Days Gone | The Ultimate Critique | Luke Stephens

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• Days gone is one of the most confusing games I have ever played. Not confusing in its gameplay or story, but in the fact that it's way better than it seems. In other words, if I had to briefly explain my feelings towards Days Gone, I'd say that it's the worst best game I've played in a long time. This may seem needlessly vague and confusing but that's honestly representative of how I feel. So much of this game is great, but it has a HUGE presentation problem. It's like a supermodel walking down the runway but she keeps tripping and ruining what would otherwise be a fantastic presentation. All that being said, I think Days Gone is worth a playthrough, with several caveats. I played through the game on a PS4 Slim and the God of War edition of the PS4 Pro. The game ran significantly better on the pro, so much so that switching back to the slim was quite jarring. Please understand that the technical issues in Days Gone are omnipresent and won't go away just because you have a Pro, but they are reduced. If you're wondering what kind of technical issues I'm talking about, don't worry, I'm going to go in depth on those issues towards the end of the video, but to avoid spoilers I'll just say this: Days gone is a blast, but limps along its excessive main quest line without much focus or determination. The average person's 40 hour run is well worth it just for the last 10 or so hours. But be warned, if you have trouble ignoring or adapting to frame drops and glitches in general, you'll likely become overly frustrated with the game before you get there. • If it were polished, it would be in the running for GOTY, but here's the thing, it isn't. • People come to my videos to see if a game is worth playing and to hear honestly what its value, strengths and weaknesses are. I have a duty to be honest. • My instinct is to just recommend the game because I enjoyed it and call it a day. But I'd be doing YOU a disservice were I to do that. • All of this is because after two runs and over 80 hours, I can safely say that the game should be about half the length it is. According to HLTB most runs are around 35.5 hours, story should have been cut in half and way more polish put in place. I’ll explain exactly what I’d change later. • What does polish mean? There's a diamond in the middle of this rough, but it's pretty deep down o Hidden under bugs and glitches that make it very difficult to consume the good parts. o Think of the game like a road, some pot holes are expected. After all, no road is perfectly smooth. But potholes are on a spectrum. Some are small and hardly noticed, others are large enough to be a slight annoyance but nothing more, and a small few are so massive that they'll pop your tire and stop your car entirely. This is what Days Gone's tech issues are like. But we'll go into detail later in the video. • There's a LOT of love in this game, it's just terrible at presenting itself. Partially glitches, also pacing and scope, but mostly it has to do with the game's identity. It doesn't know what it wants to be which is why it wanders so much and why the story feels completely different in the last 10 hours compared to the first. It's also why the consequences in the world feel so inconsistent. Because one minute deacon is getting freaked out by shooting someone in the head to survive. And the next he's using a baseball bat with pieces of a transmission attached to it to hunt zombie toddlers. • As for the question of price, that's one of the more difficult questions to answer. On the one hand, the game is very large and you can tell that a lot of work and passion went into it, and in that regard I can understand the desire to support the artists who made this possible. However, if you're on a stricter budget, understand that Days Gone is simply No Where NEAR most other AAA games in terms of polish, and that's saying something. When you look at other games you can get for your $60 we look at games such as Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassins Creed Odyssey, and God of War, all massive games that are HIGHLY polished. Maybe I'm wrong for not being able to separate these in my mind, but to me, if you're going to ask for $60 it's fair to expect $60 quality. I don't know though, let me know if I'm wrong about this. I guess my point is that $60 is too much for the game in its current state. If you can get it on sale for $40 or below, I'd recommend it. • Simply put, I enjoyed Days Gone, but there are a LOT of problems. And that's when this video is going to be about. We're mostly going to be breaking down the things the game doesn't do well in an attempt to wade through the rough and find the diamond underneath. It will probably seem like I'm being excessively negative, but bear in mind that at the end of the day, I still recommend the game, and I do enjoy it, I just owe you all an honest breakdown of what the game does well and what it does poorly. But that does it for the pre-spoiler warning part of the video, if you were on the fence about the game, I'd say go for it. But from here on out we're going to be breaking down the game in detail, including many of the late game sections and missions. Consider yourself warned. From now on, I'll assume that you've played the game all the way through, and so I won't waste your time by explaining every little thing that happens.
Channel: Luke Stephens
Views: 195,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: days gone, critique, analysis, luke stephens, essay, review, gameplay, days gone ps4
Id: BYTaWZq27vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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