DDJ-SB3 VS DDJ-400 (one of them disappointed me but...)

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the DDJ 400 versus the DDGS b3 which control should you buy if you're starting out beginner now a quick disclaimer there really isn't the perfect DJ controller because each controller is unique and each controller is special two different features and abilities there may be do a perfect controller for you that suits your style and your wants and needs as a DJ and in this video I'm gonna try to nudge you to that controller now being a competitive entering DJ I'm gonna judge these controllers on two practical categories that really matter in the real world number one build quality and number two software features so let's cut the BS and get started so both controllers are made by pioneer DJ so you can expect these guys to be built like tanks well Sora down both controllers feel plasticky and light for the knobs faders buttons it even jog wheels all feel surprisingly solid for controllers worth $250 and I especially like the feet of the cue point but it's a play/pause but it's because they feel exactly like how they feed on a CD J but you may be wondering what are the main differences between these two controllers well there are four that really matter in my opinion number one the tempo fader the DDJ 400 tempo fader is slightly longer than the one on the DDK SB 3 so if you're into beat matching that may be a factor number two there are more effective actions or the DDGS b3 than they are on the DB change for 100 on the DDGS b3 you can activate three effects on one single deck on the d DJ 400 you can you can only arm one effect which can only go to one leg at a time which is a hassle number three the d DJ sp3 can utilize for text and the d DJ 400 cannot but in my opinion utilizing four decks without the proper mix your interface is useless because mixing too psalmist really is really hard enough for a beginner DJ and to mix four will be almost impossible without the proper volume faders and eq sections number four the jog wheels or the ddgs b3 are slightly bigger the ones on the DDJ 400 now they're both almost the same size but a pair on the DVD sp3 is a little bigger now does this affect stretching performance not really the feet on both controllers and even solvers is exactly the same which is super tight but if you're really into scratching you prefer a bigger jog wheel the sb3 may have a slight advantage here so for this round both controllers who win don't worry though this is it a cop-out there's indeed one winner in this video now this is the deciding factor the CDJ SB 3 comes at tirado DJ light and the d DJ 400 comes the record walk to DJ both offers provide basic DJ functions and both solvers are expandable for more advanced features which means you can fork up cash to get extra features like devious function etc so the question is which controller comes to the best software right out the box well let's first talk about the integration of record box DJ and the d DJ 400 what's important to note about this is that the functions labeled on the controller are indeed usable so you can use all eight hot cue points and all these other main functions as well and you can also use yourself functions such as spot effects key shift and keyboard but you can't use modes like beat from water beat slicer mode and that is quite a bummer because those ones are pretty fun to use in a DJ set record box DJ dough makes up for this by giving you the ability to record your mix adjust your vinyl break system and a whole lot more but for me the real killer feature of record box DJ overall other software's out there is the ability to retain your cue points and playlists when you export your music from your record box DJ library to use bees to use on see DJ's and this is super useful to use in case of emergencies like if your laptop or controller apps up or if you wanted to stop a pro Tek menus Club standard DJ equipment those USBs are a great backup and a great stepping stone to real pro DJing now on the sarado DJ night side with a DD j SB 3 it's honestly quite disappointing features like hot cue effects fade pad strat and sampler work just fine but some functions like beat jump patrol mode and beats nice remote don't you also can't record your mixes and you're also limited or using four cuboids which is insane because you obviously have 8q pads here the thing though with Shroud of DJ light is that your other one shot of Greater Toronto DJ pro to available ease dope functions and I must say that if you do pay the premium top greatest roadie Jay Pro it is so worth it because the d DJ sp3 with shadow DJ approaches pose a competition or way in terms of functionality use an interface at least for me the only thing going for a good box TG though would beats Universal cue point system but then again what we're talking about here is what you get right out the box so the winner of this round goes to the d DJ 400 with record box DJ so I've been using the DBS b3 and DJ 400 ever since they came out and honestly they're both pretty similar what's best for you really comes out to what you need as a beginner DJ if you want to just DJ right away and use basic DJ functions which 90% of all digits in the world use then I would suggest to go for the d DJ sp3 withdrawal of DJ light down the line when you get deeper to DJing you can always pay the premium of greatest Rado DJ Pro which can open up a whole new world of DJing features out of the box the d DJ SBT with Serato DJ light is perfect for any beginner DJ eager to get started in DJing ASAP now if you're more into features functionality and vying for a box the d DJ for hundreds of xbox DJ definitely provides more value for money right off the box the ability to record your mix use all the cue pads and even use all the functions label on your controller it's what makes this controller so amazing to use but the ability to use Universal cue points is what's such a sport from everything else out there but all in all you can't go wrong going for either one if I had to choose one controller though it would definitely be the DB j SP 3 but with Serato DJ pro I would definitely pay the premium because it's so worth it I love using Vito more than big slice or mug because those Moses really make my sets just feel more cooler technical and just more enhanced but that's just me letting on the comment section down below which controller you guys prefer and let's talk about it and with that said this is DK correlated needle and I will see you the next one I definitely suggest you guys to the first use whatever you have with your right now so if that's our cell phone this up if that's your laptop and use that but if you really want to get started in EGA what's the best image of your mind definitely whatever you can afford use whatever that is to get you where you want to go remember at the end of the day is something inside the equipment we use it's how you use it be it a phone a computer or like a traffic control
Channel: DJ Carlo Atendido
Views: 237,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DDJ-SB3, DDJ-400, DDJ-SB3 Review, DDJ-400 Review, ddj-sb3 vs ddj-400, ddj-sb3 vs ddj-rb, ddj-sb3 vs ddj-sb2, ddj 400 vs sb3, ddj 400 vs traktor s2, ddj 400 vs rb, best beginner dj controller, best dj controller of 2018, best dj controller 2018, best dj controller of 2019, best dj controller 2019, ddj sb3 vs ddj 400 4k, ddj sb3 vs ddj 400, ddj-sb3 dj controller, ddj-sb3 tutorial, ddj-sb3 setup, ddj-400 tutorial, ddj-400 vs ddj-sb3, ddj-400 review, dj controller review, DJ
Id: RxKFP_hV9sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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