Day in the Life of a Software Engineer in Los Angeles | Working from Home

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel i'm marcela and i'm a software engineer based in los angeles california and today i'll be taking along for a day in my life in this video i also thought it'd be helpful to sprinkle on some tips and tricks that have helped me stay sane and productive while working from home so be on the lookout for those and yeah let's just get started my day normally starts anytime between 7 30 and 8 30 am and the first thing i do is get ready also this may look like a curology ad but it isn't i'm not on that sponsorship level yet i have been using curology for the last three months and it actually has helped my skin a lot so i would recommend it but anyway i start my day with my skincare routine followed by a quick natural makeup look that takes less than 15 minutes i like taking the time in the morning to take care of myself getting ready makes me feel so good and that just sets the tone for the rest of the day in the beginning of this work from home period i had a really hard time with productivity and i'm sure we all did i realized this was because i was not creating a mental divide between home life and work life when it's the same physical environment our brain needs some way to draw the line between the two so a lot of the techniques that i'll show you help me do just that getting ready in the morning is one of those things that tells my brain okay we're starting work now after i get ready i usually make tea or coffee on this particular morning i wanted coffee but was out of my coffee beans so i decided to pop over to a local coffee shop to get some when you buy a bag of beans from a shop they normally give you a free drink so i got a cold brew with a splash of oat milk [Music] [Music] i like to start work sometime around 9 30 before sitting down i like to get my space ready i open the blinds in my bedroom to let in the light and i clean up and organize my desk have one place in your apartment that is your designated work area and that for me is this desk as soon as i sit down i start thinking about work and getting ready for the day it helps me separate my home life for my work life having just this place where i do work also helps me disconnect from work after i finish at the end of the day i normally don't sit at my desk after work hours and it's really easy for me not to think about work at all when i'm not at my desk as it should be balance is key in all things and especially work i always begin by keeping a to-do list for the day i go through the current tasks i need to get done as well as any other notes i might have and compile a list of things i want to get done that day this is good for two reasons first it keeps me motivated every time i cross something off i'm excited to do the next thing second it's a good indicator when to stop working sometimes it's hard to stop working at the end of the day because you could say oh one more small task or one more code review or one more response and so on but having this list gives you a good indicator of oh maybe i can stop working now [Music] at 10 30 a.m each day we have a stand-up meeting our team gets together and we discuss what we worked on the previous day anything we're stuck on and what we're doing for the rest of the day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's now 1202 so i'm gonna get lunch [Music] so i'm realizing that this is a pretty green lunch but it's so good it's just a butter lettuce and cucumbers with a little bit of the greek feta dressing from trader joe's the quinoa stuffed doughnuts from trader joe's everything's actually from trader joe's hummus from trader joe's tzatziki from trader joe's pita bread from trader joe's so this is a full trader joe's lunch that's weird but it's really yummy a tip i have for lunch is to eat away from your desk and actually take a proper break i know sometimes we're busy and you need to work through lunch and that's totally understandable but if you can i think it's great to do something else other than work with that time so i like to listen to a book watch a youtube video just do something that isn't related to work at all and it's a nice way for my brain to de-stress in the middle of the day after lunch i always take a walk i do this every single day that i work this is something i never skip it's important for me to get my body moving and personally i go stir crazy when i get stuck indoors so i always have to move around and get some fresh air although considering i live in downtown l.a the air ain't that fresh if you know what i mean [Music] after my sunshine filled walk i get back to work i honestly get the majority of my work done in a sprint right after lunch i'm super productive and the walk helps boost my energy levels so i get that step [Music] done [Music] so so it's about 2 50 right now so at three we have a back end meet up which is basically like a meet-up we have each month and various back-end teams present something that they worked on and so i'm gonna get ready to go into that see what everyone's presenting and just it's a nice way to get some social interaction and really get cross-team interaction in so yeah i'm gonna be doing that and before that i'll have this uh tangerine or mandarin or some sort of orange citrus variety um but yeah today's a pretty chill day just been working have this meet up and then don't really have a meeting after so just we'll be working until six is usually my end time bam i like to take a breather every now and then i actually really love when the sun like shines in like this i end up closing my blinds once it hits my screen but i love it when it's just on my desk and on my keyboard it feels like i'm outdoors and i i like that i'm gonna go ahead and close it now because i'm gonna get back to work and it's kind of impacting my screen a little bit i actually made this bowl in a pottery class that's why it doesn't look very nice but i'm taking more pottery classes this next month [Music] it's literally like 5 30 it's so dark [Music] out so i just finished working and that was a pretty chill day i worked on deploying a project that i've been working on for the last couple months which is really nice um to kind of get that through the finish line so i only had like two small meetings today which is really nice to kind of get to work uninterrupted so that's how you probably didn't see me pop on very often right now it is 6 45 i don't know if you can see that or 6 46 now i like to not think about work at all so first step i'm gonna do some yoga and then after yoga i'm trying to figure out which what i want to do but i want to work out of some sort i've just been saying a lot of things i feel bad for editing me but anyway i'm gonna go and change it to my workout clothes and yeah and then that'll just that'll just snowball the whole process of me working out because i won't want to change for nothing you know so let's just go change taking that first step is the hardest so we're gonna go do it now conversations [Music] okay [Music] i just finished my workout i did i can link it below i just do some overall upper body workout i do four different supersets so eight exercises total um and i usually do three by ten to twelve so yeah one of the goals this year is to do an actual push-up but i'm gonna go ahead and make some dinner cauliflower rice shrimp fried cauliflower rice and probably have some dumplings on the side as well [Music] dinner is served i'm gonna sprinkle some sriracha over top of my fried rice so that's my fried rice four of the trader joe's dumplings and a cucumber cut up for some greens voila this is so satisfying and pretty healthy in my opinion so yum [Music] my camera is blinking red because it's gonna die on me but i just wanted to end this video here thank you so much for watching this was a typical day in my life this is a work day in my life looks like i also made a video on about how i became a software engineer and a bunch of other videos on my channel that you can check out please subscribe and also comment below your favorite snack i've been needing more inspiration for my snacks nowadays so let me know down below what your favorite snack is if you've made it this far please like and subscribe and yeah i'll catch you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: marsela
Views: 40,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software engineer, day in the life, day in the life of a software engineer, marsela, marselaaa, marsela sulku, day in the life in los angeles, work day in the life, working a 9-5, full work day in my life
Id: ZLRa1SjtpiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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