Dead Luxury Cars! BUT Only ONE is Worth Fixing. Which Is It?

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you've heard of Dueling Banjos but have you heard of dueling dead luxury cars I mean d d dead both of these let's get [Music] started so these are both dead Mrs wizard which one do you want uh neither neither although yeah although I would like the Bley for some of the parts off of it for my part Works part works the customers actually going to be selling this parting it out or selling it as a parts car both of these are dead this is a 2003 Bentley Arnage red label it has a 6 and 3/4 L V8 this is a 2016 Volvo XC90 with the 2 L turbo 4 cylinder and both engines right now as we speak are boat anchors dead they both arrive with the customers hoping for maybe there's a quick fix or maybe there's better news they've heard bad news but possibly but here they could get an honest diagnosis and figure out exactly what's wrong with their car unfortunately the news is terminal for both of them let's go ahead and start with the Bentley so this is the 2003 Bentley Red Label I'll talk to you in a minute why the difference is between a red label and a green label let's take a look around this thing real quick just to give you guys a quick look at what condition this thing is in it has a beautiful front end doesn't it Mrs wizard I really like Bentley yeah Bentley are nice you go around to the side you can definitely tell it has British flare the way the the shape is the body line everything is totally British it's not an American car obviously you can see that the rear end is sitting a little low in the back the suspension has failed as you can see here on the side it has a red label B and also on the wheels a red label B we come around to the back it's very similar to the Rolls-Royce Silver serap but this is the Arnage basically the same body same tail lights a lot of the same things and you can look down that side it is not wrecked it's not rusted out or beat up it's actually in decent condition sadly it is dead so the difference in the labels is in the early year or maybe the early years of the Bentley AR naaj you could get a green label which has a BMW V12 in it the Rolls-Royce Silver serif also has this V12 I don't think they ever went to this turbo engine setup but when you got the red label the customers were complaining they want the old warhorse back the old 6 and 3/4 L V8 they didn't want that high winding BMW V12 so that's what they put back in here so red label has the V8 the old Bentley Rolls-Royce engine that's been used for decades the green label will be a BMW 5.4 L V12 let's go ahead and open the Bonnet you can see right there six .75 L twin turbo when they are running they're very powerful very torky engines they're actually a pretty good engine until you overheat them let's go ahead and remove this uh all this cladding all this plastic here and we'll show you what we found this was in the front seat and I got to looking at it we're trying to figure figure out if this engine's good or not when it first arrived and you can see a piece of the radiator neck is still in there which tells me one thing this thing blew the radiator neck and lost all of its coolant we did verify that with the customer that's what happened and unfortunately it was driven or somehow was overheated to the point where it blew the head gasket and did major damage to the engine I'll go ahead and start it just real quick so you can hear it it's not going to hurt it any worse than it already is the engine is no good actually I'm not going to let it warm up but when you do let it warm up like it kind of was when the tow truck driver brought it off the truck you could hear the engine was knocking it's bad but let's just start it just for a few seconds so you can hear it uneven running oh wizard it sounded like it at a Harley-Davidson there it sounds really bad in fact when the tow truck driver started it to pull it off the truck there's things when you've been a mechanic for a long time that you can just hear in the background you could be sitting at a restaurant eating and you can hear someone crank their car and I just heard the uneven cranking it should be even da da da da da da da and I knew two or three of those cylinders don't have any compression it's the only way it makes that weird sound let's head back to the exhaust pipes so you're wondering why we're back here at the exhaust tips I won't let it run long enough but if you do the little bit of coolant that's still in the engine block actually starts blowing out here you can smell it it smells really sweet and if you taste the the water that's coming out it tastes like antifreeze it's on the passenger side specifically one thing I also notice when I remove this oil cap here while it was running you could you could feel crank case ventilation stuff going on here and whenever you turn it off it smell like antifreeze coming out of the crank case it's very likely water has gotten into there maybe the knocking noise we're hearing I'm not going to go any further and diagnose that I already know this engine is shelled out sometimes with these with blown head gaskets you can catch it in time and just put new head gaskets and redo it all that but I think even more damage is done to this than just the head gaskets let me show you where it actually blew the radiator hose off all this damage and cost is just from this one little broken neck right there you can see the actual Jagged piece of the neck there sticking out and the other side of the hose went here to the thermostat neck right in there I would assume when this happened they probably knew it they saw steam everywhere whether they kept driving and damaged it worse or I don't know the exact story I don't know what exactly happened but I do know the damage that was done coolant coming out of the exhaust pipe I can smell antifreeze in the crank case we have a complete blown-off radiator hose and we know we're low compression on two or three cylinders this thing unfortunately is a goner so we know the suspension is collapsed on this vehicle it's not as complex as the earlier Silver Shadows or Silver Spurs or the Bentley 8s or things like that but it is very very complicated still and very expensive the fluid is leaked out there's something going on back there and then we have a dead engine actually follow a guy sometimes on YouTube called rollsroyce carnut and rarely when any of these issues arise does a vehicle leave his shop for less than 30 grand people don't work on these cars for 75 bucks an hour they're usually two to 50300 an hour the parts on these aren't going to be 50 bucks they're going to be 500 and 1,000 and 2,000 bucks for all the parts it so fast adds up to be 20 or 30 grand or more depending on what damage we find the engine could be completely shelled out it could be 40 Grand to completely sort all the problems on this car and if you get the engine running you may take it out and find out the transmission's slipping or something else is wrong where do you you stop we talked with the customer customer's very understanding in the situation when we started mentioning those numbers he agreed he's like I figured it probably would be something like that and no I'm not interested in going that far he said what are these cars worth so I'll show you here's one here it's roughly $222,000 here's another one $9,000 you can get these from 10 15 20 range depending on what condition you want them in the $20,000 one's probably a good running one drives why would you put $ 30 grand or possibly 40 Grand into this car one for almost half as much you can just go buy a whole other arage and the customer agreed he's like yep you know what I'm just going to sell this thing as a parts car there's no way in hell I'm putting 30 grand into this car he I don't even know if I want to put 10 into it he's like we're done I said good that's a good call to be done with this thing so he's sending a tow truck will be picking this up it'll be leaving soon but before it left I definitely wanted to see and show you guys how a simple little hose that broke off total this car it is completely deed dead it is done but we're not done yet just wait there's more just like I said there's dueling BOS we have another contender in the ring let's head on over to the Volvo there can be many weeks go by in the shop where we have pretty much just routine repairs things come and go bad radiator bad alternator oil leaks everybody's happy but these are the weeks that crazy D in the office hates the most when it's three and four phone calls of your car is dead your car is dead it's over game over bro he hates those calls he really does not like to make those call and I understand it's it's it's disheartening it can really make people's heart drop into their stomach it's like oh oh my God my car is done now the Bentley is not worth fixing but this car is very likely worth fixing it's actually been to a Volvo dealer the customer brought it there and they said hey your engine is done bro it's just it's done you need a new engine he was like I don't know about that I'm going to take this to Omega I want to get a second opinion before we dive in Unfortunately they were right let's go a and take a quick look around this one and then we'll get the hood open this one's a nice Volvo isn't it Mrs wizard it is I love how it has the SL Volvo on the grill there yep this one's in pretty decent shape um it's a 2016 like I mentioned it just has a little over 100,000 miles unfortunately there is bad news for this car you can see down here it's not wrecked or caved in or beat up it's an XC90 T6 and bodywise and interior wise is actually pretty nice but let's go ahead and jump under the hood so I have a few tools here to I'm going to show you some things here in a minute we've actually already diagnosed it but I want to show you the steps that we went to figure out what's wrong here I'm going to start this up just for a brief moment to let you guys hear the unequal cranking noise just like we heard on the Bentley which is tail tail there is a cylinder or more without compression we'll let you see it run and see that it's got a dead cylinder I'll go ahead and start it real quick oh wizard that engine was just jittering around in there yeah you could hear it was very brief but you can hear it was cranking really strange and then it finally started and it's shaking pretty bad we did scan for codes I has cylinder 3 is not doing anything and the news is very very very bad on this one I'll go ahead and show you some of the steps we did to figure out what's going on first we took off this little Foam engine cover here I already have this coil disconnected here's cylinder 1 2 3 and four cylinder 3 being right here so let's go ahead and get that coil removed these have the 14 mm spark plugs they're not 5/8 like Grandpa's Chevy truck these are 14 mm so I happen to have this correct socket for this these go in kind of at an angle one thing I noticed that was bad news when I pulled the spark plug out is the entire electrode and everything is completely soaked in oil also antifreeze so I'll go get the Bor scope camera and we'll take a look down in there and see what we see by the way Danielson also looked at this one did a compression test on that cylinder it's not even one PSI it is zero completely dead let me go grab the uh teslong look Mrs wizard it's got a teslong um okay sure D see the schlong that is quite the schlong it's a very good schlong okay let me clean the tip okay let's go ahead and see what we see here so we can see a little bit of burn spots on the top of the Piston like right in through there let me go ahead and go to the side camera you can see right there that valve has a hole burned out and there's a chunk of the valve that has come out and look at the scoring on the cylinder walls guys completely wiped out that cylinder and there's another surprise also I don't know the exact reason but when when we would pressure test the cooling system coolant would come through the hole in the valve and just fill up into the Piston so the cylinder wall is wiped out there had coolant on the side of the cylinder wall and we turned the engine by hand to see if it even would wipe the coolant off the side it didn't even touch touch it the coolant just stayed there like nothing touched it that tells me that area of the cylinder wall is getting no compression the Rings aren't even touching that anymore so there's coolant getting in a burn valve and a cylinder completely unusable unrebuilt to pay for the parts and the labor for somebody to actually go in and fix this stuff the cylinder wall that may have ruin the the short block the actual block itself which we'd have to buy another block you buy a block and pistons and rings and valves and timing chains and you have exceeded the cost of just buying a whole new engine that's the way it works today nobody likes to hear that people get pissed off when they hear that well you should be able to fix that engine not today you don't not on new engines you don't and it has 100,000 M on it I don't know the exact cost I don't know what the dealership told them as far as what it's going to cost to fix this but we're going to refer them back to the dealer because the only place to get one of these engines you don't get a Jasper Volvo engine that doesn't even exist nobody rebuilds these nobody has these only the dealer will be able to get one of these engines and if they sell the engine to us they're going to mark it up to us and by the time we get all the prices together and the labor will'll be at as much or more than the dealer will charge because they're going to mark up their engine to us more than they probably would to this person who owns this car so it doesn't even make any Financial sense for us to put a new engine in this car it will be going back to the dealer as far as is it worth it that'll have to be discussed between the dealer and the owner of the car how much possibly do they owe on the car how much is it going to cost to put a new engine in what is the value of the car those are all the things are going to be have to be figured up at the dealership I know what damage is done to this engine but I don't know why why is there a hole in the valve I could kind of start to figure that out until the fact that we have anifree coming through that hole in the valve and I'm like what's going on there and then the cylinder wall is wiped out and then we have all these other issues going on I really don't know what happened exactly here I would have to pull the engine apart to find the Smoking Gun we are not going to be doing that obviously it's not worth it we know on this one it is not worth fixing this car even by a stretch it is not worth it at all this one very likely could be worth it you can't go buy another XC90 for probably what you'll have to get the engine replaced kind of sucks today Dueling Banjos dueling dead luxury cars is kind of what the theme of this video was and like I said crazyd has had a bad week because he's just been making your car's dead bro your car's dead bro over it's just like man this sucks I'm like hey I know it really is a bummer so this is one of those situations as well as a shop owner you don't just fix cars you actually become a financial advisor to the owners of these cars they're asking is it worth it I have to present the numbers and say yes or no based on my judgment what I find out what's wrong and all these other issues they have to decide what they're going to do from there but I have to present to them is it worth it or not yes possibly absolutely not those are my judgments on these cars so if you're curious what kind of tools we're probably not going to use on these cars but we do use on all the other cars in the shop including some of the wrenches and the teslong and things that I use in our Amazon Affiliates Link in the description below if you purchase anything there we get a small cut and we really appreciate it also check out Mrs Wizard's way she's got videos going on there really cool videos there's a link in the description for that as well and make sure to hit the Subscribe button here because I love to share these crazy stories with you guys thanks for [Music] watching [Music] oh
Channel: Car Wizard
Views: 344,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car wizard, david long, hoovies garage, tyler hoover, car issues with tyler hoover, omega auto clinic, car repair, car maintenance, Hoovie, mechanic, Car issues, BendPak, Car trek, Car, Repair, car mechanic, auto mechanic, automobile repair shop, mechanic car, engine, vehicle, bentley, arnage, volvo, dead cars, bad engine
Id: kjJnSpCdCVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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