D&D Story: Part 2- After the Tarrasque (Welp)

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Im really looking forward to Dingo doing more dnd content. I really enjoy her videos

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 7 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/kaleb42 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies

This is a really interesting way to handle a creature that instantly brings a level 1 to 14 without like...destroying the entire universe.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/FluffyPhoenix šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies

This is amazing, I'm sharing this with all my friends

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/gpbg šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies

Good video, Iā€™m really looking forward to more of her vids. Personally I think I would have let the perma-no-magic-zone remain and have the tarrasque destroy the town and kill a bunch of the population. While the rest of the citizens and party had to flee. As the campaign went on they would hear news of the tarrasque was destroying town after town, as various heroes, armies, mages tried to stop it. Eventually the party would be drawn back in and forced to confront the tarrasque. Either by gathering some relics to seal it away or solve the problem they caused.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Kassaapparat šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 28 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies
Today's video is sponsored by thedeckofmany.com My first sponsor you guys! Yay! Also this is a part two of my previous D&D video so, I'd recommend watching part 1 so your not wondering what the heck I'm talking about. But if you don't, I get it. You're a rebel. You live on the edge. Okay, okay so why is there a part 2 to this? Um...heh... You'd think after releasing a tarrasque, it would be game over, right? And believe me, we thought that too we we're planning to throw our character sheets into the fire 'til Felix was like, "Jus- just hold on a second." My group's philosophy for playing D&D is "fun trumps rules," so, if there's a rule that all unanimously agree is kind of silly, or just doesn't really work, we get rid of it. It's just our interpretation of the game, which is fine everybody plays D&D differently and that just happens to be the way we do it. So we all agreed we wanted to give it another shot and keep this campaign going. We loved our characters and the story Felix was making, so we weren't gonna give up now. We ain't no quitters. To be honest, I didn't think I'd be talking about this any more but I think it's interesting and fun. It's all kind of an experiment. So, let's have a go at it. Right? O.K. Soo let's establish some things I left out of the previous video. Our team consists of a druid named Gothi, a crystal golem named Gorthan, a spellscale named Julian and a magical girl named Erina. Yes, we have a magical girl and yes, she sparkles and everything and yes, we are blinded every time she transforms. "MY EYES!!!" Alchemist Quarry is also inhabited by mostly anthropomorphic creatures. It's- It's pretty much furry town, which we constantly make fun of Felix for making. Felix: "There's a reason there furries damn it!" We'll get back to that later. Also the name of the campaign is called "Fool's Gold." It's 'cause at the start of the campaign we were all merchants which eventually we all became adventurers(?) Fun Fact; The three of us were standing outside of the city watching this Tarrasque starts to decimate buildings and start the apocalypse. Sips is still drunk and eventually is slapped out of it and now he can see what he did. Sips: "Welp, I'm just gonna go..." Gothi: "Nope! We are fixing this." Sips: "How?!" "I don't know if you noticed, but I kinda made a 700 foot radius of permanent dead magic," "and I kinda use magic so I can't exactly..." "do anything!" "I could yell at it." "But I don't think that's gonna help." The group brainstormed around the table for what seemed like forever because essentially we're trying to stop the apocalypse! Gothi: "Maybe we could freeze it with a huge amount of freezing potion." Erina: "Maybe we could, like, find a genie and wish it gone." Sips: "Now, hear me out..." "Another Tarrasque!" Erina: "...Are you still drunk?" In the meantime, the city mages come together and form a circle around city, slowly dispelling the permanent magic zone. Pretty much the entire time that our group is running around, freaking out, and being useless. Eventually, they dispel the zone an out comes this woman. This mysterious figure, who is very obviously the leader, who brings out two followers and a chest. They open up the chest and give her what looks to be shrunken versions of the Tarrasque's hands, feet, and head. It's kinda like those, like, voo-doo shrunken-heads kind of stuff... ~Creepy...~ She puts them on and starts to control the Tarrasque using magic, like some kinda crazy puppet master. ~Extra-creepy...~ Right at that moment, when she starts to use the "Voo-Doo that She-Doo", all the anthropomorphic NPCs in the town start to freak out. Like they're on fire, but there's no fire. It seems that the magic that she's using is affecting the citiziens... but only the furries. And then Sips feels it too, but only in his cursed arm. Felix: "It's like somebody dipped your arm into acid." Great. Sips: *monkey screech* Erina: "Um, should we deal with that?" Sips: "Nope! This is fine! This is perfect! This is great!" "Mmm hmm! Yep!" Sips tries to cast Sleep on himself, to try to get away from the pain, but he fails his concentration check because he feels like he's burning in acid! Gothi quickly shoves a sleeping potion down Sips' throat, to make him fall asleep, but he succeeds his save so his body won't take it, and he won't fall asleep! I'm just rolling saves like, "Go. To. Sleep. DAMMIT!" but he keeps succeeding. So, while this is happening, all the mages surround this lady and buffs her constitution to double the amount of the Tarrasque. So essentially bumping her HP like a madman. The she starts to... choke herself? Which translates to the Tarrasque choking itself. Due to her ridiculous constitution she's able to outlast it, it's kinda like a "holding your breath contest", in a way. And essentially she chokes out the tarrasque, like a boss. So, while this is all happening, everybody's just watching and going like "Whoa! This is crazy!" "Whoa! This is so cool!" "Wow!" while Sips is just screaming in agony in the background. She stops the magic, everybody, including Sips, stops freaking out and feeling like they're gonna die. She then takes off her creepy gear, turns in our direction... and takes a second. ???: "Sips..." Sips' face of first pain, then relief, then confusion turns to just... ...pissed. Just a look of pure rage, as he's staring down the woman that ruined his life. Quinn-Ora. Ok, so... I kinda need to let you know a little bit about Sips' backstory for you to know why he looks at this woman like he wants to cast a level 9 spell up her face. Sips is not actually an anthropomorphic monkey, or an apeling like some of you guys think, or some other monkey races in D&D. Uh, he's just a normal monkey who, when very young, got taken and sold to be an entertainment monkey. Those ones with the, like, the little hats and the music box. Not a great look for him. He's just a monkey who hated his life. 'Till, one day, a mysterious figure came up to Sips' owner, Hodge, and asked to buy Sips' hands and feet. Just... the hands... and feet. -Ya' weirdo!- So Hodge knock Sips out, cuts of his hand, Sips wakes up, ('cause you just cut off his hand!) attacks Hodge, 'CAUSE YOU JUST CUT OFF HIS HAND! and b-lines it out of there to the swamps. He's losing a lot of blood, and he becomes lost. Then, lo and behold, guess who shows up? Boom! Boom! Mysterious figure who wanted his hand and feet, 'cause they're creepy... Which turns out to be... BOOM! BOOM! Quinn-Ora! She offers to help him... I mean, he's a monkey. He has no idea what's goin' on and what this woman is sayin' so... He's gonna die if he doesn't accept, so he's like "B'Okay!" She takes him back to her... house? ...Essentially a voo-doo shack. She's a witch doctor who's bat*Quack* crazy. Puts him on the table and "helps" him -emphasis on help- by attaching a very special, a very cursed, magical crocodile hand onto his vacant stump of a right arm. At that moment, so much magic and energy flows through him that he becomes awakened. So, for anybody who doesn't know how the Awaken spell works, it pretty much just means you become conscious or sentient so, monkey ain't no stupid monkey anymore, he understands! ...And Quinn-Ora's like Quinn-Ora: "Cool! Now we can replace some... other things." "NOPE! NOPE!" "This witch is crazy! I'm out!" Sips attacks Quinn-Ora and nopes straght out of there. So, from there on, he just travelled and slowly became... Sips. So, you can get why he stares at this woman with the rage of a thousand suns... But I'm gonna leave it here for a part three 'cause the video is gettin' a little bit long. I'm not really sure how you guys are gonna react to this video but I had fun making it so... I'm-I'm happy. I will also be putting out an animated story video in-between these... Probably... Unless the urge hits me to just keep going with part 3, like, right away. So you probably you won't get part 3 until September So you probably you won't get part 3 until Septemberrr So you probably you won't get part 3 until Septemberrrrr Eh? Anyway, thanks for watching, and this video was sponsored by thedeckofmany.com They make convenient reference cards for 5th Edition D&D of monsters, NPCs, conditions... A lot of really cool stuff. As a DM, I can clearly see why these would be a godsent. So, link in the description. Yeah...
Channel: Dingo Doodles
Views: 2,254,555
Rating: 4.9759126 out of 5
Keywords: Sponsord, ad, dnd, D&D, Story, Animation, Animatic, D&D Story, D&D Storytime, storytime, funny, Sponsor, advertisment, DnD animation, Dungeons and Dragons
Id: Of3cF1UJqKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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