Decorate Eggs with Eileen Tokita

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the egg lady Eileen Tokita has been a regular on our show every time in Eastern so it's always a pleasure to see you because I'm always amazed every time I see you by you great to see you too and your eggs - thanks Manolo all right so you're giving lessons on making this this is what you'll be teaching everyone how to make one of these this Saturday at Kahala Mall it's called the resource center from 10:00 to 4:00 I'll be teaching that jewel box they do this in one day I'm going to do a few things to help the process along so I'm going to show you what I'm going to do for them this is amazing I'm interviewing one of these okay go ahead this is what we start with it's a goose egg and every egg has to be drawn to some extent before I cut it the drill is over there I want to teach you a little trick that I think is just invaluable for even those of you who are going to blow out eggs for Easter don't you always wonder how to find the true top and bottom of the egg this little trick is worth watching this program at this ungodly hour your DVR okay so you hold the egg upright and just run it across the egg and that is the true top of the egg if you run it on carbon paper on a flat surface yes it has to be a flat surface and it would help if the eggs not held like this you must hold the egg upright and it's important to know that the true top and the true bottom when you when you're blowing behave about to stuff out of the end because that's where you should take the egg out and then Plus every design is built upon one horizontal line which divides the egg in half see all the other designs build on that okay so that's that's that's one step right there okay we're making this or four just making Easter eggs in general but let's show some of your collection here because every every time we see you're doing something new okay even though I don't know how you come up with them you want to talk about these guys over here yes this is a new process I've been collaborating with a guy named Roy who lives in Taiwan he has a sand block sister and how this is achieved is we put decals on to the eggshell where all of the flowers if you can see the design anything that is raised has a decal on it then sometimes we cut the egg open and we paint the inside of the egg with epoxy which has been done in this case because you see how it looks translucent that's not eggshell anymore that's epoxy so the entire egg is put into the sandblaster everything is blasted away actually eggs withstand that I mean it well that epoxy helps okay and so the only thing that's left are those pretty flowers which were hidden under the decals say same process on this one except I I chose to cut out the little spaces between the decals this even has a decal on it and that mean it's a real fun beautiful I mean you can just get such exciting designs and you got to open that because everybody everybody likes that egg there's tricks to that egg because when you the egg is whole you put the hinges on when the egg is still whole and then you proceed to cut the eggshell away so every petal gets cut after all the hinges are glued on so there's secrets so Saturday at Kahala Mall how do they sign up for that things you call Bella beads or call me can we give my number sure glad ok it's seven to eight nine four seven seven nine to eight nine four seven seven or call Bella beads and they'll refer you because you also give lessons here at Bella beads regularly it's my new home this is your home this is my new this is my second home back with more news after the break okay back here with Eileen took he to the egg lady and here at Bell Billa beads where she does a lot of her classes here okay let's let's show everyone that you're going to be making you're going to be teaching everyone how to make one of these at column all this Saturday though yeah okay and let's show another step on how to do this here's a little trick okay we're going to wait the egg because if you didn't wait the egg every time you open this it would fall backwards ah because it's got so many little things on the top it needs its center of gravity so I'm pouring in five minute epoxy and it's important that you select five minute epoxy okay it has to be equal amounts manola I'm going to let you stir this five minute epoxy so what that means is you get one minute to stir it stir it with a toothpick yep okay and then you get five minutes before it turns rock-hard okay so the one minute or either no but you need to really give it a great one minute so why is it are they both five minute epoxies yes one is a hardener and one of the resin okay so so they must work in action they need to be together and they have to have equal amounts so this whole this egg will not work unless I do this right basically well you'd have an egg that would seem like it hadn't seen its better days because it would keep falling backwards okay has it been a minute yet seafood cut good second and huh alright goes to minute yeah I fold it out that's good okay and then what he wanted I almost lost it okay so this is buckshot okay so when I went into young guns he looked at me like lady I think you found the wrong place you're getting a lot of buckshot here lady what's going on no seriously they didn't want to wait on me because they thought that I got lost but nickel and I told them buckshot is for weight right it's not like I said I need a bag of buckshot if you use like rice or something it's not heavy this is heavy okay but so for the amount that way yes but you see okay and then what's interesting is if you mixed it correctly this will become so hot that you won't be able to hold it really yes because the the resin the a and the B are doing their action so they are becoming they're setting up in essence so that's what they will learn one of the things they will learn yeah mm-hmm let's go through some of your collection a little bit more air right because I always it's actually always fun just to see them you want to talk about the green ones over here well this is for my friend Yvonne she has been such a great help to me she loves green eggs these are all painted with green enamel a couple of them I use the testers airplane enamel this is actually painted with car paint so if you were to go out into the Sun you could see the sparkles in in this but this one is a copy of the Faberge pinecone egg and it traditionally so you can't tell it that it opens it traditionally had an elephant in it and of course these rhinestones which I use Swarovski crystal were actually with real diamonds so the real one I think it's sold for 1.2 million so that's our version green eggs is in green eggs and ham is that what this has to do ever don't I wish but these these are really this is a Wizard of Oz yep and I have to show you this egg that I've been talking about for 25 years it's an ostrich egg football that's what it is I let this thing it's huge so where do you get ostrich eggs from by the way there are many farmers on the mainland who are trying to raise ostriches and when the egg is infertile they can Candle them and see if there's an embryo forming then they will sell the shell to me and so I buy them blown and disinfected so we put in a couple of shelves and all of these little tiny eggs our parakeet finch cockatiel this is a bit more complicated than ten Saturdays yes doing this tiny eggs are harder than harder yeah yeah the big one I call Bella beads for as far as either lessons here as or Saturdays lesson I'm well you know ever if you can make one of these I think you can impress a lot of things back with more news after the break you too can learn how to make an egg like this okay Eileen Tokita the egg lady is teaching this class on Saturday a column all and if you wanted to join the class just call Bella Beach that's that's probably the best the best way to do it we're actually going to line it with satin and just to let you know I'm not going to make you use a needle and thread I've got another great little trick about lining these eggs and it's done with totally with glue and we're probably not going to have time but well I want you to talk go ahead and keep doing that but talk about the other things you're doing it because you're here at the Bella beads right our Bella beads regularly you do a bling class also in addition to the Easter eggs every Friday I come here to teach bling and then this is what we affectionately called bling this is definitely bling anything with Swarovski crystals on it we call it bling and you can put Swarovski crystals on anything yes it's a purse the neck oh is a purse this is a person these are all mirrored compacts okay we have so many classes that we offer at Bella beads but it's difficult to get a group of six or more together so now we've started a program where you just find one other friend find something that you like preferably out of the class selection and then we will schedule a class for your convenience for those of you who always ask what does the egg do well this one does something this one does something but the big egg up here I think is interesting because this is a technique called paper tole and you put the first print on the egg it'll be flat you cut the egg out and then you add layers and layers of multiple pieces of paper which gives that dimension so there's just a lot of things you can do the remarkable egg lady but Saturday of course you can learn how to make this this is pretty incredible right here and call bela beads or you can take bling les
Channel: Eileen Tokita
Views: 302,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egg, egg decorating, egg lady, jewel, jewelled, faberge, art, shopping, gift, egging, eggery, craft, crafts, crafting, eileen tokita, Swarovski, crystals, present, presents, occasion, custom, handmade, decoration, decorate, how to, howto, special occasion, special, Fabrege, rhineston
Id: EK_3N_C6UjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2011
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