DayZ - The BEST Secret Stashes & Hidden BASES

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hi guys and welcome to something a little bit different I was inspired to make this video by a guy that posted on Reddit by the name of tringa I think it is who had this really unique place to put a little crate that you can create in dayy so I'm going to I'm going to give you some ideas of where you can put these things cuz there's a lot of places where they can go and I'm going to split it into three tiers tier one tier two and tier three so let's start with the more basic tier one stuff the first one I'm going to offer you is this place here the Cherno football ground and just underneath the seating you can put a nice little crate I think you can probably put it either way but this is it I'm using admin mode by the way so you your results May Vary and it may be more difficult for you to do because you'll have a crate in front of your nose sticking with the sea in theme you got these dotted around all over the place you can actually put a crate right underneath in the middle and it looks very natural same sort of colored wood you know I mean like close up yeah you can tell but if you're just running past like this would you necessarily notice I don't know you all know these apartment blocks terrible aren't they no one goes in them well use that to your advantage hide a little crate behind this sofa maybe it's uh you know again we're in the early stages here but it is pretty well hidden behind this little bed that's rested up against the table can squeeze a little crate in there these are all for sort of little starter things you could perhaps set up you know some some Supply you could get put away your knife it's for food behind the washing machine there's quite a few places in here give him a try next up this industrial building inside in this little back office well it's a toilet isn't it or bathroom and just skip behind the door and when the door opens you can't see it great simple sometimes plain sight is the best and then we've got this church dotted around all over chinar oh in fact it cross across all all sorts of maps inside just behind this little structure here you can actually stick this crate now it is an absolute pain in the ass to do whether it's even worth it I don't know because I'm not so sure as it's that good but it's another place so we got these wrecks you can actually get it to position underneath the engine block there best to do it on a on a grassy floor so that it sort of grows back the grass grows back up and you can't see it so easily not a bad one this one so next we have these rubbish containers on Wheels now a lot of these are actually pushed up against walls in pretty obscure places and the bonus with these is is people don't come up and loot them there's no loot spawning on these so this isn't actually a bad place and as I say you'll find a lot of these across the maps and you probably could get some you can't actually go underneath them but you can get some really good spots don't forget folks we are still in tier one these are still the basic hiding spots and this one would have actually made tier two but for the fact that I don't know people loot these places don't they these ouses and if you just if you just go up to one them an inventry search you're going to see what ever stash is in the bottom of it much the same as this one I've got a problem with this WS you don't loot these and placing the actual crate in this inside this chicken um Hut is an absolute pain in the ass for one but for two it's very difficult to then find the point where you can actually get access to the crate so to finish off these tier one loot spots we're going to bang through these quickly basically it doesn't matter too much about playing sight be inventive and just go for it whether or not you're placing I think the the key here is is if someone loots that area they will find your stuff but if they're just running past and you put them in plain sight and it sort of fits in with the background they probably just run straight past it and that I mean you could even put stuff up on on top of on top of the ruls that you can reach you you know there's a lot of buildings you can get on top of in Daisy and yeah right okay okay you're all here to see the better stuff so here's tier two these feeder stands now the only reason this make tier 2 is because there's some very obscure places that these are living right out in the wilds and no one goes to loot them there's no benefit or purpose from them at all they're just scenery and here we go just if you can get a little spot down here this is a tricky one in between the side of the train and the platform right where the wheels are you see that little thing sticking up on on the back of the Train the the little pole that's where the wheel is and I'm trying to get it to level up because if you can get it to level then it kind of gets hidden when you get off and look from the other side so that's the spot you need now I'm going to include the top of this very specific building it's the supermarket because you can actually get on top of it in quite a few locations across various maps and once you get on top you can put the crates down and there's a lip that runs all the way around the outside of the supermarket and unless someone can get some height on it they won't be able to see where you've placed your little crates so I think this one's pretty well known you put a stash or anything that you want to bury on top of one of the graves put it dig it in and then it will be completely hidden you'll only see it if you go over it with a pickaxe or a shovel that also goes for the sand pits as well you can use the sand pits same thing happens there so we've got this industrial building that's next to useless I don't can count on one hand how many times I've been in here but there's a couple of little spots where you can actually Place three actually where you can place a crate that can be I would say fairly safe definitely worth its tier 2 tag you've got on top of here on top of this thing and also behind this conveyor over here there's there's as I say three different spots where you can place your crates now the mustache house or the face house this would have been tier three but for the fact that people loot this house and they will inventory search over this area you can actually put a crate well hidden into that wardrobe might be a bit glitchy I don't know if it's intended but you can certainly do it if you want to maybe you find one of these houses tucked away somewhere but I still don't think it's a very good spot because as I say people inry search and finally I'm probably the best for tier two I really like this one these pigeon coops I think they are I don't know at the bottom of here you can actually get a crate to sit in and it looks as natural as anything I think it's a cracker I think no one comes here for anything there's no Loot on them and you can put two one side by side okay here it is the tier three stuff criteria for this has to be completely hidden and can't be anywhere near anything that someone's going to inventory search the fire station you can actually put a barrel and probably a crate inside this fake room it might be known I don't know but still this is this is a good one to start with next up we're back in the industrial area and there's this building again I don't think I go in this very often um inside here just behind this green paneling you can actually put a crate you could probably put multiple crates in here real good one never going to get seen never going to get found bang on now do you ever go to this sort of dump area this scrap card area or just outside Novi and check anything cuz I don't really but you perhaps should because one very specific pile of rubbish you can hide stuff in without it being discovered at all again I don't know if this is intended but if you was to think it through you could realistically bury a crate like this inside one of these rubbish rubbish piles and put the rubbish back on top so I don't know if it's intended but here you go and we're back to the industrial this particular building we're looking at this time and it's similar to the rubbish pile we saw earlier you can actually put the crates inside these mounds of rubble I suppose um maybe not the greatest because people my inventory search but still completely hidden um you take your choices with this and we're at the excavation site over at sagrad and you can put your crates into these gravel Mounds probably a lot of these assets around that I don't know about there's lots of places that you can sneak your hidden stashes into this is obviously currently working it might be patched if the uh devs aren't intending this but once again you could you could uh you could open up these gravel patches and and bury something in and then replace them you know maybe it's intended I don't know this one is a bit daff this Carnival site these swans this particular ride you can actually climb all the way up to the very top and place place your crate inside the swan ride or this this this Carousel I don't know what it is inside this bloody Swan anyway you can you can put your crate inside there and it will never ever get seen not in a thousand years but as I say bit daff this one now we're on to the really good stuff these big vehicles that you can get underneath you need some sort of backpack that you can put a crate inside open it up open the inventory up drop the drop the crate down there is a percentage chance you will lose your crate here inside the guts of the of the Machinery but if not it sort of sits there floating and you can access it Bingo much the same as on this vehicle exactly the same principle get underneath it drop the crate down and hope it doesn't disappear inside the the body of the vehicle much like it on this one there's much less structure going off but so hard to see that inside there and you can actually access it you have to go under underneath to access it so it's a good one that one really good right we're getting to the top end of stuff now find the biggest bastard tree you can and knock it down why have I got markings on the floor you may ask I wondered actually I recorded this a long time ago well it's so that you can put your Barrel right in the middle so you pick the barrel up and then slam it down in between the middle of all your markings and then get on the floor and look to see where your markings are relative to your to your Barrel if if they're not Central you're going to have to replace them it's really really tricky this one it's like super difficult you kind of need admin help as well to restart the server because it needs to grow a new tree uh maybe the best bet is to look at this position pause the video look where I placed the barrel and place your Barrel exactly in that place I don't know but anyway when you restart the server you will find that the barrel is actually inside the tree completely UND detectable oh another thing make sure you leave the top off the barrel cuz you can't interact with it once it's inside the tree so make sure you do that like I say this one was really really difficult but probably one of the most secure places that you could actually put a barrel it also works for crates as well I'll show you that quickly now these probably work better than the barrel because you don't have to be quite precise again massive old tree get it knocked down bundle a load of crates inside it get the server to restart for whatever reason and then at the bottom of that tree all your crates the hidden underneath the tree stump completely undetectable unless someone does an invent search close by okay number one spot TI s we're going to call it tis for the ticktockers this looks normal doesn't it yeah it's not it's got a crate in it how do you do that well what you do is you stand on top of it get a good like nice little Central position that wasn't quite right drop the crate down and magically it's invisible now this isn't the only tree let me show you this set of trees here we're doing an aerial view these orangey colored ones now wherever you see those you'll also see these broken down trees here and if you can find some that are flush close to the ground then they are absolutely perfect if you can find them with a bush on them like this one wow they you're rocking absolutely exactly the same principle stand in the center drop them on the floor and you will not be able to see them because fairly close matched to the wood that's used on the crate on this particular tree St and how many crates can you fit in there you might want to know as many as you like hundreds and hundreds if you wish but it will cause some issues as people get close and uh probably disconnect because there's so much loot spawning in this is uh the best place to store your hidden stashes without any shadow of a doubt based on multiple hundreds and thousands of hours playing Day Z all right I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: FT
Views: 25,852
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Id: -y_5yUN6vmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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