Debian 12 Manual Partition Install | MBR & UEFI

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hi everybody welcome back to Foster media in this video I'll be installing Debian 12 Bookworm using the manual partitioning method in this example I'll be using MBR Master boot record but I'll also explain the same steps for euefi as there is really only a couple small differences between the two during the install the plan is just to cover both in one video so whichever one or method that you use to put in the install with you should be able to follow along with any issues whatsoever as I'll make sure to describe an additional steps that may arise along the way so today I'll be creating six different partitions I'll switch those now the first one will be boot the second root third swap fourth home fifth for virtual machines and lastly we have recovery for all assistive snapshots one of the differences between Master boot record and UEFI is that you only be able to create four primary partitions using the master boot record after which the remaining ones will just need to be logical and seeing as we will be creating six today the fourth partition and the ones following that will all be logical um other than that pretty much the only the difference is where to put the bootable flag so with MBR root has it and with UEFI um that goes to the EFI boot partition uh which you'll see here in a couple minutes I also know a lot of people out there that would like a separate home partition for their home or separate partition for their home so also go over how to preserve that from your last install if that was the road that you wanted to take instead of just copying everything over say from a backup and with all that being said maybe I'll switch over to a virtual machine and we can get started with the install and as you can see I have a Debbie installer all ready to go so I'll just uh scroll down here which is where it says start installer and then enter a mobile little thing that I'm noticing that's different from the previous installer is it doesn't have an option for the graphical install so whether it's just lumping both installers into one which should be a little bit unfortunate because then we'd Miss in the tech space installer but if I hit enter on this yeah it just opens up as to what looks like the old graphical installer but no problem because it'll definitely work for what we're doing today so I'm just going to select the English language and then the United States for location American English for the keyboard just like give it a couple minutes get everything ready for us and we can figure the network and good old ghcp and time for us for to enter in some information here and start with the hostname so I think I'm just going to call this box Debbie and just gonna hit enter to skip the domain name I don't really need one of those and I'm just going to do the same with the rear user if you don't create the root user here and we create our normal use afterwards or after this step our normal user will just get the pseudo Privileges and leave the root account disabled I guess it's a bit of a uh a security enhancement doing it this way I'm not really a big fan of it but it definitely seems to work and that's just uh yeah what I'm gonna go with today so I'll just get an answer skip this and then just put in the full name or user and I'll use flossing for me for my username and then uh password and then pick your time zone and here we have the partitioner so normally with the default they would just go with First Option here uh guide use the entire disk well today we're gonna go and uh do things the hard way and scroll down select manual and here's the volume that I want to use well you can see I have a bunch of stuff for you in here um instead of going through each one and deleting uh each partition I'm just going to select the main volume here and then it'll ask me if I want to create a new partition table and I'll select yes and that'll just wipe everything out for us so we can just start off nice and clean and for the first partition all we got to do is select the free space and then after that we just select continue and the first one of course will be the root partition so I'll just create a new Partition and this one will just be uh one gigabyte because I know for UEFI you need an absolute minimum of something like 536 megabytes or something like that so I just always make my boot partitions one gigabyte so that way I just I know I'm safe no matter which one I'm using so let's get another and he's primary and beginning the file system will definitely have to change though right now I'd see xt4 and we'll want to change this to exe2 and the main reason for this is because EXT2 doesn't use journaling and we just don't need journaling in the boot partition so I'm just going to uh yeah I'll leave it out there in Easy XT too and yep next is set as far as formatting goes I think I'm just going to format this anyways and just wipe it all out and this is the one setting though that you won't want to uh keep in mind when you're going to set up your home partition if you do want to preserve that from your last install you would definitely want to select this option right here and keep it as no so that way you'll be able to keep the existing data that is on that partition but for me right now we're on the boot partition I'm not overly worried about it I'm just going to format it and wipe it out and we're not on Route so I'm just going to hit enter on that and select boot if you're using ufi there would be a partition down here somewhere that says EFI that's the one you pick but for today we're using MBR so we're just going to go with this guy pure boot uh Mount options so you can just leave it defaults uh label I'm going to change to boot that's just really handy for when we say open up a program later on like time shift that way we'll be able to identify each Partition by its label and Reserve blocks is good at five percent standard uses is good and the Beautiful flag this may look a little funny but I'm just going to leave that as off which does look strange for a root partition and the reason for that is because because we're going to have to make the root partition bootable and we can't have two partitions on the same drive that are both bootable so it does look a little strange I know but I just trust me it'll work out and yeah all that looks good to me so I'm just going to scroll down here to where it says done setting up partition any answer and that's our that's our boot partition so next we have our root so I'll select free space create new Partition and my root I think I'm just going to make 20 Gigabytes you're definitely going to want to make this a lot bigger if you're installing this on Hardware um I would suggest doing anything on your 100 as this uh this partition seems to grow in size fairly quick especially if you're going to be having all your log files and stuff in there you'll be surprised how fast it creeps up on you so yeah it definitely use a much larger number that I'm using here so I'm just going to enter and then make your primary and enter and enter a game for the beginning oh let's see your ext4 is just fine for root and I am just going to format it Mount points are already at root and mount options we can leave alone label I'm going to change to root sir blocks is fine same thing with typical usage so really the only areas we're concerned about are the file types the malpoints the labels and the Beautiful flag the recipe can just always leave a defaults except for the uh the format when we get to the home partition that'll be a bit different but I'll explain that when we get to it but for now everything's good so I'm just going to select on setting up partition and continue and oh we did one thing around there I'm going to go back in there and set the buildable flag for the root partition on if I didn't do that the system just wouldn't have booted what yeah just ignore that big Capital be there right beside the boot partition just to indicate that it has the or sorry the root partition just to indicate that it has the beautiful flag and then next up we have swap so let's select the free space create new Partition and I think for the swap I'm just going to make this eight gigabytes probably don't even need it but just doesn't feel right leaving it all together so yeah I'm just going to enter use that and we'll also make this primary and at the beginning and as far as file system goes you can just enter on this and then just select swap area hit enter and then that'll just auto fill everything else for you so that's really the only field that you need to worry about on Swap and then done setting up for addition so now that we have our three primary partitions the remaining ones after this will all have to be logical um if we were setting this up with UEFI we would just go ahead and make them all primary but because we're using Master boot record we can only have four primaries Max um we wouldn't be able to have any more of that because we'd have to make the last one as large our last one is logical before we can add any more of that so that's why we only have three primaries here and the rest will be logical but yeah just once again this is UEFI all these would just be primary but yeah and that's the main difference so now that we're done with swap um we can move on with home so I'm just going to select the free space create new Partition and then for the home partition and maybe I'll just give this uh 20 gigaby weights this is another one of those uh partitions you're obviously going to want to make a lot bigger but I only have about 100 gigabytes in total on this machine to deal with so that's why I'm just using such small values but I think this would be just big enough to uh to run what I want it to be able to do once we get up and up and running solid Center and then on unlike the other ones we're going to make this one logical at the beginning and then this will be our home so exe4 is good yeah I'll format it but again for sure if you wanted to say preserve your home partition from your last install just make sure that this guy right here you can enter on it and then it says no keep existing data and then you just finish up with the install and it will leave that partition as is um you would however have to still of course install all your programs and all that but all your configuration files and settings and a lot of stuff would still be the same and yeah for us today I'm just going to uh leave that as yes so I can just wipe it out and then where Mount points already at home I'll just give it a label here and call it home and then typically this is good brutal flag's already off so I'll select on setting up partition and then up after that we have the virtual machines so I'll select free space and then create new Partition and for virtual machines actually I think I'll give this uh 30 gigabytes because that should be just enough for like one virtual machine you know and enter at the beginning and yeah it can stay ext4 and yeah I guess I'll format it just wipe it out um Mount Point don't want it to be USR though so let's change that and if the thing that you want to change it to is in the list here you can just scroll down to the bottom select enter manually and enter here so and don't forget about this forward slash right here so it'll indicate that it's in from the root directory and I'm just going to call this fruit machines like so and that will be good as ext4 and I might as well format it uh malpoints good as we just set it and the label I'm going to change this to virt machines and then scroll down and select on setting up partition because all that stuff looks good and then we got one more left and that would be for recovery so I'm just going to select the free space creating partition and because we're going to be using the rest of the drive I'm just going to type in Max hit enter ext4 is good uh yeah format it sure Mount point will change though from USR and do the exact same thing we just did the virtual machines except this time we'll be doing with recovery so enter manually uh don't forget the forward slash then recovery NX ext4 will be good yep might as well format it uh label I'm going to change that to recovery and all this stuff can stay the same and just scroll down to done setting up partition and enter and that's pretty much it that's all our partitions so we got our boot root swap home virtual machines recovery our first three partitions here are primary the last three are logical which looks good includable Flags already on route which is what we want and just uh one last time if you're not completely sick of me saying this if you are doing this with ubfi um all these uh predictions right here will all be primary so yeah the only reason I'm using logical here is because I'm using MBR but uh yeah so just the main two differences are are the types of the drive or types of the uh uh partition if this is UEFI these would all be primary uh because MBR we have half of them is logical and the bootable flag is uh located at root whereas if it was UEFI the bootable flag would be on boot and that boot would be named EFI so yeah sorry I keep repeating myself I just want to make absolute sure I don't forget to mention any of this stuff uh because it can trip you up quite a bit if you forget one of these little details but I think we're good one thing does look a little strange is the way it counts like goes one two three five six seven um I find it usually does that when I use logical volumes it kind of messes up the numbers of it or it'll create the number four one and just say like a one megabyte uh storage or something but uh yeah none of that even matters I just thought I mention in case it looked a little funny to you but yeah no that all looks good I'm just going to uh select uh finish partitioning and write changes to disk and then we can have another quick check right here so exe2 is our boot partition which is what it should be ext4 was the root and then we have the swap and then after that we have our home which is ext4 after that we have our virtual machines and then our recovery partition so everything looks good so I think I'm gonna do now is just select yes and write changes to disk and this may take some time I'm guessing about five or ten minutes so I think what I'm going to do maybe is just pause the video and uh come back when it's almost done so yeah I'll see in a couple minutes okay I think we're almost done with the main part of the install yeah now it's awesome if you want to install a network mirror and I'm definitely gonna go with yes for that I'll just click continue in the United States uh work I usually find that to be pretty quick I'm just going to skip the proxy and continue like configure the package manager and I think grub is after this and then we should be almost at the finish line Let's uh installer used to ask if if you uh want to install it at the end actually maybe it still does but uh yeah he'd always be in a bit of a pickle if you forgot to do that and then you tried to boot near your system afterwards it was never a good time but uh not the case anymore as uh yeah it's already selected yes for us so all we have to do install it you just you know or click on continue and then select your uh your volume so for me I want to install it on vda1 um they're most likely for you if you're installing this on Hardware this will say SDA instead of Eda but that'll be the one you want so I'm just going to click on continue and every time I sound but pause the video it progresses a bit so maybe I'll just sit back and wait yeah but seeing as my small talk skills aren't that great uh maybe I'll just hit this one out take a break and pause the video so I'll be back in a couple minutes and it looks like the installation is complete so all we got to do now is Click continue and we'll do it in the new system and yeah as soon as you do this you may want to get your hand on your USB and get ready to pull it out if you install this on Hardware um they used to be after you clicked on this button the progression bar would progress to a certain point and then it would stop and then right after it started again that's when you pull out your get ready to pull out the USB buy this installer that's a little bit different so after you do click this button it's only going to be a few seconds before um you'll have to pull out your USB so I'll just be ready as soon as you click this and I'll do that now and I get ready to pull out your USB right about now so not a whole lot of time there and I'll make this full screen again so I think this boots up all I'll do is maybe fix the resolution and then just open up the terminal and check out our partitions and see their uh see the way they look they hopefully they'll look the way they should and then I think with all the post install stuff I'll maybe just cover that on a on a separate video such as the initial update and setting up time shift and all that stuff and here we go with the login well so far so good so let's click on that guy and then this one down here and I just like to make sure I'm running exorc or X11 instead of uh Wayland uh weyland's a default option up here when you pick gnome so that's why I always go with xorg down here at the bottom and there we go and then just save in your password and here we go well it opens up in the activities uh menu I'm not quite sure it's a little strange you think it would just go right in the desktop but I saw in a previous release too so I figured it was something on my end but I guess not so let's click on that to open it up and then next and we already did this stuff but let's just do it again and get rid of that and definitely skip that and now we're done start using a GNU slash Linux one thing I always liked about Debian too is how they keep that canoe slash in there for an Linux that's always really nice to see I think what I'll do now maybe just change this resolution quick so open up settings and then just go on to display wherever that would be right there and then change the resolution to this guy right here and then apply yeah that looks a lot better keep the changes and now we get rid of this and now all we need is a terminal which is right there and I'll make this bigger and so yeah instead of writing the updates and all that stuff right now I think what I'm going to do is just run LS Blk and see what our partitions look like so here we have our boot which we gave about one gigabyte so that looks good and then our root partition which you only gave 20 Gigabytes and that looks good uh swap looks good I gave it eight and there's this four I was talking about earlier so yeah I guess it just throws in a little bit of space uh somewhere in the middle there I guess I'm not sure why it's right there but uh that's where it went but at least it doesn't look like it's going to be hurting anything so but then after that we have our home and I gave that 20 gigs so that looks good uh same with virtual machines and Recovery um just a couple quick notes uh when you do go to install your virtual machines if that's what you uh you're doing like me I just make sure that they go in this folder right here of course um and then when you set up private manager whatever software application you're going to use I just make sure that it's pointing to this directory right here and uh that way you'll be able to keep all that stuff also separate from your system on its own partition and same thing too of course with the recovery uh when you go to set up time shift I just make absolutely sure that uh your recovery directory or uh I'm forgetting the technical name for it on the spot where time shift looks for its uh recovery snapshots make sure it's pointing at this directory right here so forward slash recovery um all I want to do now maybe just see how much the uh Drew partition used um after it uh started up and did all its things so what should be just DF slash h and there's the repartition right there and it used 7.8 gigs which isn't bad at all I find normally with a fresh installer with uh Debian with the gnome desktop I get about between our 11 and 12 gigs so hopefully that's a little bit lighter for a good reason and not just because it took a bunch of stuff out but uh yeah it's definitely nice to see stuff a little bit lighter and as far as the percentages and stuff go you don't really have to worry about those those uh yours will look completely different uh mine just looks so wonky because I use such small numbers to get everything to fit on the virtual machine yeah everything looks good here though I think uh we're off to in the right direction so as far as um creating or installing uh Debian with manual partitions I think that's a good way to go about it so let me covered both UEFI and MBR um again the main differences with um MBR is that you can only create four primary primary partitions on max if you create more than that like say six or seven like we did today the actually the fourth one will also have to be logical as well as all the following ones if you're installing with UEFI you can make obviously all the partitions primary and you won't have any issues and the one big other difference is the bootable flag so with UEFI the bootable flag will go with root or sorry with um with MBR and master boot record the bootable flag will go with root like we did today but if you're installing with uh UEFI the bootable flag will go with the EFI boot partition so yeah just a couple of things to keep in mind if that's what you're going to be doing on your next install foreign yeah I think that about does it for today though if you guys had any problems during this install uh please just let me know down in the comments and I'm sure we'll eventually get it figured out I'm also working on a post install script like I previously mentioned and I'm still in the process of fine-tuning it but when it is finished I'll make sure I upload it following this video and then that way you'll be able to quickly configure and install the applications on the system the way you want in a way that's completely automated and uh just uh far easier for you to carry out if you have other stuff to do and you don't want to be sitting at your machine all day yeah and then if a disaster happens to strike you can uh just build your system up again from scratch and practically no time at all as long as you have a a post install script that's usually maintained as you use your system so as you add more applications and functions uh to your system you just want to also add them to these scripts as well and a lot of times this will just be in a text form giving say the system a list of all everything you want installed and all the directories you want moved and all that but uh yeah I'm definitely looking forward to making that video and uh we'll go through that certainly in the next one but uh yeah I hope this was a help and bye for now
Channel: Fossman Media
Views: 15,153
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Keywords: manual partitioning, debian, install debian, install linux
Id: h21mZz4k1js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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