The Bear Totem Barbarian Tank - D&D: Optimized #3

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[Music] hi everybody welcome to another episode of dnd optimized the show where each episode we take a deep dive into one specific character build and try to optimize it numerically for your chosen role my name is colby and i will be your number crunching guide so if you are looking for a way to get the most out of your character this show is for you if you are looking for new ideas for your next character in your next dnd 5e campaign this show is for you and if you just love talking geeky numbers in a dungeons and dragon setting this show is for you too so welcome and thanks for being here um you know the first two episodes this is episode three and today we're going to be talking about the bear totem barbarian so the first couple of episodes i've been focusing on sustained damage builds and i wanted to make this show about more than just sustained damage builds so today we're going to be looking at a tanky control build and when i say tanky for the uninitiated what i mean is someone who's hard to kill and even also someone who can maybe do a good job of protecting not just themselves but also their companions and so that's what we're going for with the build today with the with the baritone barbarian you know i wanted to start here as my first tanky uh optimized build because the the baritone barbarian is commonly thought of as the most difficult to kill character build in the game it's it's a bane to many dungeon masters and uh and so i wanted to start there but you know in addition to being hard to kill we're gonna we're going to build this character in a way that does give you some some nice control features um to to try and help you really protect your maybe more vulnerable teammates and companions and party mates so basic overview the bare totem barbarian you know the concept is you have the highest hit die in the game you you have the most hit points of any character class as a barbarian um and thanks to the bear totem feet subclass you are resistant to almost all damage types meaning you're going to take half damage on just about every damage type um so you can soak damage all day long um and in in addition to that a couple of the feats that you're going to be taking and some other things you'll be able to really kind of lock opponents down keep them from moving keep them from getting to the back line to uh to hurt your friends as it were to the those those squishy wizards and spellslingers and archers and things that are standing at the back dishing out a bunch of damage and even you know the rogues and other melee strikers or damage dealing focused uh companions your job is to draw the enemy fire keep your friends safe and stay alive for a long time while doing so a couple of things about this before we jump into the actual build breakdown you are not going to have a super high armor class um barbarians as a general rule don't really the problem is you ca you can't wear heavy armor and benefit from rage and rage gives you a lot of great things including that damage resistance so it kind of defeats the purpose of a barbarian both conceptually and numerically to be running around in plate male armor sure you could potentially have a shield and do a one-handed weapon but we're not gonna do that because it's gon it would doing so would prevent you from using a pole arm and thereby giving up a lot of the control um and and attack range that you would get from that pole not to mention damage um and you know as a bear totem barbarian um you getting hit a lot is kind of the point if you're if you're being a tank um you almost want to be at an attractive target uh for the enemies and we'll get into that a little bit later but but yeah you're not going to have a high ac you're just going to have a ton of hit points and you're going to have resistance to almost all damage types therefore really letting you soak damage all day long and you know we'll we'll look at maybe a fighter or a paladin build that's kind of another version of a tanky build another time where they'll be using a shield and heavy armor and be a lot harder to hit um but that is not the bare totem barbarian so let's jump into the actual build all right so level one now again before we get into the specifics of the build like always i'm going to just mention the things that are most important to optimize this build but if i don't mention it then take whatever you want at level one the race that you choose should be variant human yawn i know but they're so good free feet is amazing and for the free feet that you take it's gonna be polar master for those of you who saw episode one you will uh remember my fondness for this feat it's very good um first of all you do get an additional attack each round if you have your bonus action available as a bonus action you basically hit you make an attack with the butt of your pole arm which is going to be a halberd a pike or a glaive and and you get to add any damage modifiers to that so it's very nice for some additional damage but for this build the primary reason that we are taking polar master is for the extra range that you get you get reach with uh with the proper weapon with the proper pole arm and it lets you uh hit from 10 feet away instead of five and that's going to really help you control the battlefield and lock people down later on when we get the sentinel feet at level four which i'll talk about in a minute um as far as the stats you're going if you're doing point by you want to get 15 strength so that you can hit more often and do more damage you want to get 15 constitution and that's what we're going to be maxing first with this build to increase your tankiness and your hit points i would probably recommend well i definitely recommend going 14 decks that's going to help you with your well with your initiative but also more importantly with your armor class um and then probably ten wisdom because that's an important save to have as good as possible as well as some skills perception and things um and uh then just use intelligence and charisma as your dumb stats put eight there um for your equipment you you get a martial weapon and you want to make sure it's it's a good pole arm meaning a halberd a pike or a glaive i prefer the glaive but really it's it's it's uh cosmetic um they all do a d10 of damage and they qualify for the polar master feet they all have reach you do not start with armor now fortunately you have this nice little thing called unarmored defense which for the barbarian lets you add your constitution modifier to your armor class in addition to your dexterity which you you will typically get when you're unarmored so you will be starting with a 15 armor clasp pretty good for for no um for no armor because i didn't mention this but of course as a variant human you get a plus one two two stats you're gonna do strength and constitution right so you'll have a 16 strength and a 16 constitution so anyway you'll have a 15 ac um i would i would be careful of the unarmored uh defense ability it's it's a bit of a trap it's nice when you're starting out but as a barbarian you're proficient with medium armor you're going to want medium armor in fact if you can take gold instead of just standard starting equipment and you can afford a halberd or a pike or a glaive and some cheap medium armor scale mail for example is only 50 gold and it will give you with your dex bonus because because medium armor lets you apply at least just just a maximum of plus two from dex bonus instance you have a 14 dex you get a plus two dex bonus so with scale mail which is a 14 ac plus your dex you'll be at a 16 ac better than 15 right um and and it's pretty much always going to be better for you to to use medium armor than to go unarmored um you will you know later on at level 8 for example you might say well at level 8 i'm going to bump my constitution and now i could take off my scale mail and still have a 16 armor class true but hopefully by level 8 you're going to have some half plate right which is medium armor still but that's a 15 ac plus your deck so now you're at 17. so you're gonna be better off with getting the best medium armor that you can find you might even argue well you know by 12 i'll i'll have a 20 constitution and and then it would be the same as you know having uh having half plate but maybe by level 12 you've got some half plate plus one if not feel free to run around naked um but uh and you know especially if you can get something like bracers of defense which give you a plus two to your ac if you're not wearing armor you know obviously you can deal with that uh on a case by case but generally speaking you're gonna want the best medium armor you can find you don't want heavy armor to reiterate because then you can't rage and that sort of defeats the purpose of being a barbarian all right so speaking of rage let's talk about rage um it costs a bonus action to do and so you won't get that extra hit with your pole arm um in round one but it is always it should always be the first thing that you do in combat because um when you are raging it lasts for one minute and you get you start off with two of them per long rest so you should be able to have it up most fights and and that that will increase you'll get more of them as you level up so you really should have it available most fights uh if not all fights but it's going to give you bonus damage that will scale as you level and it's going to it's going to give you advantage on strength checks not not attacks but just other you know strength checks and then key for us is it will at level one give you resistance to piercing bludgeoning and slashing damage basically all non-magical weapon damage um so that means you're going to take half damage any time you get you hit with you know piercing slashing or uh bludgeoning damage that's huge obviously it's gonna greatly increase your tankiness your survivability um one thing to keep in mind rage will end at least right now it will end if you don't either make an attack or take damage and so make sure that you're always attacking right if you're not getting hit you better you know keep some javelins on hand or something so that you can at least attempt to attack somebody you don't have to hit anybody you just have to make an attack um so constantly be fighting while you're raging and also you can't cast spells or concentrate on spells while you're aging so there there's no there's no caster multi-class option here that we're going to be looking at um not if we're trying to optimize anyway again remember always rage first thing always rage all right at level two you get reckless attack this is important um so reckless attack if you you have to decide before your first attack on your turn that you will be whether or not you will be using reckless attack and if you do you get advantage on all of your attacks that turn but your enemies have advantage against you on all of their attacks against you until the beginning of your next turn some of you may think well i'll have to be careful when i use this i would argue that you should use this basically all the time here's why first of all okay when you get sentinel feet later and we'll talk about it it's going to be important super important to be landing your your reaction attacks that sentinel feet will give you so that you can reduce a character's speed to zero um it's a reaction though and you can't decide when you're having a reaction attack i'm gonna be attacking recklessly you have to decide before your first attack on your turn when it's your turn um and you'll get your reaction later potentially so it's very important to land that reaction attack and and you want to have advantage when you're doing so to make sure that it lands also um you know a lot of a lot of people who are familiar with video game world think about um you know mmos multiplayer massively multiplayer online games world of warcraft things like that and other role-playing games that you play there there is often a trifecta they they call it you know a tank a healer and a damage dealer and as a tank in video games a lot of the times you have taunt abilities right an ability to force an enemy to attack you um that doesn't really exist in dungeons and dragons and and i think for good reason um but it would be nice if there were things that you could do in the game to to try and emulate that if you are playing a tanky control type character i would argue that perhaps the best way to maybe not force but strongly encourage enemies to attack you is by giving them advantage when you do um it's very difficult for most dungeon masters or i shouldn't say dungeon masters for enemy npcs to not try and attack you if they have advantage on doing so right um it's like you're just this big juicy target and they just can't help themselves because they have advantage and and even though taking damage is not great keeping your friends from getting hit is kind of the point of this character right and you are better suited to take that hit than anybody else in your party and so why not increase your damage and also increase the likelihood that the enemies are going to be targeting you as opposed to you know the squishy wizard uh in the back or the thief uh rogue you know standing next to you so use reckless attacks use it with abandon unless you're about to die and maybe even then um use reckless attacks it's going to increase your damage significantly and it's going to have a the more important aspect of uh having the enemies be more likely to attack you than somebody else um you also at level two get danger sense which is a great tanky feature um it gives you advantage on deck saves when you can see the thing that you're that you're saving against so for example a trap goes off and you need to make a deck save to avoid it if you see the trap going off you have advantage wizard casts a fireball at you you see that fireball coming you have advantage that's huge i mean um you know you think about a barbarian taking half damage on everything uh well you'll take it you'll take half damage on on just about everything next level um but you know when you're taking half damage on a fireball spell and you make the deck save which already cuts the damage in half well you know instead of 30 damage it did 15 but you're a bar bare barbarian so you took seven or eight or whatever rounded up rounded down that's laughable right so very great tanky feature all right at level three you get to choose a primal path and the primal path you choose will be a totem warrior and for your totem spirit it will be bare because you are a bear barb and now while raging you get resistance to all damage except psychic so be careful about enemies that do psychic damage but otherwise resistance to all damage so you take half damage against just about everything and that's kind of opie at level four you're going to take the sentinel feet so i've i've built this up now let's talk about it so the sentinel feat does a few things for you um it lets you get an opportunity attack against somebody even if they disengage remember opportunity attack is when somebody who's within your attack range tries to leave your your attack your melee attack range um you get to take as a reaction an opportunity attack against them usually someone disengages you don't get an opportunity attack sentinels do also you get a free attack as a reaction if an enemy within five feet of you attacks someone other than you so that's gonna be a you know disincentivizing for them to attack someone other than you so that's great you want them to attack you so if they attack someone else even if if they're a ranged attacker and they're attacking somebody 50 feet away if you're within five feet of them you can use your reaction to take an attack against him cool but be careful not to use this if you think you might want to save your reaction for an opportunity attack because as a sentinel um opportunity you get your opportunity attacks cause the hit cause a creature's speed to become zero for the rest of the turn and that's the main reason we are taking this feat so if you get an opportunity against somebody and and you hit them with it they are immobilized for the rest of uh their turn which is huge it's going to help you keep your back line safe coupled with polar master this is particularly powerful polar masters get to take an opportunity attack even when someone just enters for the first time their reach and again you have a 10 foot reach with that pole arm that you're using so if somebody's just trying to skirt past you and get to that squishy wizard in the back um if they're within 10 feet of you you can reach out and hit them with an opportunity attack and now they're immobilized so it's just a great couple feats that let you really have some battlefield control and when you think about it you know your pull arm lets you attack from 10 feet away on each side plus the five foot square that you occupy you're a 25 foot blob in the middle of a battlefield just locking people down and hitting with reckless attacks so that they are strongly encouraged to attack you instead of your teammates it's just a great kind of control tanky build and it's just it's a lot of fun um to to to exercise that level of control on a battlefield right and also be so hard to kill at the same time at level five you get an extra attack that's great more damage and fast movement so you get an extra 10 feet of movement as long as you're not wearing heavy armor and of course you're not because you're a barbarian it just lets you get to the enemies quicker and keep attacking so you can keep your rage up all right at level six you get a nice little feature called aspect of the beast which gives you advantage on strength checks to push pull lift or break that's cool and let's do a level six damage report now thus far we've been talking about dpr damage per round we're not optimizing this character for dpr we are optimizing them for tankiness so i had to come up with a couple of different stats to help us quantify a character's tankiness i'm calling the first one dtpr damage taken per round and then the second that's maybe more important which is uh turns to die or rounds to die we'll call it rtd rounds to die um the challenge here is coming up with with a with a control enemy that's hitting me um to determine how much damage they're doing and how long it's going to take me to die if i just sit there taking that damage over and over and don't get healed or whatever that's difficult there are a couple of ways to tackle it i decided against the you know try and find an average dpr of an enemy for a certain challenge rating mode because it doesn't tell me some important information that i would need like what's the monster's plus to hit chance how many how many attacks are they getting per turn and things like that is just was imprecise and i didn't want to rely on other people's math either so what i've opted to do is just pick a couple of a couple of combat encounters at each of our damage report levels and just crunch the numbers for those specific um monsters or enemies so i'm doing a boss fight and i'm doing kind of what would maybe be considered a more typical uh combat encounter um the boss fight is going to be one creature of your same challenge level and the uh the other the other one's going to be four or five creatures of roughly a third that their challenge rating is roughly a third of your level um and both of these were designed to be considered a medium difficulty combat encounter as per the dungeon masters guide encounter builder for those that are familiar with that so for example at level six um the boss fight monster that i chose was a young white dragon dragons seemed appropriate this is dungeons and dragons after all and the the other combat encounter was uh at level six four uh berserkers right i tried to pick a fairly kind of commonplace um enemy that really just attacks you um and and hits you and so um yeah it may feel a little arbitrary a little random but i think if we can just stick with the same monsters for every tanky build that we take a look at it will serve a decent purpose of giving us an idea as to how one build compares to another as far as you know their their ability to be tanky and hard to kill so at level six um a young white dragon is going to on average do 19 damage per round to this bear barbarian so 19 dtpr and the rtd the rounds to die is four this character would die in the fourth round on average if they just stood there and got whaled on by a young white dragon for for four rounds for the for the other encounter uh berserkers four berserkers would do 16 dtpr or i guess the barbarian would take 16 dtpr and they would die in round five so their rtd is five and just for fun if you were fighting ten kobolds and they were all just wailing on you or shooting their slings at you uh they would the the dtpr is 17 and your rtd is four if you've got a better idea for you know a controlled way to calculate and quantify tankiness of a character feel free to let me know but that's what we're going to go with for now so at level 7 you get feral instinct which gives you advantage on initiative that's important because you want to be first into the fray so that you can rage most importantly you want to be you want to be able to rage before anybody starts attacking you so that you can take half damage on on all of those attacks at level 8 you get an ability score increase or a feat but you're going to take the ability score to buff your constitution so you are now at an 18 constitution which is great more hit points better saves um you're at level 9 you get brutal critical and that's fun basically if you crit you'd get an extra die for your damage roll so instead of rolling two dice for a critical you'd get three on your weapon your weapon die um and that's great particularly if you're concerned about dpr if we were more concerned about dpr we might look for ways to improve our crit rate but we're not as concerned but it is nice and especially since you're going to be reckless attacking all the time you're going to be creating a fair amount your crit rate is you know 9.75 instead of 5 percent when you're attacking with advantage every time so anyway um gonna help you do more damage uh damage report for level nine um the boss fight challenge rating nine um young blue dragon is going to do 21 damage per round to you and you will be dead in round six if you just stood there and got beat again um well maybe not again but just to let everybody know for these boss fights and for the for the other encounters as well i'm not using layer actions or breath weapons or legendary actions or anything like that i know that's part of what makes that enemy tough it's just a little harder to quantify you know do they have legendary actions available did they use them on someone else are they using them on you every time which is it is it a tail attack blah blah i didn't i didn't account for that i'm just accounting for just their average just hit you attacks just to clarify um your normal encounter is for hobgoblin captains they're going to do 26 damage per round to you and you will be dead in round 5. and just for fun 10 kobolds would do 16 damage per round to you and you would last a whole seven rounds of just just being a target dummy for 10 kobolds at level 10 you get a commune with nature spell which is nice it's a little you can cast it as a ritual gives you some nice utility at level 11 you get relentless rage and this is an awesome tanky feature so if you would be if you take damage that would reduce you to zero hit points that doesn't kill you outright which means it would have to put you at a negative your hit point total which is really hard for somebody to do because you've got over 100 hit points at this level i believe um so if you take damage that would knock you unconscious um you all you have to do is make a make a constitution save against a dc of 10 so you just have to get a 10 constitution save to go to one hit point instead of zero and that's very easy for you because right now with your proficiency and you know what you've been putting into con you have a plus eight to your contracts um so all you got to do is not critically fail just don't roll a one and instead of going unconscious you'll go to one hit point and that is gonna save your bacon a bunch of times for somebody to get you a clutch heel drink a healing potion maybe finish off the enemy and end the combat altogether the nice thing is if it happens again before you finish a long rest so if you would if you take damage and you would go to zero then you you can try and save again but this time the save is a 15 so you have to get a 15 con save still you got a better than average chance of getting it you only need to roll a seven right um and then it would go to 20 if it happened again now it's a little tougher but still manageable even the next time at 25 barely manageable and so that's great it really helps you stay in the fight and survive a little bit longer and keep your opponent your your friends that is from from taking damage a little bit longer and after a long rest it resets back to a dc-10 so that continues to add five every time per long rest every time it happens at level 12 you get another ability score increase and you're going to max your constitution now so you've got a 20 constitution you are a big beefcake at level 13 your brutal brutal critical is now um two extra dice when you crit so if you get a crit you're rolling four uh d10 for your pull arm which is kinda awesome damage report so at level 13 your boss fight against a challenge rating 13 monsters against a an adult white dragon they will be doing 24 damage per round to you uh on average and you will die in round seven if you just sit there and take it um a more typical combat encounter you're going to be fighting five helmed horrors and they would be doing 38 damage per round to you and you'd die in round five and 10 kobolds would continue to do 16 damage per round to you your armor class hasn't gone up and it probably won't unless you get some magical armor but you'll live for 10 rounds you're just a pin cushion to a bunch of cobalt at level 14 this is a big level for you you get as a bear barb you get totemic attunement and so while raging enemies that are within five feet of you have disadvantage when they're attacking anyone other than you unless they are unable to see or hear you or are immune to being frightened so that's very rare very rarely if they are within five feet of you they will have disadvantage if attacking anybody else you can probably stop doing reckless attacks now if you want to if you want to continue to do so because you really need the damage or you want to make sure you land an opportunity attack to root somebody fine but you're you're probably going to be the most attractive target at least two baddies that are within five feet of you so try and get up next to the biggest baddie um or ideally multiple baddies so you can uh have a soft taunt uh on on your enemies at level 15 you get persistent rage this is great uh rage only ends if you fall unconscious or choose to end it so even if you don't take damage or don't make an attack you can continue raging that's great at level 16 you get an ability score or a feat a couple options here that i'll talk about if you want more damage or more control you're probably going to want to bump your strength to 18 just to make sure you land consistently land those hits and or do a little more damage of course we're optimizing this guy for tankiness primarily so i would probably take the toughness feet that's going to give you an extra two hit points per level and at level 16 that's an extra 32 hit points that's a lot so probably want to go toughness at level 17 the last level we'll discuss um your brutal critical is now three dice so if you crit you're rolling 5d10 with that pole arm um but the damage report your boss fight is against a challenge rating 17 adult red dragon the quintessential d d boss fight right um he would be doing 29 damage per round to you and you uh would survive for nine rounds well until round nine um not accounting for legendary actions and and layer actions and things but that's awesome right and and speaking of in fact most of the time when you do the math i didn't talk about breath weapons for example on dragons you would almost prefer that they shoot fire at you your friends maybe not so much but you're probably going to take less damage um because you're probably going to make your save and even if you don't you're going to take half damage on that and that usually is going to be less uh depending on the level and depending on the enemy than just their claw and bite attacks would so anyway breath weapon not so bad for you for your friends maybe um your normal average encounter is going to be against five earth elementals which would be putting some hurt on you um action economy right uh lots of enemies hurt more than one big bad enemy generally speaking in dungeons and dragons and that particularly is the case as the challenge rating of those enemies go up so um you'd be taking 63 damage per round and you would die in round four um that hurts but uh that's that's a medium encounter for a party of four at level 17. um 10 kobolds would take forever to kill you you'd take 16 damage per round and and would live until round 15. so um that's just for fun final thoughts on the bear barb i have never heard my dungeon master complain more about any other character build um not that you're not that your dungeon master is your enemy with the goal of killing you but he kind of is don't tell him i said that um i never thought that i would want to play a barbarian it's not my thing right um i tend to prefer decks based melee champions for whatever reason uh characters um but i rolled one for a one-off game that we're doing right now he was he wasn't quite this build it was a little more optimized for damage and a little less for tankiness but my goodness it was fun to play is fun to play he gets hit a lot but it's okay and the damage that you put out is is just really impressive um even even when optimized for tankiness um so of course as i've mentioned the character would be a lot tankier if you turned off reckless attacks but you know the the point as i've said is to really draw the enemy fire right um and there's no better taunt i think than than making yourself kind of easy to hit and if you can soak up that damage all the better reason to to do that i'm i'm very curious to see how the the dtpr and the rtd numbers match up to you know a short sword and shield fighter or paladin that are optimized for tankiness so i'm looking forward to doing that a little bit later and and making a comparison um final note on on my final thoughts here if the bear if the bear barb is the closest we get to a video game version of a tank um you're really going to want to make sure that you follow that uh trilogy the trifecta holy trinity um and have a good healer with you because this guy is going to take a lot of damage even even though he's taking half damage on everything he's going to be you know if played right um he's going to be taking a lot of hits and you're going to want to make sure that you've got somebody in your pocket that can uh that can try and keep him from dying so bring a healer dm tips you know there are there are a lot of ways that if you're a dungeon master struggling with feeling that you know you've got this bear barb and he's impossible to kill and he's kind of like trivializing your content um a few a few things obviously enemies with psychic damage are going to destroy this guy so you know don't don't overdo it because then your barbarian player will really feel like you're out to get them but if you can keep them from getting too many long rests they'll run out of rage and then you gotta they'll have to be really strategic about you know not not taking too much damage because without rage with their low ac even though they've got a ton of hit points they're they're moderately squishy um a lot of ranged enemies will be good if you're trying to you know get around the bear barb tank and you know do damage to other characters obviously aoe area of effect attacks and spells and things too um spells or abilities that will knock the barbarian unconscious or restrain or hold them to keep them from attacking something already taking damage that will make their rage drop um also you know doing things to get them to use their reaction sort of baiting that reaction so you know again sentinels get a free hit if someone if an enemy that they're standing next to attack somebody else and maybe you bait that and get them to use their reaction to get that free attack on somebody but then you know a powerful melee enemy can run around them their reaction's been used they can't reach out and and poke them and uh and root them um so things like that um and enemies with high initiatives so that they're gonna out roll uh the barbarian who who who gets a pretty good you know advantage on us and if initiative checks but you know if if the enemy's going first they attack that barbarian before he gets to go before he gets to rage um he's going to take full damage instead of half so that'll really whittle him down and start the fight on a little bit more even footing that is our show for the week um please tune in next week as we either take a look at a different build and try and optimize it or i'm actually considering having my my friend and the guy who who acts as a dungeon master for for a group of us um to come on and we might do an unoptimized episode and kind of talk about some of these builds that we've been discussing thus far but uh you know talk about ways that you could role play them ideas for role-playing ideas to make them unique and your own um ways to make it more fun and not just about the numbers i think that might be kind of fun to do um don't forget if you want to check out the math you of you know any of this stuff i'm going to have links posted in the show notes if you're watching this on youtube or in the sorry in the video description on youtube show notes if you're listening to this as a podcast and as always please subscribe leave reviews like follow etc etc on whatever version you're using to consume this content i really appreciate that also same thing for our social media pages facebook twitter and instagram just look for dnd ampersand dnd optimized or of course as always feel free to email questions or suggestions to a build that you'd like me to do a deep dive on at dnd the letter n optimized dnd optimized give me some details on what the build entails exactly and i will do my best to optimize it for you thanks again everybody really appreciate it and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: d4: D&D Deep Dive
Views: 18,245
Rating: 4.9599333 out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Character Optimization, Dungeons and Dragons, Barbarian Guide, Polearm Master, Sentinel, totem, bear, guide, barbarian, dnd, tank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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