D&D Story: Captain Morgan || Cocaine solves all problems

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In the last dungeon dragons campaign that I ran the turtle (friends) were chasing down Malikar and needed to find a ship to take them to an island, but it would be difficult because the location was guarded by a fearsome turtle Oh a turtle that didn't sound that bad. A massive 500 foot long dragon Turtle with a mile long breath of steam that could vaporize any ship that came near and enormous flippers that could cause tidal waves that drowned entire Islands Oh that that clarified a few things Dark omens started appearing across the Dream seas with powerful storms raging overhead The waters had turned a dark red and fierce maelstroms pulled many ships down into the depths to never be seen again So naturally when the players go down to the docks district and want to hire a captain. They're all like, nope well, it seemed like no one wanted to go on this suicidal mission, seemed so for everyone, everyone except for "I'll take it on". One lone brave captain approached them. You'll take us to elfin Island? Of course I can I can do anything or my name's not captain, uh... oh What's a what's a good captain-y name? Morgan? Yes!! There we go Captain Morgan I'll take you to Elfin Island Wow. You must be brave ha ha ha Nonsense, I'm just high out of my mind on cocaine (#relatable) I'm a drug smuggler don't you know? Captain Morgan led the ship out and took it across the waters to elfin Island when they get there they discovered that the island was Taken over by Gnolls the players decided to send in Captain Morgan by himself Trusting that he seemed capable and could handle them on his own But if he caused a distraction that would be good too. The captain quickly got surrounded and it looked a little worrysome for him Don't worry. It's alright, I have cocaine so he pulled out his drugs and the Gnolls tried some and they're all great friends now and really high But it wasn't just them they discovered a tribe of bullywug of panicking and had to figure out a way to calm them down Don't worry. I have just the solution for this Always trust in the cocaine and with the power of cocaine Captain Morgan made them all hide and they forgot their worries and also burned down a few houses Later on in the story after the time-skip They used Captain Morgan a number of missions because he, he didn't ask too many questions Along the way the ship got jumped by pirates Oh, no their name strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies who doesn't know about the... uh What's, what's a pirate-y sounding name? Cokebeard? Yes Cokebeard who hasn't heard of cokebeard and the dreaded cocaine pirates that plague us honest drug dealers. And the two squared off and started fighting together of course, they couldn't hit each other because they were on opposite boats and we're just swinging their swords wildly at nothing because you know drugs In another game I was playing with dingo from dingo doodles just from Jesse octa and Logan. He's cool. Jess showed me some artwork She'd been drawing for the session. Oh, yeah, I made a sketch too. This is all of us and we're, we're playing together (lots of stuttering Ben) The group had come across Captain Morgan because he had been captured and rescued him For a little bit until he got captured again when they decided to send him in by himself to be a distraction Captain Morgan is hanging upside down beneath him on the floor. It's this thing of drugs that fell out from his pocket I rush out there. Are you gonna save Captain Morgan? No, I get the cocaine Always trust in the cocaine Okay, you rescue the drugs. I'm going to cast sacred weapon on the cocaine We cut over to your God who's like at home. She's busy There's a call that she gets over the phone like *phone ringing sounds* Mmm-hmm. You need me bless something. Mmm Okay. All right was I'm sorry. What was what did you need me to blast again? UUUGGGHHH Don't know what's going on down there, but you better have a good explanation for why you need this later Suddenly a glowing white sword of cocaine is in front of you you seem to have miraculously produced a cocaine blade... and she uses it to attack the enemies making them high and out of their minds and they win so remember kids do drugs (don't really) To make the problems go away (Credit for subtitles to "Disbosss SoulStealer53 SoulReaper53" and DarkariaDude00) (and Mouse) (Hi Ben!)
Channel: Puffin Forest
Views: 1,488,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon, RPG, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, DnD, DnD Story, D&D Story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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