Deadliest Journeys - Congo River

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every day summer in the world normal people risk their lives just getting from A to B in far-off countries and isolated cotton villages our camera crews follow the journeys of those brave enough to travel and the world's toughest most dangerous and deadly roads buckle up for a hell ride this is deadliest germs at a glance this place may look like a shabby junkyard but it is in fact the port of Kinshasa one of the biggest cities in Africa tons of rice palm oil and spices are transported by hand since they crafted out harbour cranes have long since stopped working amidst this chaos is that bear Marnie the freighter that also crams on passengers for an extra buck there are no cabins or seats and the passengers have to scramble for a decent perch for their long journey everyone squeezed on board and the bear Marnie soon resembles a floating slum there are 800 people on board people off to visit their relatives attend a marriage or a funeral others dream of making their fortune and a heading for the diamond mines on the other side of the country what's there for the reason they're in for over a thousand miles of misery as this old boat snakes its way through the heart of Africa from Kinshasa all the way to kiss and Ghani the country's third largest city before he set sail the captain squeezes out quick prayer senior a similar proposition is about to porno pasanda juicy j panty stood beside the diabla the Serta generator Poussin up with and ajussi is a proposition sa back to core knowledge you see Jerry posted to test three that Saddam as SPD more pleasantly Demi the two engines haven't been started for months anything goes from the port of Kinshasa there are no rules and the boats weave in and out in total anarchy about ten other boats are hustling around close to the bear Marnie Oh electron over my house one month behind schedule the bear Marnie finally sets off along the river to the passengers great relief as it leaves the poor two barges come alongside the ship to form a water convoy there are now 1700 people on board the beurre manié has essentially become a floating town conditions on board a cramp to say the least the first arrivals have set up camp in the middle of the boat this is virtually first-class accommodation compared to the others who will have to remain seated for the next three weeks with no room to even stretch out were still summer perks just inches from the edge of the deck there's no water or electricity on this based and each square inch of the ship is taking up as living quarters making it difficult to move around on board this guy kindly gives us a tour of the ship's pseudo bathroom it takes balls of steel to even contemplate going for a number two I seen the truth remember Vasili our and when it is probability can be tactically the river Congo looks calm almost placid but looks can be deceiving the crew are constantly on the lookout for hidden dangers this river sweeps along debris and tree trunks that could pierce the hull of the ship at any moment there are no markers and virtually no navigation charts to help the crew but captain Rene knows his River well and is the only person on board who knows exactly where the rocks and shipwrecks are there is actually a chart on board but it hasn't been updated since Belgian colonial days more than 50 years ago Almudena de prueba for bandages consistency what about the bellezza discipline mama is very there are no life vests or lifeboats on board this ship in the Congo they are not mandatory even though many ships sink into the depths of the river and hundreds of passengers drown every year after five days the ship is only covered 248 of the 1,000 miles to the final destination nobody on board really knows when they'll finally arrive it might be a week two weeks or even a month it's one reason why the passengers refused to buy a ticket they need the cash to feed themselves everyday River traders climb on to sell supplies on today's menu a garden vegetables forest fruits and fresh fish but there is rarely enough for everyone for a few extra Congolese francs you can even see the most opponent treaty emphasis if you knew Kamali before fighting against the strong current after week they've made only 310 miles the journey is turning into a long tedious nightmare but the delays prove good business for Marie, an unemployed nurse a combination of the weather the worsening sanitary conditions starting to make people ill there's no doctor and no sick bay on board is the captain appoints her the ship's doctor with her limited medical knowledge Marie tours the ship looking for the sick most on board have never seen let alone being treated by a doctor the voyage is particularly hard on the children especially when the poorest parents give them river water to drink - I am a passenger like any other person, but I studied nursing. I use a stethoscope to listen, The noise I know how to differentiate it. There is rage, you felt it as if you were typing: Boom boom.. I have to do this to avoid air bubbles.We look at the feet if we can prick there. It’s like war medicine, because the conditions so are terrible. nine days on the river and they are six days behind schedule so late than those who are sick may not be able to wait for proper medical treatment at the final destination captain Rene has just crossed into the equator region an invisible border but one that worries him nonetheless this potentially rich region is being constantly fought over by armed gangs who want to control its gold and diamond mines several boats have been attacked and passengers murdered on board the beurre manié everyone is tense even more so when this human corpse floats down the river day 10 and this ratty old boat continues its slow and tedious journey up River every evening captain rene makes the rounds of his ship to check on his passengers and figure out how much cash is going to make he receives a cut of the take and the sleeping passengers piled on top of each other represent a considerable amount of money when they eventually pay their fares at the end of the journey when I said the commander on ass on summer Sophie the hydrogen acceptor proceeded to remodel in present of it's not a job it's a sucky fucky for transporter discs I used before just go I would use no platform it's 3:00 in the morning the Murray the nurse has been urgently summoned a passenger had his foot caught between the two holes like a vise and his heel has been seriously injured Murray tries to stitch the wound as best she can sitting in the middle saying saying Thomas we can borrow some money in Manama Kunekune what have you got she managed to stitch him up pretty good but she's concerned she doesn't have enough antibiotics to last the whole trip her main fear is gangrene amidst all this blood and gore there is one happy event one of the passengers has just given birth to a healthy baby boy say anger so we jump on something we dis passenger helpful mother give birth like in a milk machine attack random and a key typically goes on like tuna then I would decide they studied the night as I require which but they were nobuta made me say I'm gonna sit in the mother looks a little boost it's been a long hard journey just getting onto the ship music the birth spreads quickly and so does the cootie during the course of the journey two more babies will be born and even if they have seen it all before the sailors are still touched by the births in an effort to make up for lost time captain Renee rolls the dice and take some serious risks he's decided to carry on sailing at night Tyler along the most dangerous stretch of the river somewhere he usually navigates only by day here the danger is constantly shifting always on the move they head into the darkness with a large torch as their only source of light despite the strong currents the pilot has to keep the ship in deep waters in the middle of the river my messages let us say we go but the captain is about to make a big mistake the pilot has lost this course and without a more powerful beam to light the way the captain has no way of knowing the ship's position on the river the ship has just hit a sample recently based on operational military Sunday some similar muti attendee difference on - yellow middle column has a value on the Ventus you do - Luciano commander awesome and never policy the sailors are willing to try anything they'll try to separate the barges from the ship in an attempt to maneuver it's a delicate operation if the water isn't deep enough the Bard's could get stuck even more but daffodils way out punch aside that's the never ending a long way the Tennessee Tennessee Maya is that oriental gable okay that I did go on the town of Bandar car is finally in sight it marks the halfway stage of the journey it's taking captain Ren a 12 days to reach this far it's about the same time it should have taken to reach the final destination Gardevoir this is where we get off fighting is still raging in the region and the captain fearful for our safety asks us to disembark here the ship will take a month to reach kiss and garni a few weeks later another ship won't be so lucky overloaded it sinks 140 of its passengers drown in the river Kongo
Channel: Best Documentary
Views: 1,596,037
Rating: 4.6175919 out of 5
Keywords: deadliest journeys congo river, congo river, river congo, congo river documentary, documentary, roads, National Geographic, waterways, travel, Deadliest Journeys, documentary 2019, democratic republic of congo, deadliest journeys full episodes, watch deadliest journeys full episodes, Adventure, deadliest journeys documentary, congo documentary, congo documentary national geographic, ferry boat, boat, long journey, congo, English, documentaries, HD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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