Day in the Life of a Millionaire Day Trader

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(upbeat music) - [Interviewer] How are you feeling, Anmol? - A little bit tired, but market's gonna open in 30 minutes. Market doesn't wait for anybody. Thinking about my goals, my top three priorities for the day, making sure emotionally I'm in the place where I can trade the financial market. Taking a little time to myself this morning for five minutes, then I'll head out and get some coffee. (upbeat music) All right, good morning. So I'm just waking up now. Gonna have a long commute to my office, gonna get ready to work and make a watchlist of stocks I'm gonna trade, but first I need some coffee. (upbeat music) Gotta that caffeine up before we start trading. Trading is a very mental game. You need that caffeine. I know people don't like caffeine, but you gotta get it in. - [Interviewer] Wait, I thought that was the coffee maker? - Well, that's the cocktail machine. That's for when you have a great trading day or sometimes a bad trading day, you can drink your sorrows in there too, but that's for later. (upbeat music) - [Interviewer] That was a long commute. - I know, right? A long commute, but I'm finally in my office now, a lot of traffic on the way, but we made it into work on time. And now I'm just gonna start making a watchlist. So every morning, there's different stocks moving, different stocks you're gonna to be trading. So I usually come into my desk 30 minutes before the market opens, I make a list of stocks that I'm gonna be focusing on that day, and I'm gonna be looking to trade that day. So let me get to it. Market's about to open in 30 minutes, let's start making a watchlist. All right, so the market's gonna open here any second. I really like the stock, Plug. I'm gonna be focusing on that as my favorite off-the-open, but now most importantly, all we need is a pattern to get in. We can't trade without a pattern. So hopefully Plug's gives us a good pattern that we can catch a good trade. (upbeat music) All right, so the markets are now open. I just got into this Plug at 34.60. Nice candle, put in a green candle off-the-open. So hopefully this trade can keep going for us. (upbeat music) So, as I was talking about my favorite today was a stock called Plug and that's the one we ended up trading today. So I bought the stock at 34.60. I was roughly risking about a thousand dollars. So if the trade didn't work and it came all the way down, I would've lost a thousand bucks. But in this case, the trade ripped, it went in our favor and we actually ended up making almost 3.7 times our money, which basically means if you're risking $1,000, you should have roughly made about 3,700. As you can see here, that's exactly what I ended up making about 36.78, which was for a good day's work. So now let me show you what the reasoning behind the trade was. What was the exact pattern that I ended up trading. So, as you can see here on the left, this Plug, this was a resistance. The stock tried to get above this $34 and it came all the way down to 29. When again went up to $34, came all the way back down to 31. And did that like three or four times. Today, it finally broke and got above that area. And that's what made me wanna trade this stock. So then on the one minute chart, what I noticed here, as you can see right off the bat, you had a candle that took the stock back down, another candle that was at one point, a full big red candle came all the way back down, tested that area, so what was once holding it as resistance actually ended up supporting the price now. Price bounces up, you get a bottoming tail, and I simply basically bought the stock right above this bottoming tail, put my stop loss at the low of the day. So had I lost on this trade, I would've lost $1,000, but in this case, as you can see right after we got in the trade just ripped in our favor and then right over here, I decided to take my profit 'cause that was 3.7 times our money. And I think that was a good trade for literally holding it for less than 30 minutes. (upbeat music) So I just found a new trade opportunity here in a stock called Greenlane. It's a marijuana company, it's setting up a really good pattern that I love to trade. And I think it's a good trade opportunity here where we can make a few bucks. So I'm gonna take this trade and send it out to our subscribers in our newsletter, and hopefully they can get it as well. So as you can see here the stock, Greenlane, has been below the Moving Averages, below the 50MA and the 21EMA for a while. Now, it's the first time it's getting above those moving averages and also the 200MA. I think the stock probably goes to $6. So I'm gonna go ahead and send this out to our subscribers here. I'm gonna send out an email and a text message so that they see it, regardless of where they're at. So we're gonna buy this stock at 4.40, our exit point if they're wrong is 4.10, and if we're right, the target is 6.25. So we're gonna go ready to send it out to our members here. Text and email. All right, so I just sent this trade alert out to all our subscribers, hopefully they get in in time so they can jump on this trade with me. So, you know, as a professional trader, there's always good trading days and bad trading days. So today you got an example of a good trading day, but not every day is like this. Some days things are not gonna work. Some days you're gonna take your losses and you have to be okay with that. But in this case, the Plug trade worked really, really well. And now what I'm gonna do, is I'm gonna hop in to our chat room, where we have a lot of students, a lot of members that trade with me every single day. And every single day, I try to give them a review of why I traded what I traded, right? What was the reasoning behind it? So they can actually learn while they're earning inside the chatroom. So I'm going to hop in into the chatroom. I'm gonna teach some of my traders, feel free to listen in. You attempted to buy the $155 puts on Nike, Nike call options. There's $165 calls that you could sell for 27 cents, or 160, 250, but again, it's not that much of a premium to justify that trade. If I decide I wanna place an option on a stock moving up, how do I decide which call to buy? Usually the best rule of thumb is buy one to two strikes in the money. And if it's a day trade, go for a weekly option. If it's a swing trade, go for monthly options. Do you ever buy a stock and then take a put for the same stock? Why would I do that? 'Cause put is betting against a stock, and then buying a stock is betting that it goes higher. So yeah, you're just capping your gains. There's no point in doing that. You might as well take less shares long than try to hedge it with a put. All right, I know there's a lot of people who like to recommend these strategies with fancy options. I personally think that all these people who do these spreads, these options, these fancy-like strategies, they don't know where their stock is going. So they try to like do everything with the hopes that they make a little bit. But obviously if you know technical analysis, you know where the stock is going, there's no reason to protect. You just take a less amount of shares and have them at your target. All right, look at the markets today, guys. We made money today. On a day where, look what the markets have done. This is where the market's open today, right? At 9:30. It's almost 12 o'clock. Look where the markets are at. Hope you guys have an awesome one. Hope you guys made money on the Plug today. Type in one in the chat if you guys made money on Plug. Good, good, good look at that, awesome. Awesome, everybody. I'll see you guys tomorrow Have a great one, take care. - [Interviewer] What happened? - The trade that we were just recording on the video, so it's already 1,500 bucks and we just spoke about it a few minutes ago. This is where we sent it out at $4.40. And boom, it's at 4.70 in no time. (upbeat music) Oftentimes when people come into trading, they wanna learn trading, there are hesitant. They have things that are holding them back and rightly so. I mean, it's hard to earn money. You work for it. They probably had another job and they had to do a lot of things to gain that money to trade in the first place. So it's okay if you're hesitant, you don't trust it, perfectly fine. But with the right process, it can actually be done. So, you know oftentimes people would come to me and say, "Hey, but online it says 80% of the traders lose money. That traders don't make money or trading is gambling." But what they forget is that in that statistic, they have counted pretty much everybody who opens an account and pushes the button as a trader. But that's not what a professional trader is. A professional trader has strategies, very specific criteria, has very specific entry and exit points, and actually has a method to his madness that has been tested over and over. So if you actually do the math and count how many of those traders who've gone through education make money, 80% of the people that actually end up making money. (upbeat music) All right, so today we're just out here at a dock in New York, checking out some different boats and different yachts. We have an upcoming event so we're just seeing which of these boats could fit for this event. I think I like this one. So I think this might work for a party that's coming up. So as traders, as I said earlier, work hard, play hard. This is a great way to meet a lot of new people, network with a lot of people and build some great connections along the way. If you're working at an office you probably end of the work day go get some drinks with some colleagues. Trading is different. Your colleagues are the people in the chatroom. Your colleagues are the people and part of the newsletter, your same student peers. So to have a social circle, as well as have networking events, you've gotta make it happen. You can't rely on colleagues, there is none. You're by yourself as a trader. You're a business owner, you're an entrepreneur. Beautiful day out here, checking out these different boats. And I think this might be the perfect one for our party coming up. This is probably gonna be for our next event which is gonna be much bigger. Let me show you this boat from the inside. It's literally like a fricking nightclub. We've got the bar set up right here. I mean, you could probably fit, what? 200 people here? So it's definitely too big for what we're trying to do for the upcoming event, but I think I have a great idea what we can potentially do here for our next event. All we need is a stripper pole. Yeah it's like a freaking nightclub. Like you've got the chairs, you've got tables, you've got the bar, you got the VIP robe for the table, you got a dance floor. You can get one of those stripper poles that attaches up there. (upbeat music) (all laughing) - You got that? Did you get that? (all laughing) - What do you guys think? I think that one worked out well, all right? - It's perfect! - Yeah. - I like the vision we got here. - That, definitely. - Knock it out. Probably one of the best events this summer. - For sure. - Oh cool, so you feel all right right now? - All right, let's do it! (upbeat music) (both laughing) (upbeat music) - All right, so we just checked out a few boats today. Some of them were a little too big. Some of them are a little too small, but I think we found the perfect size. So the big one, probably we could use for a bigger party, but this was more of an intimate gathering on a smaller boat. (soft music) So today you got a little glimpse of how my day went. Now, every day is a little bit different. The day started off with me waking up at nine o'clock, making my watchlist, market opens at 9:30, we took that Plug trade, made some money on it, taught some of our students in our chatroom, sent out some newsletters, and then as you guys saw, we went out, checked some boats out for our upcoming event and all of this in only a few hours. It's only three o'clock. Most people are still stuck at work. Maybe they're taking that a little coffee break, a little lunch break, and guess what? There's probably gonna be another four hours 'til they get back home. So the trading, if you do it right, can give you that lifestyle. Now you're not gonna get that lifestyle from day one, that's what all the marketers want you to think, right? You're not gonna get that lifestyle from day one, but if you listen, if you pay attention, if you have an open mind, you have the willingness to learn, you too can have this lifestyle. This isn't a pipe dream. Ask a kid. I mean, this kid came from India. Had no mentors, no real money behind it, but I made it happen. So I'm not saying that, again, to impress you or anything like that, I'm just saying that it's possible for you as well. Hope you enjoyed this video. If you want more content like this, hit the like button, make sure to subscribe and leave a comment below. Let me know what you think. If you hated the video, let me know what you think. If you loved the video, let me know what you think. Until next time. (upbeat music)
Channel: Live Traders
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Keywords: day in the life of a trader, day in the life of a millionaire day trader, day in the life of a day trader, traders lifestyle, day traders lifestyle, day trader, day trading, millionaire lifestyle, day trading stocks, anmol singh trader, day trader lifestyle, day trader day in the life, how to be a millionaire by 30, day in the life of a trader wall street, day in the life of a stock trader, day in the life of a swing trader, Stock market, a day in the life of a trader, trading
Id: y5uEcdQBKsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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