Day in the Life of a UX Designer (WFH): product meetings, airtable, standups

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[Music] good morning i'm hopping on here because i completely forgot to film an intro for this video so real quickly my name is mimi and i love to share my stories and experiences about being a ux designer today i thought it would be awesome in this video if you could hang out with me at work it's a very busy monday it's like my monday meeting heavy day so i thought it'd be a perfect way to show you what a product designer does so i currently work from home remotely here in san diego and my official job title is senior ux designer but i see myself way more as a product designer i'm going to be filming a video here shortly to compare the differences between ux design and product design since i've worked in both roles and i really do see a difference but aside from that i work at a pretty large moving company and the product that i work on is a digital booking platform to help customers move i just want to explain the meetings real quick that i have in the morning the first one is going to be at 8 30 a.m and i get on a call with all the ux designers i think there's about 10 at my company and we go over things that we're prioritizing and focusing on for the week and just explain if there's any blockers or sometimes it turns into kind of like a process conversation but it should never take more than 30 minutes right after that at 9 00 a.m i have my daily stand up with my product team now this is the same type of format but it's with different people that includes myself the product manager the scrum master and all of our developers we go around the room again and we talk about what we worked on yesterday we're working on today and any blockers that we might have that way everyone knows what they're working on for the day and what they may be working on tomorrow all right now that we got that out of the way let's get started so right away i'm in my weekly stand up with the ux design team and from there i go straight into my daily 9 a.m stand up with the product team after my stand-ups i jot down a few things on my to-do list like copy changes logo resizing slight changes to a new design and documentation cleanup in preparation for me to take on a new product before i hop on my one-on-one call with my product manager i also write down a few things that i want to talk to her about so i don't forget now that my morning meetings are over i now transition into my 101 with the product manager then a refinement session right before lunch during this time with product i talk about any new work that she may have for me things that i'm currently working on and making sure i'm clear on the requirements we also talk about any future work that she might have heard maybe coming down the pipeline for ux design what should we prioritize is also really important like what new features or feature enhancements may need to come ahead before others from there we jump into that other meeting for the refinement session [Music] basically this meeting is with the same group i had my daily stand up with and we groom through any new work that the team might want to work on for the next sprint we work in a two-week sprint here and our scrum manager ensures that we stay within the agile method my role here as the product designer in this meeting is to ensure that the engineers understand my designs and help if there's any questions and since it's a pretty long meeting if we have time sometimes we do retro which is kind of fun we get to have an honest conversation about things that we want to start things we want to stop and things that we want to continue as well as shout outs okay my big meeting is now done i forgot that it actually goes to one not twelve so i'm so hungry [Music] i'm not gonna lie though i make some of the best they gathered by the seas and people anxiously not once did speak to me when todd's game did not flee i don't get out of the house as much as i want to given that i work from home it's very easy for me to get sucked into my mole hole and just be in peace and in the dark but that's why we got a dog in 2020 because this dog forces me to go aside and face the fact that i don't really breathe real outdoor air unless i'm forced to so um i'm going to walk i'm going to do it she's getting out of the house today i'm going to take him on a walk and this is how he treats me all right so i just got back from my walk with morty and now i am at my dining room table that's one thing i love about working from home is that you can literally work anywhere you're not chained to one part of your desk even if i'm just looking at like a different corner of a wall it just makes such a difference especially when i have to design anything other than that i need to start checking off that list that i went over this morning from stand up and kind of start chipping away at these kind of low lift tickets one of them being copy changes so i literally all i have to do is change three words on three different pages and so i just need to do that real quick and then i have a few other things that i need to do in terms of documentation and tracking and then i will check back in with you when i'm about to wrap up [Music] i'm about to wrap up here and i wanted to show you one thing that i love doing at the end of the day and it's something i only started doing a month ago but man it's been a game changer so what i do is i hop into airtable if you're unfamiliar with airtable it's like a hybrid of a database and an excel spreadsheet but it looks way cuter like the ui is dope versus ugly ass excel and what you can do in there is you can actually link values like excel and create formulas but i don't use it in a way that's like really fancy i actually just create a very simple row like maybe like a few columns and let me show you what i do so this is my workspace in air table as you can see i categorized them by months today is monday but we need to make one for tomorrow what's cool is you can create formula and put in the date and it pre-populates the day of the week and then i have to put the stand up type since the only stand up i have tomorrow is my daily one i attach that tag category now basically i just go in there and i add what i worked on today but i label it as yesterday because i'll be going in there tomorrow morning i hope that makes sense so write out the things i worked on today like the logo enhancement documentation etc then almost predict and move on to what you'll be working on tomorrow that way when it's time for stand-up tomorrow i have this in front of me and can say what i did yesterday and list out what i plan to do today i really do love this because it helps me ground myself in the mornings and honestly it's not always easy to remember everything i did the day before especially because i had a lot of meetings i know that sounds kind of silly but you have to remember i get to my desk first thing in the morning and immediately have stand up so it's a good way to stay on track i also love this because at the end of the week i'm able to see everything i was able to accomplish so this is something new that i just started doing and i really do love it monday is officially over this is when i lay down and i um my pug wants to come say hi come and i just decompress and let my dog lick my face with his nasty mouth and i just closed my eyes for a little bit or doze off but i hope this video was really helpful for you to gain insight into a life of a ux designer i know it's not super eventful but hey i do like what i do i really do and if you want to see more videos like this in the future give this a thumbs up or give it a comment or hit that red button or just let me know what you want to see more of in the future and i will see you next time bye
Channel: mimi michi
Views: 1,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ux designer day in the life, ux designer career, product designer career, day in the life product designer, ux design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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