DD Tarp 3x3 Speed Challenge!

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ah so at the moment most of the world has in lockdown and many of us are stuck at home going a bit mad so the guy some DD hammocks myself will come up with the DD tarp 3x3 speed challenge fun little challenge you can do from your home guard and keep your camping skills sharp I'm gonna try set up a tarp tent configuration as fast as I possibly can and you can see if you can beat my time for this challenge you will need firstly a tarp I'm using the DD tarp 3x3 Pro but you can use the top 3 by 3 or any of its variants and as well as some similar size tarp so I'll put a link below to some examples you can use you're also going to need 9 pegs three guylines a collapsible hiking pole or suitably sized stick and finally you need a flat ish area of grass as you can see from my garden I've got an area just big enough to lay out my tarp and for me to safely run round it but if you only have access to indoor space at the moment be creative and let us know what you come up with I'm going to start with all my equipment laid out in the ground in front of me I'm gonna start my stopwatch and see how fast I can set up a tarp tent configuration so we bit windy so should be here interesting three two one go so I blow it away of that much space here see if I can get spacing right I don't know what I'm doing this now to put the pool first would you make my strength up here right ah a blowy I was in camera yeah mean carrot and stop there we go I did it in three minutes and 22 seconds so leaving you beat that time follow a link below for the full set of instructions of how to set this up the full list of rules and how you can enter the competition I look forward to seeing your entries and have fun with it
Channel: DD Hammocks
Views: 42,550
Rating: 4.8622518 out of 5
Keywords: dd hammocks, dd tarps, dd tarp, dd hammock, dd tarp 3x3, tarp, tarps, camping tarps, 10x10 tarp, dd tarp tent, tarp tent, tarp tent setup, tarp tent set up, tarp setups, tarp set-ups, tarp competition, how to set up a tarp, tarp set up tips, camping, home camping, garden camping, lockdown camping, camp at home, home camp
Id: Z1-LJhwjnk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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