DAY OF TWISTERS - Nebraska/Iowa Outbreak - Full Chase Video

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all right we're Blasting South it's Friday uh a little after 1 1: p.m. almost 1:30 um it's kind of an impromptu fast Chase to be honest we we're actually looking at Eastern uh sorry Eastern Omaha Metro Far Western Iowa but we're definitely going south now just south of Lincoln um storms have erupted right now um on the nose of this uh dry slot myy punch um super slow composit is looking good um believe we have 3,000 SV C is just insane so we're going to be trying to get uh South and then ahead of these hopefully arcs of supercell some dring me path following it into extreme southwest Iowa going to watch the river crossing a little bit but um these already a severe warrant and we're just me last and South uh just cleared out not ton of daytime heating but it's very cold a lot and win is ripping out of the southeast few points slow to mid-60s so um yeah it feels bit like Tado weather well we'll see what happens currently on a tornado war in supercell in uh Southern Lancaster County just about 20 mi south of Lincoln um it's moving to the Northeast um we got a base lowering at times over there maybe' seen a funnel um it's a little hard to see it's over the buildings but we're going to watch the supercell kind of track to the Northeast and we're in a pretty good view we're going to probably try to pursue it this afternoon um but this looks like it's a dominant supercell for now so we're going to try to stay ahead of it all right Mr crossing the road in front of us it's a little uh little east of halum Nebraska it's going to be crossing the road and it's really trying to be ttic already definitely MCL rain where's that coming from man like a little Sun shower man all right where are we stopping next oh no that looks like a funnel dude where are we stopping that's a funnel cloud no we're going to H it's cross it's it's going Cross Way north of us we're good I mean if you want to you could maybe go a little [Music] slower are you watching that thas look there's a little that bull I think that's that's a little level Cy it's hard to see man that's that's all that's the Mezo that whole [Music] thing you think you think no need to get any closer [Applause] you want to getting closer or not I'm okay either way I'm just I'm asking cuz it is going to it is it's du north of us [Applause] now yeah we're killar at the meso is it going to be like hail in the RFA or probably fine uh I don't I think we're quite in the RFD okay my wow guys oh what a mean view that is a mean looking s wow wow wow oh my god oh we're in such come on we're in such a good spot right now and that's probably right over Lincoln right now that's over downtown dude [Applause] yep um think out wow that me's on the ground dude see what I mean that mez's on the ground I'm I'm looking to I'm looking to this oh what a great view this like downtown is this one for gold balls I think uh I don't know I see green the I see green in that your meeso should be should be on the other side of the highway already Thomas on my right is meeso on the side of the highway already oh my God that tornado that's a Tor tornado tornado it's over there pull up pull off we got a t oh my god wow tornado tornado tornado oh my God we oh my God are we safe are we safe yeah it's already it's the E just stop here wow hang I'm here I thought it was other side of the road oh my God okay we're safe right that's the that's the of Us St we're good we're good we're good dude guys guys this is my first tornado it's the first one I've seen for me go oh it's from the merger it's from the merge my all right guys I'm making a video all right guys we have a tornado we have a tornado right there my wipers could please turn off we have a tornado there was just a merge of two super cells we have a tornado worst ever tornado that is crazy moving away from that thing D I thought the I thought the Mesa was over there it is it's emerged that's emerging tornado oh my God that's a merger tornado oh my god dude oh oh my god dude holy crap it's not even small going right here in between you sure yep oh yeah holy dude all right [Applause] [Music] yeah bro I don't I mean I I'm in awe but I'm also like I'm also scared man for the town what's up oh I don't know man dude are we we're not getting twins are we do you want to keep going at CU it oh might be another one Cy over there see that right over there yeah oh another one might be another one cycling yep yep you don't want to get any closer you want to stay here I think we need to keep going dude we need to keep going yeah yeah this thing's cycling man it's going to cycle yeah the original one's dead and now it's going to cycle all right let's go it's recycling looks like well this is going to be a cylic super so yeah this is going to be another here tornado all right it's just going to make another tour you got to wait you got to wait uh wait we're good we're good Noe no good okay okay wait wait still wait still wait still wait uh you're good you're good you're good okay y yep it made a brand new tour it just cycled that's all it did we have a new tour yeah we get caught up to it it's still cuz that's that's it's still moving away from us right it's going across the highway so it's already crossed the highway yeah we got already crossed the highway so we're good dude what are the odds of the first tornadoes is paralleling I80 what are the freaking odds y good to keep your flashes on yeah I'm going to keep them on for a while here good good good stuff good stuff so see how we're we're turning and then it's already are we going to have to we're probably stay I 8 while C to well elephant trunk oh yeah I'm going to try and get did you see how I did you see did you see when it happened I just yellow tornado that was we all hit it like the same time almost yeah oh it's beautiful oh my God beautiful oh it's beautiful it's that's that's really pretty epic you driving with youright oh dude thank you this guy this guy on the left side of the road watch out watch out watch out yep it's it's retreated oh there might be another one going down might be another oneing again it's going to cycle again Super Cell It's just so perfect oh that's another one going down next tornado's going down yeah it's just it's cycling over and over and over again watch watch out watch out yep I don't know why they're stopping they're G away from it and they shouldn't be stopping in the left lane exactly it's I I well I mean I guess they're probably they're probably driving solo so they can't record and drive or whatever yeah you're you're good at just keep driving man oh might cross the highway dude yeah I'm pulling off here watch out for that guy there's a guy right there okay are we we stopping here yeah cuz everyone is stopped I think it crossed the highway oh yeah there's a full jam it crossed the highway dude oh we're going to see we're going to see torado damage oh my God it hit the train you see the train car it hit the train it hit the train oh my God look at the trees dude it was the damage path was here it crossed here oh yeah that's why the road is stopped everyone stopped guys stay on this side oh my god dude dude it crossed the road dude the train cars are mangled your's still over there I can't see if it's on the ground right now oh yeah we got we got 2 damage we got big 2 damage mango train cars those trees are stripped see those trees yeah those trees are stripped cross the interstate up here that's why we got the jam yeah is probably at least you have two strength uh train cars have been de derailed damage up there it across the highway we're just trying to document fence down look at the fence being pulled in look that was the fence that got pulled in fence got pulled in by the tornado does it smell like tornado damage it it has a smell truck out flipped oh no oh no okay we're continuing to pursue Northeast that was absolutely crazy um it has cycled I don't know if the tornado is still on the ground probably not but um we're looking out the back side of the meso we're going to parallel this up on I80 um it's going right into the Omaha Metro maybe a little north of downtown Omaha and we're going to try to try to pursue it with the tornado off to our uh off to our North as we go up I8 it's is absolutely insane how the storms is paralleling the main Interstate in town um we'll try to stay on this as long as we can driv you're get the best views that's tornado man oh that's a that's a that's a yeah it's just like a dark darker blue yeah you can see it rotating little Shing there's a wedge I can't believe we can see it this far away like I I don't see it I see old man all right we're now in the Omaha Metro we are back on the supercell after a little delay there's another super slow to the South coming up so we might have some merging action or maybe have to get out of the way in a little bit but we're going to try to get up to around Crescent Iowa by the Missouri River and get a view of it as goes to the north um the Tom should be off to the north to the left a little bit so we're we're in a little bit of Metro so we're trying to be careful but we're going to try to get a view of it um from the interstate uh once we can to some of these trees the T should be over there still I'm going try get view here pan over here with the radar that's where we're hanging towards yeah it's yep 20 emergency it's a wedge surely oh my gosh yeah dud I swear we're going to see something like extreme here Noah yeah it's there's a wedge in there again a wedge this like Massachusetts dude all the trees all right we're currently just across the Missouri river in Western Iowa just north of Omaha there's a wedge tornado on the ground somewhere back in there we can't see it but we're about to blast North an I29 hopefully get a view of it again um we're going to pursue these super cells into Southwest Iowa the best we can so the tornado's in there's in there we can't see it but tornado that can't see it there is there's a strong there we got it down we got to go we got to go all right we got a dow you're good now going for it dude Dow is out when in doubt follow the Chasers Dow is here that was Dow my boy Dow my boy that's my school it's my school's Dows aesome but dude there's like a dark shading in the middle there I think okay if Dow is going for it safe we're safe well I was nervous cuz there were no other Chasers at the time I didn't think we were too far north I think they're just late dude that was Dow dud I got the tornado now I can see the tornado we're getting possible tornado in there we're getting a lot of green they're scanning they're scanning they're scanning that thing's spinning Dow is finally Dow is scanning they move yeah that's cool oh green beast that's a beast in there oh I don't want to lose down is that the whole tornado or is it just embedded in that so we're already out of the path because you can see it's moving Northeast it's already Northeast of us or Northwest of us [Applause] how wide is that we're going to be able to hear it dude is there better view down there that's the whole thing they we do the tornadoes a huge mass right here I don't want to get any closer it's especially such a strong TR out there you got to be careful you're you're right I'm just speechless I you can't see the tornado now see that see below big meso that little bow on the ground m m VY M VY dancing around um it looks like it's slightly weak um we also have radar that wow the edge it oh my God look at that mass is that the W on the ground yes it's huge is that rounding M there's a there there's a wedge under there dude the L of mzo goes way out I I think that's a tornado also are we getting RFD I think we're good okay get ins St Ry right now M ha sideways all right we're still in R again Blast by RFC maybe 55 to 6 plus m per hour there's some PE tail there's a def TN circulation to Northeast we can't see it we're popping out the back side of it and then we're going to be safe so yeah this is the this is the RG dude that supercell like we're safe from it but that's the back side of it dang that's it right there dude so there's there's a wedge tornado in there we can't see it um looks like touch down near it just north east of Omaha um C hail across the highway um got another got another haer kind of deed St if you can see it there it's left mover so we have to watch that um probably across the highway in front of us but yeah there's there's a grill hail and strong tornado somewhere in there yeah look how close the uh the hail is it's like right there got backside this is Rd right here there okay we got some more lowerings here um nothing crazy but Elric there's a TR warning in there um gorilla hailed with the South oh we got RFD streaks um right in front of us that's the backs side of the tornado and then there's Grill storm down there near that one's actually going uh starting to have meso on it actually so we'll see that does should go to our South see mostly D it's fine so far okay just don't get any bigger just freaking End man I want to go home no no no no no okay a second dude come yeah the ice is coming in uh I got a p we're fine we're fine it's all big right now it's D I think we're good I think we're good it's not going to be bigger is it NOP we're good we're good I I was worried for a sec we're good that blew up in like second going to do a little more hail it's still small it's still small well if you're going to live in Colorado you got to get used to this oh yeah I got problem with hail dude oh there's a bigger Stone I think I see a quarter there's like one big one you see that one is that a pebble actually that's a pebble never mindra don't start up again yeah that's still that's like half inch I think I can see the clear skies we're almost out of it look to the West we're we're we're almost out of it dude it's soon it's soon we just got to make it through a little more ironic is a Colorado plate right there who's going to be Chas after my question there's a freaking charter bus what my guy Beast dude that's so funny I didn't think of they they probably think there's like they probably think there's a tornado coming
Channel: Meteorologist Cameron Barker
Views: 312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9q4MQ0jxtc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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