Deadly AC-130 Gunship in Action Firing All Its Cannons

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the ac-130 it's the world's biggest flying artillery gun its enemies know it as hell in the sky so the guns are obviously what makes the gunship the gunship we have three side firing weapons we can chew two of them at the same time either at the same target or at separate targets toward the front of the plane the 25 millimeter Gatling gun this is the 25 millimeter gal 12 a Gatling gun called the crowd-pleaser from the 350 round versus just 12 seconds of a fireball coming out the side of the aircraft is pretty impressive behind it is a weapon in service since World War two the 40-millimeter Bofors can be fire up to 100 rounds a minute this is our most accurate weapon because of its low collateral damage it's the one we get to fire the most in combat in the back is the gunships specialty the deadly and ferocious 105 this is the 105 millimeter howitzer this is the biggest gun we have on the gunship its firepower is unmatched by any other airframe this massive cannon can fire approximately 10 rounds per minute it recoils with enough force to benchpress over 20,000 pounds we put these on vehicles hardened targets buildings any kind of structure that we need penetrated no other gunship puts more rounds on the ground and troops in Afghanistan need every bullet over Afghanistan major Allen hauls ac-130 gunship prepares to fire at Taliban soldiers his calculations must be perfect or he risks gunning down the troops he's sworn to defend it's up to him to choose the weapons he selects the 25 millimeter and the 40 millimeter to target the Taliban street fighters for insurgents shooting from the buildings he picks the 105 moments later sensor operators target the enemy with the guns and fire yeah we began firing anything within 50 60 meters any of the structures where we were seeing small arms fire it's enough firepower to make most fighters turn tail to take out the enemy without killing the friendlies the ac-130 crew takes a huge risk just one miscalculation could be deadly you're holding your breath the entire time just hoping that everything you've done has been right as soon as the round went off the enemy element dropped it's a daring action that saves the lives of 50 American and Afghan soldiers [Music]
Channel: Smithsonian Channel
Views: 4,063,861
Rating: 4.8702383 out of 5
Keywords: Hell in the sky, TV online, watch, center operator, soldiers, AC130, AC-130, america, Facts, air force, USA, Sean Silva, 105, taliban, gunship, insurgents, US, artillery, Crowd Pleaser, cannon, Documentary, Aaron Hall, channel, stream TV, 25mm gatling gun, 30mm, video, Episodes, free tv, Bofors, recoil, Air Warriors, smithsonian, free videos, 105mm, howitzer, Afghanistan, USAF
Id: 7lrfdzU8k4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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