lights working on the inside so there is   going to be a little bit of flashing lights so  i just want to give everybody a pretty warning   so yeah the before and after shots is  going to have some fancy flashing lights   so if that is going to bother any  of you i apologize for that and   you might not want to watch it but  i had to give you guys the heads up you're like a circle that floats  around me keeping me safe and sound   and when i fall you tied a rope to me you're  blessing me every day i was down with an illusion   like a sparrow with broken wings but now i shine  with your reflection on me i'm getting back set me yes i'm free winner yes am i awake or am i dreaming so far gone i won't   looking angry but then i see the possibilities set me free together forever oh just eyes now this shouldn't be yours
Views: 366,261
Rating: 4.9136324 out of 5
Keywords: mad detailing, car detailing, moldiest car ever, dirty car detailing, car cleaning, detail geek, the detail geek, stauffer garage, detailing a car, satisfying, extractions, carpet cleaning, deep cleaning, moldiest party bus ever, cleaning, transformation, detail geek 2, how to clean a moldy car, auto detailing, interior detail, bus detailing, party bus, clean with me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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