B-52 Stratofortress Escort Mission | New Dynamic DCS Server | Digital Combat Simulator.

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many dcs players have been on the hunt for a dynamic dcs mission or campaign one with logistical services intelligent enemies with realistic behaviors and responses and most importantly unpredictable opponents the one thing that really sucks is spending days building a massive mission but when you go to play them you realize you know exactly what's going to happen and how the enemy is going to respond you know these things because you made the mission and it takes the edge out of the scenario and the true fun factor of not knowing what you could face when you get into the ao imagine a mission where you have no idea how the enemy will respond where every truck you destroy actually hurts or sets the enemy back in one way or another well i was recently approached by a fellow by the name of pravis and he said that he had the answer to our problems this video is about the dynamic campaign he created for dcs all right guys if you're interested in trying out the dynamic mission that i'm going to be playing here today um the link to travis's discord is below from there you'll find instructions on how to join the server and have some fun so for today's mission i'm going to be escorting this b52 in front of me you just see him take off there and he's going to be heading over to tapka here in syria where the red forces have set up a base and he's gonna go bomb it and i'm gonna escort him and try to make sure that he gets there now as he takes off and red realizes what's going on they're gonna scramble all kinds of stuff to try to stop us so i'm carrying a full loadout of amrams with the intention of stopping them theoretically i hope i can do it but i think i'm gonna have my hands full all right so we're already getting pinged by a jf-17 um about 55 miles off the nose you can see the b-52 directly beneath me on my left here we're passing him and there he is nice close-up look he's still climbing so i'm just gonna climb and go ahead of him try to take out this uh actually it looks like a mig-31 i thought it was a jf-17 that make 31 is going to pose a significant threat we got some naval assets in the area as well who should help us at least until we cross this uh little body of water at which case we're gonna be on our own and uh we'll see what happens now this ai here um i don't think they've quite figured out what's going on yet but they've already sent a mig-31 you can see him in the contrails they're high altitude about 41 miles off my nose and he actually foxed on me already so here's a fox 3 i mean that's not gonna hit him but i don't really have any other choice now this ai is a little bit more intelligent than the ar you're used to in dcs so [Music] this should present a little bit of a challenge for me and it's not just like the individual ai is more intelligent it's like as a collective they're more intelligent they'll send assets at high altitude and then they'll have like some sukhoi 27s with radars off flying low and they'll try to catching up in attention that kind of thing so this could definitely get interesting now what i like most about what pravis has set up here in this little server is the ai actually responds to things you do so if we have some helicopter pilots fly over and set up a base near tapco after we bomb it red will try to attack it and they'll try to uh you know get it back and stuff and if they see that our presence there is really like strong and we're really protecting it they'll try to hit another point where we're weak you know so it's actually really interesting he's done some really really complex coding and he's almost given red a brain of their own which is super interesting and i played on the server a couple times now i came to try it out before i made a video and i have never been challenged by ai in dcs not since i was like brand new to the sim but playing this mission i definitely do feel a challenge from the ai like you're gonna see this uh some of these ai actually defeat missiles that i fire that you know should definitely hit a player so it's impressive to see ai understanding these concepts and again it's not about the individual ai it's a collective consciousness and the things that they do in the mission and it's super interesting now i got a jf-17 off the nose there and he just dropped off and i don't know what happened to him oh there he is he's back i also got 29 nails that could be a sukhoi more than likely a sukhoi but that jf-17 off the nose is going to be a little bit more of a serious problem for me so we're going to go and find him there he is he's on radar now sitting at about 34 000 feet and so i'm looking good here just getting up to mach 1 now he's 42 miles at 15 000. i'm at 15 000 feet he's much higher he's at 34 000. so we're gonna have to get a little bit closer now i am slightly concerned because you can see on my rwr at my 11 o'clock we have two uh make 29 pings and uh that is a little concerning now they could be mig-29s it could be sukhoi's i don't know but we'll find out i guess it'll be a big problem if they turn off their radars and try to sneak up on me because i'm gonna have my hands full now i think that mig-31 i think he got hit by uh the naval assets they actually took down that thing which is good because uh mc31 is a big problem and you can see a second bandit about 20 miles back angel's 22 he's not really a factor right now fox 3 on this guy 25 miles and we're gonna go ahead and start defending here and here's another thing i can't just fire all amrams i want you know there's a logistical services here i only have a certain number of am rams at the base and if i want more they have to be flown in and you know we need players that are going to play as helicopters and stuff that can bring that stuff in you know you can order it based on like credits that you have in the server it really is a very dynamic campaign and it's very engaging it's very well made in my opinion there's that jf-17 the third about 34 000 feet he was and splash one all right that's good because he was a priority threat up there now that he's gone let's see if we can um get back in here and pick up those mig-29s maybe see what the hell is going on with those guys so if you're interested in like being part of a team and you know working with your team towards an objective somewhere where everyone's needed helicopter pilots you know harriers air-to-ground air-to-air whatever cap this server needs just about everything in terms of modules and player roles everybody has a thing to do you can actually pick up pilots that have been shot down and interrogate them which is quite interesting and they'll give you intel like they'll tell you the location of an enemy commander and then you can go get them and that'll weaken red a little bit so he has some really really interesting things built in here and i know he's he worked on it for 18 months as far as i know and even ed's been helping him out a little bit where they can and he's created something really really special i think definitely worth checking out now we got abandoned off here 25 miles right off the nose just gonna get a little bit closer to him before we fox 21 mile seems good fox 3. go ahead and maintain that lock there are these two little dots here i can't tell what they are oh it's two parachutes is that the mig-31 i shot down maybe one of the pilots i don't know that's interesting though i thought those were aircraft for a second i was like why are they stationary like that all right so we'll go ahead and defend now because we're getting a little bit closer to that jf-17 and i still haven't hit him yet which means he actually did a good job defending that amram turned cold a little bit you can see on the radar the little dot that's the b-52 about uh 20 miles off the nose there so i'm about 20 miles in front of him trying to protect him and i'm headed towards the jf-17 and the mig-29 spikes got something flying low angels 2. he's trying to sneak in here and i don't like sneaking in fox 3 and look at him he thought he was going to sneak up on that b52 [Music] yeah that's what you get all right splash one so that's the jf-17 taken care of we gotta take care of these mig-29s or whatever is over here got them merged oh [ __ ] emerged i thought maybe he was seeing like the dead jf-17 that i killed no but i'm merged man we are running for our life here i have no idea who shot at me there's a jf 17 shot at me what behind me what shot at me [Music] dude you see this ai they're just like sneaking around they're actually a problem okay i've survived that missile if it hasn't hit me by now it's not going to hit me and it is behind me somebody shot at me oh you see this you see this okay there we go fox 3 that missile looks like it's tracking well i don't know what that is but it's hostile here's another one fox three okay hit i i wasted a missile there i didn't think that one was gonna hit him okay that was a su-27 so that's good it's at least one of them i don't know where the other one is i hope he's running away after he saw his buddy just get blown up hmm i was a little suspicious about this fox 3 i thought there was somebody here this is probably the other su-27 so that's a really good example of the vertical scan zone uh helping you out a little bit vertical scan because uh sometimes you can't see them so you just throw on vertical and if they're within uh 10 miles it'll pick them up so it's very very useful keep this guy locked up so that amram sees them bam slash one jf17 okay that is a whole lot of bandits we've killed so far and i got another jeff ping behind me they're everywhere red just sent absolutely everything they had over here and this is what i'm talking about when i say they respond to threats you know they see that b52 and uh they see an f-15 and it's killing a lot of planes and they're like okay that we have to take care of that issue so they're sending just about everything they got over here and uh i'm still looking for bandits with this vertical lock mode just to make sure i'm not going to get jumped from a certain direction okay that lock there that should be the b52 the x on the hud on the box that indicates a friendly so that obviously means don't shoot and that's a little iff lesson for people on servers who are still killing people in the f-15 killing friendlies the x means don't [Music] shoot go ahead and drop tanks there um i really didn't want to drop them before that because i need all the fuel i can get i got to stay up here as long as i can with this b52 and so you can see we have a jf-17 uh right off the nose here on my rwr it's the only other threat remaining i believe and i just picked them up on radar switch to tws lock them up at 22 miles or sorry angel's 22 16 miles see that b17 or sorry b-52 right in front of me he's crossing and i don't want to shoot until he's out of the way [Music] fox three this is going to be a tight one because that jr17 is definitely close enough to hit that b52 oh [ __ ] he got hit and i have something out on me no he looks okay he's not going down but uh he is messed up and i think this mission just got scrapped that jf-17 just hit that they can't keep going half the uh half the engines are out yeah he's smoking real good all right we gotta go take care of this jl-17 before he can finish the job on our b-52 and uh here's where it gets interesting i have no more am-rams so i'm down to guns only and we gotta take out this jf-17 he's the last bandit i can't believe i just couldn't get the last guy uh once we take him out we're gonna go ahead and escort our b-52 back to a base here i don't see this guy oh there oh mr launch drop some flares that's a fox t or merged i can see him visually we'll go to vertical mode locked and switched to guns all right let's see how good these guys could dogfight i'm not very good in the f-15 really and i don't have a lot of fuel left this is concerning god this guy i can't see this is what i'm saying when i say they uh you know they're intelligent and like they got their target so now they're not sending any more they're not just going to waste their aircraft they've knocked out the b-52 they know he's headed back to base so that's it they accomplished their mission and they protected their forces of tapka so that's a problem i think they got really interested in it when they saw the b-52 heading towards tapco i think they realized what was going on because they also have an a-wax and their a-wax can tell them you know vectors and stuff like that all right we're just about there with this jf-17 now his goose is almost cooked come on i just want to talk little buddy damn it damn it damn it damn it oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay uh there how do you like that huh dude i sprayed and like all around them i traced them [ __ ] i gotta work on my f-15 gunnery alright well the skies are safe once again all right well we've escorted our b-52 friend back to turkey and he's gonna try to land here i feel so bad man he almost didn't make it back there's a lot of guys on that plane cutting it close and uh all right looks like he's gonna make it i just hope he doesn't die on landing that would be a real shame also because i am bingo fuel i need that runway as well so it would be real nice if he didn't crater it yeah this guy knows what he's doing nice smooth touchdown um his whole right side is on fire though look at those engines they're just flaming out all right good landing from him and i'm gonna go ahead and go around and i'll be coming in for my landing [Music] [Music] lots of wind here today and touchdown all right brevis can you tell us a little bit about what exactly makes your mission dynamic what does that mean when somebody says that this mission is dynamic um it means a lot to a lot of people that doesn't it but some nothing in this mission is scripted it is all uh what you might call uh decided at runtime so um the core of the mission it's pve red versus blue the goal is a country uh the first one to own the country wins the red for ai modeler custom ai model that i've designed from the ground up uh it's called a goal oriented action planning model uh basically means red have a set of goals i've given them a set of tools uh that tool set grows all the time as we develop and go move forward and they are constrained by a set of rules that i define for them the the database is huge and they can just go and go ahead and do whatever they want i don't tell them to do anything they read the state of the battlefield and they've got a number of tools to understand where they're strong and where they're weak where they need to concentrate on defense wise and um they will watch the blue side which is all humans like like a hawk once they get an opportunity they will they will take it straight away to take a base off or or invade a base that they own uh okay can you tell us a little bit about how your mission is persistent and what does that mean exactly oh well mate you just switch off and switch back on and it's pretty much exactly the same as only uh you leave you score you will be the same you come in this mission is built to be a team a team effort okay we need everyone in every role all the helo parts are really important all the cast pilots all the cat pilots and all the people who are willing to go and pick up some ammo from somewhere else and bring them here because we need them here because we ran out everything is the same when you put it back on so if that guy has just spent three hours bringing mrms over there it's the same when you switch back on okay awesome so if i take uh tapka today and then i go to bed and blue team keeps playing and i wake up eight hours later and they manage the whole tap cut when i come back in the server tabco will still be ours and i can pick up right where we left off absolutely and if you don't hold tapka and you have spent five hours whittling down their forces there they're more than likely going to be in the same position but um they they are intelligent and they might move but they won't be any more there unless they've made made some cargo planes fly there with some uh some armor but yeah be exactly the same all right man what makes your red ai intelligent how do they make decisions well ultimately they are ai but try to make them uh as sort of human-like as possible they'll make decisions based on how they can progress forward how they can [ __ ] you up best makes you feel like your death just then was the best death you've ever had in dcs they uh you know on a strategic level a really wide level there is tons and tons of code that i'm not going to talk about because it'll just i'll be here for hours but they are also nuanced enough to split up if uh if there's only one of you and one of you will come at you and keep your attention while the other one sits right on the deck uh going radio silence um just in case his mate doesn't make it and then he'll pop up and he'll shoot you in the ass and you'll be like where did he come from all right travis can you tell us uh about your inventory system what does it mean for the player mate at that ai i love that ai and i will talk about that all day this inventory system i've been working over 12 months seriously for 12 months and sometimes like two months i've just gone off and no one's seen me because i thought i've achieved it twice the game the state of play of the game will change completely like um everything on the ground will matter everything in the air will matter because weapons are being made they're being stored in warehouses and they're being picked up but moved if you don't have amrams at a base now in my mission i've got i've got a warehousing system and you can request some rams but they have to come on an ai airframe and they have to fly to you and land london think about when you run out of amrams at aleppo and redford are really really pushing but you know there's something in surlic but you said it's a it's a long flight and you can only carry eight um what about sending your uh your helos up there to pick up a box of 200 m rams to bring them down here because they've just been created by all the resources that you've been saving up it'll be amazing um and likewise you know red four moving bloody guidance systems around in trucks and you get to uh get to know about it through your intelligence system which we haven't even spoke about um and you get to go and blow that up and stop them from doing things for the next 25-30 minutes it'll just it'll change everything are you saying that if i can find a red truck on the ground and i can bomb him uh he may have been carrying the guidance for the amram so i may have just set red back about 25 30 minutes and getting new missiles maybe more mate if i you know i simulate i simulate the mission before i run it on a saturday so i need any new code i'll simulate the mission i've sometimes simulated overnight and see where they get to they'll they they they operate at a fairly slowish pace to get to the next base given no no resistance takes about two hours so it might be longer than 25 minutes to be honest but yeah when this system is in if you see something moving on the ground it's moving something it's not just moving on the ground it will be doing something and you'll put them back uh so what kind of missions are available in this i guess you could say dynamic campaign or war or battle that you've created give us a quick list of things that people can do when they get on there holy crap everything we need everything absolutely everything um you can sit in the gti slot tactical command slot you can be combined arms you can move our blue troops around um you can be search and rescue either pilot you'll be a logistics healer pilot you can build things uh you can do cap obviously we always need gap much much cap um f1 scenes are very much uh in demand right now in my mission you can do cass obviously the a10c came out um everybody wants to fly it but someone's got to do cap because everyone will die if no one does cut everything mate everyone is needed to do every role here there's so much here that people forget that there is other things they can do to help themselves like uh reaper drone strikes or sending a b-52 you know escorting it to a location where it will drop the mother of all bombs um mate this is not a scripted mission you cannot you don't you don't get a pdf telling you what's going to happen and when it's going to happen and you must you know 7 42 this is when you will leave you've got to go in there and you've got to be prepared to change and be flexible and change roles otherwise they'll win right so if i join the server and i'm i like my huey module i can hop in that and i can do search and rescue i can bring some amrams over from another base help the team out that kind of thing right uh yes um amram's not in a helicopter at the moment you can put them on fixed wing but um once it was the logistic modules in helicopters will be uh really really key to the movement of logistics all right guys so that was pravis for you and i think he's given us a really good overview of what his mission does i highly recommend you go check it out if you're into the pve environment uh if you want pvp obviously there's different places for that but if you're open to a pve and you want some high action some intelligent ai and all that kind of stuff definitely check this out i think you might really like it alright guys thank you for watching and i will see you in the next video bye guys you
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 276,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, Digital, combat, simulator, dcs supercarrier, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, J-15, South China Sea, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, Mig-29, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, Microsoft flight simulator, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, JF-17 Thunder, F35, super carrier, korea, air combat, world war 2, war thunder, navy, fulcrum, us military, defence, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, rafale, french, f14, tomcat, viper, mirage, bfm, 1 circle, 2 circle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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