DEAR HEART FT. MY SISTER CAM | Heart Evangelista

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hey guys it's heart and welcome back to my channel and we are back for another episode of dear heart but with a twist because today I have not one not two but three very special guests on this episode with so welcome my knees baby Bella and this is my sister Camille hi welcome back a bit thank you and of course panda who's not so happy about this these people set up [Music] [Applause] this is Camille she's my older sister you've met her in our past logs today we're going to talk about stuff and I'm so excited for it to be on the show I'm nervous hi I'm a little nervous how would you like to do an introduction for me this is hard my younger sister but who never acts younger than me ever since we were young she would never Mira Nair's my sister and my worst critic and my best friend and Isabella's second yes I think really good in the beginning yeah well your first boy we worried we wouldn't really get along no but really growing up me and heart would really fight like cats and dogs like it came to a point that my dad would threaten asana Papa give Elena home a boarding school boarding school if a man or one would be in the Philippines what one would be left behind in the States and then we'll just see each other cut somewhere and maybe in that way we'd love each other more but then of course growing up when we became more mature with one another that's the time that I appreciate that man you being sisters and we value one another now even if come rain or shine come heaven or hell fire at the end of the day we're family and we're sisters and when we're old Derek Amerian Makaha sama with Bella and with Honda hopefully Bella has a sister sister or brother in the future so that's the plan that's a good plan yeah so in the beginning it wasn't very good because come here whenever my dad was loaded and then but then she hor casts a mastaba Telugu Sonia Muhammad are right looks I can be the scene my god their own economy I'm in Iowa that day hard but it's ok I can take it but growing up we realized that we had each other and since we had sisters we were actually best friends I think at the end of the day you know you can't choose your family we argue me sometimes you really stop talking to one another but at the end of the day I think it's really only us who will also understand each other's quirks and have the same way of thinking and the same belief when it comes to a lot of things that's why I'm grateful for heart and I always tell her and I'm always proud of her we took very different directions in life I'm the more mature one the more response Barrett no I'm just joking but you know I always sell her at the end of the Dena I'm always proud of her I'm proud of everything that she's accomplished she's very talented and a lot of things fry everything she touches turns to gold Wow fire everything man I know if I am I'm delaying me me me wiggling and you know I'm proud to be her sister I brought the beer I think for me the best part can say when I was younger I was not really included in a lot of activities in school yeah I was always the odd looking kind of girl you're artistic yeah I didn't have much friends but since I had a sister who wasn't the higher batch but I always like had like my hero like every lunch break I knew someone who's gonna pick me up and I wouldn't be alone for lunch so I guess you have an automatic best friend and protector so that would be one and it could it's the same it just the rule becomes bigger as you get older the best thing about having sisters I think it goes without saying that me and Hart can say we're a bit clannish when it comes to our friends we really have like our core group and that's it once you're with us you know you're on fire I am and I'm in pic the garden so we're clannish when it comes to that yeah it's so gates closed kombucha telling the few were quality over quantity and you know we consider our friends our family as well so the good thing with having sisters is they're not just your family but they're also your friends and they're the ones that you know you run to when you need something in the same circle yeah we mean what her friends are yeah and even if we may not tell each other everything barrel but if something in belong I live Nanami you know you're firing like an Indiana humming so I think that's the good thing about having sisters yeah we would always fight when we were young like fire I suppose I like I'm in for that anyway the other let it go slowly let it go it was like that is so much together because we have older siblings but it was ourselves always together everybody else they were already older he had so many trips together Lake Tahoe you saw garbage yeah a garbage can you know me nothing sled which was this and lately I don't know why we didn't have none of that time is the lid of the garbage trash can to slide down bug slide Mammon see heart go BOOM but kigu longyang Guru Guru Guru Pitka an apnea you boom fish apna frostbite Lahab [Music] we were older and you know our love lives got complicated and the family I didn't get I don't know but you're not my love let it I know any some how many heart it's more we don't text each other or call each other Munna finally Papa let me move yes l'm and then after Nina okay away I guess when your blood casts a pattern you really do need each other they actually are yeah yeah oh yeah she's the one who raised us she was there before we were born she said that you will apply you companies that get them Oh a lap amongst them for a long time then so we really have our umbilical cord with us our umbilical cord our first earrings in a thread nominee earring yeah we still have our nail supersnap yes we have been hearing on did you get your umbilical cord mom didn't you don't look up you heard the story from some random person [Laughter] but that's why I finally going back to the question I guess that I'm we're almost like twins yeah I'm just a little bit prettier than her just got fed but yeah no [ __ ] prettier oh my god like oh my god oh no he's will act like a pastor I guess we both do different things yeah we both do it differently yeah I like growing up in barrio fiestas in San Francisco we would always after school we would be at the restaurant in your filipiniana and I would be singing with the waiters while Camille would be at 12 she was such a Hara and dispatcher dispatcher yeah so it's more of ever since we were young see how it was really like in the front of the house and then firing me I'm more like the back of the house so she's the one you auditioning here she's more of a people person than me and I think same goes with her accomplishments and what she's achieved instead of being jealous or feeling envious over what she's accomplished it's more of I have a sense of fulfillment that I see now she's done and achieved over and beyond what a lot of individuals would that's true I don't think that and what a lot of individuals could achieve in their lifetime and for her and so I always tell her to count her blessings I always tell you that I guess what it is because she always meet times that Baltimore a big onion so bullet Basha means I would I reply it to her and I see now of course getting in you know my friends don't really they look like they know I guess this is what it is cuz we went through also a lot of hardships you know I mean it couldn't we were not the men different from all the other families so I guess we know what the other person went through and who they really are as a person so we're both very happy for each other because we both know that like I'm so happy she's so deserving for all her blessings so that's why we really support each other and I think that's the blessing when you have us you just have somebody that I'll always cheer for you on the side it makes such a whole difference when you're facing the world and the world can be cruel but you have this cheerleader it this feels good if you think I'm cute guy you know this girl here is the one that's super duper like the word this buddy dosa more before he's not anymore no time so she has like all the tricks firing me and heart I'm [ __ ] about needle cinnamon is different like see hard she likes to be in heels I cannot wear heels anymore at this moment in time heart needs to be fixed her hair and everything me it's more off fire I'm particular with skin I'm particular with having good good skin that not so much makeup I mean a mine personally I don't put foundation I don't put yeah she is I don't put foundation I don't put face powder there sometimes put concealer and most often they're not that hard it's hard it's going to be there on that well I don't do it now but I like the quell group meals she doesn't like the nail art she hates curly nails need a mind so the mother I he I used to write before I got pregnant okay goodbye but firing I don't know I just like like it's very natural and shine skin oil burn yeah and I like you more indulging in my bath oil bath lotion good shower gel good and also if there's anyone that wants to send me oshi on us really young see how it's not particular reducing I started major skincare and I was 25 but before that it was just sunblock or just whatever the derma would gave me that's what I'd use but Camille would go on trips and she would really discover she was the one that first discovered BB cream right it wasn't even a big deal yeah I like buying products more than anything I like buying products not necessarily using all of them because I have a tendency to for it when it comes to products like if you open my medicine cabinet it looks like I'm selling products and you're also the one you were the one in mom passed on to her mom wouldn't use some soap on her face the man she'd always say listen apparently the more natural natural the more yeah the more you put on your face the more you make it by lemon the more you'll mess it up so growing up iron I use just a mild cleanser and water but my mom she'd use water pure water and then she'd what she'd used to remove her makeup with was she'd have a big jar of ponds cold cream yeah and she in London and L'Enfant school and I remember she'd have mascara here mascara here bad dream something to me mascara here oh it's only mascara and then she just even any good alone and my mom never had I don't remember ever seeing her with one simple shoe never not even one his lack at nothing zero like Chris for sure he was a cold cream and sleep like this she'd put petroleum petroleum gel on her to eat and leave it overnight by Elham her souls would always be safe so me I started when I was 25 when I really started to I I did a lot of like BB cream I was obsessed with BB cream and sunscreen clindamycin which is like a tuner for yeah yeah just one of the best yeah yeah I remember and I've came before it would come in really small bottles yeah and then now it's bigger what but um yeah so I started just that and then 25 I started to do a lot of anti-aging I got obsessed of course because my mom such a huge fan of bonds so I did anti-aging and I also started to do it on my hands my necklace and neck and what she'd always say yeah yeah and because fire should always tell us nah muhaha about your each with your hands and the neck right everything else mother died epidural but then whatever ended up whatever here and there Barry with the hands and the neck that's the giveaway bells yes that's the girl way so she would really heavily put a lot of puns I did anti-aging on her neck yeah and I I do that I don't know maybe that's why I got the endorsement because I was talking about it so much and I designed about yeah so it's meant to be actually it's other way around I think I learned more from her when it came to love problems because what's me experience Camille versus weight dropping about first not you never told me who your first boyfriend was I don't know you know our first boyfriend it was my first I remember yeah so saw her on the net I think she got that from my mom my mom fastest pass my mom's also very secretive I didn't even know her real age by the way I don't know when she gets an operation they asked mommy indeed sabihin more now I know and she has such a strong personality that should be able to really control the situation and wanna 43 villain Shapiro I know she's not it so Camille is the same so when it comes to her love life it's my dog it's a mystery I wake up and I just remember what is this Roy I when I was and then Yan so gran I was banished she was bad she was really banished from the Philippines and she was sent to the States and I remember that night but I never gave him a headache after that just just one just thinking I was 19 Wendy I know it's a mistake yes I can see learning no no no not a mistake it was a learning learning curve oh my NSS I think the difference thinking she has a stronger personality pattern she's really afraid of my dad and my mom although I'm afraid too but I felt that because I saw all of them just really bow down and yeah I felt that I couldn't miss up certain chances in my life and I as the youngest one I thought that I just had to do it so in a way I think I'm a little bit more rebellious misma Sabrina super-ninja so a whole beside made sure that they don't see me I'm so scared with the goodness and the response Forbes cuz my mom might be there I learned to go for me not gonna learn but I think that's what makes me different her I thought she was mad upon but I was mad upon in that aspect even if our graph it's three and a half years it but when it comes to that part of our lives our love lives when we were younger if I earn I don't I can't can't really measure the same with one another parents were young whatever but then come in you allowed each other to live oh I'll see her when she's out and then if she's out I'm out oh hi let's have fun that had been a week I miss her phenomen but normally like me I'll go home even 30 minutes before the creepy because the dogs would bark yes so we could never leave up we could never be late for we had like 20-something German Shepherds cheering up so they were so loud Amaya good leaving the house but I remember I'd wear a cardigan every time that Morgan throwing the gun [Music] but then with certain things like I couldn't get a tattoo I never did I only got a tattoo resume it recently huh meals [Laughter] as for sure because you know I've had a lot of best friends in the past and you know sometimes we meet people again I say that nobody's happy with me a best friend my baby won't so you know ya didn't long at it again yet and then I'm gonna quit on evidence on ya because she's the only one that knows my heart from the beginning of time and so she never really doubts my sincerity so at the end of the day you'll go back to the people who really know you so yeah she is definitely my BFF yeah bfl best friend laughs of course it goes without saying that you know hurts my best friend she's my younger sister it I feeling what was my rule to always protect her ever since we were young not just with Byron being her being bullied in school with everything Byron not just with her in school buying everything so family not but I'll have everything by then all else fails yeah we'll sell oh yeah oh yeah we're okay very defensive before when it comes to her by it's like a touchy subject so firing I'm more finally my love a simple cup bra but someone talks bad about her stuff like that finally ah papaya most was the phone ah you know how I any moon up about when you go to a different know which is true a lot of people are so quick to judge you know without knowing the person only seeing like the face you know I've always made it a point not just with heart but with anyone in general I never judge because you never know what the real situation is what there you'll be Liz and you'll never know till you're in that situation nah I know but lastic against against oh I hate people like that and most especially when people judge her name is the whole because they don't know you know the goodness in her heart not firing and I mean they don't covet them and it okay at the lane about our way of inside but really I don't care to say and there's a cost in the mine it's not like a lost cause I guess from Camila and I like even cheese knows when we're really really old and I don't know for no 90-something now hold on it may be something oh come in telugu movie yeah so like coming on again the end well we'll live together when we're all yeah we're their dogs and our kids yeah we already made that promise before and we won't raise our kids like cousins but to erase them like if she's gonna have a boy you know are--some like brother and sister or both sis with girls sisters sisters daddy not like them tenemos una are we but they didn't [Music] well because Camille has always been very hands-on with her dog ow who passed away this out yeah this is how this is out here how it's my son and then this my daughter Bella he would heat lamb and ground lamb with say or ten carrots and potatoes well organic she was like that to all her dog so I knew that she was gonna be a good mom and and my mom also when we were young she was very she was a doting mother so I knew that she was gonna be with our clothes they were both you know my our parents were very meticulous with how it was stitched I knew normally if hearts wearing this purple dress I'll wear a pink version yeah my mother in Khmer ash my hair and I'm glad everything down to our stockings our socks are shooting and everything was fired always perfect yeah I think that's what we got from them yeah and a fire boom but are you firing the saying by will power man another level like that soap iron ingot Silla coating disgust in deep way the soup iron you let me get up at that you know but they really good so when she became a mom it was also very inspiring because for me I we were supposed to give birth at the same time yeah our babies would have had the same birthdays here so I guess like it it's also in a way kind of orchestrated because it's like she I gave birth button cuz she gave birth and that's for us I think it's like her baby soul is also in or it can also be ban ki-moon in Yamuna we have in avignon so you are Betsy alkene unsuitable inhibition Emunah Baba [Music] I saw that much changes but I guess but I'm just not used to her being super elegant the mother dementia but in a way I also like seeing her relaxing and not on the goal as much because she's a workaholic and she would get sick there she'd be such like her schedule was really really full so it's nice to see her kind of enjoying her life and her baby it's inspiring it's really tiring and it's really really tiring that my whole back aches every day but I wouldn't change it for anything before I'd have second thoughts and having kids because I'm so oh see when it comes to I want things done a certain way and I knew that when I have a baby that I'd want it would be a full-time job for me and I didn't want to give up my day job for that but now I'm trying to balance you know working and having it tracing a baby at the same time and it's very full if I if I'm feeling I always tell her at night when she's sleeping that wiring that I know fire and show you crying shame me like oh she's mine she's mine dude look at Lika say she's my missing piece in life when it comes to hard buying every that's why when it comes to you know my wish is I can't fire feeling go higher una piña dilemma Casa Bella aspiring pretty prepares pretty prepare shot because feeling you know fire element coming down low headed and you know I'm happy for you be the bou' head nice but no jessebella Sonya I say if I am I'm come back Dana I know she'll she'll raise Bella also the same ways without seeing Charisse her and love her the same way that I I love my daughter and so I can't wait Adam Goodes practice for her and excited not sign Illinois by a motor miss wheesh collab okay so I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of dear heart with my sister Camille Bala who's back and panda over here who's ready to face the world thank you so much for watching and I yes for anything else if you want to see more of my sista here on my channel you could comment down below and if there's anything other topics you want to discuss for another episode of dear heart you can also comment down below and thank you so much Bella busy shad and thank you so much like it's so boring okay so guys this has been hard thank you so much like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Love Marie Escudero
Views: 818,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love Marie, Heart Evangelista, Love Marie Escudero, Heart Evangelista Vlog, Love Marie Vlog, Ponds, Ponds Philippines, Ponds BB Cream, Cam Ongpauco, Philippines, Vlogger, Lifestyle, Skincare philippines, Dear Heart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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