April 18, 2024 - The Vandalia Storm

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back to Effingham another good Target today it's just like the uh elevated supercell in decar warm front coming up from the south got uh convection out across Missouri and some discreet development just to the west and south of St Louis that I will probably wait for to also keep the warm front in play again there should be a lot better thermodynamics this time all right guys we have a Target I'm going to head to a con turn right on North Cal Drive Hush Now o o NE e e aone a I don't know how I don't know how you say continue on North Cal Drive okay huge tornado warn supercell I'm going to go up to oone and wait for it oh hello welcome back to the cab can as we speak come on East o oh North road heading west northw West to a severe War thunderstorm seems to be cing indubitably it was tornado wand now it's [Music] spy will not be returning this way once I hit 51 I'm going to stay there God am I in Bloomington you got to be about 3 hours of driving later nice beautiful open field in Illinois like usual big supercell just to my West Northwest I'm going to let it come to me because the road Network in this area kind of sketchy big broken line of semi-organized supercells kind to come this way going to try to avoid hail maybe it'll get here before dark it should get here before dark and I can snap some awesome photos real nice warm inflow a lot more humid than it was when I was at home it was like I want to say do points were in the 50s 40s was drier than my humor do it freaking Epic mtis freaking awesome that's at least something I got to see today look at this shelf cloud guys he the tornado sirens that lowering up there Focus that lowering right there is really sketchy H do I go after it this I don't know why they have it tornado warrant it's it's just a shelf cloud that is really getting low some that up there is really thickening at it ah it's making me pucker if there be any kind of a tornado on this little line here to be up on the Northern side right there that is a huge wall class Lo there wow wow look at the dust guess look at that freaking dust let's go catch it [Music] give me a gust NATO come on [Music] [Music] this lightning is insane jeez oh my god oh must be an updraft oh my gosh I just caught a lightning bolt probably 100 yards away from me on the GoPro I think I'm under an updraft oh my gosh
Channel: TwisterTV
Views: 398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weather, severe, chase, tornado, storm, twister, tv, twistertv, twister tv, indiana, chasers, chaser
Id: MYn-DwAnn7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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