Mum Launches Campaign To Treat Her Son's Tumours | BORN DIFFERENT

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[Music] he's normal just like any other little boy sorry i know the last time i took him to a park there was some kids that told him he looked like a monster so and he hadn't been back to that park ever since [Music] so i had to tell him that he i have to i had to tell him that he's not a monster he's just he's just been through a lot he goes to a lot [Music] hey i'm already hey doing okay yeah okay you ready for some lunch i actually knew when i was um pregnant with him that it was like a 50 50 chance that um he would come out with his genetic condition lamar has condition called nf type 1 which is incurable and which causes tumors and causes tumors throughout his skeletal and um nervous system so it just caused a lot of problems throughout his body which the gross can come up anywhere on his body amari has one of the worst cases that you can get so he was taking chemo medicine for a while and it seemed to help a little bit but he's not been on it for a year or so just to see how the tumors act and put it on there so this year we probably have to start him back on some kind of chemo medicine because it looks like they're starting to grow back grow a little more and faster it's a lot it really is as he got older it got more noticeable because the tumors grew [Music] um i'm trying to not be getting emotional it was hard it was very hard when i found out okay okay it'll be done in just a minute oh maurice he's like any other um young boy his age it just he has limitations of things that he can and can't do his vision is very very limited he only can see how the right eye which is barely which is kind of covered up his right eye as well because of the tumors so it makes it hard for him to do certain things like he loves football but he really can't get out there and play like everybody else because of his tumors but he he really doesn't act like he have a genetic condition or anything because i look at him as a normal child 2017 amari got to meet the harlem globetrotters in huntsville alabama and he got a autographed jersey and a basketball as well but he had a great time that day he really did he smiled the whole way there and all the way home i was overjoyed because he he still talks about it to this day to pull the tape up okay so you can eat we're getting ready for um ej and louis and marc's cousin to come over when they come over we're gonna um probably go to the park somewhere and let them just have some fun together and spend some time together at the park hey babies hey my loves look at that now pray that something can be done it's hard it really is you know what jacket you gonna wear amari he mostly plays with his two cousins so he really doesn't really get a whole lot we just like to have fun with our our family and her cousin amara i know his genetic condition i like hanging out with just the same i like hanging out just the way he is that doesn't seem any different i know the last time i took him to a park there was some kids that told him he looked like a monster so and he hasn't been back to that park ever since so i had to tell him that he sorry i have to i had to tell that he's not a monster main focus is amari and giving him a better quality of life because i i don't want to have to focus on trying to figure out how i'm going to get this and that paid i made this go fund me in order to just help provide because we have a lot lots of departments that we have to go back and forth to he inspired me so many ways he's he enthusiastic about everything he doesn't let anything get him down really i just only hope that they find something that can really really help them tremendously down the line that can maybe even take all the tumors away that would be a blessing right there [Music] [Music] you
Channel: truly
Views: 20,946,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing stories, amazing story, barcroft tv, barcroft, documentary, real life, Truly, 2021, 247486, 247486YT, facial tumours, neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis, January 2021, gofundme, medical condition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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