AC-130 Gunship in Action - Firing All Its Cannons β’ Exercise Emerald Warrior
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Channel: Military Archive
Views: 26,441,167
Rating: 4.7022362 out of 5
Keywords: Ac-130, Ac 130, ac 130 angel of death, Lockheed AC-130, AC-130 Spectre, Action, Gunship, AC-130W, AC-130W Stinger II, Inside The AC-130, AC-130 Gunship, Inside AC-130, Technology, Science, Firing, ac-130 gun run, gun run, ac-130 documentary, ac-130 attack, ac 130 in combat, ac 130 cannon, AC-130 in Action, AC-130U, Spooky Gunship, Military, Emerald Warrior, AC-130W Stinger, Ultimate Weapons, Powerful, Awesome, Monstrously, Cannons, Aircraft, Gattling Gun, ac-130 vs tank, ac-130 canon
Id: UG8A3FXhZ_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2016
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I love it
It's like a planteside 2 Vulcan Galaxy.
Look at the size of them shells. I believe these have some of the same cannons that the A-10 has.