Day in the Life of JohnQT

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yo John John wake up wake up we got to film something today oh yeah we have to film a day in the life all right let's go hello this is uh jum Kitty and uh this is the day in the life of valer and AIO all right time to get my shower oh get out get out get out buddy get out so usually on frag days I wake up at 9: uh wake up shower do my skin care eat breakfast then uh I head into the office we usually start PR at 11: so I have 2 hours before PR [Music] all right nighttime read the essentials before going to war every scam day what's needed now I'm ready to change and make some breakfast uh depending on the day I also gym in the morning uh if I didn't that night or I'm not planning to that night because I'm busy or I just do other stuff I have to take care of like take my morning coffee before I start my day kind of need that so yeah make sure to have one like a mug what is it what is it uh I think R send it to me for Christmas like winter stuff just has a little jet 40 some uh Ride Games characters pretty cute shout out T right thank you for the goodies [Music] [Music] [Music] I also bring my mouse and mouse pad I do live at work my keyboard and my headset but I think uh using the same Mouse and mouse but for my home setup and my uh office setup is important for me uh just because if you use a different one just has a different feel for for me personally now it's time for lunch then after that we have seever time so I'm heading out to fill up my belly let's go [Music] sandwich with bacon National Geography be fine yeah know exactly two wild animals eating [Music] chip okay here put the camera on I'm going be [ __ ] natural all right chewy another day practicing valerant I look out the window it's [ __ ] groggy as hell foggy explain to me how am I able to be happy what's there to smile about [ __ ] nothing I look to my left look who I look at [ __ ] you dude I look at to my right my old team is his his death bed wait where is he where's the other guy oh oh starting we're starting in two minutes okay it's in my contract that if I'm not last one being an [ __ ] at least 80% of the time I'm fired on the spot with that this this is stress I'm under the pressure we talk about fan pressure have no idea hey hey you said start right now enough of the camera it's [ __ ] turn that [ __ ] off turn that [ __ ] off you see how I'm treated you see how I'm Trea practice [ __ ] starts now practice starts now now time is usually just uh kind of like the plans for the day just laid out like our daily goals uh going through like a specific maps that we're going to play the day specific comps uh just showing some strats V Vie uh having discussions just really depends on the day uh usually me and capap uh like before the day of practice at night we usually discuss uh what we want for the day uh depends if we're trying something new in New Camp if we're doing a map or is it something that we need to like fix on a team and then uh we just like kind of like split split up the work [Music] all right so we just finished uh our first block of the day we have like a 20 20 minute break usually people kind of like just go outside chill get some fresh air talk uh go to the store got little protein in you know how it goes that them gains Zach is being stupid look at look at the Walk of Shame disgusting see see this kids I have to deal with every day this is the day in the life of fio Day in the Life in the daycare that's how it goes but yeah we're going to be chilling then we have Sur time again and another block [Laughter] so no wonder your it [ __ ] hurts this how you sit waa don't get the dogs out not the dogs yeah calm down a second chill those are not free it's pay-per-view no free other side other side yeah he's on top we're done with practice just finished the second block so it's time for me to pack go home chill a bit and we're also doing uh some team activity tonight we're going to go top golf it's my first time personally so excited for that for sure and have some fun so we finished like an hour ago went back home chilled a bit reseted and uh yeah we're going for a little team activity right now I have a funny guy next to me we're going to play Top Golf it's my first time personally is it your first time no I I I think I went like three times nobody cares any so uh yeah I'm going to go do gold thing I might be terrible I might be I might find my new tal so stay tuned Mak sure the the shirt's visible I'm I'm helping out here let let me zoom in no not in my bed no go film your own video get your own video this my C actually was I have a I have a everyone buy the buy Merchant merch I think this is my third time at Top Golf so I'm not too experienced um I know that you're supposed to keep your hands straight and not bend your elbows and stuff so I have second player I'm not really that [Music] great 14 I low good I don't want to do this anymore whatever see me it's a professional just looking at this uh not too shabby not too shabby so what we're going to do fix your St shut the [ __ ] up whatever they all hate me here best friend always playing I'm going after him so I want him to fail miserably so don't look too [Music] bad I got points but the straight thing is like you're straight and then you like come back like it's like imagine just like a stick and you're just coming back yeah and swinging I feel this one is a well this one's heavy you can grab like a lighter [Music] one um I did this one like that one that one proba this I have this [ __ ] feeling well it's your day today today we're teaching a mean how to golf in the day in life is it right moreal no no no oh well maybe if it's more natural do it [ __ ] it start just swinging about technique you're a technique kind of guy there you go that's a Shabby let's go with the hat too get this sh get this shot holy [ __ ] that guy look [Music] sick I'm getting in there no no no no hey show this playing great me know yeah buddy Tyson is Jordan trash yeah my savior oh we found we found it now boo cringe cringe Tech disgusting look at all these losers and their triple digit points you don't have to go the this isn't how you win the hearts it's funny cuz you have like the strongest hit but you're like all my ball all all my balls go right apparently Doug told me that like I'm standing too close and that's why all my things go to the right so I just need to stand back bro I don't know he's kind of volatile with his way bro [ __ ] this ethical [ __ ] [ __ ] off I'm trying bro it was going to the red one and it hit another ball it hit another Ball s so we just finished off golf that's all for us uh today thank you for watching my Vlog at Day in the Life hope you guys enjoyed it and appreciate it comment and like and share everything let know what you guys want us to do next and uh yeah
Channel: Sentinels
Views: 387,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sentinels, SEN, valorant, sentinals, val, tenz, tarik, zekken, zellsis, sacy, johnqt, day in the life, 24 hours, john, igl, sentinels igl, day in the life of, pro gamer, sentinels valorant, sen, sentinels
Id: b-sMGCxFxxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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