DCS: F/A-18C Hornet - Episode 4 - HUD, UFC and IFEI

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone this is why eggs from Eagle dynamics and this is episode 4 of a Hornet academic series in this video we're going to take a look at three of the most commonly used instruments in the Hornet but heads up display er the HUD the upfront controller or the UFC and the I fee the integrated fuel and engine indicator I touched on these instruments in earlier videos but I wanted to get a closer look at these before again in a more advanced functions such as landings navigation and weapon usage so here we are in the Hornet cockpit and we can see the three primary elements that we'll be talking about today we have the heads-up display USC and the IP well first talk about the HUD so the heads-up display is probably one of those useful instruments in the Hornet and not only will provide very useful information on the attitude aircraft will also be indispensable in terms of weapons delivery and navigation and the later videos we'll be really taking a harder look at navigation and weapon Hut but today we're gonna focus on just the very basic HUD symbology that you'll see throughout the different HUD modes so let's get started on that here at the top we have our heading tape with a care in the middle which indicates our heading and in this case we're looking at a heading about 291 degrees blow that in to the left we have our airspeed as indicated knots and to the right of that we have our altitude which can be either a barometric or radar and you'll have radar altitude available when you're below 5,000 feet as we can see here and when the radar altitude is selected you'll have the are if you have radar altitude selected for the HUD and you're above 5,000 feet I'll show barometric altitude you'll see a flashing the instead above the altitude you have your vertical velocity indicator and above that you have your stand by bombing site and the center of the Hut you have your pitch ladder and told a velocity vector which can be caged and uncaged and when it's caged and the velocity vector is not showing true then you'll have your ghost velocity vector - left we have our angle attack our mock our current chi and then our peak G and then here along the bottom you have your roll angle Decatur so at the very bottom of the USC we have some additional controls for the HUD right now we're in normal mode with all the symbology shown if we can also go to reject one they don't remove the box is the mock the G and other in symbology or we can go all the way down to recheck to and remove more information like the heading tape well go back norm next we have the brightness control for the HUD a day/night switch brightness control for the angle attack indexer lights displaying bad room barometric or radar altitude on the huts which our attitude selector and the other switches here control Vito display on the HUD we'll talk about that in later video when we start talking about those sensors so that's a little look at the HUD let's talk about the USC now so the UFC is your primary instrument for inputting information into the Hornet and this will most likely either be navigation or weapons-related so let's take a look at some of the primary functions that will be available on the EOC for the early access version so first we have the ADF which you can set to 1 or 2 which corresponds to either the comm one or com2 radio channel selected for the ADF beacon then you have your volume for your com1 radio then you have the indicator for which radio preset is set for a com1 then you have your selector for com1 on the center you have your keypad and above that you have your scratch pad and a scratch pad will have the information that you input through the keypad or through one of the DDIs or the NP CD for example you know here we have a mark 84 selected and we can go ahead and select USC and now we have the ability set quantity or multitude like a quantity set to it enter and now we have a quantity of 2 so it's really as simple as that and you'll see this general ability to set information from the DDI to the FC and back to the DVI quite often in different modes and for example we could go to attack n select transmit receive we'll go ahead turn it on clear it out we'll select number 44 which i think is snacky enter and that's as simple as again using the UFC to select your attack in channel so then here to the right you have your option select buttons and to the right of that you have your option select windows which a lot of different information depending on your ad EDI page or one of the buttons down here be it autopilot iff attack and ILS and so forth and then further to the right we have the brightness for the overall UFC you have M Khan which will shut down mitr such as your radar then you have your volume control for komp2 radio and then your indicator for com2 and then of course your selector for com2 that's pretty much how the USC functions from now there'll be additional functionality placed in later but that gives you a little overview of how to work it in the early axis so now let's move on to the IP so here we have the IP or the integrated fuel and engine indicator and this will be probably your most important tool for monitoring what your engine is doing your fuel state as well as some handy time functions so let's take a look at some of the indicators here for your early access version the first is our engine rpm which will be 0 to 100 and at 100 indicates full military power there is no additional indication for afterburner afterburner is usually best indicated by your fuel flow I'll help load that we have our engine temperatures as HD exhaust gas temperature although that we have our fuel flow upload that we have a more of a graphic for the nozzle position 0 to 100 and at the very bottom we have our oil pressure as a PSI setting to the right we have our tol fuel and blow that our internal fuel and below that our current bingo setting which can be just with the two arrows here single press there or change 100 pounds or holding it down you can do a more rapid change and the bottom here we have our time function and we'll talk about the last time here in a second now in the center we have some buttons that I will discuss now first is the mode button the first press the mode button will go into a maintenance mode and then the second will go into a time setting mode and we'll take a look at that now so we're in time mode now and now we use the client button so right now we can use the arrows to set our hours and in our minute and this is our difference hours for Zulu now we could set our a year or a month and our day it'll just wrap back around again now let's come back out to load switch now if we go to the the quantity button we can get some more detailed information about where the fuel is so right now we have FL which is the N F R or char the left and right Peter tanks we press it again and we have a TL and TR and those are the left and right transfer tanks then we have the left and right wing tanks then we have the left and right external tanks and then of course we have the center tank and now we're back out again now coming down we have the zone button and this will be either the local time or the pseudo time so we press so now we have the Zulu and now we're back to local again and then finally at the very bottom we have our ET button or a elapsed time and they essentially a stopwatch so our first press starts the stopwatch a second I'll pause it but there go restart it and if you hold it down it'll go back to zero so that's a little look at the IP so that's been a little look at three of the most commonly used instruments in the Hornet which you'll definitely have a pretty good feel for once you get into more advanced functions such as navigation landings and particularly weapons so until then I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you next time thanks
Channel: Matt "Wags" Wagner
Views: 129,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital Combat Simulator (Video Game), dcs, Eagle Dynamics (Video Game Developer), the fighter collection, Lock On: Modern Air Combat (Video Game), flaming cliffs, nttr, simulation, flight simulator, air combat, jet, dogfight, Flying, Plane, Aviation (Industry), aircraft, vr, virtual reality, rift, vive, hornet, f/a-18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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