Day in the Life | Trying to Grow my Hair, My Fitness Prep

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[Music] [Music] morning guys welcome back to my channel so in a couple days i'm starting the six week spring slim down challenge when i did this challenge last year i lost five pounds in those six weeks actually probably a little bit more because i lost five pounds in the first week doing the seven day slim down plan um and i'm so excited i just love this challenge it helps me feel so strong and so fit before summer starts obviously i am living a healthy lifestyle working toward new goals every day of the year but this is just that time it just gets exciting days are longer it's warmer i freaking love it um so i'm gonna take you through my day as i prep for that challenge so there's a lot that i do like obviously like to track my goals measurements um and meal prepping and everything so i'm going to show you guys all the things i do i want to drink my coffee and this green juice so bad but the first thing i do before i start a challenge is weigh myself and i don't want myself often i don't like weighing myself i think that we have so many ideas of what that number on the scale means and we somehow connect our value and worth to that number i'm guilty of it too um i've had full-on breakdowns after getting on a scale and it's just a number but to me it's really important to check in every few months just to have that baseline and honestly like the scale you have matters because it's going to tell you either just an arbitrary number or with the right skills you can get more information and that's where i like to start so i'm going to weigh myself i have to get like the whole picture here's the thing there's a couple rules you have to follow rules you have to follow if you're gonna weigh yourself one do not do this more than once a month don't nope number two do it first thing in the morning before you've chugged your water before you've like had a bunch of liquids or eaten anything like you want to have a baseline that is really true no matter when you do it so that you can always compare and know that you're measuring against a similar situation so i do it first thing in the morning with as little clothing on as possible obviously i have clothes on if i could vlog this naked i would but i can't obviously so um just as minimal clothing as possible i'm going to ditch my scrunchie we just want to have the truest measurement we can get all right so i've shown you guys the scale before it's the digital scale and body analyzer from vanity planet and the reason i love this you'll see it like it gives you the whole picture so you can really understand what's happening with your body [Music] there's definitely a time where i would put all of my like worth into that number like i was saying before and if it moved or if it went up especially obviously i would freak out or if it went down i would think like oh my gosh i'm so much better or prettier skinnier like whatever like it's so messed up you guys um so what i love about a scale like this one for vanity planet is that you really get to see like okay is my muscle going up great then that number is different meaning to me than if it's just my number going up you know what i mean um is my body fat going down awesome that's where you want to see progress right your body fat percent going down your muscle going up those things are so important to get that full picture so i do have a discount code for you guys below i'll link it i love that i get to partner with vanity planet to share this whole routine with you guys a whole day in the life so you can see all the things i do to prep that is just step one there's a lot more to my day to get ready for this challenge most important thing though celery juice and coffee sometimes celery juice is fine and sometimes it literally just tastes like the earth that's not great today i'm gonna drink it anyway you walking with a camera and coffee it's dangerous i already broke my french press today so it's very klutzy any of the drops do you guys call it the drops like whenever i'm pms saying i feel like i like have no balance and i drop everything i get the drops just me i don't know so for this challenge um i'm focusing on a different body part every single week so i'm going to be following my left side of the app workouts um and we'll have bonus moves in there and the bonus moves are targeted for the different body parts of each week so like i don't remember the exact order but like week one say it's like hot body hit so like all the bonus moves are gonna be like hip focus to really help burn calories um and then another one's gonna be more booty focused so it's just like one bonus move that focuses on that and then i'm gonna be recommending a video and we're gonna have live workouts it's kind of a lot and i think that's the biggest thing for me when starting a challenge whether it's me building it out and planning it or like when i'm doing it i really have to like think through what it means in total so like if i'm doing every single part of the challenge what would that look like for my day do i need to break it apart to make sure that i can accomplish it because the last thing i want to do is start something and not finish um i used to be such a procrastinator and like so i just give up on stuff if i was like not succeeding instead of losing or like or failing i would just stop because if you stop then you can't fail right so messed up no that's like major failure so now for me like i'm more about making those goals that are gonna allow me to feel successful along the way so it's not just about like finishing the six weeks or losing five pounds or whatever it is which by the way like that's not my goal for this like last year i lost five pounds but because i weighed myself in everything as well i could see that a lot of it was water weight so like i lost a couple pounds of fat and then a couple pounds of just excess water that my body was holding on to and that's why i built the seven days live down plan it really does help you lose like the excess water weight and fat um but anyway i want to make sure i have goals along the way that help me feel accomplished so i stay motivated throughout the week so i'm going to be digging into my planner today and really just breaking out like when i want to do what um i think i'm going to do my daily 10 of my bonus move together in the morning and then do my main workout in the afternoon so the daily 10 bonus move will only take me like 10 to 15 minutes max and then my main workout's like 30 minutes usually so that's total of probably 45 minutes a day at the most which isn't a ton but i like breaking it up because that will give me a reason to move my body first thing in the day which helps me stay focused on my goals all day long and then i can hit my big workout later on once i have more fuel in me um you guys know i don't really eat breakfast so that helps for sure okay so i started writing out for the first week every single day what time i'm going to do my daily tenant bonus move so 7 a.m and then 3 p.m my sweat sesh which is my main app workout and i'm scheduling them for just the first week i'm going one week at a time you guys i'm fair to go all six weeks that's crazy take it one week at a time one day at a time but that makes sure that i'm treating it like an appointment and i'm scheduling it in my day so i don't have plans or calls or anything scheduled yet for that week besides just like my normal work day so if i schedule it now then i will make sure i stop what i'm doing and take the time to get that in and make it happen if you don't schedule it it's way too easy just to like let it just float into the universe and forget it happen and give up and then be like oh i didn't do it today oh whatever i'm like not even like it's not even worth trying anymore like no we're doing this we're doing it together every step of the way and if i miss a day like if something happens that's okay like it's gonna be fine i'll just pick up the next day the other thing i gotta do is set kind of more of like my goal goals um so i'm going to do this in april since the bulk of the challenge is the month of april but i wrote them down in my um daydreamer journal yesterday so here's what i got this is a hard one for me guys you know i love my balance you know i love cocktails but i'm gonna try to do an alcohol-free april everyone does dry january i don't go that aggressive like you're coming off the holidays that's a lot to just like none um i did driest january you know it went well so this is gonna be like an alcohol free ish april and i say ish because like i have easter with family i'm sure we're gonna have something to drink but i'm gonna try to mostly not drink during the month of april because why there's nothing really going on that's like that amazing i have some insanely massive massive projects that are all going to come to life in may like you guys will know about them in may and i just want to be freaking focused like no distractions no like craziness like the world is going back to normal which is amazing but like i don't have any plans yet so like april we're gonna lock it up um logging my workouts every day making sure i'm logging them in the app to fill out my calendar because i always end up doing them and then rushing and forgetting to log them and i hate it so i'm gonna try to log every single day and then i also i'm gonna try to do one bar bootcamp video in the app and one yoga video for my cardio days throughout the week um i just miss doing those i don't do it enough when i'm doing it by myself so i just have to do my own videos i guess to make it happen but those are my goals for the challenge my goal is not a weight focused goal if it is for you great but for me i just want to focus on those things and all the other stuff will kind of fall into place if i'm doing that and sticking to the meal plans which i'm gonna have to prep for [Music] [Music] all right so when i do my before photos i always have to roll my shorts down because high-waisted can hide a lot and make you just feel i mean obviously like i feel great about my body but like it can make you feel extra good so i like to roll it down so i can really see everything i'm working with again if you want to take these in like underwear and a sports bra or something like that totally fine just like small minimal clothing so you can really see your body um it's always like okay like i see that i see that whatever but it's just nice to be able to compare and photos to me are the absolute best way to truly see what's happening and where those changes are like occurring in your body so you can't like spot reduce fat or anything like that of course but the more you're eating nutritiously you are burning fat you're building muscle you're working out regularly moving your body it's going to work itself out throughout your body we all are going to lose it in different spots faster build muscle faster whatever but having a photo to me is the best way to measure progress measurement's cool for sure scale obviously like gives you some baseline but photos and i want you to smile when you take those photos that's my biggest regret from when i first started my weight loss journey i didn't know i was starting a weight loss journey i didn't think i'd actually be successful i didn't think i'd stick to anything i didn't even like i wasn't setting out to like lose any specific amount of weight at that point i was just trying to feel better about my body and move myself and feel better like inside and out um and then i lost 45 pounds and became a certified personal trainer now i wish i would have been proud like knowing that that was the moment that was gonna change the rest of my life but in that moment i was so ashamed of my body um my mom took those photos of me and my underwear and sports bra and i was like oh like i didn't even want to see myself i just wanted to have them so that i could look to that at least to like my body and be like that is not healthy that's not where i want to be um i just wish i would have been smiling because literally that day changed the rest of my life i've been talking a lot about this in my stories how my hair just feels like it hasn't been growing like at all um i mean i switched to this middle part which i'm still getting used to but i feel like for the last i don't know year almost it's barely grown i mean my bangs had definitely grown and there was a ton of breakage because all of 2020 and part of 2019 my thyroid levels were so all over the place like crazy all over the place if you look at my charts i'll see if i can pull it up for you guys it was like um and so i got my blood work done two months ago i think i've shared this with you guys maybe but and finally like my levels are perfect which is great um so i'm hoping it's only been like a month or two since that's been like level so i'm hoping my hair will start to grow but i was looking at photos from like four years ago and like my hair was like down to the middle of my elbow like as thick and you know you don't appreciate things like when you have them so it's all thick and beautiful and now it's just like sad hypothyroid hair right now um so i've been trying not to do a bunch of heat on it ryan got me one of what is it you know like the um i'll show you i'm seriously the worst with names of things this thing it's like this whole oh yeah dyson it's like a whole dyson it doesn't really use like heat it uses air and you have all these different attachments so i've been doing that mostly um either air drying or using not to dry my hair to try to like protect it and not put a bunch of heat on it i do my like ten in one heat protector and i do this oil and this thing every day so this is like orbe like a split end treatment and i do oil and i'm trying to put those in constantly to grow it um and then i also start taking these supplements that are supposed to help your hair grow too so i'll show you guys those once i'm done doing my hair but i'm just gonna do like a really subtle curl just doesn't look scraggly at the ends and i'm gonna do it on like a low heat so i have a um oh my gosh katie i have a curling iron that you can adjust the heat setting so i think like the highest is like 400 degrees and like if you have really healthy hair great you can do that one but i try to keep it like middle to low which is more like 300 to 250 just so i don't fry my already sad dry hair [Music] all right i have half of it done um i don't take a lot of time because why i just had a quick little little half curl so as part of the challenge the first two days are a detox jumpstart but if you guys have done any meal plans with me or detox before like for me food is super important for everyone it's really important but to make sure you're like nourishing your body while also reaching your goals and so the first two days of the detox are really about like deep loading fueling your body with good stuff and then we jump into the seven day slim down which like really dives into that but this is one of the recipes i made for the detox plan um it's so freaking good it's a hazelnut strawberry chia pudding so i'm gonna have this for breakfast i'm not on the plan yet like we start in a couple of days but i just figure i meal prepped at all i might as well just enjoy it now and get a head start on the head start [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to show you guys really fast the supplements i was talking about that i'm taking to hopefully help my hair so i've only been taking them for a week i can't really like speak to any progress um this is pharaoh food it has like vitamin c vitamin b b12 and iron and then bovine liver like a lot of adaptogens i don't know um and then this one's trace minerals and b12 so b12 iron iodine zinc copper magnesium and again a bunch of like different adaptogens and stuff i just started taking it my friend recommends them to me so we'll see um all of the stuff that's in there is really supposed to help with obviously your whole body function your hormone levels thyroid levels um i checked with my doctor to make sure that there's nothing like that will interact with my thyroid medication so hopefully this is a good just something for me to help from the inside out because i can't really take biotin um which is normally the number one thing people are like take biotin biotin but biotin makes me break out like crazy like if i take too much i'll start breaking out all over the place which we don't want so we're trying to find different ways to really help with that hair growth beyond like the collagen and that kind of stuff so has like shiitake mushrooms spanish moss a bunch of like herbs i can't pronounce but it's okay if you can't pronounce them if they're like herbs you know it's not a chemical made in a lab or anything so i'll keep you guys posted on these okay one thing with this one which is the pharaoh foods so something i had done when i had my blood work done for my thyroid was had my ferritin levels checked which basically is how your body stores iron i've been anemic in the past um and it's not something that people always think to get or that doctors necessarily do anyway so if you're having issues with like energy your hair that kind of stuff also definitely have them do a ferritin test so mine were really really low which is also why this is gonna be hopefully really beneficial so that my body can store my iron better and help my hair grow healthier and prettier and longer um i mean it's pretty but you know what i mean one thing i've been doing for the last like three months light light low light um is with my thyroid medication having to take medication in the morning so i take two levothyroxine and cytomel in the morning and then i take cytomelon again in the afternoon but i was taking it at night because it was just like the only time i was remembering to take it and i would have not been sleeping for the past like two or three months like crazy horrible insomnia not sleeping well and i thought it was just stress which obviously i'm stressed but my father-in-law who also takes side of mel was like katie you shouldn't be taking it like before bed because it increases everything right like it kind of like brings you up it's helping your thyroid function more which means it's kind of an upper in a way um so dad wasn't sleeping so now i've been trying to take it in the afternoons and i've been sleeping much better to like squat down to see you guys uh but it's still been really hard to get in the habit of remembering to take it consistently but i know that since this is the first time my blood level has been even that i like have to stay on top of it so i stay here hopefully this is the 18 page sweat starter we put together for you guys it's free ebook you go with the challenge so this is where i put the two-day detox um i'm giving you like a list of fruits and veggies that are in season and really good for detoxing a little grocery list printable and then your two-day dump jump start here so showing you guys how to create a meal plan and then giving you step by step for each day plus these delish recipes that's when you guys just saw me eating and then hazelnut hanger bombs you guys these are freaking delicious they're like think of like nutella smothered yumminess so can you carry that box yes down to the office or the studio or whatever it is yes woo light up my life all right so i've been posh yeah this one i've been poshmarking all my old clothes so this room is it was going to be my workout studio i started for like a week oh sorry you got it yeah packages oh i literally had like two weeks of this actually being a workout studio but we realized as our team's been growing and we're very hopeful that we're gonna get back in the office soon we have to rearrange the office space to make room for dust for ryan and i and it's just too much so anyway i had to bring all my poshmarks back and now this room is just a giant poshmark bin so i got these big like i don't even know how big they are tubs i'm trying to get them to fit under that little table so i can actually be organized and not just have it be it's a nice scary mess i just was scratching the freaking labels off the front and i don't understand why brands can't just like put the stickers on the side or the back or somewhere you don't care if you get like sticky sticker residue they always insist on putting it like right on the front like you buy a picture frame right on the front it's really annoying it feels i'm gonna try to organize them by like what it is so these are like single shorts and leggings more single leggings i feel like the wheels are good except now it's wheeling everywhere okay and like work out sets no no no my folding stay stay stay [Music] so all the stuff i still need to get organized and posted but all of this is up and all of this is like workout gear now it looks nice and organized i just need like one more i'm about to go do my workout but another thing i've been trying to do to help grow my hair is actually brush it i know that sounds like duh but normally i'd only brush my hair like maybe in the morning honestly not even usually just like at night before i go to bed and i realize like you need to be stimulating your hair follicles and so i'm trying to brush it not like 100 times a day but just be more mindful of doing it throughout the day um i'm getting ready to work out right now so i'm gonna just put it up in a ponytail and let it be and then i'm gonna brush it after and i'll brush it tonight and hopefully that will start helping i also only wash my hair once a week so cutting down on dry shampoo because i don't want all that buildup so i'm gonna try not to use dry shampoo if that means i have to wash it twice a week that's okay but like my hair really doesn't get greasy until day like five or six so um hopefully combination of those things will really help take it from this little bit scraggy scraggy like not growing hair so that i can get it like all even at least even if it's all even to here i'd feel a lot happier and i know this is like starting to do something because it used to be like here so we'll see now that the other room is officially having to be like not my workout studio i need to clean it up in here so it's like cuter and more pleasant i have everything i need it's just not like oh i'm gonna work out it just makes me think of all the messes i need to clean up so it's okay i'm gonna use that channel that energy to get a good sweat sesh i have my arms and abs date in the app today i'm gonna add some cardio in just get my sweat on holy dead i look terrifying right now so i did my abs and arms and lifts up in his app i'm in the advanced level using my resistance tube bands um the lsf ones i use the heavy for everything i did then i did 30 minutes of sprints and i'm smashed right now just like post workout out of the shower my hair is a little bit wet around the edges i normally will blow dry it again to help kind of save it um no dry shampoo i'm not gonna do anything else but i'm gonna brush it out and then when i sleep i wrap it in a little sleep bun and i'm gonna do it give it four weeks with my medication with those new supplements i'm taking trying to take better care of my hair and see where we're at but i know it takes a couple months usually one of the last things i do for challenge prepping is meal prepping so ryan does the meal plans with me i just increase his portion sizes i'm also trying to add in more walnuts and fish oils to really help with my hair growth as well and those things are walnuts especially so this really helps so those are gonna be my nuts to throw out this but i'm doing all my grocery shopping online i have my grocery shopping list from my seven day slim down meal plan i'm just gonna do it online so that i'm not tempted to buy all the snacks and crackers and just junk that i'm usually tempted when i go into the grocery store so that is my plan i'm gonna cut this video here because i'm actually gonna do a night routine for you guys so i'll show you more in that one i hope you guys like these day in the lives like every time i post them you seem to want more so if you do hit the thumbs up give it a click i also want to know if you guys are struggling with hair i feel like i've talked to so many women that are going through the same thing whether they have hypothyroidism or not so let me know because i'll keep sharing more of these tips if it's something that is helpful for you um for sure and if you like and comment on this video it also tells me and youtube that you want more videos like this so i can keep making them for you guys all right i love you so much i'll see you later [Music] one
Channel: Love Sweat Fitness
Views: 33,157
Rating: 4.9181285 out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, a day in the life, day in my life, day in my life vlog, day in the life as a personal trainer, my fitness routine, my workout routines, my workout routines at home, how to lose weight, healthy day in the life, healthy day in my life, healthy day in the life 2021, healthy day in the life vlog, growing my hair out, growing my hair, healthy routines, healthy routines daily, healthy vlog, love sweat fitness, katie dunlop, 2021 day in my life, fitness challenge
Id: x4qRkR5r8Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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