DEATH Is Not Always a New Beginning... 🦊 Endling • #5

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hello everyone and welcome back to endling extinction is forever where we have woken up with the scent of the kidnapper on the wind guiding us we've got to watch out because right here is another trap but guiding us hopefully to where we will be able to find our cub and apparently there is now a refugee camp somewhere nearby also i can't recall if it was so wintry before now but it looks like the season is definitely spreading oh good a piece of fruit alright there you are my little cubs it's not going gonna be enough to tide them over forever but hopefully it'll get us across the way so a refugee camp huh those signs are definitely new and there's been some sort of development over here all right where the kidnapper has wandered by after escaping from the corporation with a whole bunch of materials and goods we can only wonder what he actually ran off with oh good and maybe our cubs will be able to go ahead and dig over here all right there we are it's so interesting to see how they all have different skills oh good job little wine i wonder what it is you found but you and your siblings can go ahead and eat it a grub oh that's adorable all right hopefully that grub will serve them well and it looks like there are so many new ways oh there's those two again i think no maybe not maybe that's just trash i thought i saw the two people who we've seen over and over again in the river all right this this looks like a boat actually so was he dragging the boat up and out of the water all right come on you three we've got to watch out for those traps but how's the knight already half past us this looks like a fallen piece of a plane or something even bigger oh he took one of these propellers okay so what does that mean oh we have a new den uh that's fine i'm sure all of the the bones and everything inside of it aren't too terrifying but we have managed to get all right a little bit closer so the refugee camp seems to be where the kidnapper has been taking our cub i hope he's keeping our cub well fed this is going to be very useful for us if we're actually able to have more than one den to stay in oh oh is the snow melting is that gonna be a good thing or oh wow somebody died here that's their body how many bodies have been hidden away under all the snow that we've just ran past again and again and again i wonder what happened to everyone i mean as a fox we kind of have our priorities a certain way but the seasons are changing and we still need to figure out down there okay we still need to figure out what's going on with our cub i think this is going to loop us back around if i follow it long enough um no it doesn't but at the same time i'm sort of curious i want to do a little exploring over here first seeing the forest actually light up is reassuring to me okay so let's turn around we'll explore later for now oh wow i'm really happy to see the seasons change and is this our new den no oh thank goodness we can have more than one layer oh that's gonna make life so much easier for us all right little ones let's see where this is gonna take us and what's going on down here the refugee camp huh look at how beautiful this is there's a person no that's not a person i wonder what's going on here all right something's in my way so i can't get down there and actually being in the forest i suddenly don't feel as reassured because that means that there are so many new places for the owls to hide there you go little ones one egg probably not enough to feed you forever but let's leave those berries where they're at for the moment are we gonna be able to get a little closer to the mystery of more berries oh wow the food's already so much more abundant okay and we'll jump down here yeah the food's already so much more abundant in the forest maybe we just got really oh there's a person it's is that the kidnapper i think that's actually the kidnapper all right as much as i want to go ahead and figure out what they're up to let's grab this egg i wonder if i could carry it okay is that a bomb no it looks like a mural that's interesting so there's actually a mural on there and we can't go down there now to be able to look and see what's happening but it looks like maybe if we double all the way back oh if we go up to the north then we might be able to go down and take a closer look at this tree and try to understand what's going on here meanwhile we should probably explore what bits of our new territory we can and see if there's anything else we can unlock while we're here do we smell anything they've cut down a bunch of the trees over here all right well i don't think we'll be coming all the way back to this spot so let's go ahead and give this little one a nudge oh i think they were spotted by someone alright so they're full now and we can't go this way too far it looks like there's people guarding something oh there's people right there all right let's turn around thankfully i think we could lose them pretty quickly diving into the forest like this oh it's so surreal to hear birds again all right little ones i don't know exactly what time of night it is but maybe we can do just a touch more exploring beehives all of these are abandoned beehives interesting so was this it looks like that's a farm so there's a barn and it looks like there's a spot we can have our little one squeeze through up there is anybody on patrol yes okay so there are people on patrol over here too there's a crane in the distance not a bird but a mechanical crane or as my beloved husband likes to joke occasionally the national bird of big cities all right let's try to get back to our new layer i'm so glad there's so much food here in the forest uh oh oh oh okay okay don't panic is there a way up and around there is all right come on little ones oh they're scared and distracted do i have all three dust oh my gosh oh okay we were losing track of dust all right come on there we go little ones there's a mouse we'll leave alone for now and come back for later big jump big jump and they've done it there we go all right so let's loop back around hmm do we need to make another big jump here maybe i think so can you guys make this though no that's too big for them wait why do i only have two cubs okay thank goodness is there something in here need to get back home but okay we found another one of those little like bars that the cubs can eat all right can we get back to our den now come on little ones i think we can go ahead and wiggle over to our den hurry hurry oh it's so hard to manage to get there oh thank goodness they've lost they have lost their attention in us almost there so i wonder what this big machine was uh it makes me so nervous to run ahead of them especially with someone behind us but i also want to make sure we can run forward and possibly keep an eye all right there was somebody else further down the trail so we picked the perfect spot to go but let's see so that doesn't tell us a new story about what's been happening to our cub but oh hello little one but it does seem to be advancing something it only takes the scavenger would shoot us oh my gosh okay so we want to watch out for the scavenger i didn't realize he was that dangerous okay now will the knight take us the scavenger is in the forest and now he is a deadly danger and i think he took out our badger friend guys because the badger is now missing ah so what are we gonna do i guess we should try to figure out if there's a way um i don't see an immediate way if there is some sort of way that we could get up to be able oh no is the path okay i want to be able to get up so we can possibly wiggle down this path this path right here actually and find out what's going on in those trees because i think that's going to be very important and i don't know how much we would learn going towards where the scavenger is so for a big adventure like that i think we better set out now go down see if we could wiggle around let's find out what we can do all right come on cubs again as much as i want to be holding their paws and desperately watching over them i know if we're going to make it anywhere oh no yeah if we're gonna be able to make it anywhere we can't go here so i guess we will have to go up and around it shouldn't be that might be hard so we're gonna have to go near the scavenger after all there's so much outside of our control all right come on little ones we'll have to loop back around and again as much as i want to hold their paws and make sure that nothing bad happens to them which is our goal mind you i also have to admit that it's really really important to make sure that they can figure out how to be wild fox cubs as well and so far running ahead of everyone on occasion aha so this would take us up to that blocked spot again has been useful oh there's somebody in the forest okay i'm gonna keep an eye out for the scavenger too let's see we'll let them go ahead and eat that we don't need to climb the tree just yet so there he is is the cage i think he's got our cub but he's definitely scanning around and one shot would kill us huh oh what to do we have the other three we also have to think about so we're going to need to figure out a way we maybe can outwit him and possibly end up okay hang on guys we're going to keep that food until later and we're going to investigate today because the positive side of all of this is we at least know where he is going okay that's blocked off there should be a mouse somewhere over here at some point oh look it's these guys again so they're in the full suits once more all right good we've got a mouse for food for our cubs so what is this looks like japanese and english on the side there was some sort of crate here i think okay so cub skills layers this is going to be blocked again so i think really the only thing because we're blocked in more or less on all sides now is that we need to go back and figure out if we can confront okay this way this way and confront the scavenger so let's do this i wonder what they're up to i want to guess that they're trying to repair something but i'm not entirely sure all right this is a little bit sooner than i feel 100 comfortable for but let's see if we can rescue your sibling i wish there was a way i could leave these little ones safely to the side but i don't think that's going to be the case one shot kill huh oh geez is there anything i can do about this oh no oh no oh no oh what does that mean what kind of decision should i make oh man yeah i mean i know one shot does that mean we just need to eat and then rest for the night am i supposed to like wiggle around him and figure out what to do i feel so conflicted there's still so much we need to do to try to rescue our last cub i just want to barrel straight through there now there are people running around that we're going to need to watch out for as well but i mean i can't just not try right there has to be something we can do maybe it's going to take quietly sneaking like this from spot to spot that obviously should have been what we were doing instead of just running from place to place but is there any way we can get over there to try to help him maybe at least seeing us will will help his spirit a bit ah or maybe all we can do is just watch and wait as we have to figure out a way to pluck our cub out of this guy's hands all right little ones we're gonna have to do our best all right everyone thank you so much for joining me on this journey if you guys could ah if you guys could do please leave a like for a mother fox who now needs to go ahead and have her third life we're gonna do our best i'm i'm a little scarred from this but oh let's just spend a minute with the babies but we're gonna figure it out we're gonna figure it out and any pity i had for the scavenger is quickly eroding so if you guys could leave a like for our mother fox and if you would like to join us on this and literally thousands more adventures do please consider subscribing but most importantly stay curious and i'll see you guys next time bye [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Seri! Pixel Biologist!
Views: 215,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: endling, endling extiction is forever, endling gameplay, endling fox, play as a fox, endling let's play, endling fox family, fox family
Id: YlyeGxdeknw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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