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[Music] [Music] [Music] i enrolled for embedded systems introduction to data analytics and machine learning introduction to modern application development project planning and control introduction to programming in sikhyata why do the health research fundamentals introduction to airplane performance [Music] [Music] this is my eleventh exam certificate i'm an associate professor in chemistry at pachai past college chennai research scholar i'm a scientist in drdo employed in a tvs group i'm a pediatrician i'm working in chennai port i'm 17 years old now completed my 12th working at yamamoto's r d i'm working in the rdr cancer institute in chennai i feel much happy to attend this exam learning experience is excellent whatever the questions are posted in the forum it's immediately been answered that is an amazing work what they are doing it really with respect to nptel the quality of lectures and delivery the contents to the students no doubt unquestionable and it's too good the examination today i really enjoyed i've been traveling more than two hours daily i was just hearing that entire video conversation throughout my journey like not sitting in home [Music] i was working in a different domain totally like mainframes so the course which i took was introduction to modern application development so this course was very helpful because i've learned new technologies the course content was very extraordinary to be precise even if you compare to other websites they don't offer certification like mit or any carnegie mellon open courseware but this is a very good initiative by the iits and iss which can improve the standard of education i was expecting to get gold medal by iit but i don't know it will be there or not it's a nice opportunity for people outside of iits to be able to take an exam that is conducted by iit so the standards are pretty good obviously i have learned more in these three months than taking some papers in the college even at the age of 50 plus we are getting some enthusiasm to go through all these lectures and all those things another person from my college has taken it in another center and both of us feel that their teaching was absolutely brilliant throughout the course and it's not only theory even practice is there even they actually showed us through the flight lab and they actually had very very practical examples for youngster definitely it is useful but this type of courses if you find in other places it is very very costly but here it is a for landing purpose it is cheap for obtaining a certificate it is only a nominal phase i appreciate the initiative of mhrd and uh the estonia's efforts taken by the iit groups for uh providing the latest and uh technically sound education on online mode this is the first time i felt that some course for working professionals and it is well organized as such nowadays doctors are expected to do a lot of research also apart from seeing patients so this course helped me to learn a lot it was nice experience it's wonderful in sitting along with the students this course is really like you know bringing a bridge across what we are doing now and what we are going to do in the future [Music] this program will be the harbinger of a big intervention in india but probably the largest number of youngsters in the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i enrolled for embedded systems introduction to data analytics and machine learning it's introduction to modern application development project planning and control introduction to programming in sikhayatha why did the health research fundamentals interaction airplane performance [Music] [Music] this is my 11th exam fab certificate i'm an associate professor in chemistry at pacifist college chennai research scholar i'm a scientist in drdo employed in a tvs group i'm a pediatrician i'm working in chennai port i'm 17 years old now completed my 12th working at yamamoto's r d i'm working in the rdr cancer institute in chennai i feel much happy to attend this exam learning experience is excellent whatever the questions posted in the forum it's immediately been answered that is an amazing work what they are doing it really with respect to nptel the quality of lectures and delivery the contents to the students no doubt unquestionable and it's too good the examination today i really enjoyed i've been traveling more than two hours daily i was hearing that entire video conversation throughout my journey like not sitting in home [Music] i was working in a different domain totally uh like mainframes so the course which i took was introduction to modern application development so this course was very helpful because i've learned new technologies the course content was very extraordinary to be precise even if you compare to other websites uh they don't offer certification like mit or any carnegie mellon open courseware but this is a very good initiative by the iits and iss which can improve the standard of education i was expecting to get gold medals by iit but i don't know it will be there or not it's a nice opportunity for people outside of iits to be able to take an exam that is conducted by iit so the standards are pretty good obviously i have learned more in these three months than taking some papers in the college even at the age of 50 place we are getting some enthusiasm to go through all these lectures and all those things another person from my college has taken it in another center and both of us feel that the teaching was absolutely brilliant throughout the course and it's not only theory even practices there he went they actually showed us through the flight lab and they actually had very very practical examples for youngster definitely it is useful but this type of courses if you find in other places it is very very costly but here it is a for landing purpose it is cheap for obtaining a certificate it is only a nominal phase i appreciate the initiative of mhrd and uh the estonia's efforts taken by the iit groups for providing the latest and technically sound education on online mode this is the first time i felt that some course for working professionals and it is well organized as such nowadays doctors are expected to do a lot of research also apart from seeing patients so this course helped me to learn a lot it was nice experience it's wonderful in sitting along with the students and solving the problems makes us to be more concentrated with the course to have a better deliverability of the content to the recent trends or in par with the reputed institutions this course is really like you know bringing a bridge across what we are doing now and what we are going to do in the future [Music] this program will be the harbinger of a big intervention in india in the area of online education so that we can address the grand challenge of providing high quality and useful education to a very very large number probably the largest number of youngsters in the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i enrolled for embedded systems introduction to data analytics and machine learning it's introduction to modern application development project planning and control introduction to programming in sikhata why do the health research fundamentals introduction to airplane performance [Music] [Music] this is my 11th exam certificate i'm an associate professor in chemistry at pachai pass college chennai research scholar i'm a scientist in drdo employed in a tvs group i'm a pediatrician i'm working in chennai port i'm 17 years old now completed my 12th working at yava motors r d i'm working in the rdr cancer institute in chennai i feel much happy to attend this exam learning experience is excellent whatever the questions posted in the forum it's immediately been answered that is an amazing work what they are doing it really with respect to nptel the quality of lectures and delivery the contents to the students no doubt unquestionable and it's too good the examination today i really enjoyed i've been traveling more than two hours daily i was hearing the entire video conversation throughout my journey like not sitting in home [Music] i was working in a different domain totally uh like mainframes so the course which i took was introduction to modern application development so this course was very helpful because i've learned new technologies the course content was very extraordinary to be precise even if you compare to other websites uh they don't offer certification like mit or any carnegie mellon open courseware but this is a very good initiative by the iits and iss which can improve the standard of education i was expecting to get gold medal by iit but i don't know it will be there or not it's a nice opportunity for people outside of iits to be able to take an exam that is conducted by iit so the standards are pretty good obviously i have learned more in these three months than taking some papers in the college even at the age of 50 place we are getting when we are live yes good morning sir welcome sir you're on mute sir morning good morning namaste i'm i'm doctor only cj actually i'm not in the college today i'm only okay so i'm joining from my home okay okay so team we are live now right yes ma'am we are live yes yes so the program can start the intro can start please go ahead sir you can um sbc sir you can start raju you're there i think he has got a range problem then we are okay so [Music] okay foreign yes ma'am yes okay please i think something went wrong over here that's why i'm really sorry for that problem please start please start good morning everyone uh it's a wonderful day today and sorry anybody sir see if you're on mute i can hear you now go on uh once again once again i'm not on mute actually i can hear you now sir please start yeah okay okay okay a very good morning to all [Music] it's a wonderful day and thank you very much nptel and iit madras for giving us the opportunity to host this particular event we are here to speak about nptel and the uh different uh courses that they have and uh we have the uh many personalities from nptel as well uh kamla mam and also we have our principal dr only cj with us and other dignities from iit madras sorry something went wrong over here i'm really sorry for the interruptions we are today here all of you are here today to know about nptel and also the uh various opportunities that nptel is providing to these students we are uh very fortunate to host this event as well uh in kerala all the uh not only in kerala but maybe uh spokes and also colleges from various other states may be watching this i wish this event is going to be a wonderful event for them and every informative and fortunate event for them so that they can also start such kind of an operation in their college we are [Music] so now we i'm getting into the uh the process of what i am uh i am said to do uh i welcome the dignitaries from nptel especially kamla mam whom i am very much familiar with actually but i don't know if she uh remember remembers me because i have come over here i come over to uh madras and i have met you personally and it's a wonderful talk that she gave she gave on that particular day so i believe that she will be giving a wonderful talk and it will be very informative for all those who are participating in this particular event thank you very much for coming here kamlam uh and all other dignities from iit madras and nptel uh thank you for participating here uh i also uh welcome our principal doctor only cj uh who is our chief guest and he will be uh giving um a small talk about uh how we are doing npd how we are actually carrying forward the nptel courses in our college and uh initially i would also like to give say a few words about uh the same that is in our college we are we always have a team of faculty members who are going through this nptel courses and also this team is actually conducting the nptel courses in their respective departments so uh it is much easier for us to get this nptel courses to the various students in different departments apart from having one single spoke for a college who is actually handling every student in a college we are actually having a team of faculty members who are handling all these things and they will be communicating all the activities of nptel to every student in the sorry every student in their particular department so that it is much easier for them to communicate and the students also are there who are very much interested in participating in our joining in courses of provided by nptel and we also have uh many students who have been in this and they are there are some students and also some faculty members who have been toppers and also uh they have been provided with special recognitions by nptel and that is uh wonderful and we are grateful to nptel as well for that uh apart from this i would like to say one thing is that what our college does for this particular activity is our college uh gives a special recognition to these staff and students so that they will be they will have more and more they will be able to do more and more courses and the students are also interested in that and another uh very important very important thing that the college does for the students is that the student some of the students and some of the batches are also provided with the free courses that means the uh their example exam fees are provided by the college as an add-on course nptel courses are provided as add-on course for some students and probably it may uh come up in every single department currently in my department it is going on like that for the postgraduate students uh m com students uh these some some of the students are there who have completed the uh course and only if they complete the course they will be uh receiving this reimbursement so the students are interested in that and there are students who have completed and they said that the courses that they have completed have helped them in their placements as well that is the biggest advantage that they say they have in this in completing this nptel course so i would say that it is very fortunate that our college has been able to participate in nptel and also be a part of the various activities of nptel and be and i am also very fortunate that i am the spoke of the college uh and i able to come over there to iit madras and uh hear all the uh various uh events that nptel is planning to do in the future and hope uh because of this pandemic uh iit madras was not able to do such an event in the last year uh i hope so uh right yeah so i hope that it will happen in the future and uh many new ventures will open uh for the by uh will be opened by the um nptel uh along all over india not only in uh the southern or any other places all over india and ptl will be able to uh give more and more opportunities for the students and also for the staff so uh thank you very much for giving um deepal institute of science and technology this opportunity to host you uh and also uh thank you very much for um thank you very much kamala man for coming over here especially uh kamala mam because i know that you have been to nptel for a long time and uh thank you very much uh doctor me cj for uh coming over here and uh i think uh it will be much better if uh doctor only cj is giving us a small talk regarding this and uh uh [Music] our principal he'll be giving you the uh some a few uh guidelines and also a few uh small tips regarding the this to all the students and all the staff members who are attending this particular program over to you and nissan sir can you hear me yes good morning everybody am i audible yes yes sir okay professor kamala professor raju other officials from iit chennai participants in this seminar we are really very fortunate to collaborate with iit chennai and nptel for organizing a seminar like this for the whole of india and i know it's it has happened because of the special interest that was taken by raju ariat for i mean communicating with nptel officials and iit chennai for organizing a program of this dimension and uh during the i mean recently years there is a i mean i mean from the part of the students also they also want to complete as many nptel courses as possible before they graduate and in the college we are giving maximum encouragement to the students and to the faculty members to uh enroll and clear the courses that are being offered by npte actually the chapter was started some four or five years back in east and uh earlier it was another faculty member member who was in charge but then she left for netherlands and then it was interested to graduate and since then he has been doing a wonderful wonderful job in the college with a team of faculty members from the college and as a result of their activities i know that a lot of students are participating in the programs that are being offered by npte and from the part of the college as was mentioned by graduate we encourage the students to clear the exams by reimbursing the exam fee if they come with the certificates so we make sure that uh many students participate in these programs and also i know i mean it's not enough to complete i mean to take a graduation or a post graduation from a college from a university understand until you add your skills so all these programs all these courses that are being offered by nptel is to increase or improve the skills of the students in every domain add-on courses are being offered or these nptel courses are being offered swine courses are being offered which is taken by the students also very seriously and many faculty members especially during the pandemic period many of our faculty members completed 8 10 12 courses during that period itself so it's a great success it's a great initiative that was put forward by nptel and i'm sure that this seminar will be a great success and i wish all the best for this uh seminar and to the resource person professor kamala and the uh i mean the organizers of this seminar thank you thank you very much uh [Music] now i would like to invite miss tamila ramirez who is the resource person for today and i would like to say a few words about her before handing over the whole session to her miss kamla is currently working as the chief manager at nptel after completing a degree in law specializing in employment law employment law from the university of kerala she joined law firm in the united states of america where she worked with lead attorneys representing mncs later on she worked as a documentation specialist for bentley systems usa where she led the editing team and was in was in charge of end-to-end publishing of online and print content she holds an international diploma from cambridge university england and in teacher training and has in sorry and has tried her hands at teaching middle school children she currently heads the exam operations for both nptel and iit madras bsc degree programs she also interacts with nptel industry associates and contributes to administrative tasks of nptel she has been i would definitely say that she has been uh one of the backbones of nptel and the growth of nptel has been uh one of the reason for the growth of nptel has been because of her thank you very much ma'am for coming over here and raising this occasion now i would like you to give your ideas and all the uh different opinions about nptel and over to you now thank you so much sir i'm very humbled with all these kind words i don't know you know it's probably a little too much but then yeah so i've been working with nptel for more than eight years now so uh you know yes i i can say that i have also grown with nptel yeah so yes and i do remember you coming over jihadi madras sir so um i want to thank sir and raj sir to help us organize this workshop conduct this workshop uh in association with your college and we have quite a few viewers who have joined um via the youtube link that we have given so i'm welcoming all the viewers who are there i'm sure we have faculty students industry people there who are watching today so the id the mission of today's workshop is to uh you know give some updates to those who are already familiar with nptel and those who are new to nptel to share with us our uh you know ongoing initiatives as well as what is new that we have come up with the last six months so having said that i think i will ask my colleague divya who's been helping me today here she'll share the screen and we'll start the ppt okay so let's yeah so what is nptel right so um i i like shall we go to the next slide the previous one yes so many of you must have heard about swayam as well as nptel so i want to say that swayam is an initiative of the ministry of education previously known as mhrd now it is renamed as a ministry of education so swam is an umbrella organization and currently there are nine what we are referred to as national coordinators under so this includes aict ugc imb igno and nptel so nptel has been nominated as the national coordinator for engineering courses both ug as well as pg nptel also undertakes the technical maintenance of this ym portal otherwise the courses the exams etc are conducted by the individual coordinators so nptel is in charge of engineering courses but of course iits many iits have other departments such as humanities management etc also so we do offer some courses that come under these departments as well uh so nptel started in 2003 can you go to the next slide please so we started in 2003 so i want to say we are 18 years old this year and uh the vision was to provide high quality affordable affordable education in large scale especially to target the uh students the learners from tire to tai tree and so on in remote areas in our country so the ministry understood that there's a birth of good faculty in many areas so they thought okay why not take iit quality education to the other learners who are saying who perhaps cannot come to iit cannot join iit for various reasons so why not take the learning to them so it started out as video lectures and course content to be provided online for free there is no login required anybody can come to nptel website and search for a course and learn so it is a self learning that self uh you know um learning mode that is how it started then many colleges started adopting this it started becoming popular and students were going to nptel whenever they had any doubt on any engineering courses and so on so this is how it started in 2003 the next slide please so now i want to our learners to participate in this um quiz yes libya okay okay so let's it's okay we will take that question also yeah so first i want our learners to whoever is joining through youtube can you go to and use the code 87587560 or you can scan the qr code all the viewers who are currently joined through youtube i'm requesting you to please go to and type in this code go to the next question page so this question will come on your screen on your mobile on your computer wherever you're doing it so please register your word are you a student or faculty go to use the codes h7587560 and type in your answers are you a student or faculty requesting all the learners to please go to and log in your answers are you a student or faculty let's see how many students how many faculty have joined today so we have currently one user learner who has registered their vote okay it shows that we have two students requesting all the viewers there to please vote okay we have one faculty there so we'll give a few more seconds for people to join yes there is somebody who is saying that they don't belong they are not a faculty or a student so i'm guessing they are probably doing something from home or they are working professionally currently yeah more students okay as the session goes we'll see more people participating so can you put the countdown please 30 seconds okay the countdown is up there so those of you have not voted yet i'm requesting you to vote those of you are typing in the chat window you can go to and register your vote there so so far we have 13 or 14 people who have participated in the poll so you have only 10 more seconds please register your vote so looks like we have lot more students than faculty requesting all to vote there please the code is given at the top of the screen and the code is given at the top of the screen eight seven five eight seven five six zero okay so the voting is close now so as you can see we have more students joining today so as the session goes we can you can help us understand how much you are understanding about nptel uh can you can we go to the next question please okay here is a an opportunity for you to guess how many courses do we have on nptel website how many courses do we have on nptel website again go to use the code and then take a guess how many courses do we have on nptel website is it 500 is it one thousand five thousand two thousand what is your guess please take a guess how many courses do we have on nptel okay we have 10 voters so far good we are seeing more participation now requesting all to vote please voting is open now please vote how many courses do you think we have on nptel website divya can you put the countdown 30 seconds okay the countdown has started so those of you have not voted please go ahead and go okay more people are saying that there are 2000 courses so let's see if you are right so 15 more seconds to vote those of you not voted please go ahead requesting all viewers to vote please five more seconds okay the voting is closed so predominantly you're saying there are 2000 courses so let us see if you are right let's go back to the ppt please okay so these are the numbers that we want to show you so you can see on nptel website we have 2 300 plus courses available so those of you who said 2000 you're probably given the closest answer so we have 2300 plus courses available on nptel nptel is one of the largest online repositories of engineering course material and it is one of the most successful multi-institutional projects in the country what do we mean by that multi-institutional so you must know by now we offer quite a few certification courses and we also offer these nptel videos online for people to watch and learn from for free all these courses are offered by faculty from various iits and other prominent institutes in india and outside india so all these institutions the faculty from these institutes they come together for this one project so it's one of the most successful multi-institutional projects also this nptel youtube channel you can see we have 3.7 million youtube subscribers we have to keep in mind that this is not an entertainment channel it's not a movie channel it's not a music channel it is ad free 100 educational channel and 3.7 million youtube subscribers is not a small number so these are there are we have quite a few dedicated learners who come to nptel to learn from various courses and the views you can see the green button at the top 1.3 billion it's with the b we are seeing 1.3 billion views we have and the 2300 courses that we have each course is about 40 hours of learning so you can imagine how many hours of video content is available for free there is no payment required there is no login required you just have to come to nptel site and watch and learn so out of this 2300 courses more than 52 000 hours of videos have been converted into pdf material and they also the videos come as english subtitle with english subtitles so this is for uh learners who are from remote areas who may not be able to download the videos or watch videos online so we are giving them as pdf so it's easier for them to open even on a mobile and learn from that and those who are not that comfortable with english they can read the subtitles and still learn so we are providing the learning content not just as videos but also pdf as subtitle as and even in mp3 so our latest initiative is we are even uh translating our english subtitles to some eight indian languages we'll talk more about that later today next slide please okay so this is again a poll i want all the learners to participate now why should you do an nptel course why should you do an nptel course what are the benefits please type your answer why should you do an nptel course what are the benefits please go to and use the code 8758 7560 let's go to the question please why should you do an nptel course what are the benefits please go to so what do you think are the benefits if you take nptel courses i am requesting all the students who are familiar with or not familiar with nptel please enter what you think are the benefits knowledge okay better i'm getting the word teacher any other words from our learners what do you think are the benefits that you will get for quantum knowledge okay knowledge easy to understand very good you can take a guess from online learning what do you get extra skills that is good so these are courses offered by iits so keep that in mind it enhances knowledge very nice certificate yes approved courses easy to understand user friendly very good very good i'm seeing the word knowledge quite a bit here free of cost yes very nice it's an extra thing extra knowledge extra skills enhances knowledge very nice concepts are covered yes basic concepts are covered iit certificate yes information academics academic need very informative okay informative update on recent findings revision career iit faculties lecture yes okay count down 10 seconds please okay we are starting the countdown we have 10 more seconds to answer this okay very nice a lot of you are participating it's very nice to see the lots of participation today okay so the voting is now closed thank you so as you can see in the middle of the screen you can see the word certificate and knowledge these are the two prominent words that we are seeing that people have typed so let us now see what the benefits are let's go back to the ppt okay so these are some of the benefits that we are offering or the students get if they complete an nptel course so let me just read it out credit transfer internships soft skills training domain scholar that is becoming an expert lab workshops and fdp points for faculty so i have listed some six points here now let me give you more details go to the next slide please so credit transfer what is credit transfer as you know most of you know per ugc norms 14 hours of learning is equivalent to one credit so as you know in nptel we offer four week courses eight week courses and 12 week courses so for a four typical four-week course the video content will come to about 10 hours and then we'll have four assignments there is one assignment per week and the assignment we are assuming that the student will take about one hour to complete so that constitutes to the 14 hours of learning that ugc recommends that we are meeting so if a student completes four of one four-week course we are recommending that the student can get one credit so if the credit has to come from the has to be given by the college or the university so our recommendation is for a four-week course the credit can be one but if the college thinks that so for example if the student is participating quite well in the discussion forum or they are spending more time in videos and assignments or they are reading the whatever recommended books are given by the course instructors etc and if you think the students are definitely spending more than 14 hours the college or the university can give can assign more credits for a four week course so we are recommending one credit but the college or the university can decide that okay for a four week course i want to give two credits that's entirely up to the college or the university similarly we have eight week courses and we recommend the credit can be two and for a 12 week course the recommended credit is three so you can see that you know there are we provide the pdf materials we there is a live interaction from the course faculty every week so if the student is spending time on that also definitely the college can decide to give more credits next slide please so how is the credit transfer process many colleges many sposes are not very familiar with that so if it is an autonomous college if it is a deemed university you can make your own policy to implement credit transfer and if it is a affiliated university the university has to pass the regulation only then the affiliated colleges can implement that so university can pass regulations regarding the credit transfer they can say uh how many core courses how many elective courses or what are the list of courses every semester that the students can take which will be taken for credit uh please keep in mind that nptel does not conduct supplementary exams so if unfortunately if a student does not pass the nptel exam then the college or the university must put in place some alternate mechanism you can conduct an internal exam for these students and you know if they pass you can assign the credit for them also but in those cases where you are conducting the internal exam we do not give the certificate so we suggest that you keep this process very flexible and our one one big recommendation or suggestion rather is do not compel first-year students to you know make it mandatory for first-year students because they just come out of school and join colleges that itself will be a little bit of a overwhelming response you know feeling for the students for very first time coming to college and all that so you know keep it flexible don't make it mandatory for first year students to take nptel courses or for that matter any online course if they are interested let them take but don't make it mandatory similarly we suggest that don't make it mandatory for the final some students they are graduating students so we don't want their passing or failing of or their graduation tied to an an online course so what we suggest is you recommend or make it mandatory for students who are in second and third year if the student is a b is student office or if it is a you know bsc msc students you can decide accordingly so uh this is something that we are highlighting keep it for second and third year students preferably also we have a bunched up of a few courses we call it as nptel domains which i'm going to discuss in a further slide that also can be looked at and that can be recommended as miners or they can say that that's going to be a specializing in a particular area so you can recommend those students to take those courses so that they can acquire a in pickled domain certificate also so this these are things you can keep in mind while uh going through the or you know implementing regulations for great transfer process okay next again we have a survey question does your college or university do credit transfer does your college or university extend credit transfer to students for nptel courses please register or your vote so you can say yes no or if you do not know you can say do not know as well not many people will know answer to this question so please go ahead and vote go to and please answer does your college or university extend credit transfer to students for nptel courses okay we have about four or five people who have voted requesting all the viewers to please vote does your college or university extend great transfer to student or nptel courses you see college extending a predicted transfer to students yes we have nine people who are saying do not know very good because this is this session is just specifically for that only those who do not know you can you now will understand um can we add ask the next question okay please answer this question next do the iits do curry transfer from nptel courses do you know if ieds are doing crit transfer from inputted so are we just talking preaching or are we also practicing what are iit is doing are they doing great transfer from nptel courses can iit students take npt courses and claim credit do you know okay many of you are saying that yes iit's will accept nptel courses for credit let's see okay let's put the countdown for 10 seconds okay the countdown has started those who have no not voted please vote now three more seconds please go ahead and vote okay countdown has ended let's go back to the ppt and see yeah so yes iit's do accept credit through nptel courses you can see on the screen iit madras kanpur ki palakkad tirupati bombay all have approved returns transfer for their students through nptel courses iit kharagpur has implemented for working professionals who are entering the phd program so they have a phd program for working professionals and those phd students scholars they can take nptel courses towards their phd program so you can see that iit's students who already have access to iit faculty iit learners i mean the iit teachers they themselves they are also joining in brittle courses and using these courses for credit transfer so it is uh you know it is even popular among the iit students next slide please okay so so so we have covered uh the credit transfer process i hope everybody has understood if you still have any doubts please feel free to write to us we'll be happy to help you so internship for toppers with iit faculty many people ask us many students ask us can we have an internship under one of the course instructors so what we do is every summer and winter after the course uh results are published we go through the proper list and we consult with our course instructors and see if they are available to take internships are they free do they have time to have take on internships if they say yes then we contact our toppers toppers are given the opportunity to become a intern with one of the iit faculty so you can see that these toppers are invited to the iit campus they stay in the iit campus and they work very closely with the iet course instructors there is the faculty on a project on a research program uh etc along with the faculty and their teaching assistants so you can see the numbers we have shown here we started this in 2018 it went on through 2019 in 2020 we did not do this because of the pandemic 2021 winter ah the internships are ongoing right now next sorry go go to the previous one yeah so i want to highlight one thing these internships are offered to top us of the course so spocs of colleges faculty who are joining today for this session please emphasize this to your learners that if they if joining an empty course and just passing it is not going to be helpful they have to focus and become toppers of those courses then they get a lot more opportunities with nptel so one of them is internship opportunity next one so the third point we want to highlight is we do give soft skills training for our learners so many times when we interact with industry uh you know experts what they say is many of your students input and learners are quite good in the subject matter where they're lacking is soft skills so sometimes you know they do not know how to put together a proper resume or they are not sure what to say during the interview so we understand that you know many colleges uh do have some level of soft skills training for their final year students but in many government colleges in rural colleges they cannot afford to have training experts come to the college and do these sessions so for such colleges we are here we are helping we this is again a free program so what we do is we interact with our local chapter spocs and see if their students want any soft skills training and the spoc can work with us and give us a list of students so that we can do this for free so we have hired some experts to do this so what they do is they do they will give an employability assessment test for the students and then they will have group sessions with students then this chapter they do have one-on-one mock interviews for the students and they give feedback to the students they ask them to come back the next day and i mean every day they are given some take-home assignments they complete that so we don't just ask them to sit through a session finish it and go home we want them to have a hands-on soft skills ready so they do get some homework every day they have to finish that submit that the trainers will assess that and then give them feedback for improvement and we do target primarily uh nptel toppers and local chapter students entire two and three counts so on the right hand side table you can see there's an employability assessment then online interactive group sessions one-on-one hr mock interviews spoken english test is given they are asked to record something playback etcetera so we do a round of training for uh you know our learners so that you know they are job ready when they graduate next slide please so soft skill training can be for one week or two weeks so it's a uh seven days or 14 or 15 days training so it's a 20 hour program where two hours per day should be spent by the learners we also ask our spocs to attend the session so they also get an idea as to what is happening and also make sure that the students are attending so as i told you online sessions on communication skills writing skills resume building interpersonal skills importance of social networking as you know these days if you are searching for a job you need to know where to go and network how to find the right job so it is very important for them to understand how to go about doing this so our experts will tell them and as i told you there is there will be takeaway assignments they have to submit every day and at the end we do give a participation certificate for the learners as well as an appreciation letter for the spoc who will uh coordinate this with us so please keep in mind tell your students that we will expect at least 80 percent attendance for them to get the participation certificate next slide please so you can see so after all this you know how are they performing in petrol toppers and their performance in placements so in the last one one and a half years about 64 nptel candidates were recruited by various companies you can see the company names there infosys cab germany they just network wiley my three and so on uh the year before that we had capgemini pcs hire from nptel learners so after the soft skills training again we surveyed the students and we were able to find out that students who complete their completed the soft skills training were able to uh attend interviews with much more confidence and they were placed in several companies such as as you can see the list is again given here tcs you can see ibm uh cognizant uh capgemini something uh name of you by juice lnt infosys and so on so some companies definitely have hired our learners after they had completed the soft skills training so if any college any faculty any student who is out there listening to the session please write to us reach out to us we will help you next okay so the next one is for toppers what do we do we understand that there are many learners who take not just one course but multiple courses with us that has four courses five courses six courses and so on so we want to appreciate that we want to recognize them so two years back we started giving them a certain um star rating that is they will be called as a domain scholar or a superstar motivated learners discipline stars on and so on based on the criteria we give them special certificates to recognize them we also put up their name and other details on the nptel website so you can say that for example nptel superstar if the student has appeared in four or five or six exams and has been topper in at least three exam then they are given the title nptel superstar and they are given a certificate as well as mentioned in our website similarly nptel nptel enthusiasts they have appeared in at least eight exams in four semesters and passed in seventy five percent of the course appeared okay so these are some criteria that we have put together and if the uh once the results are published we go through the our data and we go through our learner data and we will define this and we will notify the students will notify the spocs and certificates are also issued so this is something again you can highlight to toppers when they are coming for recruitment you can tell your college recruitment team to highlight this to the companies that are visiting your college next so you can see the count of nptel style star learners uh the discipline stars enthusiasts etc you can see there's a steady increase each year so in 2020 we saw a dip as you know it was a pandemic here and you know everybody was unsure of what is happening so you can see that there is a slight dip but then again numbers are really going through the roof and this is a good time for students to uh you know learn uh through nptel as now they are familiar with remote learning this pandemic was a blessing in disguise in the sense people who were not comfortable with remote learning were now forced to do some remote learning and now most people are comfortable doing that so they can definitely uh you know strive to become an individual star next please last but not least i want to talk about nptel domain certification so what is domain certification so what we have done is uh when we see students take a bunch of empirical courses sometimes uh you know this courses are quite scattered in the sense they may take two courses from one discipline another two from another discipline and so on so what we want to do is we want to guide them we want to we had put a basket of courses under certain domains under each discipline so for example if you consider computer science as a discipline under computer science there will be several domains such as artificial intelligence data science programming and so on so a student can focus on taking a bunch of courses under artificial intelligence and become a domain scholar so what does that say if the student completes all these courses based on our criteria we give them a special certificate called domain scholar so when they go for recruitment definitely for sure the recruiters will pay attention to that because these are courses offered by the iits and a student has consistently performed well in related courses and he is showing the domain certificate so that is definitely an add-on that is that definitely gives a lot of weightage for the student so what is the criteria so we have bunched up some courses there will be some core courses there will be some elective courses it should be a combination of these courses and the student has to score at least 60 marks minimum in each of these courses and all these courses must be completed within a span of three years so these are the conditions that they have to meet to get a domain certificate let's see the next one so for example these are the disciplines where um we have come up with uh you know the various domains for domain certification so you can say aerospace biotech chemical civil math management humanities faculty discipline we have many more and you can see the domains also listed there so for example civil engineering can see there are about five domains that are distributed in management you can see several more we even have a discipline called faculty display so this is something the faculty can focus on we have faculty domain fundamental as well as advanced next one please so these are the other disciplines computer science electrical engineering mechanical lots more domains under these disciplines next one so this is a sample domain certificate you can see the students photo the domain name and the signature will be the nptel coordinator signature as well as the iit chairman's cc chairman's signature and on the right hand side you can see the course type their marks etcetera will also be given and most important thing there's a qr code that is given there so if a student shares the domain certificate with somebody the person who is interviewing them a potential employer or higher studies they had applied they can scan the qr code and they can verify the authenticity of this certificate on from their side when they scan this it takes them directly to nptel server so that way the authenticity can be verified from their team itself they don't have to write to us they don't have to ask us they can check it by themselves next yeah so domain scholars uh you might be wondering how many students may have completed such domain uh you know they have gained this domain certification you can see in flight mechanics we have three out of that two students and one other they may be employed they may be uh somebody who is not a student you can see under data science um it has there are 14 people who have completed domain scholar scholarship and it is for our faculty out of that you can see two students and four faculty look at under patents and intellectual property rights you can see that seven faculty have completed domain which is fantastic this is a very popular course that i'm seeing lots more faculty are interested in that so at the bottom you can see some interesting statistics number of learners yet to complete one more course in a domain so they have completed all the courses they just have one more course left to become a domain scholar we have 91 such learners waiting similarly those of those who have to complete just two more courses to become a domain scholar we have close to 400 learners so definitely in the coming some stuff they will complete it and more domain scholars will be uh ready uh for uh you know for us to share with you later on next slide okay so the next question we want you to participate please go to how many of you enjoy hands-on work that is working labs on experiments do you like going to a lab and working on experiments do you enjoy hands-on work if you do please vote please vote s5 if you think you are very much interested and vote as the other numbers if you are not that interested so how many of you enjoy hands-on work that is working in labs on experiments how many of you enjoy hands-on working please go to and type the code there eight seven five eight seven five six zero very nice we are seeing a lot of participation many are saying they are most interested in working in the labs we are asking this question because we want to mention something in the next slide so please register your votes you can go to and register your votes there okay let's start the countdown now okay you have 10 seconds those who have not voted please go ahead and vote now okay voting is closed so we see that everybody is interested many people are interested so let's go back to the ppt okay so we ask this question because we do help our toppers do lab certification courses these are in person lab certification courses the students will go to the lab in a prominent institute and they will undergo lab courses under prominent faculty you can see this started in 2019 so the classes will be a combination of theory and practical sessions so the first such lab course was conducted at reply tdm kanchipuram near chennai so this was a course on mechanical design simulation practice so we had a bunch of students who stayed in supply tdm campus in their hostels and they underwent the lab certification course so it's typically it's for one week it will be in person workshop and these again we we invite our toppers of courses to come and attend these workshops in person workshops you can see that we have conducted quite a few lab certification courses so the computer aided drug design workshop that is in 2020 computational systems biology these two were conducted by iit madras faculty and the design thinking also and the physics biology chemistry you can see these were conducted by eisar pune and isa kolkata so students get to go to this institute and work in their world class labs these are very very very good labs so students get get hands-on training with experts there and faculty there so it will be a once in a lifetime experience for such students so this is again something you can highlight to your students they can come to iit labs and other prominent institute labs and participate in these certification courses okay so this is the last part i want to highlight as the benefit that one can get through nptel courses faculty out there you know that you have to complete fdp right you have to gain fdp points every year so ugc ug elective and advanced courses have been approved as fdp courses nptel courses have been approved as fdp by aict so ugc there are many people who ask about ugc as well ugc has come out and said yes faculty can take the courses but they have not defined the points yet but aict has made it very clear that if you take nptel courses that is not all courses courses that are selected for fdp if you complete these courses you will be approved for that will be const that will be considered as points for fdp so what is the process is there a separate process for fdp there is no such separate process it is similar to how you enroll to a course in nptel so you join a course you register and write the exam you pass the exam if you are interested to apply for aict nptel fdp certificate you have to pay extra 100 rupees and you will get a separate iaict certificate that is this is on top your top of your regular nptel certificate let's go to the next slide so this is how a typical aict nptel fdp certificate will look like you can see the aict logo as well as nptel logo as well as the signature of the aict advisor so this is the certificate that you get on top of your regular nptel certificate so how do the points count so a typical four week course if the faculty completes the nptel four week course they get equivalent of half fdp of one week if they complete eight weeks that's a full fdp of one week and if they complete 12 week course they get one and a half points of fdp hope it is clear if you are not very clear please write to us we will help you okay so now again we are into voting if interested please log log your work go to do you know of any other efficient nptel initiatives are you aware of any other input initiatives are you aware of any other nptel initiatives okay please type if you know of any other nptel initiatives any other nptel in shares you are aware of please type your answer go to and enter the code and type the answer bse program very nice outside india exams online proctoring okay somebody says no that is fine too if you are not familiar with that that is fine any other nptel initiatives don't know so i am is there any please type whatever you know take a guess and type it certificate gate okay good okay bse degree bse program that is correct okay let's start the countdown job opportunities okay okay predominantly people are saying that they are not familiar with the other initiatives so we will talk about it so um okay the countdown has stopped the voting has stopped so okay not many are aware of it so let's go to the slides again so one thing i want to say is the bsc program is not from nptel it is from iit madras okay nptel is an mhrd initiative or ministry of education initiative but the bsc program is from iit madras so what are some of the other initiatives that we have gate coaching portal so we did have a previous version of the gate coaching portal we have revamped the site those of you who are interested in writing gate exams what are gate exams these are exams when you pass the exam you know you can apply for master's programs in various iits and even in public sector jobs they look for gate score and so on so gate exam is very very important for students so we what we have done is we have a portal where we have mapped previous gate questions to nptel videos so when you go to the portal and you click on the the particular topic and the question then that will take you directly to an nptel video where that particular question is being solved the professor will be explaining that particular topic there so instead of giving you a direct answer what we are saying is go there learn on your own and we also have some solution videos to several gate exam questions so we have put together various 11 videos for gate preparation and there are some practice tests also there are many students out there we know they go to various private agencies and pay some uh you know amount for gate training gate coaching so this is a free offering from nptel where we are mapping gate questions to nptel videos we are providing solution videos we are providing practice tests and so on so this is something is very very relevant for faculty as well as students please if you are not aware of it go and check it out today itself it's gabe dot nptel dot ac dot in gate dot npt dot ac dot next one so the next initiative that we do is you know there are several students who live outside india who are also interested in taking up nptel exams so we are trying to establish exam centers outside india also so far we have partnered with exam centers in uae where we have exam centers in dubai abu dhabi and sharjah and we also have partners in colombo and jaffna in sri lanka we are in talks with exam partners in singapore as well as bahrain so these are countries where we are looking for maybe have exam centers for the other students people who are in the us germany australia and so on we do not have exam centers there so we do exams in the online mode using a secure browser and the exams are monitored by our team so we have conducted exams outside india even for students in africa countries like ghana we have conductive exams so we do not say no to anyone who is interested in learning through nptel courses and taking exams so this is these are facilities that we have provided for our students next so previous early i was talking about how our courses are translated our subtitles are translated into various languages so again we approach our local chapter faculty to help us in translation so so far you know close to 180 courses have been translated into various languages next one so you can see these are the languages where we have translated our content uh so let me tell you that the video will be still in english only the subtitles will change the language will change okay we still want the student to listen to the video in english the subtitle is for them to help understand the content so we have the translations in bengali gujarati hindi canada malayalam marathi tamil and telugu so you can see about 450 courses we have completed so far and the process is ongoing it's a huge process it's time consuming we have quite a few learners who help us in translation we have quite a few faculty from our local chapter colleges who are helping us do the quality check next please so we also offer this special lecture series for our learners so there are many students who you know who are in the third year fourth year not sure what should be their career next and you know interested in so many different uh you know accept uh concepts so these are some special lecture series that we have conducted uh these are experts in their own fields and they share their experiences their valuable insights with our learners so for example you can see we had a session on civil services as a career we had another session where people who are interested in teaching the joy of teaching so that's an item madras faculty so he was giving a lecture on what is a joy in teaching so those who are interested in teaching they can watch that lecture these links are still available on nptel site you can go and watch if you have missed it the first time so there's a lecture series on biology and ai as we all know when you say ai you immediately what comes to your mind is engineering right so every aspect in life in these days we have some application of ai this so this is an interesting topic biology and ai so these are some samples we have given we have several more please go and explore on nptel website okay so the next question that we want you to participate is can you guess the max age range of our nptel learners can you guess the age range so what do you think what is the range of learners that we have who take up nptel courses okay somebody is saying 50 take a guess please what is the age range of our learners can you start the countdown please okay we have 10 seconds on board those who have not voted please vote now 40 to 35 20 to 35 okay okay the voting is closed now so let's see what the actual age range is okay so you can see the age range we have learners from you know 10 years old 10 to 15 years old we have learners up to 86 to 90 90 years old has been the oldest person who has taken nptel course so very recently the last day in pittsburgh exam we had madam who came to one of the chennai centers she was 85 years old and she was taking german one and german 2 courses so you can see that you know she's not looking for a career advancement or you know getting a job or anything like that so when we talked to her she was telling us how learning should never stop it should be an ongoing process i also want to understand you know how what is the fun about all this online learning that all the youngsters are doing so she was very keen on understanding the process and in the process she said she it was very new and she is interested in doing more and more courses so you can see that you know these senior citizens are also taking courses with us but of course the the largest group is between 21 and 25 so the college going students are the largest group but we have people who are in various other age groups also so again these numbers are very interesting because number of courses registered as well as those who are present for exams so you can see uh you know there are students who take only one course so some take two courses three courses so on there are learners who have taken 47 courses through nptel so far 34 courses 30 courses so when a student says you know i have no time to take an nptel course you should give this as an example there are so several learners who are taking multiple courses with us even if you look at say the number of courses let's say five courses you can see eight thousand learners have learned taken five or more courses with us with nptel so please keep this in mind when you encourage your students and tell them that multiple courses are also possible so this is just a list of students who have or learners who have taken um you know maximum of courses uh you can see one aditya vignesh he is currently working as an intern at drdo bubba nation he's a student he has taken 47 courses you can see another student vishnu he's from college of engineering kerala he's taken 32 courses then you can see a faculty ashok another faculty vijay murray they have taken 30 plus courses we have faculty we have students who are uh you know regular students from just regular colleges we also have uh industry employed people who are taking multiple courses with us so empty courses are for everyone and definitely people can take more than one course so again this is uh at this point i mean so we want to uh you know tell you how to get certified through nptel courses i'm seeing um a couple of questions regarding how to get certificate etc so there are three steps one is join in petal course that is free then the course will start on a certain date you have to go through the videos you have to submit assignments on time and then if you are interested in pursuing the certification you have to register you have to fill a form pay a fees and register for the exam once that is then your doubt a whole ticket download link will come to you you download the whole ticket go to the exam center take the exam based on nptel criteria you will earn the certificate okay so this the steps are just three steps enrolling watching videos registering for exam and then finally the exam itself so this is very very clean steps it's very easy to understand and some people were also asking how many what are the types of courses what are the exam dates and so on so in the upcoming semester there is jan april 2022 semester we have 593 courses available for certification out of this some are four week courses some are eight week courses and some are 12 week courses on the exam date you can see there are two exam dates and rather three exam dates march 27th april 23 and 24th so a bunch of courses exams will happen on march 27th another set exam will happen on april 23rd and then the third set will happen on 24th or all exam days the exam timing will be from 9am to 12pm there is morning session and there's an afternoon session 2 pm to 5 pm so you just have to register and we will allocate you based on seat availability either the morning session or afternoon session um okay so the certification also after this slide we'll go to swim so after uh the certification also you can see the 25 percent marks come from assignments and 75 percent marks come from the final exam so the total marks will be a combination of assignment marks as well as proctored exam marks so the past criteria students should not think that i can just write assignments alone and i'll get a certificate no or people should not think that you know i just have to come and write the final exam alone and i'll get a certificate that is also not correct you need both you need 25 percent marks from assignment and 75 percent from the final proctored exam proctor means monitor that means you are coming to an exam center and writing the exam so the average assignment score should be out of 25 you should have scored at least 10 marks and the average final score should be you should have scored at least 30 marks out of 75 so a total of 40 months and in the certificate also we will give there are certain uh categories so we will give those who are scored above 90 marks you will get a gold emblem and the word elite that is given in the uh certificate those who score above 75 75 to 89 marks will get a silver emblem along with the elite uh tag in the certificate and so on you can see on this uh screen here so again assignments many students want to know if i miss one assignment what can happen so that is not a big problem so for a four week course we say we count only best three out of four assignments similarly for an eight week course we take only best six out of eight assignments and for a 12 week course it is best eight out of twelve assignments so even if you if it will because it's a you know highly demanding uh time from you because it goes on for three months but you know if you miss two or three assignments here and there that is fine but try to be consistent allocate certain time to complete assignments every week and these assignments also once the course starts you will be given uh i will show you how where the assignments will be given the assignments you will get about 10 days to submit so you can keep submitting again and again yeah let's let's now see how to join a course i'm going to swam portal so my colleague divya is helping me here so i am dot gov dot in so students who are not familiar with this please pay attention here so i am dot gov dot in go to the portal and you can see this is the portal swim dot gov dot in so if you scroll down you can see the national coordinators logos there so find nptel and click on nptel logo so it takes you to this page here you can see there is little bit of information about nptel and some other details so what you can do is click on view course catalog so this gives you all the nptel courses you can see upcoming courses all these uh placeholders are there so you can see these are all various nptel courses so you can see in 12 week courses are there four week courses are there and so on so if i want to search for a particular course if i know the name of the course at the top search box you can just type and go to the course if not you can go to the filters on the left hand side if there are several filters so let's just show you one or two filters so course duration you can check course duration we have four weeks eight weeks and twelve weeks and p three goes let's go for a twelve week course so i'm going for a twelve week course okay then i want to see the category can you click on the category okay so i want to go to a management and commerce course so we have several management and commerce courses so can you click on management studies okay so the courses that are associated with management studies will be shown on the right hand side so my filter says i want a 12 week course i want the management course and uh the management studies courses so these are the courses that have come up so i'm going to go with the leadership and team effectiveness course that is offered by iit roorkee so i am clicking on that particular box that is given there leadership and team effectiveness so it is loading it is taking a little bit time so the basic details are given there it's a 12 week course when the course will start that is jan 24th the course will start and the exam date is also given there it is it will start the exam date will be on april 24th so the site is a bit slow today um it's not loading okay let's wait for just a few seconds okay it's not going to the site i think okay that's okay let's go back to the ppt if it comes up we'll try it that time next slide okay so um this is the typical nptel certificate you can see the students photo name course name etc and the assignment marks and the proctored exam marks will also be shown here and interesting thing is total number of candidates certified will also be given there so if you are taking a course and there are a thousand students who are taking this course those numbers will be shown there a potential employer when they see that number out of thousand students you have you know scored say 80 marks 90 months 100 marks then it really stands out for you so we really you know want the students to do well in their courses not just write the exam and just pass the exam those who are scoring 90 and above you can see the gold emblem on the right hand side and the tag elite at the top signature also you can see there will be the whichever iit is coordinating that exam that goes their signature will be there and also the cc chairman signature of that particular institute will be given there the institute name your role number etcetera will be given there and on the left hand side you can see if you are a topper if you come as a topper ten percent one person five percent etcetera will also be given so this is the so many details are given in the certificate this is the back side of the certificate here you can see uh some details are given most important there are the number of credits taken or recommended by nptel is also shown there so this particular course if it is a eight week course the credits recommended by us is two you can also see the qr code there the qr code will help you scan and reach the server where you can authenticate verify the authenticity of the certificate next one okay so this is the site that we saw previously next one okay so once you click on that go to the previous slide please once you click on the the placeholder that we were showing previously this is the page that you will see so you can see that the course name is given the professor's name is there and on the left hand side bottom you can see the course layout week 1 week 2 week 3 is given on the right side top you can see the intro video so we urge all our learners to watch the intro video get an idea of the course and then join the course so once you're ready you know to join there are more details in this page you can scroll down and find out once you're ready to join you can click on the red button join given at the top of the screen next so once you join a course you will get a welcome email to the email edit that you have used to join the course please keep in mind when you are joining a course you are using a specific unique email id we recommend that you use the same email id throughout the course do not change your email id it is very very important do not use multiple email ids to continue in one particular course this will become very difficult because many students what we see is they use multiple ids to join the same course and then what will happen is they will submit assignments through one email id they will register for the exam through another email id so these assignment marks will not be considered for the final marks so you have to keep in mind for us each unique email id is considered as a unique learner so we will take assignment marks final exam marks everything coming from that one particular email id alone many times we get uh you know queries from students saying sorry ma'am i use two different email ids i submit their assignments so this idea i submit my exam through the other id can you please combine these two we do not do that so faculty spocs students who are out there watching this session please keep this in mind so this is a typical course page once you have access to the course page this is what it will look like on the left hand side you can see week one week two week three all the contents are given videos will be there and at the last part you can see quiz which is the assignment so this is how a typical course page will look like on the on the top side you can see announcements about the course ask a question and progress tabs let's see what they are about next slide assignment so this is a this is how a typical assignment page will look like these are mostly auto graded multiple choice multiple select type questions you will get about 10 days to submit an assignment the deadline will be shown at the top right corner once the deadline is over the answers and the solutions will be displayed so if you started submitting the assignment and let's say you are not very sure of the answer you can go back and watch the video and resubmit the assignment till the deadline once the deadline is over the submission will be closed and then you can check your answers next so we don't just do multiple choice assignments we also do programming assignments for programming courses so this this way you will get a hands-on training on programming assignments we also have subjective assignments so subjects where you know for example it's you are learning english skills right so they will ask you to write something upload it and so on so we do have subjective assignments as well so this is the ask a question or discussion forum so this is where you can once you join a course this is open to you you can post your queries in the discussion forum okay so this is again a question that we want our learners to participate please go to how guess how many people enrolled two courses every semester for nptel has two semesters each semester can you take a guess as to how many learners enrolled enrolled meaning join join our courses every semester how many learners join our courses every semester okay somebody's saying one lakh another person is saying 23 guess how many people join our courses so when somebody says 75 it is 75 or 75 and a few zeros please register your board you can put the countdown now okay you have five more seconds okay so we have somebody saying one crore somebody saying 10 000 so let us see what the numbers are go let's go to the ppt okay so the numbers are shown here so the bottom part of the screen you can see our total enrollment till now it's 1.58 crore people have joined our courses you can see the numbers are really really huge so each semester we get about 30 20 lakh to 30 lakh learners joining our courses okay so that has added up to 1.5 crore enrollments till now over the past four five years so how many courses have we covered through online certification close to 3500 courses we have completed through online certification and every semester about three lakh three and a half lakh students register for our exams and about so far about 15 lakh students have registered for our exams so the steps we have already gone through to join a course you write an exam you get certified so you come to an exam center a typical exam center you can see it's shown there the there will be partitions students come to the exam center there will be people who will be monitoring the centers and you will write the exam and you get the certificate next slide please so we also collect feedback through uh various uh social media handles we have fba we have instagram we have twitter and so on next one please so this we want to quickly give a summary so we offer so many different courses you can see aerospace all the different types of engineering courses basic sciences law medical courses and so on next one so all the uh institutes you can see it's not just iits you can also see other institute sites such as icer triple i t we have university of delhi we have kth royal institute of technology sweden tu berlin we have kerala school of mathematics national school of india texas a m university and so on so we have universities from outside india also who are offering courses through the nptel portal so i think we can skip through this okay so the next part i want to cover is how can colleges partner with us so many times we say that you know we can reach the students through colleges so there's a mechanism by which colleges who are not partnered with us you can now look into partnering with us so what is this what are the steps that you have to go through to become a partner so you can just simply send an email to us or if you go to our website there is a place called local chapters you can click on it other details are given there so we refer to our partner college as a local chapter so then of course the next question is okay is there a partnership is there a fee is there something that i have to sign nothing there is no finance aspect at all between colleges and nptel you don't need a room you don't need membership etc for this all you need to do is give us a lecture from the head of the institution that you are interested in partnering with us and we will need one coordinating faculty at these colleges so we refer to them as single point of contact that is spoc next okay so what are the benefits that a college will have if they partner with us the most important benefit is that we directly share learner data with the college coordinator once the college becomes a partner what we do is we give them a unique login we call it as spoc login okay so in this particular login with the student's permission we share the learner data that is whether the student has joined a course whether the student has registered for the exam their whole tickets their exam scores their certificates every detail is shared with the college coordinator or the spoc so this way if the course is taken for credit transfer you do not have to approach us for any details the details are already given in your login in the college login so it is very easy for you to directly take the information from your login and use it for credit transfer or any other purpose now there are other benefits also so for example if there is no exam center in your exam the town or the city where the college is situated you can request for an exam center in that particular town or city so we will work with our exam partner that is tcs ion and will make sure that an exam center is provided for your students in that particular city so please keep in mind if only let's say 10 students are writing from your college we cannot facilitate that so we say minimum 200 candidates per exam session if you know that let's say 500 students are going to write exam from your college then definitely you can approach us and we'll make sure there's an exam center in your city but again keep in mind we are not promising that you we will have exam center in your own college we are saying we will provide an exam center in your city or town so that the students do not have to travel to the next term they can write the exam in your own town so the next benefit is the fee waiver so as i told you nptel is an mhrd project so we are funded by the government it is a non-profit organization so but we still feel students who have to pay a thousand rupees per exam that is many students cannot afford that single income family people who come from you know agricultural families they may not be able to if they are interested in let's say taking two courses and there the 2000 rupees itself is a big amount for them so what we do is we approach our industry partners and ask them to donate funds and these funds are used to help students get free waivers so how does that work so the student has to first pay the full fees up front and when the student passes the exam then we will collect these details from the exposes of these colleges of our college partner colleges and ask them to recommend the most deserving students and we get the we will give the 50 percent fee waiver to students that is we will refund the 50 of the fees to these students so as our sboc mr raju was saying here there are colleges who are helping out the students also once once a student passes the exam uh you know the colleges are also you know as a motivation they are refunding the fees to the students it's a very very nice approach from colleges uh you know who are doing this so the last but not least we have something called the mentorship program where many what we see is many students when they take online courses they need somebody locally to motivate them to help them to you know guide them so what we do is we ask our spocs to nominate mentors the spoc can identify a faculty so for example if it is an english course the spoc can approach their english department ask if a faculty is has some time to be a mentor for those students so what we say is for a faculty or for a particular course don't take more than 50 students we think the faculty they are already busy with their routine tasks so do not take more than 50 students at a time to mentor so the the faculty can be a mentor for up to 50 students if in a particular course let's say from your college there are 250 students who are taking that particular course then you can nominate more mentors more faculty as mentors rather than give the 250 students to one faculty so that is something the spoc can help identify the mentors tell the students that this is the mentor that they can um you know go and seek help from these mentors the mentors can motivate them the mentors can guide them and so on so there are certain steps we have shared with sbocs if anybody has any doubt they can write to us we can guide you so these this is a voluntary program so there is no payment involved at the end of the semester the mentors will get the certificate based on the performance of the mentees so once again please understand input listen non-profit organization so we did not hand out any payment for anything everything that we give is for free so we do recognize the role that sbocs play mentors play so at the end of each semester we will uh you know have a felicitation program where we invite the mentors spcs college principals etc and the last couple of years we have not been able to do that because of the pandemic but you know we are hoping that in 2021 we'll be able to i mean 2022 we'll be able to do this next slide please so at the end of each semester based on the students who belong to these local chapters based on the performance of these students we do rate our colleges so before that i want to say the local chapters from various states maharashtra has the highest number of local chapters so we are approaching 4500 local chapters now so maharashtra has close to 900 local chapters tamil nadu 600 plus kerala is in the top 506 we have close to 300 local chapters from kerala and out of that you know about 50 plus colleges are quite active with us so practically every state every urine tertiary has some presence as local partners in foreign so we have local chapters outside india also close to 50 colleges particularly in africa uae etc we have partners there also so the local chapter participation as you can see approximately 70 to 75 percent is what we are seeing people who register for our exams about 75 percent are coming from our local chapters so the sposes play a huge role in motivating all the students in uh you know making sure that they study well they perform well they do well in their exams next okay we also like i said we also want to recognize the sbocs the mentors so we do what we call as a ratings of local chapters every semester based on the participation of the learners we do rate our local chapters so we also do uh uh the after the ratings is over like i said we invite our spocs principals mentors etc to the various iits and we do a facilitation program we hope again you know in predictive this will happen so how do spocs help us so in soft skills training you can coordinate you know with us and make sure that your students are getting trained we also send our spocs as exam observers to various exam centers we conduct exams uh for our iit madras bsc program as well as for nptel so we invite our sbocs as exam observers they have been very helpful and like i said in the translation effort also our sbcs have been quite helpful so this is the local chapter participation as i think i already mentioned this next slide please okay so the after the ratings the last semester 2020 2021 ratings we are working on it we will publish this hopefully this year or next year so i mean sorry this week or next week so the last year in 2020 you can see these were the colleges who were the top 10 based on our criteria so the top 10 colleges we the local chapters we rate them as triple a so we give them a triple a rating so you can see there are colleges from tamil nadu up uh karnataka delhi and a college from kerala also so one interesting thing to note is out of the ten colleges two are arts and science colleges that is the psc college of arts and science in coimbatore tamil nadu and faru college in kerala these are both arts and science colleges so many times people think that only engineering colleges do well through nptel courses that is not true this data shows that arts and science colleges students from such colleges also are taking input courses they are doing well next okay these are the sample certificates that we give to the colleges as well as the spocs when they do well so the top 10 colleges are rated as triple a the next 40 will be given doubly rating and the next 50 will be given a rating so the top 100 colleges are given these ratings and the remaining colleges also we tag them as active college so we also recognize new local chapters their participation so when a college becomes a local chapter we see uh you know how many new local chapters have performed well how many colleges where faculty have performed well how many arts and science colleges have performed well and also how many local chapter ratings have improved over the last semester of the year all these categories we consider and we do appreciate we give our certificates to the colleges and the species now this is one last recognition that we started last year so what we see is consistently there are colleges who come in the top 100 every year every semester so what we do is we analyze this data and we see that over the course of four years if a college has consistently come in the top 100 list we attack them as lc star so this will be a very special certificate for the college you can display this on your sites because you are we are telling you that you are consistently performing well in our ratings so with this i think uh yeah so i want to um stop our session here so we hope that you know students unfortunately i couldn't show you the swim portal but i hope you have understood the steps so we hope that viewers students as well as uh you know faculty employed people out there got a basic idea of what elliptical does quite a few initiatives we have i also want to say the same team handles the iit madras bse program also so since this is an awareness program for nptel i'm not giving you more details but we can go and explore that also please write to us if you need any information so yeah with that i want to thank my team here my colleague dibia has been uh sitting along with me she has been helping uh you know with the presentations with them intimidator and so on and thank the college professor raju and principal um for giving us this opportunity to you know be with us and share all this with our learners so our studio team who are always there helping us uh you know put together this program uh at the nick of the moment they are always there to help us so the team in the with us um the camera team and all that who help us coordinate this thank you everybody and there are a couple of other local chapter team members who are sitting in the other room they are also helping us with this so thanks to everybody and thanks again from the bottom bottom of my heart for this program thank you sir thank you sir you're on mute sir we we can't hear you sir is it audible now yes so there was some i think there was some problem with my headphones that's the problem okay uh someone thank you very much we are also very privileged to have you in this session and uh i think uh there were many um questions uh in the youtube chat box also and uh most of the answers for the uh mindy meetup questions were also answered in the youtube chat box uh and one one question that i uh saw here is uh that there are a lesser number of courses related to animation and multimedia right so um so um if you want to read out some questions we can answer now okay so go through the youtube questions so multimedia see one thing is you know we take courses only from the best institutes right so multimedia as and when demand comes definitely we will take this up with our faculty and see if we can approach some top institutes to offer so any time a learner asks us we do not ignore that we write it down we write to the concerned people so thank you for bringing bringing that up we will definitely write to the concerned people and see if we can offer courses on that uh any other questions i'm a civil engineering student which course will help my career right so civil engineering student is asking which courses will help so um my direct answer is go for the domain courses so you can get certified in various domains under civil engineering so definitely you can go for those courses please go to and just go to courses tab and you can um find you know the courses that you are interested in civil engineering so practically every engineering discipline will have courses there so over the course of four five years we have put i'll put together a lot of courses for certification and for a self-learning um i think again gabe and somebody had asked the question we have covered that so we can get these two courses which is done by the previous year yeah so all courses are available on dot and go to the courses tab everything is available there and if you have any questions this learners can always try to support that nptel we have an email ready and the spocs can write to our local chapter email id you you we have an internal rule that you know every mate has to be answered within the next five to six hours so you will see that males are always answered even on weekends we our team are uh you know helping out our local chapters and so on so um so i think we have covered every question right yeah that's it sir go on sir you can conclude the session thanks uh so um and thank you thank you very much uh nptel team uh mam and also all the other uh um dignitaries and executives of nptel who have been uh helping me out and uh to organize such an event and i hope all those who have uh attended this particular session this particular workshop have got all their answers cleared all their doubts cleared and uh i hope uh there will be more learners also okay from uh these in this coming uh semesters and uh thank you very much uh our principal uh dr unicj for attending this session and also for giving an introductory uh note uh for about nptel and i hope all the students and others from other colleges also have got a clear idea about everything and it was it is actually a privilege to be the spoke of nptel uh and um we and also i think the other spokes who are uh in this meeting uh thank you very much for attending uh for this particular meeting um and thank you everyone thank you thank you very much i want to uh specifically mention this the role that the spoc plays in i mean in your college because you are you know actively making the faculty participate they are heading many in your departments you said you you know they take an active role so guided by the principal sir so that is very nice because this is this is a good example as to how the college can uh you know be a huge part of this initiative and help the students guide the students and so on so many new colleges ask us how do we go about doing this so definitely in the future i'll invite you sir you can tell them how you do this in your college and uh you know so that others will also understand how to because when they are new they don't know how to go about doing this so definitely in the future i have i'll keep you in mind when i'm um talking to others so you can come and tell them how you do this [Music] thank you very much thank you nice meeting you all thank you uh studio team you can stop the live streaming thanks okay thank you sir okay thank you thank you you
Channel: nptelhrd
Views: 5,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pqyTOormAgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 54sec (7854 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.