D&D Tieflings - What Character Class Should You Play

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so what kind of show you feeling today Ted I don't know about shows but I'm feeling a bit horny by Odin's beard Ted you can't say that this is a family show Oh real funny you're not horny you're just corny man well speaking of horns let's talk about tea fling what character class should you play welcome to nerd for nerds by nerds I'm naraka Steve and as usual I'm hanging out with this nerd anarchist Ted Turner keys a place where we like to discuss news views at home brews for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons sometimes we even talk about other role-playing games so if you don't want to miss a single video don't forget to crit hit that subscribe button and a tune to that notification bell today were going to be talking about tea flings in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons and what character class should you play this is the last one out of the PHP and the preach PHP is actually very simple but a lot of auxiliary material has been added to 5e D&D that's a greatly expanded the tea fling you've got short course adventures guide that added some stuff and then you also have morning kind of stoma foes and a lot of stuff there is like eight or nine different variants that you can go with when you're looking at it tiefling so with our normal viewpoint on you know what character class should you play we go through and we we slate all of the different abilities that the race has and what of these attributes makes for a mechanical best class and then an unorthodox viewpoint of you know based on the thematic abilities that they get what character class could be fun to play well the way they fling breaks down mechanically there's almost everything that you can wind up working with so we're gonna approach this one a little bit differently right before we do approach anything park another Kickstarter approaches the sponsor of this video ghost fire gaming they have a awesome Kickstarter going on right now it's this really dark gritty world in the grim holo a Cyrus I think is the name of the actual world itself and they've got kinds of things in the art looks fantastic the Kickstarter video is a lot of fun and amazing and they're Australian and they do it in an authentic Australian accent too if you're looking for a Grimm campaign setting to add to your collection Grimm Hollow is amazing it is set in a godless world and they're gonna offer a variety of new mechanical and you know somatic things that you can add to your game there's gonna be new magic items as well as new non magic items there is transformation information within the book if you want to play as a vampire or a lich really excited to see that kind of stuff they've got stretch goals that are gonna add some amazing things like some new spells some new some new player information for like lycanthropes and fiends hopefully they're gonna hit those kind of things but ultimately if you're looking for you know a oh gritty world something that's dark and fantastic grim hollow is a way to either add that and play in that world or take those mechanics and enhance your game yeah there's gonna be new feats for players as well as new background mechanics so I'm really fascinated and curious to see what they come up we actually backed it ourselves you can find the link down in the description and you can check grim Hollow out over on Kickstarter so tief leagues like you said you have a plethora abilities there's one there's a few common denominators right the main attribute it for the tie fling is the charisma +2 and then you get a +1 to any of the other 5 depending on what sub race you go and essentially they're all tied to different Devils realistically you could play any particular character class and be very charismatic you can twist and go in in any different direction intelligence is the most common for the different sub races with within them so you're definitely can can easily lean towards you know wizard what I mean legitimately everything can really get into the second most common being dexterity and then there is one variant for at least strength Constitution and wisdom so literally it cut runs the candy so you know first things first we can go over the common denominator of all the subclasses they're all like we said we're going to get bonus to charisma and then that +1 is something else they're all going to get dark vision and they're all going to get fire resistant so all the tea flings have an infernal legacy which winds up giving them access to spells unless you wind up going with the specific variants which replaces either a portion thereof or a you know it entirely and giving you additional features and the way that those all work is very similar you get at first level you get a can't trip at third level you get a spell in fifth level you get another spell the to spell choices are once per long rest so the with those it's all depending on what you want to play and what you think will match up is how I would pick it so now we can actually do like your expected character classes like these are the best classes to play for a TV no matter what variant you do it's pretty easy because they're all going to be the charisma casters your bard your palate and your source or your warlock and then it's just like where do you want that other plus to go you know like the cereal is a plus one the strength plus one the charisma perfect for about him I would agree with that and rather than going with our standard thing of let's let's get into unorthodox we're actually going to go in the other direction and be like this is the least likely classes that you should play based on you know stat bonuses and powers that are going to combine with the d fling and there's only two to be honest with you barbarian and monk barbarian using spell like abilities you can't do while you're raging for one and a barbarian you you you really need a decent strength dex and con with us getting the bonus to charisma we're gonna be a little lacking there we can get one of those others but not all of them so while you could make a thematic interesting and fun barbaric tiefling it's not going to be optimal yeah mechanic mechanically it's just not going to work and monk is another one that does really require heavy amounts of stats they they're decks con and wisdom to be the most optimal monk you can possibly go now you know maybe you want to play a monk that is diplomatic or deceptive in in your style and that can work you can go with it either the decks the con or the wisdom monk but mechanically you are going to be inferior to other monks that are there short of that extra bonus to your you know again charisma skills so we're doing our deviation from the norm for this one but but there are so many options there are so many things that you can wind up doing with tiefling fun and thematic you can go in any direction there's a lot of amazing stuff with all of these options but you know as I said there's not oh there's only a couple that are just not optimal yeah and with that being said as far as thematic there's a bunch of directions you can go with the tiefling fire is a theme that works for all of them as well as depending on their spell selection that can work into whatever you want to pick they have that infernal heritage so kind of screens like warlock pack neo pack of the fiend you know I could definitely see them going with you a jerk Roenick ancestry that's based around the red dragon or the gold dragon you know depending on which one you want to do if you wanted to go kind of with type or against type with Dex being you know one of the prominent options the swashbuckler rogue would be a fantastic option because you can get to the bonus to both dexterity and charisma starting off with 216 naturally is going to advance you in that direction and you know it could be a lot a lot of fun you know just be like you know oh you know you're a tiefling and I'm offended by that and you draw your rapier and you know you you get into it all you know there's a lot of different directions you could wind up go not only that if you decide to go cleric there's also a lot of wiggle room to play with there whether you want to play with type or against type if you want to kind of go fully embrace that dark heritage or you want to go against it you know you could take a hey God that is the epitome of goodness and holiness same with the Paladin as well or you can go conquest pound and it really double down you know going back to that cleric you mean you could go trickery and you could be that deceptive cleric where you've got one holy symbol that you're wearing that is a oh I'm a goodly blah blah blah blah but really the one you're really looking for is down here and this is who I really serve and you know with that added charisma you'd be really good at that deception board tiefling you have so many options for the sub races and subclasses which one should you play you should play the one you want because you're gonna easily match up a sub race to any particular class or subclass without too much trouble at all so you should play the one that you think is going to be fun and thematic and you're having a good time with we'd like we said there's only two that we would say stay away from as far as mechanics go but even then if you want to play them knock your socks off have a ball with that we would have take a moment to just say hey you can help us it helped up the chatter by checking out the sponsor down in the description below and before we head on out I would invite you to join the nur key adventuring party over on patron temple can they find there we're creating products for fifth edition Dungeons dragons that players and DMS alike can drop right into their game but that's not all we do monthly giveaways and as a patron you're automatically entered we also do weekly Hangouts with our patrons and more so with that quest on down to the description join anarchy adventuring party and until next time stay nerdy [Music]
Channel: Nerdarchy
Views: 24,894
Rating: 4.8640351 out of 5
Keywords: d&d tieflings, d&d, d&d lore, d&d lore the abyss, d&d lore tieflings, d&d tips, d&d tips for new players, tieflings dnd, 5e, dnd gm tips, dnd tiefling, dnd tiefling classes, dnd tiefling lore, dnd tiefling monk, dnd tiefling rogue, dnd tiefling sorcerer, dnd tiefling subraces, dnd tiefling voice, dnd tiefling warlock, dungeon master, dungeon master tips, dungeons and dragons, fifth edition, game master tips, role playing game, tiefling 5e, tiefling lore, tiefling warlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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