Day in the Life: Electrical Engineer

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from any given day i have this wide range of things that i can work on and ultimately learn from and gain experience from so it's it's not the same thing every single day you have to come in with the game day mindset because it's gonna it's some days are gonna be a challenge but that's really what i like i love seeing things come from just an idea to paper to realize it and you watch it literally from every single step to boom we have a substation with motors my name is charles and emne and i'm an electrical engineer an electrical engineer at a refinery manages and operates the power system of that refinery if you think of a refinery as a neighborhood you have a substation or your power source that comes to your neighborhood we then design and distribute the electrical power to each household or each unit in the plan it's kind of like a balancing act to where people can work on it safely but at the same time have power keep flowing all around so they can keep going out to the units it really requires a lot of analyzing of the power system knowing how it runs and then changing it to fit what you want to do i wear two different hats first one being a project engineering hat second one being more of a maintenance engineer i get the freedom to be creative and design things how i like it per our standards of course but i i do have a lot of flexibility and that's and that's really one of the things i really appreciate i'm currently running our plants electrical preventative maintenance programs we want to check equipment to find issues before they affect us we'll be able to see and pinpoint when something may fail so we can act proactively instead of reactively teamwork is especially important to me because in college i was a student athlete at the university of texas at austin i ran track and field the principles translate that stepping up the plate and knowing that it's game day to let's get this done overcome any challenges that we may face and work working under pressure with my team and knowing that we're eventually going to get we're going to get this motor back up and running i believe one of the main things that says valero park is your wide range of experience of things that you get to do my manager and my team gives me the space to be creative and really learn about any aspect of electrical engineering that i want to do so again i get to work from anything from 120 volt patrols all the way up to transmission line level 138 000 volts my internship with valero was honestly the most interesting because of that and i'm really challenged to learn about each one of those aspects and honestly i love it
Channel: Valero
Views: 211,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Va0F9_0T9R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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