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Last show! [Last episode] [(Last performance fan signing event)] This was LE SSERAFIM! [LE SSERAFIM finishes the final show of their first promotion] Huh? There's cameras! [They thought it was time to go home...] -Where are we going? -We caught you, where are we going? [Fimmies get kidnapped by the staff!] Tell us! Where is LE SSERAFIM going? [So... where are we really going?] [Where did they arrive?] [A surprise party on a rooftop bar!] LE SSERAFIM! [Toast to celebrate the ending to their first promotion] [It's a party, let's eat] [Nom] [Nom nom] [Just happy in front of delicious food] [(Yeah, it's so good!)] [First ever rolling papers to each other] [Expressing their sincere feelings they couldn't say in words] [(Fimmies focus on writing letters for a long time)] I'm gonna cry HONG EUNCHAE, are you crying? [Wah] I made you cry... Sorry [(I'm a grownup who can hold in her tears)] I love you! [Love you, LE SSERAFIM] Let's do this from time to time You can go now! Where? -Home? -Where are we supposed to go? [Going back home after all this...?] Where are we going? What? [(There's another thing the staff prepared)] -What is it? -Hold on! [Standing up] Wait, wait! Hold on! What's this? Hotel key! Hotel key! Oh my! For real? It's a hotel key! Let's go, let's go [(Urgent)] Let's go! Hold on! Do we need to bring something? A lot of things [(Urgent)] Wait, I have a lot of leftovers [(It's a waste)] Wait My macaron, tart! Tart [Moving one by one] What do we do with this? [Save it in our mouth if we can't pack it up] [Nom nom] Let's go! This was awesome! [Taking a snack each] -It was awesome -Awesome! [To the real hotel vacation?] I'm so excited [Hehe] [(V sign for being excited)] We came here all of a sudden -I'm so happy right now! -Wow, guys... [(Fimmies are already happy)] We go up... we go up.... Don't we have to go up? Where do we have to go? We have to go up [(You're right)] Where's the key? My pocket What floor is it? Room 1801! It's a suite! Suite? Oh my I like sweet potato What does that even mean? [(Amazing rhyme...!)] I never imagined we would come here so suddenly No one had a clue! [(Because it's a surprise hotel vacation)] We really didn't know! Wow, look outside! Wow, it's outside... It's outside! -It's the highest floor! -We're going to the highest floor [(I want to reach the top)] There's only two rooms! That must mean they're huge Open! [(Bang bang bang)] Let's go in [Entering the suite] Wow Wow [Amazed] This room has a pool too! Hold on! [Mini pool in the middle of the living room] Hey! Hey! The curtain opens automatically! [We booked the entire floor and the floor above to not disturb any guests staying at the hotel] -This is crazy -Crazy [(Chaos)] This is crazy! Look at this! It opens by itself! [(Showing off the cool curtains)] There's a second floor! Second floor! [(Let's go see the second floor)] -It's huge! -Hold on! [At the end of the stairs] [Two roomy, cozy bedrooms!] This is huge! [(Fluffy)] There's pajamas! It's so cute So cute! There's pajamas! [(Side by side)] Pajamas! I call dibs on the yellow one! [EUNCHAE calls the yellow PJs] Blue for me! Blue for me [Hop hop] This is amazing [(Hops around when she's excited)] We have to eat something -There's another room here -It's another room [(What they just ate was merely a snack)] -It's all connected -We have to go in here [The dining room is connected to the mini pool] [(More snacks)] Look at the macaron! [(Eyes wide open at the macaron)] Kkwabaegi? [Eating one] Wow, what's happening? -What is all this? -It's like a dream [(Let's enjoy a dream-like hotel vacation!)] I want to live here I really want to live here! [(Me too 222)] How nice will it be to live in a house like this? We can practice our choreography here too Totally Should we order first? I heard the chicken and pasta are good [(Room service first!)] -Barbecue! How about meat? -Love it [(Crowded)] How do we order? Hello Can we order room service? [Knows how to do it] One beef bolognese, one sirloin steak Margherita pizza fried chicken & French fries Yes, thank you Okay! [We ordered, now what?] Kart! [(Game?)] It sounds so fun! Let's do it Let's do it, let's do it 2-player! 2-player! [Round 1 Kkura vs CHAEWON] CHAEWON [(You've never played it)] Hold on Just show me how to play No way [Firm] Why not! I should know how to play! [(How come!)] That's a part of your skills No! Show me [After a fierce battle of nerves(?)] [A fierce battle(?) for a better position ensues] Why? Come on, come on, come on [Bickering] [(Yay)] This is really hard It's gonna be fun! -You have to show me! You don't know either, do you? -Just use the keypad [(So frustrating)] like this I don't know [To be honest...] To be honest, I don't know either [Kkura can't remember either] -I was right -Really? [(We'll pick it up along the way! Let's start!)] [(All gathering in front of the TV)] It's third versus fourth place right now Third versus fourth place! Second place! To the right! [Hop hop] [(Slips)] Item! Item! [(Current 4th place) (Current 3rd place)] How do I use an item? B, B, B B, B, B, B! What's B? What's B? [Whatever B is...] [It's quite the showy handling] [(Twisting her whole body)] It's so thrilling! [Such an exciting, thrilling race] [Then one more time?] [(About to go off course)] You're gonna trip over! [Our CHAEWON's driving skills are great!] [Speeding away] -You're so bad at this -How are you so bad! [Brutally honest] I need some time to get used to it [Making excuses] You're last place right now CHAEWON is last place [(Me?)] [(I can't)] [(Be last place)] You don't have to lean [(Tends to enjoy games with her whole body)] I don't? [(Really?)] Like this? No not like that, just use your thumbs Just your thumbs [Just your fingers are enough...] Ah... Oh... I didn't know [Embarrassed] You were like... [Drifting with all her body] You have to play like that for some games... Oh, like this? [Meanwhile, whatever the others are talking about...] [(Laser-focused)] Kkura is first place! Me next Wow [(Let's get some rest)] -What is this? -It looks hard [Round 2 YUNJIN vs EUNCHAE] First place! Second place! First place! [Going neck-and-neck] [Take that! Spaceship attack] Don't do that! It wasn't me! [(For real)] Who is it? Stop it! Yes! [YUNJIN gets first place!] Yes! Please, please, second place! [(Hi)] [Got passed at the last minute... (Third place)] Villager! [Wah] Who's Villager? -Zuha, let's play together! -Okay, okay! I didn't know how to play -Let me show you a good character -Me too [Round 3 CHAEWON vs Zuha] I was so embarrassed that first time... [Crazy riding] [(Like this)] I thought I was supposed to do this I'm gonna go for real this time -I'm gonna go for real -Okay, real match! [(I'll show you what I've really got)] I'm gonna do it for real [Playing steadily like her determination] [Will this round end peacefully...] The sand is quick, the water is slow! -What... what's this? -The water is slow! You slow down -What's this? -Just use anything -What's this? -I don't know Just try using anything! [Infinite loop of "What's this"] What's this? What's this? How do I make it across here? [(Urgency makes fluent Korean)] It makes you fast! Don't step on the banana! [Totally focused] [(Current first place) (Current third place)] [The race is almost at an end] [Laser-focused] No, no, no! [Who won the game?] [(Ink attack)] -I was first place! -Don't come near me! [(Current fourth place) (Second place)] I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it for real CHAEWON! Shoot! Shoot! [(Rocket shoot)] Nice! [Second place / Caught up to Zuha] [Eyes glaring] [Teeth grinding] [I told you I'm gonna do this for real...] [(Back and forth)] No! [After a battle against the chaser and the chased] [(Win) (Lose)] [I gave it my all...] This is so fun [Exhausted after 2 rounds of games] Weren't I cool? [(Knock knock knock)] -Yes! -It's here I'll go [(Youngest runs)] Hello! Oh my, guys! Guys! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! -Oh my! -Stop! Hello! [(Amazed by the room service visuals)] Let's say hello Let's say hello! 2, 3! [To thank the staff member who brought our food] Hello, we're LE SSERAFIM! [Polite] Thank you! [(Bowing as well)] Thank you! Wow, that smell! It smells so good already [Magnetically drawn toward the smell of food] Guys Hold on -Wow, this is... -Is this Christmas or something? [Room service fills up the table] Wow! Pizza! Fried chicken! [(It's a party!)] Look at that steak! [(Sirloin steak)] It looks amazing Fried chicken! [(Margherita pizza)] [(Fried chicken & French fries)] Thank you for the meal! [Pizza nom nom] -Is the pizza good? -Yeah! [(Pizza for me too)] [Automatic applause] [Steak nom] [Nom] This steak is so good [The eyebrows tell the truth] This is so good [Late night snack after playing games = Taste of the heavens] [Pasta slurp] Hotel vacation is awesome I didn't know it would be this good Let's keep doing hotel vacations from now on [Had a taste of a hotel vacation] -Can I get a slice of pizza please? -Pizza Pizza! Pizza! [If KAZUHA eats pizza] Pizuha [(Hehe...)] Thanks for laughing at my joke I'm touched [(Hmpf)] Did we really have our last show today? We just did our last show It was just a few hours ago Why does it feel like a dream? [The last day of promotions feels unreal] I feel like I'm dreaming right now I feel like we have another music show tomorrow I know So it kind of feels... It feels weird It's like, "Don't we have another performance tomorrow?" When I first heard about our promotion I was like "5 weeks (of promotion)?" But it went by so fast It was over a month [The time flew] We won't even remember it a few years from now What? [Yeah] "We went to a hotel right after our promotion ended" [A few years from now] "What are you talking about?" [Memory deleted] "We got kidnapped, remember?" "What?" [(Did we...?)] -"I don't remember" -"I don't know what you mean" [Future LE SSERAFIM... are you watching?] Are you watching this, 4-years-from-now Kkura? [(Hello to the future Zuha)] Are you an adult now and drinking with the other members? You'd be 20 years old, right? [4 years from now] Only 20 years old [4 years from now the youngest will still only be 20 years old] -What would if feel like if I'm an adult? -It'd be the same CHAEWON said it would feel sad I would feel sad too I'm fine with her getting older but if she becomes mature and calm, I'll be sad Don't be mature [(Not that)] No, she'd be the same I was like this since I was 14 too You were a quote machine since 14 years old? Then were you so exhausted since you were 19? I just use energy when I need to [I just conserve my energy] I use it when I need to and save it up when I don't have to Is that why you ate melon bread in a corner? That was when I was 13 years old [(2022 melon bread again) (13-year-old Kkura is conserving energy)] People don't change just because they're older, do they? They don't, they're usually the same I thought I would be a real grownup when I turned 20 years old but it was the same I'm the same age as EUNCHAE [Same in mental age Chaechaez] We're comfortable with each other even with the age difference [(Fimmies' chemistry defies age difference)] Yeah Is the fan cam up? [(Oh, yeah!)] I thought you said chicken [Was eating chicken] -Chicken? You want some? -Chicken? [Magic that changes fan cam into chicken] Sauce [Solemn] [(Bursts in laughter)] What? Say that again I want t to laugh too What? [Why is this so funny] She was suddenly like "Sauce" Sauce Because we're SOURCE MUSIC [Sauce universe] What? [(Bursting with laughter again)] This is only funny to us though How would this look to others? [Brutally honest] When we were talking at the fan signing event we were the only ones laughing weren't we? The fans weren't laughing [(Yeah, yeah)] [The members all laughed] Wha... what's that? [And the fans were stoic as ever...] It was always like this! We're the only ones having fun! This is the reason we can't tell our funny anecdotes They're not funny They're not funny when we tell it [Only the members enjoy their stories...] YUNJIN ate a cucumber! Isn't that so funny? [She ate a cucumber] YUNJIN asked for sauce Because we're SOURCE MUSIC [No one understands when to laugh] This is the reason we can't tell our anecdotes [(The reason becomes clearer)] The reason I'm laughing? Because YUNJIN ate a cucumber [It's just funny] She asked for sauce [Laughter threshold 3mm] I think we're lucky that we can laugh like this [(Quote machine is in work)] Oh, my abs How about Halli Galli after this? Okay Eh, you're not good at it Alright! I'm not good at it [(Coolly admits)] That was so cool That was cool There's a photo spot over there [Before that, photo time with the cake!] Okay, okay Strike a pose, please Let's do a fun photo! Like this! [(Like this!) (Like this?)] 1, 2, 3 Smile [Giggle time] Smile! Smile! Where are you looking at? [(Checking the photos)] [(True happiness)] Let's play Halli Galli now Let's play Halli Galli! There's only a few cards so we have to be careful [Dividing up the cards] What? Alright! [(Slide)] What do you think you're doing? You ate something, didn't you? You ate cake, right? [(Shh)] -Whipped cream? Cheese? -Butter cream? [Earlier the two were left all alone at the table...] It's so fluffy [(We have to taste the cake...)] [Nervous / Glance] Here it is [Finds the camera] What are we doing? [Saying hello to the camera in the middle of eating cake] It's so good [(This cake is so good, nom)] [Shinez enjoyed cake by themselves] Starting with Halli Queen? Me? The turns go like this [First is Halli Queen EUNCHAE] Flip it outward Don't come nearer [(Plum 1)] [Flinch sync] You have to flip it like this You have to flip it like this, Zuha Like this? Okay [(Flip the card facing the others)] Oh, yeah -What? -5 What? Where? [5 limes with CHAEWON's card] This isn't easy Aren't you too close? It's okay -I'm bad either way -Alright [Don't worry] [(Flinch)] [EUNCHAE's fast hand] Oh my [(Whoa)] I can see how this will end It's so obvious... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Oh, yeah [Zuha lost by a by a hair's breadth] Zuha's not bad Uh-huh "Uh-huh" Uh-huh [Nod nod] Right, right Right, right! [The next round begins] [Zuha did it!] [(Wow!)] Zuha's really good! -There might be a new Halli Queen today -A... age? Age? Age? The younger in age the faster your hands are? Age? SAKURA, she just said it's age What did you say? [(Angry)] [Next round (Ding ding ding)] [Everyone except Kkura] -Everyone has at least a point -CHAEWON was so close [Hit the bell at least once...] Should we take it easy for Kkura? [Generous] Give me a chance [(Yeah...)] [The youngest again...] [(Despair)] Come on, let's take it easy I can't control my hand -It's a habit -It moves by itself [The hand moves instinctively] [(Kkura gives up)] It's war now, no more Kkura [Real(?) war from now on] Ow! [But...] [The youngest's hands are faster than her eyes] [And swept the game] You have to team up to beat EUNCHAE! [Can they beat her this time?] [Not] Zuha is out! [(Zuha is out)] Out, out! [(Hyped up)] You're both... [What's with those reflexes...?] How are you that fast? [(Can't hold in her happiness)] How is this gonna show on the cameras? -Is this getting on the cameras? -It's us again! [Reality check] -It's always those two -It's always us [Chaechaez's Halli Galli match] [(Out of cards)] [Focused eyes] [Tension...] [Ding!] [Collision accident in the heat of the game...] [(Muted laughter)] Are you okay? [(It hurts but it's so funny)] -The sound... -It sounded heavy [It was a pretty big thud] Why did she get hit when she wasn't even playing... [(Sorry)] It sounded like, boom Was that on camera? That's so funny! [(Next-level Halli Queen's relaxed pose)] Halli Galli Queen -Halli Galli is... -We can't with Halli Galli [Can they ever beat EUNCHAE in Halli Galli...] What do you want to do now? How about this? What is it? Do you know this? I know what it is Twister, Twister Okay, let's go! Who wants to go first? [Twister starts] Me? Youngest, Halli Queen [(Starting with the youngest)] We spin it on our own? [Spinning the spinner] Okay Left foot, blue Remember the 5 of us playing are this [(5 people are going up here...?)] Left foot? Like this? You can go to any blue circle [Place the foot at the right color] Think -Red -Okay, Zuha next [(Right foot, red)] [(Easy step)] Right foot, blue -Are you okay? -This is already looking unstable [(Zuha) (EUNCHAE) (CHAEWON)] Green Right foot, green Now what? [With Kkura, all 5 are IN] Just give... Just give it to someone [(Spinning the spinner by themselves with no referees)] Left hand in the air Raise it [(Left hand up)] It's already in the air Keep it that way Right foot yellow Yellow? -Right? -Then you have to change colors [CHAEWON's right foot → Yellow] Why are you so close to me? There's no space [Isn't this too close?] [(The mat is too small)] Right foot, blue It's already on it Right hand, green [YUNJIN's right hand → Green] Oh no... She's in trouble -She's in trouble -It's starting! It's starting Left hand... [(Struggling)] [(Stretch)] Let's hurry [She's struggling, let's hurry...] Hurry Left hand, yellow [Zuha's left hand → Yellow] Hey! This might end in a disaster [Their bodies become more twisted] Be careful Is that right? [Suspicious] Again Is this right? Left foot, red [CHAEWON's left foot → Red] Left hand, green [Zuha's left hand → Green] -Who's next? -Hold on! I'm gonna die! [Mumble mumble] Like this [(Please)] Left hand! Oh my! Me, me Is this right? [(Chaotic)] This is a great stretching session Left hand! Phew [(Kkura finally gets to stand up)] Please... Just not the right hand [(Guess what it is)] CHAEWON! CHAEWON! [(Still resting) (Left foot in the air) It's been quite some time...] CHAEWON, right hand CHAEWON, your call [(Thinking hard...)] KAZUHA's right hand [(Peek)] KAZUHA's right hand, hit your butt [(Slap)] This is so funny! Next! Zuha [Spins the spinner with difficulty] There's 3 butts in front of me [Pat pat] I got the same thing Okay, okay Mine is the hardest -I'm so tired -I'm tired! [YUNJIN's next action?] Left hand, green [YUNJIN's left hand → green] Hurry, hurry I'm in the easiest position right now Get a hard one Please Right foot, blue [Kkura's right foot → blue] [(Stretch)] I'm so tired [No one told them to do this...] Is there an end to this? [This game...] Left hand, red The first one to fall over! Left hand, red In the air? [(Doing their best)] Our stamina is amazing [What LE SSERAFIM did today - Last music show, fan signing event, kidnapped surprise party, hotel check-in, muckbang] [And now...] Left foot in the air [20 minutes of Twister] In the air? -In the air -No! I can't! [Refiring their passion to win] Out! Out, out! [Eliminated] [Yoga on the Twister mat] -Is it not over yet? -Zuha, Zuha, Zuha [The game seems to be still on...] Zuha! Right hand in the air! Right hand in the air!` [Let's see the end of this game] Dangerous [(Flop flop)] Okay Move your head I'm gonna go... 2, 3 Out [Jump failed] Being eliminated is better [Why is it that elimination sounds better...] Zuha is at the end [Zuha tries her hardest] Zuha! You can do it! -You did ballet for 15 years! -15 years of ballet! [Show your ballerina skills] -Show us -15 years of ballet! [(What does this have to do with ballet)] [The ballerina doesn't disappoint] Right foot in the air [YUNJIN's right foot → In the air] Fighting! [(Hah)] Left foot, green What am I gonna do? [YUNJIN's left foot → green] You can do that? [(System shutdown)] Shouldn't we wrap this game up now? [Why doesn't this game end...] How about going in the pool? We keep getting the same thing Let's stop -Let's go in the pool -Let's stop here, it was fun [(The game ends with EUNCHAE's words )] -Pool! -Pool? I don't think I can go in there [Pool at this hour...? (Stamina of steel)] I don't think I can either Why not? Let's go in the pool in the morning Yeah, in the morning -I'm sleepy right now -Just do whatever you want! [EUNCHAE] Do whatever, EUNCHAE I'll watch Here, here Zuha I'll just dip my toes in [You guys are the best (Hehe)] I'm gonna dip my toes in too It's warm It's lukewarm [(Perfect temperature to dip our toes in)] Is it warm? Just lukewarm [(Throw)] [Duck splash] Go get them back Rock paper scissors Rock paper scissors! [(I won)] [(Picking the ducks up)] You're not holding tight enough [Slide] [(Goodbye, pants...)] Hong EUNCHAE has to sleep without pants [(Duck attack)] Hey! [The beginning of Chaechaez's war?] This is war [(CHAEWON wants to save the pajamas)] Stop Stop it! Stop it for real! You have to sleep without pants [(What are these guys doing)] [Shinez enter with rolled up pants] Look at her pants Hey! She has to sleep with no pants What are you gonna do? Do you have pants? I have my own pants Not those What was I wearing? Hold on Don't touch me What did I wear for my pants today? [(Rambling with nerves)] You stay right there [EUNCHAE doesn't care about that / Attack] Stop! [Scared] [Hop hop] [Already escaped] [EUNCHAE chases them down] Don't! Hold on! Hold on! [Taking cover at the other side] Hold on! Let's think for a minute You stay right there Hong EUNCHAE, you're dead [(Mean hands)] [This means war] [(That's cold!)] [No mercy] Wait, what are we gonna do about our pants? [(EUNCHAE is preparing her squirt guns)] It's okay [My pants are already wet... Nothing can stop me now] This is fun [(Charged to the max)] I have to -go attack Hong EUNCHAE -Let's attack Hong EUNCHAE! [Target changed to EUNCHAE] Hong EUNCHAE! [(Flinch)] -What? -You come here You come here [(Take this!)] I'm all wet [(My pajamas...)] They're all wet I have nothing to lose No You don't [EUNCHAE → Zuha / Target change] Let's go! Hey! [Pandemonium] Where is it? [Shoot without hesitation!] It's not squirting! [First row seats] I'm getting all wet! [She tried to save her pants] [(But bye, Zuha's pants)] Her! Shoot her! [Now for the remaining person] Her pants! Her pants are still dry! [Joint attack] Anyone have still have dry pants? [(Going to them herself)] It's gonna be cool! [Cool squirt gun massage] [(Only has laughter left)] [Attacking each other with love] Why did this turn into 3 on 1? Huh? Why is it 3 on 1? [Oh, yeah] [Then change targets] I can still see light pink [Only one target: Dry piece of clothing] Kkura, Kkura [Whisper] [Moving as one] Kkura, Kkura Don't! [Acting so she doesn't know] Don't come here! Stop! [(Doesn't have a clue yet) Mumble mumble] [Everybody, attack] [(Using both hands)] She took cover [Escaped to the living room] Why not? Come over here for a sec [Trying to persuade her with nice words(?)] Come here -Just a second -We came all the way here [Kkura has no reason to go] -It looks fun -It's no fair you're out of this [(Comfortable)] Come on -Stay right there -"Stay right there"! [Whew] -I'm scared -She's here -She's coming -Do I use this? [(Trying to hide now that she actually came)] These ones They're trusty! They're trusty! [Pat pat] [Looks lame but also not...] [(We're ready, SAKURA)] I'm just gonna give up [One step in] [And pants OUT] [Now!] [I don't care what happens!] No! [(Attacking from the back)] [(Whirl)] [Their attack skills become flashier by the minute] [I'm the lonely dual-pistol gunman] [(You didn't know I would shoot from here, did you?)] [(Showing off)] Wow, do it again! [Korea's first squirt gun splits master] [(Me too?)] [(...I guess not)] [(Bursting with laughter)] [Yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo] Wow, you've got amazing stamina Yeah! We have amazing stamina! LE SSERAFIM's stamina is amazing [No sign of exhaustion] Please save me... [(Please tell me why they're doing this...)] Today was our last show! [(Sniper always aiming the back)] [(Tee hee)] 2, 3! [Same room, different mood] [Crazy hot Summerz] Being LE SSERAFIM is hard... [Exhausted...] [(Kkura escapes)] Oh my... Being LE SSERAFIM is hard... LE SSERAFIM isn't easy... That stamina... [That night when sleep eluded them Fimmies' hotel vacation continue] [Next episode] [Since the sun is up] [Let's start again] [With a fresh new start / Nom] [Eating again] [Eating always feels new] The squid jeotgal is so good, why is it so good? [Let's really get going now] One, two! One, two! [Let's play in a bigger pool!] [Cool and fun just from the look of it] [LE SSERAFIM's ultimate hotel vacation] Hotel vacations are the best! Hotel vacations are really great! I didn't know they were this good [Fell in love with hotel vacations] How about we do this after each promotion? [Announcing future plans?!] Great Two nights and three days! The longer the better [She knows what's good] The weather is perfect for a hotel vacation [LE SSERAFIM's hotel vacation continues next week]
Views: 3,090,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LE SSERAFIM, 르세라핌, 김채원, 사쿠라, 허윤진, 카즈하, 홍은채, KPOP, 아이돌, 걸그룹, 4세대, Idol, 하이브, hybe, 케이팝, 댄스, dance, 음악, 노래, music, KIMCHAEWON, SAKURA, HUHYUNJIN, KAZUHA, HONGEUNCHAE, 르세라핌 김채원, 르세라핌 사쿠라, 르세라핌 허윤진, 르세라핌 카즈하, 르세라핌 홍은채, LE SSERAFIM KIMCHAEWON, LE SSERAFIM SAKURA, LE SSERAFIM HUHYUNJIN, LE SSERAFIM KAZUHA, LE SSERAFIM HONGEUNCHAE, ルセラフィム, キム・チェウォン, サクラ, ホ・ユンジン, カズハ, ホン・ウンチェ, 힐링, healing, 리얼리티, reality, 휴가, 휴식, vacation, 여행, travel, trip, relax, 자체 컨텐츠, 자컨, 예능, 호캉스, 제주
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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