Life of a 22 YEAR OLD TEACHER |teaching, running errands, coaching & working out|

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good morning guys if you are new here my name is katie and i am a first year high school math teacher in the bay area today i thought it'd be kind of fun to bring you guys along on a full day with me basically today i'll be at school obviously and then i have some errands to run after school and then i have cheer practice for the school that i'm a teacher for and then i'm going to work out so i thought it'd be kind of fun to like bring you along the whole day not just the school day i don't know i don't even know if you guys want this but anyway right now i'm currently making my breakfast and i'm about to take some emergency just to stay on top of my health yeah that's all let me cook i'm making scrambled eggs garlic salt garlic powder red chili flakes the pepper flakes i don't even know okay so basically it takes me about like 15 minutes out in the kitchen to get everything done going to quickly eat my breakfast and drink my emergency today i'm literally dressed like a high schooler i'm wearing jeans and vans and a sweatshirt because it's cold and i can do that right now because it's all virtual no students are there a lot of teachers are wearing exactly what i'm wearing so look at my dog come here baby good girl all right we are off to school oh my god i have a big box that i'm bringing hello you're sitting in the box right now it looks like it's a beautiful day out it is a beautiful day out it's just a freezing beautiful day out okay that's fine so my car is so dirty it's been like raining but not raining enough like sprinkling so anyway my favorite location to put you guys off to school um i get questions on my instagram and on here like what the situation is with distance learning here is a couple things to tell you first i live in the bay area and we've been the most slow in getting back to normal we just got allowed to have indoor dining like two weeks ago it's only at like 25 though gyms just now recently open none of our schools are back no grade levels some private schools have started going back so we have been very um slow going getting back into it which is something i don't necessarily like agree with it but it's where i live so i have to listen to it all we know is that high school is not gonna go back for a very long time they have not given us any sort of timeline okay i just got to my room it's also freezing in here you guys wanna know how warm it was when i got in here today 48 degrees i just turned it up to 72. so it's got a lot to warm up whatever okay so the first thing i do is i get in and i turn music on [Music] uh i just got out of my class to walk to the office while i'm on campus i technically need to have my mask like on me um once i walk into any building it needs to be on except for my own room man that's kind of the rules that we're following right now back to more work all right so right now it is 9 35 and i'm about to start a support session students can come in or i'll sign them to come in if they're failing um and we'll just go through and i'll give them support and help them and kind of work with them one-on-one or at least in like small groups so this is a beneficial time some days not today but some days i don't have any students that come in um and so i'm kind of just doing like work on my own and then students can pop in if they want but today i have a couple students that are assigned to come in so i'm going to work with them and i'll catch you guys back up it is about an hour later and i have now spread out all over my desk it's a little chaotic but basically um i didn't tell you guys this earlier maybe i did i literally can't remember but i have an observation today so my vp will be coming in and observing me basically right now i'm just prepping and like going over it extra times typically i go over the lesson like one time before i teach it but i'm gonna go over a little bit extra okay so it is now 11 55 and i am going to have lunch didn't really bring anything for lunch today which is why i buy those like pasta things that i can microwave so it's not gonna be a very nutritious lunch but it's kind of all i have i might have some apples maybe yeah i'm gonna go do that and hungry all right so i have about 20 minutes before my observation slash class starts so basically what i'm going to do is just kind of get everything set up and kind of like calm my nerves i'm a little nervous i'll try and film like sometimes i'll just set my phone up and film i don't know if i will get any footage i might be like too nervous to get any footage but i will of course let you guys know how i think it went i have a meeting a short meeting with a student after school but that is honestly about it for like schoolwork and stuff so i'll catch you guys up after my observation and yeah i took my jacket off because i was getting um warm in my room but i just finished teaching obviously didn't film expected um so right now what i am going to do is kind of one kind of clear off my desk um and then i am going to prep for tomorrow it is currently 2 16. i have a meeting with the student at three and then i'll get a little bit more work done and i want to leave here by like 3 45 4 ish so i can get everything else that i need done all right so i just finished meeting with the student it is 3 20 so i'm a little bit ahead of schedule which is good so i'm going to clean up my area and head to my car i have literally three backpacks on my shoulder right now because we got new backpacks these white ones if you're either a head coach or a teacher that's also a coach um you get one so i have one for me and then one for my head coach of cheer so i am bringing those home we're off the backpacks are literally have all fallen onto my arm anyway what i have to do today is make some returns and i need it to um go to like a couple different stores for that so i'm going to run some errands then i'm going to go home change go to work out and then go to practice all right so my first stop is the ups store i have to ship some amazon returns back i hate doing this i hate shipping stuff back i just feel like they're never nice in there does anyone else relate to that like i feel like the shipping people are never friendly and their patience is always really little so i oh i don't want to okay here i go okay guys i take it back they were really nice and it was really fast so i take it back they were nice the other returns that i have to make are kind of like far away they're just in the city that's like next to mine like it's not like it's gonna be a super easy return it's just gonna it's like a long journey it's not a long drive it's not i'm just being dramatic but it is traffic time right now so there'll be traffic and the shopping center is just kind of like chaotic so nothing about this process is going to be like super smooth sailing however like i know i have to do it i have to make these returns i just like i don't want it that's all ah okay i feel like i feel bad for like complaining so much of the drive and how crazy it's gonna be because it was actually like the easiest drive and there's like no one in the parking lot i don't really know um but i am currently i don't know if you can even freaking see that i'm currently at nordstrom rack i have a couple returns to make so i'm going to make the nordstrom rack returns um and then probably shop around in there a little maybe not we'll see i'm gonna make the returns i feel successful because i walked out of there just returning and not buying anything so anyway i have two more are you kidding me am i kidding myself did you see how hard i poked myself in the eye anyway um oh my god um i have to go to the outlet mall that is near me and then i also have to go to tj maxx okay let's go i'm making a pit stop at this new lemonade store hopefully it's open oh well we'll see just kidding not open go katie why do i do that stuff let's go make another return this is me waiting for a light i showed you guys that because i think it's funny because a lot of people like come out of state for these outlets i don't know i think it's funny because they're right by me and they're like nothing special that's also another thing the parking here is just like atrocious heck yes oh my god i can't believe i can't believe i just got that parking spot guys i have been to this outlet mall so many flipping times and i have never ever been able to park this close are you kidding closest parking spot i'm serious i literally think god is on my side today god is like kitty i know you were stressed about making all these returns that was gonna take so long and he's like i'm just gonna clear the traffic for you i'm going to make the parking spots really easy i'm going to make the ups man really nice wow i also think there's a tea place slash drink place in this place i just said place 1200 times anyway i'm gonna go make my return thank you [Music] i don't know what i got a honey lemonade i don't know what i guess it's honey and lemonade but seriously this is the best thing like ever thank you have a great day you see how pretty it is right now are you kidding this is so good literally i don't even know i really don't even know um and now i just have one more return guys i have to show you something it is just those little things you know i don't know i really try to like really focus on those little things that keep the day going and anyway i'm gonna go make my return at t.j.maxx i put my flash on so you guys could see me um i am running into the grocery store right now it is my neighbor who's kind of like my brother he's younger than me and he just turned 21 today so i'm gonna run in grab him like a drink or something and drop it off at well not really drop it off i'm just gonna walk over there because he's my neighbor so i'm gonna go do that all right i just got home i ran over to drop off the little gift for my neighbor i am quickly making dinner for myself i'm not gonna have time to eat it here i'm gonna have to eat it on the road to cheer practice or at your practice um so right now what i'm gonna go do is change amount of breath i'm gonna go change and then make my dinner which i'm just gonna make some pasta really healthy today i had pasta both meals okay i have changed for practice it's sports day so i'm wearing my niners jacket and my dinner is almost ready and then i'll head out it is 6 10. i typically get there at like 6 15 ish so i'll be a couple minutes late but that's okay and then i am going straight from practice to the gym so i have my leggings on and my shoes and then i have my workout shirt on so i can go straight there the camera's yep there it goes honestly i would like to say that i'm better planned than this but honestly sometimes i'm not and this is just this is just real life okay i'm freezing have a youtube channel miss johnson teaches um but i'm filming today a day in the life of a teacher i'm gonna say i'm a cheer practice and i'm gonna turn around and you guys all need to go or whatever you want to do okay okay okay i'm at cheer practice they're learning a dance go then okay i am done with practice i'm freezing it is 8 10 right now and i'm going to head to the gym all right i just got to my gym so i'm going to take my sweatshirts off and head in there i don't know how much i'll be able to film in there but here we go okay i am done now it's time to go home so let's go okay i'm home i need to change and then i'm gonna get ready to go to bed [Music] all right i have showered brushed my hair changed brush my teeth i have a very simple night routine and that's literally all i do so basically that's it i get into bed and i'll sit on my phone for a little okay that is all i hope that you guys enjoyed let me know if you guys like these types of videos where i just kind of vlog the whole day if you don't like it you can also let me know hopefully you guys had a great day and that you enjoyed this video and i'll see you all next time bye
Channel: Ms. Johnson Teaches
Views: 40,357
Rating: 4.9642859 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, teacher vlog, teacher life, follow me around teaching, high school teacher, first year high school teacher, first year teacher, young teacher, life of a teacher, teacher outfits
Id: lOjdKJQSaAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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