Dazz Plays πŸ…±ikmin - Episode 3 - Purple THICCmin

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dinah dinah dinah dinah man in the 90s man topping we're just running in the 90s done and in it dad dad dad [Music] see some sounds I like and some sounds I don't running in the 90s that's some good stuff karmic cave okay Wow okay maybe I shouldn't I have to get my purples but good Lord is gonna take a while to go through twice then again if it's Nirvana it's not it just sounds it oh the song supposed to sound like that I see nothing this way maybe it is one regenerated word about a fly's where are my spectral it's why have I constantly got that voice on this is a honor Jesus that sound is its personal sound right there okay the butterflies the spectra leads are gone and it's true what is that it's a Bernie and bad banjo kazooie ok this song is not my favorite okay none of that this is gonna get really confusing quack thank you for the follow we're in a very weird realm right now there are no enemies that were spectral id's but they've vanished I mean I'm only going for the creatures right now so I can get the purples twice deeps hey remember when you said you wanted a big line of 1-bit so across the screen I could do that now how about it I'll take that yeah sure and depending on how long your line is you might even be able to throw in an extra challenge I think I'm seeing things I'm not supposed to be seeing right here but I can't tell so I'm gonna avoid this room can I just leave I'm gonna go down a level ever level layer where was the cave again don't tell me it was here was it there's some interest that's an interesting art right there that's great art look away there we go there it's over there okay I found my exit sorry I'm getting out of here yeesh sir thank you for the follower oh this stream is not advertiser friendly but then again me saying that I'm streaming is not advertiser friendly anymore IVA Oh me existing honey not advertiser friendly suck level-3 that's my go-to reaction apparently is this the same level why am I here again no I hate this room get away hello Mary a wood has happened to your head it became an upside down weary Oh heads okay where are those damn spectral it's there they are give me oh my lord that's a beautiful face sprawled across this whole wall is this seriously you're like oh here we go get me up on air nope not an option and they're gone I probably should have gone on the high ledge you know now I think about it what is with this music good lord it's just the same assets oh great hello Oh Lord get me out it that's just showing it more there we go now you can't see it ah to be fair it's not fully if I go so there we go zoomed out you can't tell what's going on that's a joker I'm standing on the joker for some reason well we had a framerate issue there Oh oh hello should I be scared can I run past sixty bits Deeb's Wow none of those are going in the cup but you are welcome to see a challenge now and I will do it whether it's fighting fire with Purple's or buttons with nose tongs also I never said favorite captain is Louie again I'm getting bored of this already dude is it because I'm not getting the treasure I don't think so is that the weed you speaking or something kind of sounds like it family I just wanted the purples twice streamin when you post this on youtube put an on family friendly warning at the beginning for your youtube damage-control I think I might do whoa how about finding a boss with only red I can do that Deeb's thank you for another 60 bits my lord that's just all the long lines good stuff okay all right it's Mario Kart Double Dash time my god they run horrifyingly fast sometimes whoa what are the ghosts those are ball bulbs on a bike [Music] as more running in the 90s it's inconceivable that such an immense object has been buried here for so long the desire on the outer shell resembles the surface of the planet has it seen from space these were there are nine bits and the rest for my favorite youtuber is Rima thank you very much deeds perhaps this can be used for something other than Salvage Jamarat does did you know that the wool sprites and the Saints are the same as the Alumni zero suit Fox sprite I did see that I just didn't mention it for some reason beat some music hang it for four bits I'm getting all the pits today it's Bix day pigment date never mind oh no that's a while a Ouija hop well well well Waluigi Oh No save it okay boy where's it gonna land okay same landing distance huh whistle back you got time you're good and I'll swarm the guy right down this way no okay and then get on him again no we are out of here oh my god even bounces like that no no oh yes okay doesn't cross at you that one I might have moved now only mine I move move move okay somehow still hit none aah Thank You bulb or bike is this minecraft uh I'm on right now what is exploding out of them there we go actually yeah we want to take back the creatures what we got going on meeps think of Tibbets gamer with a hundreds wow here's the challenge for much later once in submerged castle wait for the water reef to land before actually progressing through a floor nice i guess i'm guaranteed to go to the water reef now also here's the Sun in case you wait in case you needed it there is some I'm so white okay I can hide behind my mic it's so big oh that's actually ow really blinding astounding flower blooms in a cave deep beneath the snowy landscape clearly it is warmer here down here then above look the Bickman are restless they look as if my eyes are burning they look yearn to be tossed into the flower there are so many notifications Tom the mean king thingg give the follow Marky Mouse with five bits and watching that I would get more but this adds thing stops I wish I could do more you're the best thank you very much I appreciate you watching ads to get bits for me so even though you only got five I will appreciate it nonetheless as best I can um does that count I did it on my cheek will allow I'm allowing it all right I'm gonna keep these pebbles away I'll even blow some sprite science shine sprites speaking of shine sprites there's a shine for you its whole freakin something amazing a purple pigment it has hair and is quite thick seems very heavy and strong this kind of Bickman was not mentioned in your report [ __ ] so they must be fat as transforming Bickman by tossing them into flowers intriguing perhaps they are are there are us itchy nose but only the canal the bridge no whatever's right I'm gonna leave the purples behind not actually behind but I'm gonna leave them a little way the Waluigi walk actually I just I just do that well let's see if the others know I want to get them in we want to we want to capture the others so here scooby-dobby-doo indeed I can barely even see my screen now it's so much glare would have been way worse if I was the other way around I actually shuffled my room yesterday I think which is why if you know what my room looks like before which you might have done if you'd like we're on patreon or an announcement no I already got that announcement in this room my whole rooms being slightly flipped around so now the walls behind me for a start instead of the rest of the room so it would have been worse because my computer used to be here facing that way and I used to be there that way anyway very interesting trivia now jamarat the Sun is a deadly laser I get that mean I'm in with the kids I love Bill Watts and his songs and Liam Duggan hanging over the follow we are dead now I'm not trusting that oh the rest on him oh that's crazy hi also like none of dying even when they land on him I'm not bothered enough to wait for the Wally to get along so I'm just gonna get out and go through it again water is shooting out of this guys are with incredible force sensors indicated has enough power to roofing kill you approach it impersonator try I know I'm not that old yet I understood that mean that's why I'm not that old yet you forgot I could actually play an hour also not drunk not much of a drinker okay we'll get treasure soon how do we lose one from her comment nah me hop okay that makes sense I'll go with that one I don't know it's official name sorry I'm struggling to read the chat cuz it's way over here but I get around to it also my getting kicked out already I don't know the song I don't know you're back on the planet's surface and without going at extreme velocities we must celebrate your first successful finger expedition you've got gathered a large amount of data that needs in-depth analysis and you're talking over the music is it's hard to do I shall send a report back to Allah Mario tonight the detailing your progress also we got DS with another 25 bits someone said I gave an other 50 plus well somebody said since I gave another 50 plus I could give another challenge so here take only purple into a cave that has two hazard you can change them within the cave oh also I'm gonna want Pikmin big many minutes away take only purple in a cave that have two hazards but you can change them in the cave okay only two or two or more I'll go or two and then also pizza with six bits as long as you didn't get the hemisphere you can go out and come back in four more perps okay I will do that and all-mighty beam with 43 bits I'm not counting how many bits that is in total so maybe that was you trying to add up for ok yes for wait you just answered it I have an all good 43 bits left which is a damn 3 bits away from a new badge so I'm doing a nice catch me off every time a nice big line great see you Oh from a bit from a bash you don't go for a challenge ok what else you've already got a challenge them whatever I'll do this nose Purple's Purple's water Reef whistle is nose okay right it's time for all or nothing I might actually keep the Purple's away oh my god more Tom the mean King with ten bits what do you have to say dude I've been watching your videos for forever now all the way back from freaking Pikmin 3 speculations my challenge is to do a cave with only whites purples you're gonna need another 40 bits unless I mess that wrong but actually do it keep voting whites and purples I probably just do at some point in the future okay that did not work at all but yes I will try to appease my audience don't get eaten please no thank you and this time I don't need to focus on creatures yo was poop it always cheesed with a hundred bits hello thank you for joining us you can put in a challenge every 50 bits or just 50 bits or more you get to put in an actual challenge like the super chat challenge I did on Pikmin 2 way back in the day but now with extra chaos in the form of Bickman mod on the sides oh that's a lovely profile for the purple Pikmin game over the one bit so any idea as to what the pick the poor Pikmin 4 would be it's saving Louie and collecting stuff on the way you didn't see that yeah my camera quality is not good enough for you to see I just tripped like I'm down myself oh it's a delicious lad thank you I'm glad they kept that sound no I didn't wrong excuse me there's no gunshot those Kermit's are not reskin tweevils they're re skins of the bowl bobs thank you for the follow dude we do have treasures on this floor right I think so so keep an eye uh spectral lids please do uh in envelop me in your deaths in your body maybe not your bodies might be a bit too on-the-nose that alert almost froze my game apparently I will look at it in a moment I can turn around still not actually going up higher to the high ground but who needs it laughs you know more marijuana leaves what we got over here mark thank you for the four bits very round number right the big man that drank the yellow nectar is instantly matured into big men nor any enough heat like sums usually sunlight is it appears to have enhanced roofs what a wonderful actor how intriguing like plants Pittman mature from lad - but EE Sarah [ __ ] [ __ ] you must share the information you have with your subordinates Scoob I'll be playing a scoop guess what no no no okay no that makes difference I'm sure and we lost all the nectar okay treasurer tragedy - tea - sure am I gonna have to go through that horrible room again I might have to although this might be the exact same room designed for Lena I'm losing Pikmin but that's fine don't need getting them lost oh I don't know what that is but it's a lovely image hopefully that's not actually something gory thank you marry a plants that's Mario Party 3 boxer I think what else is that in there some kind of skull thing a face that I do not recognize I'm no idea maybe a pig as well oh and I just I've just wasted my time that's what I've done here I need a sneeze there is more nectar thank you Jeff a road I will get on that oh I'm just looking for treasure first I am very discombobulated very heated my face is always on show chats way over there and I can barely see it well okay you were right how did I miss that nectar I'm a numpty all my Purple's are vanished there they are come on come along also a spectral did for us all no okay that purple on the side is not gonna get it but it's too greedy yeah we are beautiful okay oh I see movement pizza with another two bits you can go straight to white Pikmin cave once you have 20 purples alright I probably won't I'll probably like accept the extra Purple's cuz I'm gonna need them this is a nice big chunky tree stump was I say I cannot see no nope ugh downloads I do not understand what that means this is a great trunk is there something on top of this trunk there looks to be nothing all right great I will continue out of the way thank you very much oh no PG no images great cheese with another 100 bits meme review you talk about the PewDiePie series are you taking it out from my does reviews name oh hello what is there [Music] [Music]
Channel: DazzReviews2
Views: 9,964
Rating: 4.8802395 out of 5
Keywords: dazz, reviews, bikmin, πŸ…±, dazz plays bikmin, dazzletsplays, dazz bikmin, bikmin dazz, stream, twitch, live, reaction, blind, pikmin, pikmin 2, pikmin 2 hack, pikmin 2 mod, pikmin meme, bikmin meme, bikmin chaos, bikmin reaction, bikmin stream, bikmin blind, memes, dazz memes, dazz plays pikmin mod, custom pikmin, cave, custom cave, textures, kermit, bikmin episode 3, bikmin dazz episode 3, thicc, thicc pikmin, rule 34 texture, waluigi, wollywog, waluigi wollywog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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