Day9 on Jade Druid Players

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hope all of a sudden you're just left-handed you just reach for elevator buttons with your right hand out of instinct and you're just missing and pressing it and everyone is like has he never been in an elevator does he not know i hope that happens i don't really want your life to end no i don't want you to die that'd be woo that'd be way too severe but i hope that you struggle to eat cereal because you don't even have you know what screw left-hand dominance i hope you just run out of dominant hands whatever brain circuitry is in your non-dominant hand i hope it clones to the other one eating cereals harder you brush your teeth you go into your nose sometimes you have mini toothpaste it burns i hope that happens to you so i'm not going to review some cards about your deck archetype i don't need to you're already like will this turn i'll summon a larger and larger man which will allow me later on to summon an even larger man yeah no your decks aren't cool they don't take finesse your brain is small and both your hands suck
Channel: LunaNovaXIV
Views: 125,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yLDC4T_t6Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 55sec (55 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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