DDJ-SB3 VS DDJ-400 (one of them disappointed me but...)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: DJ Carlo Atendido
Views: 237,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DDJ-SB3, DDJ-400, DDJ-SB3 Review, DDJ-400 Review, ddj-sb3 vs ddj-400, ddj-sb3 vs ddj-rb, ddj-sb3 vs ddj-sb2, ddj 400 vs sb3, ddj 400 vs traktor s2, ddj 400 vs rb, best beginner dj controller, best dj controller of 2018, best dj controller 2018, best dj controller of 2019, best dj controller 2019, ddj sb3 vs ddj 400 4k, ddj sb3 vs ddj 400, ddj-sb3 dj controller, ddj-sb3 tutorial, ddj-sb3 setup, ddj-400 tutorial, ddj-400 vs ddj-sb3, ddj-400 review, dj controller review, DJ
Id: RxKFP_hV9sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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