Deadly Obsession | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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when a young woman vanished family and friends discovered her secret life the political appointee carried on an illicit affair with a wealthy married man investigators suspected that her ex-lover is responsive but they had little physical evidence to support their theory in order to bring him to justice the FBI would have to go undercover and turn brother against brother [Music] [Music] [Music] power is a responsibility as well as a privilege but in the wrong hands Paulo can corrupt this is especially true in the legal community for former Deputy Attorney General for the state of Delaware losing sight of his sworn oath to uphold justice would prove lethal I'm Jim Kallstrom former head of the FBI's New York office when a prominent attorney tried to put himself above the law was up to the FBI to prove that justice is blind Philadelphia Pennsylvania Thursday June 27th 1996 at the upscale panorama restaurant prominent Delaware attorney Thomas Capano separated from his wife dined with his mistress and Murray fade the appointment secretary to the Delaware governor despite the candlelight and wine her mood was grim Anne Murray told Capano she wanted to end their relationship Capano was furious with her decision [Music] after dinner Capano drove anne-marie to the Wilmington Delaware house he rented since leaving his wife he insisted she come inside to continue the conversation [Music] he didn't want their affair to end two nights later Annmarie failed to show up for a dinner party with her sister Kathleen concerned Kathleen arranged to meet the Delaware State Police at Ann Marie's flat she explained that no one had heard from the governor's secretary since Thursday they found unpacked perishable groceries on the kitchen counter Kathleen called Michael Scanlon a successful banker and Ann Marie's close friend to see if he had seen her he was supposed to pick her up for the dinner party but Ann Marie never returned his calls this is a character for her he says everything always put in its place I just don't understand Ann Marie's family knew her to be neat and orderly yet her apartment was in disarray shoes littered the bedroom floor alongside her purse an expensive pet suit remained in its gift box a detective searched the piss he found her wallet and ID though her keys were missing detective robert donovan of the wilmington police was called to the scene and believed that anne-marie hadn't left the apartment on her own for the information that they're provided they said she's not the type of person to leave go walking around the neighborhood or to go somewhere without letting somebody know where she's at number 1 you know typical with a female when she goes somewhere she takes her pocketbook wallet identification something in the bedroom Kathleen found a packet of letters from a man named Thomas Capano they professed his love for her Kathleen and Scanlon were perplexed anne-marie had never even mentioned campano though anne-marie's sister had never heard of the man detective Donavon certainly had Thomas Capano was a powerful man in the state of Delaware Tom Capano was extremely connected um he was at one point he was number two man for the city of Wilmington he was head legal counsel for the governor for the state he was very close with a number of state representative state senators extremely close with some retired police chief's for the city of Wilmington very influential the detective found Anne Murray's journal in the bedroom and flipped to the last page the diary entry evidence to relief attending her love affair with Capano it read i have finally brought closure to Tom Capano what a controlling insecure maniac doesn't look like a happy relationship though [Music] the officers paid a visit to Thomas Capano at 3:39 a.m. separated from his wife and the father of four daughters 47 year old Capano was living in a rented house located only minutes from Ann Marie's apartment Capano confirmed that he had a relationship with Ann Marie but claimed that it was long over according to him the couple had parted his friends he told the detectives that he had dinner with her on Thursday night in Philadelphia afterwards he brought her back to his house briefly to give her a gift and some groceries she needed then he took her home when asked Capano claimed he had not seen anne-marie since nor was he surprised that she was missing [Music] Capano explained that anne-marie had Friday off perhaps she had decided to go away for the weekend he described her as moody and at times suicidal he suggested the police wait until Monday morning when she would probably show up at work within they asked him if she in fact was at his house you know and if he would have a problem with us looking through his house they stated that that he would have a problem because his children were with him for the weekend and they were upstairs asleep on Monday however anna-marie failed to show up for work investigators returned to her apartment building and talked to her downstairs neighbor can you tell me something what happened was the neighborhood been away over the weekend but remembered hearing a single set of footsteps in Ann Marie's apartment on Thursday evening at around 9:45 they seemed heavier than usual possibly a man's she heard nothing more after that night state and local investigators checked Ann Marie's bank and credit card accounts and found no activity after June 28th friends and relatives reported they had not seen or heard from her since that day all right here think apparently Thomas Capano was the last person to have seen Ann Marie Fahey take him up to the panorama restaurant in Philadelphia investigators traveled across the Delaware border to Pennsylvania to corroborate Capano story they spoke to the waitress and served the couple on June 27th at about 7 p.m. she remembered the evening and recognized Thomas Capano and Ann Marie Fahey from the photos the waitress recalled that the pair seemed tense Ann Marie said little and hardly touched her food after she handed the bill to Capano he passed it to Ann Marie who signed his name on the charge slip the waitress never overheard any of their conversations since the couple stopped talking each time she approached the table [Music] investigators met with several of anne-marie's close friends who described an illicit affair that had begun almost three years earlier in 1993 27 year-old Anne Marie Fahey met Thomas Capano in the governor's office despite her high profile job she was impressed by the powerful lawyer and flattered when she caught his eye [Music] investigators learned that while Capano showered Ann Marie with expensive gifts the only romance Turin out-of-the-way places to avoid being seen she felt a strong attraction to the charismatic older man but feared her family's disapproval and kept the affair silly meeting free winging him back as months passed and Murray confided to her friends that Kapaa knows charming exterior belied an angry and manipulative man he understood love only in terms of control she told her friends that she couldn't trust him by the spring of 1996 his manipulation and anger had damaged their relationship beyond repair Capano told anne-marie that he had separated from his wife so they could stop fighting talk to you about anne-marie wanted out Capano refused to let go [Music] detectives learned that shortly before Anne Marie disappeared she began seeing Michael Scanlon who she found caring and stable [Music] it was the relationship that she had always hoped for the prospect of a marriage proposal seemed promising Thomas Capano continued to pursue her and Murray told friends that katana was stalking her she was scared and wanted him out of her life Capano refused to accept the rejection Tom Capano had never been told no before he thought that he could control everything in his life and everything and everybody else's life finally somebody Emery phage stood up to him and told him now I've had enough and Tom couldn't handle it the Fahy family posted a $10,000 reward for information relating to Ann Marie's disappearance over the fourth of July weekend hundreds of Concerned Citizens helped police conduct a massive search of a local park were and the reoffend job the governor himself joined in the hunt they found no trace of the missing secretary the case became a federal investigation since anne-marie a resident of Delaware was last seen in Pennsylvania Special Agent Eric Alpert of the FBI's Wilmington field office offered his help I contacted Robert Donovan asked know if we could be of any assistance he said we could at that point he pulled telephone records and credit card records with the help of the US Attorney Alford secured credit card statements and phone records belonging to Thomas Capano and Ann Marie Fahey assistant US attorney calm Connolly noticed that Capano made a three hundred and eight dollar purchase at wallpaper warehouse just two days after Fahey disappeared thought that was odd because Tom Capano was living in a rental house so I called the number for wallpaper warehouse the person answered the phone and said airbase carpets I turned to Bob Donovan right away and we both had the same reaction which was my god he must have rolled her up in a carpet investigators now believed that Thomas Capano killed Anne Marie Fahey but they needed more than a hunch to convince a judge there was probable cause for a warrant to search Kapaa nose house in July of 1996 agents and local detectives focused on attorney Thomas Capano who they suspected was responsible for the murder of his former mistress Anne Marie Fahey two days after she vanished Capano had purchased a new carpet for assistant US attorney calm Connolly it raised suspicions that the monolid concealed Ann Marie's body in a rug and removed it from his house up until that point we had probable cause to believe that Tom Capano had played a role in the disappearance of a Marie Fahey but what we didn't have was probable cause that we'd find evidence in his house hoping to establish probable cause in order to obtain a search warrant investigators learned that Kappa knows housekeeper had cleaned his home for days before Ann Marie's disappearance she added that Capano cancelled her service the following week claiming that the house didn't need cleaning since his children hadn't stayed over the detective quickly noted the inconsistency in Capano story well the night he was questioned in his home the attorney claimed his children were upstairs asleep three weeks later the housekeeper returned to the residence and noticed something that struck her as odd the loveseat and carpet from the living room were gone in their place set two chairs and a brand new carpet this simple observation gave assistant US attorney calm Connolly all he needed to move forward so when you combined the rug and the couch with Tom Capano statement that he had brought Amory to his home on the evening of June 27th and you combine that with all the other evidence we knew about their tumultuous relationship we now were armed with probable cause to get a search warrant for his house Connolly and FBI agent Eric Albert prepared an airtight 37 page search warrant for Thomas Capano Wilmington home serving it on July 31st 1996 detective robert donovan didn't know what they'd find but they knew where to look we searched the entire residence but we took special attention to this room the great room area because we believe the Emory Faye was murdered in that room the team found the two chairs a new carpet described by the housekeeper they moved them to see what made them hidden underneath careful with the furniture the floor was clean on the baseboard nearby agents found something promising barely visible to the untrained eye they saw two brown spots that appeared to be dried blood agents retrieve samples by swabbing the area with a mild saline solution investigators hope the FBI lab in Washington DC could provide stronger forensic evidence from the samples for DNA lab examiner Allen Giusti testing the recovered material presented a challenge the items themselves are not very large the stains were actually fairly small and because of that we have to be careful because our test will consume part of the stain to test determine if it's blood Giusti performed a kastle-meyer test this test requires only a pinhead sized specimen we applied the chemical phenolphthalein which turns pink when mixed with blood [Music] the test worked her agent Eric Alpert and the team the discovery was important this is very significant it has present at this point we had no murder weapon and had no other physical evidence in the case of finding blood was very important to us we needed to find whose blood that was and whether it matched amory faiis blood it was impossible to determine whether the blood belonged to Anne Marie without DNA samples from her or her parents samples from her siblings would be two disparate to provide solid results unfortunately Ann Marie's parents were deceased [Music] Ann Marie's brothers and sisters provided investigators with a possible lead a check of the missing woman's calendar book revealed that she had given blood a month before she disappeared agents went to the blood bank to subpoena the sample it was too late her blood had been reduced to plasma and shipped overseas there was only a slim chance it could be retrieved worse yet DNA rich red and white blood cells had been removed and extracting DNA from plasma alone is next to impossible [Music] as the investigation slowly moved forward Thomas Capano continued to live a life of ease as the eldest of four brothers he had always been his parents favorite and the son who had achieved success in all his salt Thomas's brothers had always looked up to him Jerry the youngest had been rescued many times by his older brothers legal expertise Joseph ran the family construction company while Lewis managed the family's considerable real-estate holdings the Kappa nose were multimillionaires and seemed impenetrable investigators learned early on that Thomas Capano family and friends were unlikely to cooperate we spoke with an awful lot of people awful lot of people that are very influential that just would not believe that Tom Capano was capable of murder and and we're mad at us for investigating we're mad that we believed he was in fact a murderer that was frustrating because it was tough to get anybody that was cooperative [Music] the team believed that if Capano killed anne-marie someone close to him and probably help dispose of the body but no one was talking with no body no DNA sample no murder weapon and no cooperation from his cohorts the federal case against Thomas Capano was week on August 6th agent Alpert received a call from Sean Taylor the project manager and Lewis Kapranos development company Taylor knew something he believed might interest investigators he agreed to meet agency detectives in the secure location fearing what would happen to him if the Capano brothers found out he was talking to authorities he described an unusual event that occurred the day after Ann Marie was reported missing he advised us he was a project manager of one of the Lewis Capano & Associates construction sites he stated that he was ordered on joy first the Monday after Ann Marie Fahey disappearance to have four dumpsters on the property pulled and dumped and he felt that was strange because none of them were full and it would be very out of character to do that because of the cost of dumping something like that this reinforced the investigators suspicion that Thomas Capano had helped disposing of Ann Marie's body two weeks luis kirponos development company was served with a subpoena for the dumpster records as investigators began to turn up the heat on the powerful Capano family they hoped one of the brothers with turn against and telleth or ''tis about Ann Marie's disappearance the solid bonds between brothers began to strengthen the Thomas managed to keep everyone in under open Louis do not maybe had ordered the jumps to his empty undaunted investigators continued to pursue their breasts Lee so we trace that dumpster we went to the hauling company and we found out exactly when the dumpster had been removed we found out the dump that it had been brought to and we went to that dump site in the middle of August an evidence recovery team arrived with a Delaware landfill workers pointed out the area where the dumpsters had been emptied the recovery team searched for anything that could be traced back to Thomas Capano home we're looking for the carpeting the loveseat and possibly a murder weapon and also possibly a Amory phase body before hot ruling days FBI agents scoured the landfills they found nothing the investigators finally walked away tired and frustrated despite their strong suspicions they didn't have enough evidence to bring charges through agents detectives and prosecutors it looked as if Thomas Capano had gotten away with the perfect murder in August 1996 FBI agents and Delaware authorities continued to pursue evidence against Thomas Capano for the murder of his former mistress and Marie Fahey she had been missing for eight weeks and was presumed murdered by her wealthy ex-lover as FBI agent Eric Alpert explains investigators had no physical evidence to support their theory there were several challenges in this investigation now we had no murder weapon no true crime scene no body and no witnesses who would come forward and give us information as to what had happened on September 6th investigators received the call they were hoping for the blood plasma and Marie had donated a month before her disappearance had been recovered just before it reached its European destination agents needed a known sample of Ann Marie's DNA to compare to the unknown sample from the blood spots found in Kapaa nose house but DNA lab examiner Alan Giusti didn't know if the plasma would be sufficient the problem of extracting DNA from plasma is that plasma is the portion of blood that is separated from the blood cells and the blood cells are what contain the DNA so when you're working with plasma you're actually working with a very poor source of DNA to his surprise he found residual red blood cells in the plasma this enabled Giusti to retrieve a small amount of anne-marie's DNA he compared her DNA sequence to the sequence from the unknown source [Music] they matched there was only a minut chance that the blood spots from Kapaa nose house did not belong to Anne Marie Fahey investigators now had the first piece of physical evidence they needed to support their suspicion that Thomas Capano had committed murder they knew they needed more Capano cellphone records revealed that he had called a woman named Debbie McIntyre from Stone Harbor New Jersey On June 28th the morning after Ann Marie disappeared investigators learned that Deborah McIntyre was yet another one of Kapaa nose mistresses we saw that they called each other frequently but we weren't sure about the relationship from doing further interviews we found that Thomas Capano and W McIntyre had been having an affair for approximately 12 years so at the same time when he was having an affair with a Marie Fahey was also having an affair with the deputy McIntyre agents also learned that Gerry Capano the youngest brother had owned a boat anchored in Stone Mountain Detective Robert Donovan investigated we found out the jury Capano had sold this boat locally somebody locally purchased it we were able to track that down and spoke with a gentleman and look looked at his boat they scoured the boat for traces of Anne Marie but found nothing the new boat owner told investigators that jerry Capano had sold the boat without anchors they suspected that the anchors were now at the bottom of the ocean wrapped around Ann Marie's body assistant US attorney calm Connolly and his team turned their attention to Gerry Capano and so beginning back in November of 96 we put in place this undercover operation with the idea that we would gather incriminating evidence of Gerry's activity seals and any other information we could gain about his role On June 28th in disposing of the body [Music] if agents gathered enough evidence to bring federal charges against Jerry they could pressure him to talk about his brothers role in the murder for 11 months undercover agents tracked Jerry's every move they learned that he frequented bars and nightclubs and used illegal drugs they also learned that he collected firearms a federal crime for a known drug user on the evening of October 9th 1997 15 months after the disappearance of Ann Marie faith the FBI assisted by the ATF raided Jerry campanos house he was caught completely by surprise a friend with a criminal record stood with him in the garage if agents found illegal narcotics stored in the same house as Jerry's weapons they'd have the physical evidence needed to leverage his cooperation they found a small arsenal of guns stored in the bedroom closet of Jerry's three-year-old son agent Alpert searched the laundry room near the kitchen he dug through the pockets of Jerry's clothes Jerry's collection of rifles and handguns wasn't illegal per se unless they found illicit drugs on the premises agent Albert found one he recovered cocaine and marijuana now investigators had what they needed to charge Jerry Kepala with felony firearms violations they could also levy child endangerment charges they did neither prosecutors would offer immunity if Jerry would testify against his brother Thomas we did not believe Jerry had anyone the murder of Anne Marie Fahey we only believed he had a role in the cover-up the disposal of evidence and we also knew he was very loyal to his brother he almost mewed his brother as a father figure but at the same time he had a wife he had children he had a pretty good life a life that he probably wouldn't want to give up to go to jail and that was the card that we had to play after the raid the FBI allowed Jerry Capano to consider all that was in stock we knew he was forced to choose between his brother and his wife and children the pressure upon Jerry kappanna was enormous not only was he one of Thomas Capano closest allies he was his brother investigators weren't certain if Jerry would crack even if he did they had no way of knowing if he could help them bring the powerful Thomas Capano to justice a year and a half after the disappearance of Ann Marie Fay Jerry Capano has to see the FBI and US attorney calm calmly on November 8 1997 federal authorities had threatened Jerry kappanna with federal firearm charges if he did not cooperate with their investigation they suspected Jerry had helped his brother Thomas Capano dispose of Ann Marie's body in the Atlantic Ocean with legal counsel by his side Jerry related his involvement in the incident it began months before Ann Marie's June 28th disappearance with he personally early in 1996 his brother Thomas came to him with a problem Jerry told agent Eric Alpert that he didn't realize Thomas had lied to him well in February 1996 Thomas Capano I went to his brother Jerry and told him that he was being extorted that somebody was threatening his children he asked Jerry to again him some cash to help pay the extortionist he also has Jerry for a gun and said that he might need jerry's help someday with the boat to dispose of the extortionist body jerry provided thomas with $8,000 and the gun he asked for Thomas returned the weapon a month later telling Jerry the money was enough he didn't need the gun after all he heard little else about Thomas a problem until Friday June 29th 1996 I got a call from Tom [Music] early in the morning Gerry stepped out of his house to find his older brother parked at the end of the driveway Thomas looked upset 6 o'clock in the morning Tom what are you doing I need to get the pony a woman Ricardo Jerry knew as soon as Tom asked to use the boat that Tom had been involved in the killing of somebody and Jerry said to Tom did you do it and his brother said yes oh and Jerry said he didn't want to have any part in getting over the body and he refused to give up the boat he said he had a wife he had kids he had a beautiful home and Tom played the brother card Tom said I have nobody else to turn to you're my kid brother please help me power and finally Jerry relented and Jerry agreed to meet Tom and to go to Stone Harbor and to take the boat out and dispose of the body behind closed doors they met inside Thomas's garage where he asked Jerry to help him load a heavy cooler into his truck he never opened the cooler but Jerry believed the body and Thomas's extortionist was stuffed inside only the carpet remained Jerry told his brother not to take it on the boat because it probably wouldn't sink [Music] when they arrived at Stone Harbor New Jersey they carried the cooler down the dock in plain sight it was a common cooler used by fishermen at the marina large enough to carry an ample supply of bait no one would think twice about two men loading the heavy container onto a boat [Music] brothers fueled up and headed for the open waters of the Atlantic Thomas Capano ordered his brother to motor sixty miles offshore where the water was deep enough to hide the body permanently no one else would be close enough to see what the brothers were about to do they heaved the peel into the sea but Thomas Capano miscalculated [Music] the makeshift coffin floated Thomas then ordered Jerry to sink the cooler by firing slugs into it [Music] the cooler still floated the millionaire lawyer retrieved it and decided to sink the corpse without the cooler his younger brother wanted no part of it he moved to the front of the boat while Thomas wrapped the boats anchors around the body what Jerry Capano saw next was critical for detective Robert Donovan Jerri turns around when he asked are you done are you done Tom telling me I'm done as Jerry turns around to look at Tom he sees a calf and a foot sinking down [Music] on their way back to Stone Harbor Thomas Capano disassembled the cool and scattered its parts into the ocean and Tom said he needed me to come back to the house that he had something else that I needed to do with him the work wasn't finished his brother needed to dispose of more evidence tom says i need her help getting rid of this couch and jerry sees a stain on the couch which would be right about shoulder height which is a large he described as a basketball-sized blood stain investigators believed the stain was caused by a fatal gunshot to Anne Murray's head they dumped the couch in the carpet into a trash bin at a construction site managed by their brother Luis jerry had nothing more to add when word got out that jerry had cooperated with investigators his brother Lewis appeared with his lawyer two days later Lewis Capano recanted his earlier statement and admitted that he had obeyed Thomas's orders to empty the dumpsters earlier than scheduled the FBI began 24-hour surveillance on Thomas Capano they believe the suspected murderer might try to kill his brothers two people can testify [Music] less than a week later on November 12 1997 the surveillance team watched Capano and his brother Joseph loading suitcases into their truck they were heading towards the airport agent Albert feared Thomas was fleeing jurisdiction at that point i paged calm Connolly the Assistant United States Attorney who was inside the grand jury room with a 911 page to come out I told him of the details and said we need to make a decision on what we're gonna do investigators felt they still didn't have enough to charge Thomas Capano with kidnapping and murder but agreed they had to stop him from Flair alfred ordered his arrest on grounds that Capano had obstructed justice by coercing his brothers to give false testimony 17 months after her disappearance the suspected killer of Anne Marie Fahey was finally in custody two brothers now stood against one but investigators still had no body and no murder weapon on November 12 1997 the FBI arrested prominent Delaware lawyer Thomas Capano he was the prime suspect for the murder of anne-marie Fey his younger brother Jerry claimed Thomas had dumped a corpse into the Atlantic Ocean gerri pointed investigators to the area off the new jersey shore but they never found Anne Marie's body assistant US attorney calm Connolly had a daunting task ahead of him we didn't have a body and that's always a problem they've only been a handful of prosecution's in the country that have been successfully done without a body and in Delaware prior to this case there would only be in one case prosecuted without a body and it had resulted in an acquittal the only physical evidence they had against Thomas Capano were two specs of fakies blood found in his living room while investigators prepared the difficult prosecution Special Agent Eric Alpert learned something that could strengthen their case we received a phone call from an individual who said that he had found the cooler floating in the ocean around the weekend of July 4th 1996 and I asked him to further describe the cooler and he said that the cooler was missing a lid and had a a bullet hole in it the lead sounded promising the caller read an article about Kapaa nose arrest that reported a cooler was used in the crime but the story never mentioned that the lid was missing or that a slug had pierced it Alpert immediately drove the two hours to Bay City New Jersey to check the lead on the weekend of July 4th 1996 ken Chuck was fishing six miles off Indian River when he came across a cooler bobbing in the ocean had to go at hose and blood-stained but yeah we we were amazed that this was a brand new cooler but we weren't amazed at the board hose or the blood because they shoot shark a lot and there might have been a shark flocking around in there and they shot it and that's where the blood came from chub patched the holes replaced the lid and used it as his own until the Capano arrest story broke agents discovered the barcode on the cooler matched the one Capano purchased with his credit card on April 22nd two months before Anne Marie disappeared the cool was important in this case because it prevented Tom Kapinos defense team pretty much from saying that Jerry Capano was lying it corroborated exactly what Jerry Capano had told us well before you knew we would ever find his cooler the cooler was their second piece of physical evidence and its purchase demonstrated Kappa knows premeditation investigators still had no murder weapon they searched records at local gun stores for purchases by the pond or by others close to him they hit pay dirt investigators discovered that Kappa knows mistress Debi McIntyre had purchased a 22 caliber beretta on May 13th 1996 six weeks before Fahey disappeared they brought McIntyre in for questioning she pretended that her relationship with Thomas Capano was more casual than it actually was Connolly asked if Capano owned a gun McIntyre denied it I asked her do you own a gun immediately her demeanor changed she started blushing she got very nervous it was clear that she was lying and she told us this just fantastical story about buying a gun and then throwing it in the garbage can and we asked her did anybody know she had ever bought that she had bought that gun and she said one person and it was time to come connelly pointed out that if McIntyre supplied the gun to Capano she had committed a felony under the advice of her attorney McIntyre admitted that Capano had asked her to buy the gun in the first place the trial began on October 26 1998 early on in the proceedings the panel surprised the prosecution by admitting that he had disposed of Fay his body as Jerry had testified he also admitted to asking his brother Louis to empty the dumpsters early on the witness stand Capano painted his own version of events on the evening of June 27th 1996 after dinner he and Ann Marie came back to his place according to Capano they had resolved their differences they were enjoying each other's company when Debbie MacIntyre burst into his house Andrey and despondent MacIntyre threatened suicide Annmarie was killed instantly despite his legal training Capano claimed youth didn't call police because he was trying to protect mcintyre and himself instead he retrieved the cooler that he said was to be a gift to his brother he decided to use it as a coffin during cross-examination Connolly pointed out that Capano had prosecuted a similar case in 1976 when he served as assistant attorney general for Delaware in that case the killer dumped his victim into a creek near Delaware City at the time Capano was quoted as saying the killer would have gotten away with his crime if he would have dumped the body into the Atlantic Capano denied this it's all here can I submit this your in the States version of events Capano for Stan Marie Fahey to return to his house she was determined to end their affair Capano would not be jilted he took out the Beretta and McEntire bought for him and shot Fahey in cold blood [Music] then he stuffed her into the cooler at about 9:45 insane he entered Ann Marie's apartment with fresh groceries in the new pantsuit she would never wear he carefully tried to cover his tracks as he had planned for months On January 17th 1999 the jury returned with a verdict as for miss jury reached a verdict yes your honor we have please rise based on his brother's testimony the blood evidence and the recovered cooler the once prominent lawyer in millionaire Thomas Capano was found guilty of first-degree murder we were able to reaffirm a lot of people's faith in the judicial system here now the system works I think we accomplished justice here I have a very good relationship with the fakey family and so I think we've not only been able to bring about justice but we've brought as much comfort as they can have given the tragedy they had to suffer the jury went further sentencing Capano to the gas chamber it was the first time in Delaware history that a defendant had been found guilty in a capital crime without a body or a murder weapon Capano now waits on death row pending Appeals [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 2,108,124
Rating: 4.5409336 out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail, thomas capano, anne marie fahey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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