day in my life as a quadriplegic

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good morning hi um i'm going to do a day in the life two months out from being paralyzed uh i'm super excited to kind of show you guys everything that goes into it and it's kind of an appreciation video for my mom and my sister for all that they do because the clock never ends and we do stuff 24 7. so i just woke up and as you can see i'm laying on my side and i have to sleep on my side and switch sides so my mom and sister are going to take turns every two to four hours flipping me from side to side so i don't get any bed sores because i can feel my body but i can't feel pain in a sense so if something's uncomfortable y'all can just adjust a little bit but i can't feel that so we have to adjust me anyways so i just woke up and have to wait for someone to come in uh to get me up because i cannot do that yet oh i guess that was so hard i've had a coke today that's fine but i have to sleep in these and i call my mr crabs um and basically they keep my fingers from not like curling into a little ball so it helps with my chin adhesives and all that fun stuff so in the morning first thing i make them do is take them you know what my hands look like when they come out of it they're just it's weird because it's like weird and then you wash my hair all right so this is a day in the life and my life consists of being with my mom and my sister 24 7 so i'm gonna introduce you this is my mom and this is my sister mariah and they're gonna explain some of the stuff that they do as well as we explain some stuff so hit it mariah these are the wedges that we use to hold michaela to her side so my mom will turn her and michaela helps us by hooking on to her bed and we just shove him under there and then when she comes back down she is on her side so we have to do that every two to four hours during the night michaela also sleeps in these awesome boots that works for her yes made just for her and they prevent her feet from dropping so we put them on about nine o'clock and take them off about eight in the morning so now i'm giving my killer her medicines she takes them at when she wakes up lunchtime dinner time when she gets fed so she takes a lot of medicine now it's time for me my mom's least favorite part of the morning um we're putting michaela's compression socks on her and they are the tightest things ever and they take us like 10 minutes each leg so you get to watch us struggle to put them on [Music] we finally got her ted hoes on they go all the way to her toes and michelle has to wear this because people with spinal cord injuries have their blood pressures all over the place so these socks keep her blood pressure up and she also wears an ab binder that keeps her blood pressure up as well under my clothes it looks like that goes under her clothes and it is very important when we put these on that there are no wrinkles in them because that a single wrinkle could cause micaela to have 80. all right now they finished dressing me and putting all my little gears on and now they're going to put me in a sling so that i can get in a lift and get into my chair this is okay let's lift that we used to get her into her wheelchair and this is what her sling looks like it's a swing basically [Music] [Music] this is michaela's painting she did in rehab it's up her cat kevin in a wheelchair show kevin kevin's down there under the table he's not actually in a wheelchair but so i'm gonna wear a beanie today and you might be like it's 60 degrees but people with spinal cord injuries so our nervous systems are very all over the place trying to figure itself out especially because of my is so recent mine's really crazy so i'm not able to regulate heat and temperature basically so if it's a little bit chilly out it feels really cool to me and then i can go from really cool to really hot like when you have a fever but i'm not sick and i don't have a fever it just feels like that so in 60s but i'm wearing a sweatshirt sweatpants and a beanie but it's also because it's texas and it's gold for us all right miss mariah is doing my skincare for me and then i'm gonna brush my teeth because that's something i've been practicing um and fun fact i can't sweat anymore so i don't know the actual whole medical terminology for all of this but you can research it and it's really interesting um but when researching spinal cord injuries you have to remember everyone's completely different um but i can't sweat so it's another thing with my nervous system that it's hard for me to regulate heat because when you get hot you sweat but mine stayed inside of me and then i like overheat so i can't sweat so when it comes to the summertime i'm gonna have lots of spray bottles that ought to spray on me but we don't have to worry about that right now because it's cold we just have to worry about keeping me warm but the plan for today is we're getting ready which takes a couple hours two hours two hours if we're doing good um and then i'm gonna open some amazon gifts and then we're going to go to dunkin donuts get some donuts and then we're going to go to the grocery store and i'm going to practice um getting things off the shelves and just kind of being in public because i haven't been in public for two months and now i'm in a wheelchair so it's a little bit different as you can imagine um and so getting back into society thankfully for me it's been pretty easy and i've been like eager to do it but people um typically wait a few months before even going out for the first time and i went out all the way home from rehab but i'm excited to go into public because it's fun i like getting outside the house all right so mariah's gonna help me out a little bit but mariah got the toothpaste on there for me and then can you show the cuff i'm pretty sure this is called a universal cuff there's so many things i learned i can't remember them all but i put more no i need it like the opposite way down remember with the thing on top so the toothpaste doesn't fall yeah i should have done that after it's okay i'm putting it on my fingers there we go you can't really see it [Music] get them close call [Music] good job it's her cute mirror it says believe in yourself they're so [ __ ] cute whoever bought that for me thank you so much you guys are too nice i don't understand well i'm very thankful for it all right it's a little bit later now we decided not to get duncan and just wait till lunch and we got taco bell and um that's so good so using tenodesis i'm able to use the strength in my wrist to grab and pick up things okay let's put in kevin okay she's sleeping i'm gonna take a nap you have so many crumbs on here i know i keep wiping my hands on my face look at her she's sleeping and it's good working on my hands and like being gentle and like yeah you're petting her really good right now that's the right word like specific of where i put my fingers because it's animal and like with her face she likes when i rub like right there i have to be precise because i don't want to poke her eyeball we're just chilling at home right now in the family room and i'm going to be on my phone and since i don't have good grip and strength my hands we have to adapt so we have this just a little grippy thing that a lot of people have and then i need someone to help me put it on my fingers let me just stick some of my fake connor's helping me stick my fingers in there sorry it's okay see if connor's having trouble i'd really have trouble isn't there good is that it and then yeah we put my fingers behind slide it on and then i can oh the series going off stops here and then i can hold my phone and then don't look at my password oh i was stalking my own account and then i use my pinky knuckle to swipe and click so if i don't respond to you um i'm really sorry my fingers do not work and it takes so much energy and um effort effort and patience to just try and get on my phone so when i do i'm not able to do a lot we are headed to the grocery store finally practice um regular human activities and picking up things and putting them in the basket and driving around carts and people in public and all the wonderful things look at my minivan my first car wow [Music] i love how discreet it is it's pretty nice and then i just put my speed on the low speed and i just drive up straight into the van michaela's limo and we make her wear her full chest piece in the car just in case look into the ground your seat belt tighten it oh you're still all the things this michaela says is her celebrity parking pass and that she gets front row parking with it everywhere everywhere we go front row parking for us i'm just practicing in random miles trying to grab random things this list she got it i missed the beginning let's get another one it's like a game i didn't film a lot because it was super busy and it was my first time at the grocery store and so it made me like a little bit anxious not gonna lie just i don't know but that's okay part of it right but um yeah we didn't film a lot but we will try again carrying in the groceries she didn't get out of that one this is way better i know there's some things you think you'll just get out of and then your mom finds a way to make you do it carrying in the groceries [Music]
Channel: Makayla Noble
Views: 6,258,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makaylanoble, wheelchair, dayinthelife, vlog, paralysed
Id: 7H1QeQU9yCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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