Deadliest Roads | India | Free Documentary

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[Music] Banaras India's holiest town lies on the banks of the Ganges here as soon as day breaks the center of town is heaving cars rickshaws motorbikes and pedestrians share the constant confusion and there's some unusual cargo being transported through the daily turmoil the colored cloths hide corpses they've come from all over the country to be cremated on funeral pyres along the banks of the river the Ganges is the ultimate journey for many millions of travellers they've sometimes journeyed for thousands of kilometres to reach Banaras they're also those responsible for the thousands of tonnes of wood that are needed for the cremations ensuring they keep the sacred fires burning as a routine established by their ancestors centuries ago entire villages sometimes travel together having made huge sacrifices for the pilgrimage of a lifetime a journey of many days on foot by bus or even tractor and finally there's the so-called coal route a route dotted with pitfalls for the much sought-after mineral it's the principal source of energy in India and much in demand [Music] Dunbar is 600 kilometers from Banaras it's the starting point for the coal route thousands of trucks constantly barrel up and down these roads Pawan has been a driver for six years he lives with his wife and two daughters in a tiny home where the only luxury is the television kieran is fourteen two years older than roshni and her sister don't take the medicine yet wait until tomorrow when your temperatures gone you weren't needed anymore no are you really leaving tomorrow yes once we've loaded the truck so the teenage kiran the frequent absences of her father means freedom on side when he goes not really i make the most of it like being on my own for a while but i don't like it when he's gone for long periods we become anxious and worried about him on the road raising two girls as a daily chore for Pawan in an India it's the father of the bride who provides the dowry often a significant amount of money I've got number two what kind of future would you like to go to have my dream would be to be able to pay for their studies marry the month off well and dress them well those are my hopes to provide them with a good future happy life I work hard for it so I hope the curse under coal mine is the largest and most active of the 120 mines in the region dan bard alone produces 28 million tonnes a year of coal not for nothing as it known as the coal capital of India [Music] it's 7:00 a.m. and Pawan heads for the mine the loading bay is in the center of the complex four kilometers from the entrance to the mine next to him is his brother-in-law and assistant Govan they'll travel together now we'll load up and then take the Banaras Road I will take about an hour and a half to fill the workers here do it by hand as someone who knows the routine well how one is anxious to get moving on Sundays there could be as many as 800 trucks here and if the loading is slow it means being stuck in the mind for hours on end loading up is by hand in India labor cost so little the mine owners decided not to mechanize the system I used to be a loader when I started I did this for three or four years at least then I got fed up with it so I don't have to drive let me tell you being a driver is much harder than being a loader you work day and night once they're finished we'll get going we should make it to Banaras tomorrow in the daytime three hours later Pawan and his 16 tons of coal are set to leave the mine by this time there are hundreds of trucks in the queue to get on the road it's a four kilometer stretch all the drivers dread [Music] because of the grabbers as they call them people who try and grab whatever coal they can from passing trots [Music] these people petty thieves locals in charcoal nothing much we can do about it if you confront them that leads to fights if they take the truck you'll lose your cargo and therefore money the trucker's stuck in the traffic jam faced the same problem a horde of little hands that immediately descends on their cargo it's a well-oiled operation as accomplices wait for the coal the smaller kids have thrown off the truck it takes agility to storm the vehicles women and children all take part the grabbing at the COS undermine has become a family business some 500 families live just below the embankment some have been here for generations at some point all left their villages to live here stealing coal is now their only livelihood our blue was born here 13 years ago he is the only child of Grabber parents and has grown up knowing little else he's now that the head of a small business and the family's breadwinner [Music] unbelieva my job is to get the coal off and my friends pick it up you're in charge then that's right authorities at the mine gave up trying to stop the grabbers a long time ago there's simply too many of them [Music] besides the amount of coal they take remain small that blue and his gang seem to have a promising future before them [Music] we're not doing any harm really it's just a way to survive my family is very poor how could we eat if I didn't do this I never went to school you know never held a pen in my hand just cold on a good day bye blue and his comrades my teacher in the equivalent of three euros [Music] that's the way it is here the people simply weren't get jobs look we know that I got the stealing our coal is the only way they live we would have no choice they don't dirty to annoy he's hard to read also in a brief lull pawan decides to start up flooring the truck it's straight ahead at the speed only the most experienced grabbers dare attack the trucks [Music] by one loses very little cold just a few dozen kilos [Music] it's Banaras MEC stop but the road ahead is infamous [Music] 300 kilometers to the west is home to the gazia tribe until a decade ago the Kezia refused to give up their nomadic lifestyle now they live off the land and from their livestock the fields are full of mustard this year's crop is particularly generous [Music] in the village people gather below this tree to talk and sample the local speciality wheat patties cooked in cow dung only the inside is consumed it's a matter of taste passionate is the village headman to thank the gods for the good harvest and ask for greater prosperity bash nut is making the journey to Banaras a trip that will take two days very poor we work hard but we have nothing children have no future here there are no schools anywhere near here no hospital not even a road but the harvests were good this year to Banaras to bathe and the Ganges take our joys and sorrows with us the goddess of the Ganges will purify us it's important believe me our lives will be better our worries will disappear the Ganges will wash them all away all our despair [Applause] as night falls they celebrate their impending departure with music about twenty will travel to Banaras using a tractor they've hired for the trip nice it's the only means possible to get the lane set up a road is really bad tractor tips over on a turn it would be painful so that's the way it is whatever the risks it's so rare for us to go as far as the Ganges that I'm cut off [Music] [Applause] [Music] this little hiccups in their storage that's on the cake crammed into the trailer the tribe's pilgrims will have to put up with discomfort for the 300 kilometer long journey are there dick turmoil saved up to be able to afford the tractor guy [ __ ] here go as far as the city and then take the bus for Banaras the hardest part lies ahead hours spent on a perilous descent into the valley in the scorching heat before heading on towards the Ganges these trees cut down further to the east we'll also soon be heading for Banaras all year long wood cutters are busy in the region's forests for cremations it's our word that's used to burn the bodies on the ganges trucks we'll pick up the wood stacks that have been deposited on the edges of the forest women do the physical work of loading and dry Meramec and watches with barely a hint of about sixteen yeah well everything's relative driving isn't easy either the highway that leads straight to Banaras is just two hours drive away and only a few stretches of the mountain road seem to worry the drivers the road is in very poor condition here there are potholes everywhere even worse up ahead on the climb up is it a steep climb it's a shop crime for four or five kilometers and it's rather dangerous [Music] this is where most accidents occur there was one there just the day before yesterday a truck turned over a bit further up and the driver was crushed I'm not too keen on this part Ramakant drives with extreme caution [Music] it's still another five hours to Banaras we're relatives are waiting for the precious cargo to cremate their dead [Applause] it'll take the members of the gussied a tribe considerably longer to reach the banks of the Ganges so far they have barely covered half the distance but the powerful ready slippery becomes increasingly dangerous as it twists and turns the tractor could easily run out of control it's safer to get off and continue on foot and it's hard on the women and children [Music] how's the trip going it's hard the roads dangerous but the main thing is to get to the games when you bathe for your baby in the river too of course the baby and the other children it doesn't matter what we endure it's all worth it I'm happy to beginning to Banaras [Music] a few kilometers further on there's been an accident while reversing tractor overturned on the slope miraculously only one of the passengers in the trailer was killed and a few others slightly injured car accidents frequent yes this is the at least the seven from this spot penny one passenger was killed yes I know I knew lots of them why ride on a tractor that aren't you scared we don't have a choice it's scary yes but I can't do anything about that Jiwon do cows is your name we live at the top of the mountain it's the only way to get down to town okay [Music] it's taken six hours to reach the nearest town in the foothills of the valley [Music] the first leg of their Odyssey is over and it's time to get to the bus station [Music] [Music] to deliver the hugely overcrowded bus will take them as far as Banaras let us sit down find somewhere else I'm not budging [Music] are you paying for the ticket yes yes no problem so how many of you are there then we're 15 or 20 I'm not really sure to pay badge nut needs a double check how many people from the village are travelling overwhelmed by exhaustion he's forgotten [Music] well controllers asked me to count everyone up again I need to pay for the tickets [Music] that's 20 tickets 25 euros please that's expensive isn't it was in the budget we put aside money for everything like we did for the villages this meant making sacrifices as 25 euros as the average monthly salary in India [Music] hurtling along to try and make up for lost time the bus takes some considerable risks despite the potential danger passionate seems unperturbed you're not used to traveling by bar sorry aren't you scared it's going so fast no it's fine I'm confident it's a main road nothing can happen to us before we reach Banaras he might be unaware of the danger or just fatalistic to Hindus death doesn't signify the end at the beginning of a new life reincarnation [Music] back on the coal roots pow1 and Govan have been driving for four hours fatigue is beginning to creep up [Music] - ID very nice or and holes in the road everywhere on the narrow roads the hardest thing is to overtake the job of the assistant is vital as he's the one who assesses the risks [Music] [Applause] there are many difficulties on this road there's more children there cows you have to be very vigilant I might hit an animal or a person if that happens the locals here attacked the drivers and there been times when they've burnt the drivers truck [Music] once there was a cow that suddenly came into the road slammed on the brakes but I couldn't stop in time and I hit it the villagers pounced two men beat me and I have to give them 20 euros before they let me go just for injuring a cow [Music] to get away without further damage Pawan had given up half his wages such incidents are common in this part of India known for its high crime rates at my time bandits targets the traffic it's best not to drive for night time here it's infested with thieves it's a serious problem on this road at nightfall you can't drive here anymore yeah I know now too many robbers they could take everything even kill us and steal our truck it can happen here here and throughout the region that's an awful region [Music] [Applause] [Music] after doc pollen has trouble staying awake [Music] the road is meant to be one-way but some vehicles risk going against the flow [Music] I'm tired but I'll Drive another dozen kilometers and then stop for a nap I'll say you won't drive all night then no no no I'm too sleepy I'd be risking an accident when my boss would be on my case if I hit someone or something peasants to take a break at the busy drivers cafe the place is dilapidated and you need a strong stomach to eat the special [Music] how's business okay we're open 24 hours a day and a lot of drivers stopped in their trucks day and night on this road there's a rapid turnover in the service is efficient but the staff doesn't have time to be polite [Music] [Applause] do you like your job Palin no not really why not ha very horrible job at muscles Nunavut being far from my family is hard to endure as soon as I leave home I suffer despite his bosses fatigue Govans future seems mapped out my dream is to learn to drive and do this job I've been with power on almost two months and I'm working hard to become a driver one day [Music] Vaughn and Govan will sleep here among the tables tomorrow they'll get to Banaras and its legendary traffic jams [Music] it's 3:00 in the morning in Banaras the town that never sleeps [Applause] [Music] ramekin the wood transporter has reached his destination first I need to weigh the truck and then unload on the banks of the Ganges the workers are waiting for us there this is where the wood is offloaded in charges this man his name is Ramesh for three generations his family has transported the wood by boat to the cremation sites but at this time of night he needs to round up some volunteers they are you sir come on we need to unload some wood well do it yourself come on I need seven or eight blokes I told you hey guys get up his persistence finally pays off and a dozen or so men are waiting for Rama cons truck go on undo the ropes so the trims over yes I drop it here and they take care of the next part to unload sixteen tons of wood the workers use a rapid and efficient method they simply throw everything over the side about 30 people in my group we've already unloaded two trucks this morning each worker will earn about five euros it's not much for such hard work but that's the rate in just a few hours the wood will need to be put onto ramish as boats and taken to the cremation site [Music] day break in Banaras [Music] the center of town is already buzzing [Applause] [Music] nimble rickshaws weave in and out of the friends in traffic Ratan knows the town inside-out he spent the past six years moving quickly through every square inch in Banaras satisfying the client means knowing how to cycle swiftly making use of every spare millimeter to juggle and squeeze through the other traffic [Music] [Music] when we are going you [ __ ] what you think [Music] is it always this busy in Banaras yeah yes because we're close to the market shops get their deliveries so there are always trucks on carts W streets America obviously passage fruity Rudy how do you put up with this constant cat used to it by now driving through crowds and all the noise [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you worried about accidents moving so quickly I've been driving for years I know exactly what I'm doing on my rickshaw put off by the traffic you just need to remain focused if I took my eyes off the road then I would have an accident [Applause] Ratan was not meant to become a rickshaw driver he was born on the banks of the Ganges and have been destined to become a fisherman far from the clamor of the town center this area of Banaras has traditionally survived through fishing despite his community's reservations Ratan always knew he would do something else like fishing so much son it ruins your face and your feet constantly in the water - told me that much Quincy ever since I was a kid I hated all of that I always wanted to be a rickshaw driver at least I get out and about meet lots of people and discuss many things fishermen are stuck in their own world they never see anyone besides there are no fish during the winter only in the summer and during the monsoon just eight months a year John Wyndham was clean in winter his father who wasn't convinced to begin with now says Ratan made the right choice driving a rickshaw and it's worked out so the important thing is he can feed his family [Music] can we have a bite tweet please among the drivers the conversation inevitably revolves around the day's traffic jams this morning terrible every time I made my way through I was blocked again a few minutes later it cost me three euros in petrol to make a 1 euro fan despite the stress and the risks piloting a rickshaw is still a much valued job in Banaras I rent my rickshaw it cost me four euros a day rent I make about 10 jurors would make any half about in any other job here my mind ten euros a day is a terrific salary for India [Music] in Banaras however the biggest threat to the rickshaw driver comes from the police they don't pay for their rides and they extort all the drivers you see would be when a policeman wants to go somewhere he stops your rickshaw claims in never pays a cent there ask for money he might take you down to the police station we have no choice here the bun continued Gotti so you need to pay them off they arrest you for nothing you have to pay the worst of the traffic police who constantly want money and they often hit us with their patents they'll leave you alone once you've handed over 2 or 3 euros after an uncomfortable two-day journey the Kezia tribe arrives overnight and decides to stay in the ashram a religious retreat there are hundreds throughout Banaras the pilgrims are sheltered unfit for free along with some other clients [Music] this is going to be a great day how our children will be grown up they'll be able to say how their parents took them all the way to Banaras I don't think they'll ever get another chance we're here and I'm so proud cassia approached their goal [Music] finally the Ganges [Music] [Music] a ganache in Hanukkah we're finally here I hope we and our children will be rewarded that our future will be a happy then take some water back to the village course yes we'll take some for all those who weren't able to come I can't feel my feet or my legs anymore I'm shattered but the trip was endless dangerous we've made it we're at the holy river [Music] what are the candles for to honor the goddess of the Ganges here we are and the mouth [Music] the offerings are to help make their most cherished hopes come true that of a bountiful harvest enough to feed the entire tribe a few hundred meters further on ravishes men are loading up the wood they're done packs during the night don't sleep much last night I know I have to supervise the stocks of word in the boats to make sure they didn't get wet what is the most important thing I'd be responsible if anyone in stone [Music] [Music] down the woods journey will continue on the Ganges as you can see I'll take it to the banks where the cremations take place it's my small contribution for all those who are going to Paradise we work hard but there mustn't be any problems it's so important to the families [Music] I too will die one day and go up to the heavens I hope someone will be there to do the work I'm doing now [Music] it takes ramish barely an hour to get to the cremation site but it will take his men five times longer to unload the boat this is where the families come to burn their dead to keep the fires going thousands of tons of would have been stockpiled as many as 300 corpses are created here every 24 hours day and night the dead are placed in the same location in downtown Banaras it's known as the square of the dead there's a constant shuttle of jeeps carrying the corpses which are Claire Doan Vienna sorry the bodies are attached to a bamboo stretcher and transported by the family [Music] they must negotiate the traffic over several kilometres to get to the sacred banks of the river are you from from John poor so far 70 kilometers we came by Jeep [Music] Sarab lost his mother the night before accompanied by his father and his brothers they immediately set off for Banaras [Music] [Music] glory to the goddess of the Ganges [Music] [Music] why are you dipping the body in the water today why isn't the Ganges a sacred purify the body it's very important to us to be here especially for my mother to have the possibility to cremate her in this holy place is an immense privilege [Music] in Hindu mythology the soul of a body cremated in Banaras will avoid the various cycles of reincarnation and traveled straight to paradise [Music] the belief is so ingrained that when the elderly feel close to death they come to Banaras to wait for the end the first stage of the cremation ritual is shaving the widow of the deceased woman my father needs to have his hair and beard shaved it's the tradition he will set fire to the funeral pyre and make sure the cremation is carried out properly [Music] [Music] Kedar since you got here I'm sad of course she was my mother yeah but being here for the cremation makes me feel at peace she's under taking her last great journey to paradise but of course the ski everybody trying our best to save her but it was God's will man on the other side of town POW one go VIN and their consignment of coal have finally arrived [Music] I'm so glad we're here the depo is close by I've really had enough his joy will be short-lived outside the depot there's a gigantic Jam which is not unusual for Banaras [Music] no sign of the police but a manager from the coal Depot the largest in the city is in the middle of the road trying to direct traffic I'm trying to clear the entrance okay thanks that's totally blocked where do you want to go there to the right to the pepper look happy get moving and you for us it's taken power on two hours to cover the last three kilometers of his trip [Music] the huge amount of coal from the region's minds is stockpiled here every day hundreds of trucks are loaded and unloaded and the coal is then shipped all over the country how much is in him four tons no stone man stopping it right no no no one have you been loading up for about half an hour when will you finish and then three or four hours more or less saladin oh you need to work faster guys Megan holy KZ too many trucks are already obstructing the depo pow1 and Govan face an extremely long wait oh and it's blocked there are trucks everywhere wait I can't offload yours for a while yet could take another day or two go bathe in the Ganges it'll do you good okay boss you know it's the first time I'm on the banks of the Ganges truth well at least you can get to bathe in it [Music] [Music] the waters a bit cold though feels good though doesn't it good to have a wash off to the journey we were so dirty [Music] do not like the water will purify us - you need to pray and ask the goddess or the Ganges to protect us kanessa suitable time it's said that those that die here goes straight to paradise I know and I'd like that died here in Banaras and head straight to paradise [Music] you sure [Music] pshh [Music] you should Jarren [Music] jaren an eggy [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 2,116,076
Rating: 4.587327 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, most dangerous roads, most dangerous journeys, worlds most dangerous roads, worlds most dangerous journeys, deadliest roads, deadliest roads in the world, dicing with death, deadliest journeys, deadliest roads india, dangerous roads india, most dangerous roads india, dangerous india, dicing with death india, deadliest journeys india
Id: z72RlyF6API
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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