Days That Rocked the House of Windsor (2023) FULL DOCUMENTARY | HD

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[Music] [Music] in the annals of history there are moments that redefine Nations shape Destinies and Captivate the world's attention throughout the years there have been several moments when the house of Windsor experienced great turmoil the behind the scenes drama scandals and crises that have tested the resilience of one of the most renowned royal families in history from dazzling coronations to captivating love stories from contentious family disputes to shocking betrayals these are the moments that shaped the monarchy leaving an indelible mark on the pages of British history uncover the Hidden Truths the unspoken tensions and the untold stories that have gripped the world's imagination for Generations [Music] foreign [Music] on the 11th of December 1936 a seismic event shook the house of Windsor the abdication of king Edward VII [Music] thank you this unprecedented decision sent shock waves through the British Empire and Beyond altering the course of the monarchy [Music] Edward wanted to abdicate he hated being King it was one of the things we found easiest in his life the problem is is what he found and what the people around him found was you can't simply unilaterally abdicate it isn't as easy as just saying I don't want to be king anymore and stopping being King because it's not a job it's a whole responsibility not just yourself but to the nation and so while I think he would have given up in King immediately it wasn't in his power and so what you can see is that there was this enormous chicanery that came into play which was essentially designed not just to allow him to abdicate but also to maintain the institution of a monarchy because there was a genuine fear in December 1936 that Edward could have brought down the entire monarchy with him because the rumors at one point he's just going to flee the country with Wallace and that be that King Edward VII's desire to marry Wallace Simpson an American divorcee clashed with the church of England's opposition to remarriage after divorce faced with an impossible Choice Edward chose love over the crown [Music] and there's since terrain over Great Britain and the British Empire he announced his decision to abdicate in a farewell broadcast heard by 150 million people around the world the radio message put an end to the crisis in England that began when the king announced his marriage to an American divorcee Mrs Wallace Simpson parliament passed a special Bill legalizing the abdication in a heartfelt radio broadcast he explained his decision to the nation revealing the personal struggles faced by the Royal Family noting that he had served out his Royal duties and that he now declared his allegiance to his younger brother and soon to be King George VI Edward attempted to explain why he was becoming the first British monarch to abdicate the throne love I am able to say a few words I have never wanted anything until now it has not been constitutionally possible I need to speak but do you not believe me when I tell you that I have find it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility paying to discharge my thinking this pain as I heard was worship Him without that helped and support of the women I love and now we all have a new king I was in and you his people happiness and prosperity with all my heart God bless you all God Save the King he left the country a few hours later ending A 325-day Reign that brought the storied British Monarchy to a Crossroads [Music] but what happened immediately after the abdication was that it was decided that Edward could not remain in Britain any longer because it was felt that having an ex-king in his own country created the situation that was both right with constitutional issues but it was also difficult from a perspective of how he would be regarded because there was always a fear of Edward having a kind of rival court because there was such public sympathy towards him literally Wallace did not want Edward to abdicate but as Scandal grew and grew she she realized that it was essentially going to be her or the crown he couldn't have both Wallace tried repeatedly to prevent Edward from abdicating and she she wanted to go away and she kept saying she wrote to friends I just could slip away and quietly fold my tent and she wrote to Edward and said look you can be a really effective King and I shall watch you with pride from afar she was anxious that she had become this scandalous woman at the the center of this story and she didn't enjoy the attention foreign Ty his brother was completely and utterly devastated and derailed by the abdication he never expected to be king he did he didn't feel that he had the wherewithal to be king he was the absolute antithesis of his brother his brother was sophisticated glamorous dashing confident good with people here was Bertie anxious stuttering you know you couldn't have a greater contrast he begged Edward not to abdicate he he said please you know don't do this to me 1936 was the year as three kings it was a year that greatly unsettled the British Monarchy given how popular Edward had been after he left there was a great sense of disappointment and a cloud hanged heavy over the British Monarchy [Music] we know that Bertie is as Edward's younger brother was very anxious about becoming King he wasn't a public figure on the same level as his brother had been he wasn't very good in front of the cameras he struggled to make speeches he was a reluctant Monarch in that respect and he knew that the coming king would mean that he had to put his home life his family on the back burner that he had to embrace Duty responsibility now first and foremost [Music] well royal family is as for the rest of us life has its times of Sorrow as well as Joy with this royal family the British peoples have shared both to the king who in his own words now enters upon a new life and to his Charming Queen Britain and Empire wished many years of happiness the Duke of York becomes king his Duchess Queen and their two little daughters next in line for the throne Britain rejoices again and today for the first time radio brings a new King's coronation message to the world never before has a newly clowned King from being able to talk to all his peoples and our own homes on the day of his coronation and the Queen and I will always keep in our hearts of the installation of this dead thus royalty endures in the greatest empire ever known to Elizabeth the 36 year old Queen to the Queen Mother Mary and to her second son now King go the Empire's love and devotion George V was a very good King in the sense that everything that was integral to his being was about responsibility and Duty and dignity and he took his role very seriously so I think from that point of view the country the people felt very safe with their monarch George VI coronation on May the 12th 1937 was overshadowed really by the abdication of his brother seven months previous and also the continued sort of speculation about the relationship involving Edward and Wallace George was not a very popular King he had been really out of the Limelight in contrast to his uh his older brother and there was a lot of public disaffection with the monarchy in the first years of George's reign certainly there were a lot of comments recorded on the morning of the coronation by investigators that went out into Britain's town cities notably also London and they they recorded members of the public talking about how they were sort of uninspired by the by the new king how they worried about his his psychological preparedness for the role they were concerned about his stammer whether he had the health to sustain himself as king there was a sense here that the King was something of a damp squib and the the event overall wasn't as as magnificent as it as it could have been had it been that Edward was being crad [Music] [Music] the wedding was actually quite a sad Affair and they only had 12 guests and those that were present could see that this was a massive come down for the former King of England Wallace was terrified by The Fallout of the the abdication crisis she was hounded by the Press she was essentially ostracized by the The High Society circles that she'd previously spent time in this was really difficult for her and it wasn't really until the marriage with Edward was finalized in July 1937 and she was the The Duchess of Windsor that she was really accepted again as part of high society circles and she had to do much to if you like regain the confidence and Trust of people she'd previously called friends I think what's desperately sad is the night before the wedding so Walter Monkton Edward's aide said to Wallace the people hate you very much but if you make the king happy they will love you and they will forgive you well actually for 35 years every single day after the wedding she did her best to fulfill him to make him happy and she genuinely did make him happy and yet the court of public opinion never forgave her foreign love affair or was it a tragedy and my answer would be both towards the end of their life the more it became us against the rest of the world it then became a genuine love affair and they relied on each other and what I think is so touching is that towards the end of his life Edward said that he did not have one breath of regret about what had happened because every day he was so happy to be with Wallace [Music] while the abdication brought turmoil it also showcased the resilience of the House of Windsor [Music] next his majesty is to be presented with the Holy Bible to enable him to receive it the Lord great Chamberlain draws off the jeweled glove after which the Bible can be delivered [Music] all right [Music] from the condemnation Chad his majesty goes to the chat of State for his anthronization [Applause] [Music] before as a newly cloned King I've been able to talk to all his peoples and our own homes on the day of his coronation and the Queen and I will always keep in our hearts restoration of this dead thus royalty endures in the greatest empire ever known to Elizabeth the 36 year old Queen to the Queen Mother Mary and to her second son now King go the Empire's love and devotion [Music] King George VI who had ascended to the throne unexpectedly following the abdication of his brother King Edward VII was widely admired for his humility sense of Duty and fortitude [Music] princess Elizabeth was very close to her father always was I mean he absolutely adored Margot Princess Margaret and Margaret made him laugh but he was very proud of Elizabeth and he saw that sense of Duty he spotted it very early on and he knew that she would be just the sort of queen that the country needed from her first appearance then after King Edward abdicated his new Throne the Yorks became King and Queen Elizabeth that 10 was now air presumptive reviewing the Girl Guides at Windsor Castle the little princesses Elizabeth 12 and Margaret 8 assumed new importance in 1940 Hitler began to bomb England thousands of children were evacuated among them Elizabeth and Margaret now 14 and 10 who were set up the Thames to a safer Haven [Music] he didn't actually spend a huge amount of his life with his daughters but whenever he could he did and he taught her to shoot he took a duck flighting he he did kind of boyish things with her because he had two daughters and he was just so proud of her so I think they were especially for the time they were a very close family we may not think that now viewing them from our era but then they were a close family foreign [Music] on the 6th of February 1952 a profound sense of loss engulfed the house of Windsor and the entire nation as news spread of the passing of King George VI this somber day marks a pivotal moment that rocked the monarchy and heralded a new era for the house of Windsor foreign [Music] received the news of the death of her father she went into shock as you would I mean she was shocked by his death because she thought he was getting better everybody within the family thought the King was getting better he was at Sandringham he'd been out shooting he'd had a wonderful day he was with friends and as Princess Margaret said in much much later in an interview he died just as he was getting well but of course he wasn't really getting well they thought he was so it was a huge shock to her the news of King George the serberated Across the Nation and Beyond it plunged the house of Windsor into a period of mourning as well as reflection on the Legacy and impact of the late King's reign the nation came together to honor his memory paying tribute to his unwavering dedication to duty and his role in providing a sense of continuity and strength during turbulent times [Music] foreign the gates of Sandringham from the Parish Church the Thai major McDonald's sounded faintly in the distance as the coffin was put onto the gun carriage and the impressively simple Cottage began the slow procession to the station it's been Reverend Claire transferred the cop in into the funeral coach of the train the passing of King George VI marks the beginning of a new reign with his daughter princess Elizabeth ascending to the throne as Queen Elizabeth II the transition represented a pivotal Moment In The House of Windsor's history as a new generation prepared to carry the torch of leadership one of the most Monumental days that left a mark in British history was the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on the 2nd of June 1953. held at Westminster Abbey it captivated Millions around the world and symbolized the beginning of a new era for the monarchy well I think the reason that that the queen is referred to by some historians is on the unlikely Queen is that you know she wasn't prepared to be Queen she was married in 1947 and she expected to have a proper long -ish married life before her father you know was died but he died quite suddenly so she was an unlikely Queen and also she wasn't designated to be Queen because her uncle who became Edward VII very briefly abdicated and put Elizabeth directly in the line of succession what happened was the princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip were standing in for the king and queen and they started a a big Commonwealth tour in in Kenya as it was called in those days and the people of Kenya wanted them to be there and they'd given them a lodge for their wedding present and the the sort of joy for them was that they were going to visit this game reserve and there was a little place called Treetops which was overlooking a Salt lake lake so you could really see the animals you know this is this is uh 1952 so the whole of of Kenya was teeming with game and they spent the night up there and actually it was during the night unbeknownst to the princess that she became Queen so they went they they left their their game viewing went back to sagana Lodge and had a little sleep because they'd been up all night when the news came across to Prince Philip's private secretary Mike Parker that the king had died and he thought that he he eventually had he had one of those little radios and he fiddled with it and eventually he heard the sounds of Big Ben and he knew that the news was true and it was his duty to tell Prince Philip which was probably he says later the most difficult thing he'd ever had to do in his life so he went to Prince Philip and told him the news that his wife Prince Philip's wife was Queen so Prince Philip was in such shock he just put a newspaper over his face and let the news just absorb and then he got up and he went and got the princess out of her bedroom where she was resting and took her down to the lake at the bottom of the garden and the lady in waiting tells a wonderful story she watched the walk up and down up and down and she knew that he was telling her and when they walked back into the lodge she wanted she was putting her arms around the princess and she thought my goodness but she's Queen and dropped into a curtsy and then of course they had to make their way back to England as quickly as possible but she but by the time they arrived back at London Airport she came down the steps beautifully dressed in her black clothes and Prince Philip waited on the steps until she was at the bottom and she greeted her prime minister and that's how it was going to be from then on [Music] the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was a spectacle of unparalleled grandia and pageantry the air was thick with anticipation as the young Queen just 27 years old at the time prepared to take on the weighty responsibilities of the crown the ceremony steeped in centuries-old Traditions showcased the rich Heritage and symbolism of the British Monarchy the princess Elizabeth became Queen in February 1952 and the coronation was in June 1953 but there was no plan for her coronation there had been a plan for her uncle's coronation Edward VII but that had been scuppered the coronation ceremony was broadcasted live on television reaching an unprecedented number of viewers across the globe it marks the first time that a British coronation was televised allowing people worldwide to witness the Splendor and pomp of the occasion the broadcast became a seminal moment in the history of media forging the direct connection between the monarchy and the masses well when when the queen came to the throne she was only 26. and Churchill made the remark to his private secretary but she's a child but she wasn't a child she was very sophisticated and mature mentally and it was a man's world and in you know women were really subservient in those days and the queen was walking into this world of men who were all much much older than her the impact of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation extended far beyond the ceremonial proceedings it breathed new life into the monarchy transforming it from an institution of mere tradition into a symbol of continuity strength and National Unity the young Queen with her grace Poise and unwavering sense of Duty captured the hearts of her subjects and instilled A Renewed sense of pride in the monarchy what about the proposal the Royal harness how did that come about um well I I asked Dana before she went to Australia two three days before it was a totally be a good idea that uh many years if she went to Australia she could then think about anything if she didn't like the idea she could say she didn't know she did she could say that but in fact you you actually said yes before you went to Australia yes the marriage between Prince Charles and Princess Diana had captivated the world with its fairy tale-like beginning however as time passed the cracks in their relationship became increasingly evident their contrasting personalities conflicting priorities and intense media intrusion took its toll on their marriage creating an insurmountable divide Balmoral is essentially this castle that the royal family owned up in the Scottish Highlands and it's essentially the Royal Family's escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and they Retreat there and they enjoy lots of outdoor activities they'll do hunting and they'll go fishing and it's very much a family location for them and it's somewhat private and secluded from the rest of the world so before her her wedding with Charles Dinah was invited up and it's essentially a test or a child to see how she fits in whether she can kind of fall into this lifestyle and how she'll go and some might say it was more of a make and break but Diana having the upbringing that she had she passed with flying colors their relationship was you know certainly a breaking point and I think it'd been a Breaking Point almost from day one [Music] foreign was a high school dropout and Charles was a university lecturer I mean Diana they were so different and I obviously that can work very well but she was very very young and she'd had no experience of life and although she'd lived on the slandering estate and knew the royal family she didn't really know on the 29th of July 1981 Prince Charles and Diana married in Saint Paul's Cathedral the wedding was seen by a global television audience of 750 million in 74 countries showing the Public's love for the new royal couple [Applause] [Music] foreign her telling me that she was carrying another baby which was Harry she was about moral wearing a very beautiful Tartan evening dress for the Gillies ball and she pushed me into the dining room put your hand on my tummy she said I said no I can't do that you're a raw princess she took my hand and placed it on her tummy can you feel that she said and a little kick she says it's a boy ah you shouldn't have told me that that is a state secret now if it gets out you'll blame me she says but I'm trusting you with that secret it was the first time she'd actually trusted me she began trusting me with more telling me that her marriage wasn't all it should be I need somebody like you Paul I need someone like you for the future I've got no one I can trust her I think after Harry was born the relationship seriously broke down it was um it just hadn't worked out like both of both of them expected and and even before the wedding Diana had serious doubts and so did Charles but it was too late and her sister's famously said but Dutch which was her nickname your face is on the details and it's a great line I know it's been used a lot but it does sum it all up it's too late and Charles's friends his close close friends warned him this is not gonna work Charles this is she's too young she's too naive and you know you're an imaginary Prince she doesn't know you at all so it had very little chance and then if you add that mix to the huge and unprecedented interest in the couple especially in Diana you know you can see it reach boiling point well Charles was so used to having all the attention on him which it had been since he was born um he he didn't like the idea that they walked down the street say when they were doing a a Royal Engagement and the crowd were calling Diana Diana so he felt Surplus I didn't really know what to do with himself and made lots of sort of rather pathetic remarks like there should be two of me and if I cut myself enough I mean he didn't know what to do or say and yes he he it was a former of jealousy yes it was [Music] Charles put his affair with Camilla Parker cabolds on hold after marrying Diana however by 1986 things were fully back in swing for Charles and Camilla this broke Diana adding to her feelings of loneliness but it wasn't only Charles who began looking for love outside his marriage well Charles was in love with Camilla from a very early age you know when he was still in the Navy he fell in love with Camila she was funny she was a great Rider and she made him laugh and I think that Camilla has this she's very very attractive to both men and women because of her personality she's got a wonderful personality and you know when Charles first met I mean she didn't care what she looked like but you know she was a great horse woman she was really sporty and I suppose she was a challenge too because you know she was basically in love with Andrew Parker Bowles so I think she had a lot of ingredients that Charles really really fell in love with and he never really fell out of love with her so it is it is a very romantic story it's alleged that Diana's affair with army Captain James Hewitt started around a similar time that Charles picked things up with Camilla it was difficult for me to tread the path between Prince Charles and Princess Diana now Diana arrived every weekend with the boys on Friday afternoon and left every Sunday but someone else occupied that space in between and I learned to serve two Royal mistresses one Princess of Wales and the other Mrs Parker walls this was still a secret I was keeping this secret from both The Prince and the princess until of course it became intolerable all she was ever looking for was to be loved she used to say to me all I ever want Paul is to someone a man to put their arms around me and say I love you that's not too much to ask is it and that's what she was searching for by the late 80s Charles and Diana's marital problems have become public knowledge in December 1992 the Prime Minister announced the couple's amicable separation to the House of Commons Charles and Diana officially divorced in 1996. [Music] the palace said today that no third party is involved can that be right ostensibly no but I've given the fact that the Princess of Wales believes that Prince Charles's friendship with another woman Camilla Parker Bowles has cast a long Shadow over that marriage must be considered when you look at the failure of this 11-year Union I think they were both very sad Diana in particular never wanted to get divorced in in her heart although she was with another man in it Charles was the one that got away and she always had a place in her heart for Charles and it wasn't what she wanted and she felt a failure she felt she they both felt they'd failed and they both felt they'd failed their children so it was very very sad for both of them [Music] the only secret Diana ever kept from me was the Martin Bashir interview for Panorama that I'd known Martin Bashir for a long time and he was one of the men that I used to bring into the palace under a blanket because he didn't want to be seen by anyone he was never a lover of the princesses he was just a work associate he persuaded the princess that she had to have a voice tell her story and what better a vehicle than panorama [Music] [Music] well what happened was after panorama the queen realized that this this couldn't go on because it was actually it was taking up all the news and there were important things happening the monarchy has no power they only have influence and and at this moment it was their shenanigans that were making the news which is completely wrong and she was actually she was very concerned about the institution of the monarchy with all the scandal going on she thought there's only one thing to do and the queen is head of the church and the last thing she wants is a divorce and so she she must have thought about it very very carefully and and decided that that was the only way forward to stop or the tittle-tattle and Wales is and Diana and the the battle of the the war of the Wales is it had to stop so she basically ordered them to divorce divorce the announcements of their divorce sent shock waves through the royal family and the public alike it represented a rupture in the image of the perfect royal couple exposing the vulnerabilities and complexities of life within the monarchy the divorce showcased the challenges faced by the house of Windsor in maintaining personal happiness while upholding their public responsibilities foreign and he was probably one of the most Charming people you could ever meet and it's always a rather cool an American accent beautifully dressed you know and he was just he and he he liked he was very nice to women he wasn't a nasty person at all he was a very sweet person and he treated Diana like the princess she was nobody else had treated her like that I mean with haznak Khan she was had to sort of hide him at the back of her car and they had to you know they mostly ate in or if they went out she was in disguised but with Dodie she she could show herself off so it was the first really free relationship she'd had since her marriage had broken down tragically surrounding Charles and Diana's divorce was eclipsed by an even more devastating event good evening the people's princess is dead across the country across the world millions are trying to come to terms with the awful tragedy of Diana's untimely death [Music] fate in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong man that tragic accident should never have happened but that's what it must be it must be an accident the most important factor was the driver Henry Paul the investigation showed that not only did he not have the proper license to drive the powerful Mercedes he was also more than three times over the drink driving limit and also taking prescription drugs so you put all those three factors together and you can understand why before he crashed into the 13th pillar of the alma tunnel Henry Paul's feet didn't even touch the grapes I knew at that moment that the reason she died was because of a failure in her protection the tragic law waves of globe soundly impacting the house of Windsor and the British Nation I feel like everyone else in this country today utterly utterly devastated our thoughts and prayers are with Princess Diana's family in particular her two Sons the two boys our hearts go out to them [Music] we are today a nation in Britain in a State of Shock in morning in grief that is so deeply painful for us [Music] she was a wonderful and a warm human being though her own life was often sadly touched by tragedy she touched the lives of so many others in Britain throughout the world with joy and with comfort how many times shall we remember her in how many different ways with the sick the dying with children with the needy when with just a look or a gesture that spoke so much more than words she would reveal to all of us the depth of her compassion and her Humanity now as your queen and I say from my heart first I have to Diana myself she was an exceptional and gifted human being in good times and bad she never lost her capacity to smile and laugh nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness I admired and respected her for her energy and commitment to others and especially for her Devotion to her two boys I for one believe there are lessons to be drawn from her life and from the extraordinary and moving reaction to her death I share in your determination to cherish her memory Princess Diana's death marked a turning point in the Public's perception of the royal family the outpouring of grief and the unprecedented public reaction showcased the Deep connection between Diana and the people it also revealed the need for the monarchy to adapt to a changing world and respond to the desires and expectations of a compassionate and empathetic Society and here we are 20 years later we're still talking about her because Diana has become an icon we're talking about her because she changed the rule book she tore out pages from that Dusty old book and she rewrote those rules she changed the royal family forever the ghost of Diana will always haunt the house of Windsor [Music] the 8th of January 2020 marked an historic moment that reverberated throughout the house of Windsor and captivated the world the announcements of Prince Harry and Meghan markle's decision to step back from their roles as senior members of the Royal Family this groundbreaking move known as mexit reshapes the monarchy and ignited discussions about tradition modernity and the complexities of Royal life in the 21st century it's not about emotion there are all kinds of emotions it's about creating this future and I certainly think that they will be squashing quite hard any suggestions of arguments or news stories saying about Rifts or discussions we don't know what's really gone on but certainly the royal family want very much to give a united front and that's the that's quite difficult at the moment it's not that anyone wants to stop them leading the lives they want it's just it's not practical you well I think they're I think this world found is going to have a great future I think they'll sort this out today some way and move on I mean if Harry goes or stays the royal family will stay and I think the queen will sort it out today yes I think it will be sorted out today and quickly and I think that this Royals do the siblings of the monarchs in Europe they tend to have full-time careers or even live abroad so it can actually work but and I think it actually could be a positive future and very briefly there's been lots of discussion about diversity in the royal family what does this do to that depending what's decided later well Harry and Megan particularly Megan obviously they win over a very important grouping that the royal family don't always win over young and diverse and there has been a lot of sexist and racist criticism of Megan and you know she obviously feels to a large degree as if she's being chased out so really they have to be a united front and a big question about winning over Multicultural Britain and Multicultural the world foreign it's a shame that that is the climate in this world to focus that much on that or that that would be discriminatory in that sense but I think you know at the end of the day I'm really just proud of who I am and where I come from and we have never put any focus on that we've just focused on who we are as a couple and so when you take all those extra layers away and all of that noise um I think it makes it really easy to just enjoy being together and tune all the rest of that out Prince Harry and Megan's departure from the royal family represented a seismic shift in the institution's Dynamics their decision to seek Financial Independence and establish a new life outside the confines of traditional Royal duties challenged long-established norms and raised questions about the monarchy's ability to adapt to a rapidly changing world it was a terrible interview which really did huge damage to the monarchy to Britain as a whole because Megan talked about the country really being racist and did huge damage to Harry's relationship with his father and with with William Harry also accused his father of cutting him off financially which we now know actually wasn't true we now know several things that were said in that interview were not true they are in control they release the images they choose who comes and talks to them I mean that's a relationship that works in Hollywood that's a relationship that works with celebrities it's a great open question whether it's a relationship that can work with a senior active member of the British royal family foreign 's relationship with the media went bad and has got progressively worse ever since his mother died he believes deeply and profoundly that the media contributed to his mother's untimely death so ever since her death he has tried to find an accommodation and that accommodation has been his acceptance that the intense interest in him could be used by him to throw focus on issues that he is passionate about God the most complicated of all the issues raised by the couple's decision to step down is their protection specifically what form it will take who will provide it and who will pay for it Prince Charles has agreed to keep funding the couple and their son from his own private income but by stepping back Harry and Megan will now be able to work there are still lots of details to work out but Harry and Megan will soon be embarking on a new life and a different kind of royalty they both suggested that someone in the family had made a racist remark about the color of the baby's skin and Harry talked about when I'm being trapped in a lifestyle and from which he had been trapped himself and hadn't realized he was trapped until Megan had had made it clear to him you know Megan herself has talked about the challenges of being biracial she has said you know I wasn't black enough for the black girls I wasn't white enough for the white rolls and I was in the middle as a mixed race woman and her journey has been in part to find the strength and dignity and passion for that role and and embodying a beautiful strong mixed-race woman and all of that means you know Megan is re-educating people there's never been a mixed race royal baby as we have now and this is an incredible thing I remember I was at the Royal Wedding when Megan and Harry got married I was in Windsor and I remember there were a lot of women there who were black with little girls with daughters who were celebrating this special day and people can't have any idea what a big deal this is for there to be a black princess for there to be a mixed race princess because we haven't had that before and I think that just by virtue of the fact that Megan is who she is inspires people inspires young girls inspires women and that's a beautiful thing the royal family cannot survive if it doesn't evolve and it reflects the World At Large and to be entirely white it certainly does not do that so Megan is representing just by virtue of the fact that she's accomplished and beautiful and smart and talented and mixed race and it's a wonderful thing it's great for the royal family it's a great for everyone else [Music] the departure of Prince Harry and Megan also had practical implications for the royal family it led to a revision of their official roles and responsibilities as well as a realignment of their relationship with the monarchy the couple sought to carve out A New Path one that allowed them to pursue their philanthropic Endeavors and prioritize their own well-being while still retaining their ties to the Royal Family [Music] there's a misconception that because I have worked in the entertainment industry that this would be something I would be familiar with but even though I've been on my show for I guess six years at that point and working before that I've never been part of tabloid culture I've never been in pop culture to that degree and and lived a relatively quiet life even though I focus so much on my job and um so that was a really Stark difference out of the gate but um and I think we were just hit so hard at the beginning with a lot of mistruths that I made the choice to not read anything positive or negative it just didn't make sense and instead we focused all of our energies just on nurturing our relationships awesome how nice [Music] thank you I particularly wanted to say that my father and I suppose the last uh 70 years has given the most remarkable devoted service to the Queen to my family and to the country and also to the whole of the common one and as you can imagine my family and I missed my father enormously he was a much-loved and appreciated figure and the parchment of the years I can imagine and we're so deeply touched by the number of other people here and elsewhere around the world in the Commonwealth who also I think share ah lot and our sorrow and my my dear Papa Was a was a very special person who I think above all else would have been amazed by the reaction and the touching things that have been said about him and from that point of view we are by a family deeply grateful for all that it will sustain us in this particular loss and at this particularly sad time [Music] Always by her side Prince Philip was the man that offered her unconditional support and devotion through hardship and change Elizabeth and Philip were inseparable for 73 years their enduring love and unbreakable Bond have been a staple of modern history sadly on the 9th of April 2021 Prince Philip the Queen's dear husband of 73 years died he had always been her most excellent support indeed so his passing was a terrible loss to the queen terrible one [Music] [Music] [Music] two three foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I'm sure that losing Philip was absolutely dreadful for her again she's very stoic and she would have she it's not as though it was unexpected he you know he he'd been on a downward path for a few months so she knew that he wasn't going to last forever she also knew he didn't want to live to be a hundred and she knew how stubborn he was um so I think she probably felt uh a bit of relief for him because he was no longer in pain and you know he'd gone very peacefully and I think that was very important to her and also the queen is extremely religious and her faith would have held her together I don't think there would have been an outpouring of Tears I think she just sort of withdrew into herself which is what people of her kind of caliber do she wouldn't have shown any great emotion even to her children I wouldn't imagine but it would all be inside of her [Music] good evening Buckingham Palace has announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II the longest reigning monarch in British history her Reign lasted for 70 years from post-war austerity and the end of Empire through the expansion of the Commonwealth the queen passed away in her Platinum Jubilee year on the 8th of September 2022 after an eventful and prosperous life the nation Bid Farewell to Britain's longest reigning monarch on behalf of all my family I can only offer the most sincere and heartfelt thanks for your condolences and support they mean more to me than I can ever possibly Express and to my darling mama as you begin your last great journey to join my dear late Papa I want simply to say this thank you when it was finally announced that the queen had died there was an extraordinary outpouring of grief amongst the nation because you know the majority of of the queen subjects have never known another Monarch you're clearly very very sad [Music] um tell me how you're feeling right now at this news just just touch for the Old Situation you know you don't think you will be but she's been a part of my life forever it was kind of the end of it here it wasn't just her death it was the end of an era it was end of the Elizabethan age as we know it Buckingham Palace was her London home today with military Precision Britain's longest-serving Monarch left the palace for the last time the Queen's coffin draped in the Royal Standard and with the Imperial State Crown on top was taken slowly through the palace Gates aboard a gun Carriage behind walked the king his sister and brothers and behind them the Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex 25 years ago the two brothers had their childhood defined by the image of them walking behind their mother's coffin today they honored their grandmother in the same way [Music] foreign [Music] um foreign after a state funeral she was laid to rest alongside her husband Prince Philip her parents George VI and Elizabeth and her beloved sister Margaret thank you [Music] throughout the years there have been multiple events that caused incredible turmoil for the house of Windsor but even though their resilience was put to the test the legacy of the House of Windsor carries on with the newly crowned King Charles III foreign [Music]
Channel: Royalty TV
Views: 89,046
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Length: 64min 4sec (3844 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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